blackhxt · 2 months
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blackhxt · 2 months
" I dunno'... I look cute but I swear I'm villainous– as you call it. "
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" I see...you could look disgustedly 'adorable' as you want just so long as you use it to fool people.Mortals are just so gullible to looks they jump at the sight of something cute.It's quite easy to turn that against them and rip at their throat in a blink of a eye."
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blackhxt · 2 months
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“Thanks for the money, you gullible and ungrateful vermin.” -Lord Black Hat,2024
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blackhxt · 2 months
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So if you want survival
' K N E E L '
on my arrival.
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blackhxt · 3 months
🎩Villainous Gif Set of the day🎩
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🎩✨️🪄Black Hat's Abilities🪄✨️🎩
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blackhxt · 3 months
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He's so skibidi sigma guys
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blackhxt · 4 months
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blackhxt · 4 months
BH would you start being nicer to me if i started sending human hearts or something
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"You think human hearts are worth the effort?"
He laughed.If anything human brains are far more worth while.For the person to be perfectly aware of what's going on and yet cannot do anything but obey him.Ah but she doesn't know that's the drive that fuels the hat bots.It's better off that way.
"Besides you and I both know you do not have the will to get such a thing.Especially fresh from the source."
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blackhxt · 4 months
This video had no rights to slap as hard as it did
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blackhxt · 4 months
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So if you want survival
' K N E E L '
on my arrival.
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blackhxt · 4 months
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"Oh is that right?"
He asked watching her lift herself up and blame Flug for their transgressions. Funny considering he always has his eyes everywhere and witness their failures as they happened.Fumbling around as if they couldn't walk on their own.
"Sabes que no debes mentir, querida."
Slamming his gloved hands on the desk which easily cracked in half his body started to grow.Bones breaking and resnapping in shape as his size started to tower over,casting a looming shadow over her.
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"You pathetic fools flounder about as if you were born yesterday.I expect you get it right the first time or else it will become your last time being in one piece d̸o̸ ̵I̷ ̶m̶a̴k̶e̴ ̸m̶y̴s̶e̷l̸f̷ ̵c̵l̵e̷a̵r̷?̸"
OoOoOoh, he gave her such HORRIBLE disgusting goosebumps! They made Demencia tremble and giggle, and sent the scales subtle in her skin fluttering as she bit down so hard on her bottom lip, one might fear a gory combustion. She whipped around with an excited squeak to embrace him, but dammit, there he went! Demencia was hugging air, and then she was hugging the ground with how fast she slammed into it facefirst.
But, she's back up on her feet and clasping her hands tightly to the point of knuckles popping.
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"Welllllll ~"
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Wait. Shit, what was she going to say? There was no plan! No wait, there is a plan.
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"Flugsy sucks and can't follow a plan to save his life. ~" That is a horrible excuse and she is sticking to it. "I woulda handled it juuuust fine if he didn't get his maths and calcubations involved. It totally ruined everything. ~"
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blackhxt · 4 months
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The Villain approached her slowly giving a purr of his words as he spoke in her ear.
"mi horrible esclava~"
As she turns to grab him his body dissipates into smoke as he darkly chuckled reforming back at his desk.
"Tell me what pathetic excuse you have for this choppy results you three have given me."
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blackhxt · 5 months
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"Eugh.Not really you misunderstand."
He sighed moving as he dropped his cane that melded back into the ground forming his shadow.A shadow that seemed to stretch out forming tendrils to latch on the girl yanking her downward.
"I saw potential.And wanted it to fester and grow.After all my wares are suppose to nuture the blooming villians of this world...even if majority of them are down right disappointments."
As the tendrils held her to the ground he peered down at her.
"You who prod and poked on your own accord,invaded my home multiple times.You remained a bleedhearting ...it was annoying to see but seeing you struggle was amusing to say the least.You learning your lesson was a bonus.Besides we have all the time in the world to change your mind.Especially with the crowd you hang around with,sooner or later something's gotta give.So no the cost I mentioned wasn't monetary value silly girl."
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"Is THIS what you've been aiming for all this time?" Azura scoffed, even though she was trying her best not being rude to him, that mask slips regardless. "You've been poking and prodding and pushing me to the brink of evil so you can make me buy your products? That's so in character of you, to be honest. I can't say I'm surprised and I'm only slightly offended."
She folds her arms, kicking her feet slightly at how annoyed she is. "Yeah yeah, just because I'm starting to accept my fate doesn't mean that I want to start becoming a villain. Is it so weird of me to be a neutral party that's neither a hero or a villain? I don't really have world domination goals like you villains usually do."
