blackgirlasis · 1 month
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Loustat short comics - There is nothing else until the storm is over - Interview with the Vampire TV Series
text transcription under the cut ⬇️
Fake magazine illustration
Page 1 Daniel : So, tell me... Did you see Lestat again?
Page 2 Louis : When he's not on Tour, he would occasionally visits.
Page 3 Daniel : So you're what, now? Friends?
Louis : [Hello Lestat.]
Lestat : [Hello Louis.]
It would be too simple. You know us.
Louis : [ That's new. Still enjoying the glitz and glamor?]
But there is this arrangement we are both fine with.
Page 4 When two people hurt each other so deeply, what is left afterwards?
Page 5 Things like that, it seals doors once still unlocked at the time. Can time really heal everything?
[Mets moi dans mon cercueil, Louis, Louis...]
Page 6 [Stay down chéri, I don't want to fight like this. I'll stay. I'll stay, I'll never leave you ever again. I promise. I'll be happy. For you. For her. Please please please please]
Some things were flipped over to show the truth. Others, I learned to see differently. I faced my wrongs.
[I'll be anything please please please please please please. I didn't know it was a gift. I wore it like a curse. I was selfish. I wanted you to suffer. Because I was. Suffering. I came to thank you.]
Page 7 Do we love each other still? Yes. Can we live under the same roof, share the same spaces, the same bed, for an extended period of time, again? No. But this raging, all devouring passion, it is now replaced by something that can never be altered. Is this the price we had to pay to finally be equals?
Page 8 We have never been more understanding of each other. A shadow of something that could have been from the start. Friendly jokes. Bickering I will never admit enjoying. Respect. And then, the always surprising softness. So eerie after all that happened. Yet, we always welcome it.
Page 9 Daniel : [How dramatic. Not ready to live together again, yet he's all over your coffee table.]
Louis: [I didn't buy these.]
Daniel : [Sure. Will you let me know the next time he passes by?]
Louis : [Well I can't. This is his safe place. You will have to find him by yourself I'm afraid.]
Daniel : [Of course. He can't make anything easy. As if he didn't have enough safe places with his ten properties.]
Page 10 Louis: [Nice chat. Bye, Daniel.]
Lestat : [Only when I'm not on Tour, hm?]
Louis [Approximately.]
Lestat : [Thanks.]
Louis : [Did you really just say thank-]
Lestat: *kisses Louis* [...too soon?]
Page 11 Louis : Almost a century is enough waiting.
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blackgirlasis · 2 months
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Official Season 2 Blooper Reel | Interview with the Vampire
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blackgirlasis · 2 months
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Meet the Vampire Lestat ft. Sam Reid | Interview with the Vampire x
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blackgirlasis · 3 months
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blackgirlasis · 3 months
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Louis de Pointe du Lac - The one who own the night
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blackgirlasis · 3 months
i think partly why a lot of people r struggling so much with 2.08 is because theyre wrongfully interpreting it as the start of some sort of "redemption" (empty word) for lestat but thats so surface level. he does not even come out of these episodes looking good at all . regardless of whatever remorse he now feels he participated in and was the figurehead for his daughter’s lynching after years of abusing her then abandoned louis to armand out of … what? self pity? he knows armand (at least helped to) kill his last lover! they'd just been practising a show that would put louis to death! he knew the sort of abuse he would be leaving louis vulnerable to. and ppl see the final scene as lestat being rewarded for these transgressions when honestly it doesn’t have anything to with lestat as a character or his “redemption” at all its about louis. he forgives lestat whether its earned or not for himself so that HE can draw a line in the sand and go on to try and live honestly as he says . "i came to thank you [...] for the nights in front of me" its about him moving forward alongside his history and his grief. the season puts forward the question of who and what can i be when i carry such immense trauma in me? are you broken louis? and this is him saying no in front of the only person left who could possibly understand what that no means... he is born a vampire in the confessional box and returns to it now with lestat only this time he walks away by himself as his own companion its so great
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blackgirlasis · 3 months
very real of rolin jones ngl. like yeah a story about immortal monsters should be Messy and a bit maddening and never leave you fully satisfied, that’s actually a brilliant metaphor for life, never mind immortal life
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blackgirlasis · 3 months
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INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE | 2.08 | “And That’s the End of It. There’s Nothing Else”
Photo credit: Larry Horricks/AMC
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blackgirlasis · 3 months
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Interview With The Vampire – Lestat de Lioncourt. More experimenting with acrylics on toned paper...finished digitally.
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blackgirlasis · 3 months
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My light, my Claudia, my redemption
I cried so hard I nearly threw up :)
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blackgirlasis · 3 months
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It's "missing claudia" hours :')
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blackgirlasis · 3 months
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“It’s not to do with Lestat or Armand or Daniel,” Anderson said. “It’s about Paul and Claudia, really. They’re like the two great losses in his life. They’re the two beings he loved the most in his life and he’s never quite been able to reconcile the fact that he lost them and now he can.”
“Like that portrait of Paul and the dress in the case, in the display case, that’s him. That’s where he goes to meditate and he can look at those things and he can feel like it’s okay to hold this great sadness and also I’m building something new.”
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blackgirlasis · 3 months
Louis choosing to sleep in Claudia’s coffin is still destroying me a little. I wonder if he still has it.
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blackgirlasis · 3 months
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Interview With The Vampire (2022-) ↳ S E A S O N 2 insp. ☆/☆
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blackgirlasis · 3 months
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assad zaman, roxane duran, jacob anderson bts [x]
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blackgirlasis · 3 months
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Blade, 1998 / Interview with the Vampire, 2022–
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blackgirlasis · 3 months
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