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blackhxt · 5 months
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"Oh?Someone has finally learned the lesson.What a miracle."
He mused lightly swaying her around with a dull purr starting up.As she continued to talk he merely kept his smile while he let go of her.Finger tips lightly grazing her's as his hands were drawn back giving a tip of his hat.
"I admit there are some poor pathetic souls that turn out the way they did.Just as easily as they fell into the path of villainy they can be redeemed with the right help.But other's?..Why the other sort are evil for evil's sake.Pure black souled individuals beyond help.You just happened to be drawned to those sort of folks."
He moved to the side adjusting his tie.
"I don't need you to admit I was right.It was a given that I was,so I have no need to hear it from you....I'm merely ....curious to how you fare with this knowledge."
He spun with his shadow leaping out.He swiped at it as it formed his cane.
"Nothing you did matter!Everything you did up to this point.The sacrifices you made,pain you endured,words you said.All that precious effort,and sanity amounted to nothing!"
He laughed at the notion pointing at her.
"Glorious.Pure entertainment of utter depair.It was enjoying to say the least....The fall certainly was long and painful no?..."
The villian asked lowering his cane as he resumed speaking.
"We have had our past disagreements...But we both know by now we cannot get rid of the other that easily.Whenever it's by our binding contract,or the connections we've made.So I offer my hand to you,for one that's accepted the world's darkness.If you truly wish to explore this side I have no quarrel.After all I am a businessman Azura,my doors are open to you for a cost of course."
"Admittedly I used to do that. I'm not here to fix anyone anymore, that's such a childish dream to have."
She lets him sway her around like a marionette, all the whole while attempting to fortify her mind from his poisonous words.
"You're the one who keeps telling me how horrible I am. Same with the others, and I'm tired of trying to be good," she admits, looking away.
"Seems like all that effort has been going absolutely nowhere, and I'm happier with you lot. Is that what you wanted to hear all these years? For me to admit that you're right?"
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blackhxt · 5 months
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"Oh I do.And it was for all the above.You wanted it all,such a greedy little client you were."
He mused giving a slow and easy pace in his dance.Something casual,there was a faint melody playing in the distance that one could not put their finger on where it was from.He remince on their past behaviors.
"Are you sure about that Dear?...Because it seems like you made a poor downgrade."
He replied as a matter of fact.Giving a quick spin as he done so before resuming his talk.
"I broke,hurt and threaten you many times.But you still had not learned the lesson.Doesn't he treat you the same?After all Villians are birds of a feather.Or have you deluded yourself into thinking because they are human they are capable of change.That they are a poor wounded soul that you can nurture and fix?...I wouldn't put it past you and your bleeding hearted nature."
The bottom of her eye twitches as he leads her into a dance, tugging at her old feelings she had for him. Wanting nothing more than to indulge in this, but after everything he had said and made her gone through, she knew better. Azura sighed and breathed in deeply, trying to play along and keep her composure intact, following his steps hesitantly.
"Look, I know I had a... thing for you in the past. Made deals that I'm not proud of. Sure, you may or may not have my soul as property since I signed it off for a kiss or a hug or a dance like this. But the thing is, you made yourself loud and clear before. You hate me. You hate my guts, you broke my bones, you want me miserable, so why the sudden pull?"
She raises her eyebrow at him.
"You can't toy me the way you used to anymore. I've learned my lesson the hard way."
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blackhxt · 5 months
so Flug's English VA sent me a voice message on instagram and he gave me permission to post it publicly!!!!
his instagram is @/yian_r and his Twitter is @/yian_ruiz
the way the audio glitches too is fitting LOL. it's like Black Hat really is there and watching!!!
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blackhxt · 5 months
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"I find that very hard to believe."
He replied with a roll of his eyes.He left his marks on her,every bite,claw and bone he's broken before.His lingering presence that loomed over her even now he can hear her heart flutter.Peering straight into her soul,his hands moved from under her chin to her cheek cupping it.
"Eres un mal mentiroso"
A sigh given while he still held her close to him mulling over her words.
"Suppose I do,or don't.Why should I care?"
He replied pulling her along a small dance.
"I still own you body and soul.You are { m i n e } Azura.I will not let you forget that."
"Well I certainly forgot you existed," her heart pumped as if it was about to burst from her ribcage as he cupped her chin, summoning old ridiculous feelings she had for him. It was incredibly obvious he was toying with her, knowing that when she did pursue him he would bark orders and scratch at her, hating the attention.
"I'm dating someone now. If you must know. But since you're all knowing I'm sure you know who I'm talking about."
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