Featuring: Silence.Is.Golden.Denim
I first saw these guys over on twitter, then recently i have found them on my page over on IG. I was curious about them before but today i wanted to see what they were all about. BlackRose Collective is all about supporting those with the drive and urgency to take whats theirs and build a future for themselves and the people around them. Golden Denim is the exact kind of company that we like to see and support. Taking the denim game to a whole new level you can be assured that these guys are not stopping for anyone and will continue to thrive until they are known internationally and worn by everyone. Continue reading for their "About Me' and a video they have of their process.
IG: @GoldenDenim
About Us
Who we are? We are your friends. We are your neighbors. We are those people who you rarley get to see. Why, because we are to busy doing what we love. We're at the skate park, skate spot, stunt spot,we are at that special place where we feel completely limitless. Where ever we're at we are doing what we love. That is what Silence Is Golden is all about, doing what you love and loving what you do day in and day out where ever you feel at home.When we are in our zone or that place where we feel unstopable dont bother us because all well reply is SILENCE IS GOLDEN.
What We Love To Do
We love to construct the finest pair of pants that you'll ever put on. For us this is not a job. It is our passion, it is what makes us feel like chasing your dreams is worth the effort. That is why we hold each and every pair of pants that we produce to the Golden Standard, so you can love our jeans as much as we love making them. Put on our denim and find out what the Golden Lifestyle is all about!
-Talk Is Cheap, Silence Is Golden-
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Featuring: Zim Killgore
With a name like that you can bet money that this guy is a beast. Zim is a professional photographer out in Southern California. Before i decided to pursue clothing i contemplated interning for this guy. To this day I still wish i would have just so i could say i got actual experience and knowledge from someone who i believe is going to change the game. His style is clean, and filled with all the right kind of energy any person that I have directed to his page has always been captivated by the emotion and passion in every single one of his photos. With all this talent he still keeps himself humble in success and is always willing to give advice. If there is one person i would like to see get larger than life in all that they pursue it is Zim and i am going to be a dedicated fan for the rest of my days and after you see his portfolio so will you.
IG: @ZimKillgore
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Photos property of Zim Killgore
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Stumbled.On: Julio Fúquene
Holy F**K.. Julio is an amazing artist i would watch on a tee site that i used to go on and i recently found him on IG. I swear this app leads me to the most amazing people on this planet. Anyways, this guy is ridiculous. If i could have him on my team making bad ass art all day i would in a heart beat. When i want to make intricate works i draw inspiration from this guy and when we get to the picture section of this post you will see how amazing he is. Julio is a free lance graphic artist and if you are looking to get some amazing works done for your company then i wouldn't hesitate to look him up. Do not take your eye off this one he is only going up.
IG: @thhstudio
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Images property of Julio Fúquene (THHStudio)
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Stumbled.On: Mythix Isme
If you're not one of the 250+ THOUSAND people that are following Mythix than you are like me and just stumbled onto her page. First thing that comes to mind when you see this girl is literally "Wow". Every single one of he photos is stunning and she is actually a really nice person and replies back to her followers even when the comments flood over one another in a fight to get her attention. Now i don't know much about her or what she does but i'm definitely going to look into this and figure out whats beneath the surface, for now though go follow her on IG: @Mythix and over on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OfficialMythix?fref=ts
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Images Property of Mythix Isme
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Introducing: Kenny Mai aka YoungTrvpGod
Kenny Mai or better known as YoungTrvpGod is a young and ambitious photographer that i found on instagram after he liked one of the images i posted. With a name like that and over 20k followers on IG i had to figure out what this guys was about. From photos taken with Tyga to Concerts of Kendrick Lamar it is easy to see that this kid isn't going anywhere but up. The main reason i am even featuring him is because the energy in his photos are captivating  and  inspires me. I hope you all get to see what i see and keep your eye on this guy because he is blowing up and leaving nothing behind. Check out his amazing portfolio over at http://www.ytgphotography.com/ and find him on IG: @YoungTrapGod .
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Images Property of Kenny Mai (YTG Photography)
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Introducing: Helaine Rose Tieu
Take a second, go to google type in helai and before you even finish this bad ass woman will fill your screen in an instant. I found about Helaine when i was in the middle of releasing my "You are the change" shirt (http://www.blackrosecollective.com/product/future-world) and found that this random person i had never seen or talked to shared it with her mass following on IG and Tumblr. It was the single greatest gesture that i had happen while starting up this company and it was from a complete stranger. It was from this point on that i realized i love doing what i do because i get to interact with people like her that i would never have gotten to before.
So lets talk about this beautiful lady. From every picture on her instagram you will see she definitely has an abundance of personality and bad ass tattoos. She seems to be driven and an unstoppable force that i believe is going to blow even larger than she is right now. Take the time check her out follow her on instagram, look at her tumblr, and don't take your eye away for a second because i can tell you she is going somewhere and you will want to be right there when she does.
IG: @HelaineRose
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images property of HelaineRose
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Fashion.Feature: BlackTie Underground
I recently found these guys on my instagram liking my photos so like always i go to check them out. With a name like that how could you now. Instantly fell in love with everything they have going on, even their "About Us" on the website was solid to the last period. In respect to what they are doing and how pristine their product are i am going to introduce them to you. Follow them on IG @BlackTieUnderground BlackTieUnderground.com
Here is their about us so you can get a feel for them even more than I can explain.
At the Blacktie Underground we believe it’s not what you wear, it’s why you wear it. Therefore, we at the underground are on a mission. A mission to reclaim fashion from the brand-centric hype driven culture it has become, and instead return it to individual; To the people who don’t dress based on a price tag. To the people who’d rather stand out than fit in. we are returning it to the underground.
Aesthetically, the Blacktie Underground is a juxtaposition of ideals. Combining elements of various sub-cultures and refining them with timeless style into a new generation of “class” A class we at the underground strive to define. A new class, reserved for those confident enough to have their own style. No longer derived from history; don’t be in the class of your past, be in a class of your own
We are rewriting the rules, but first we need to break them. We are the new era of class created from the underground for the underground. Style will be updated and redefined. We are the greatest lifestyle brand you’ve never heard of.
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all images from blacktieunderground.com
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Stumbled.On: Endangerd Speciez
A hip hop group with the likes of  Prince Alim, C-Sutti, Bam Solomon, Tony Sosa, Tank Leether, Dj Solowiz. First started listening to these guys after hearing Tank Leether who has also been featured on oir blog. If you're into hard hits and lyrical masterminds i would definitely check these guys out. Follow them on https://www.facebook.com/EndangerdGang hear them on soundcloud   https://soundcloud.com/endangerdspeciez
Here is their newest video enjoy, and like always soundcloud player will be at the bottom of the post.
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Stubled.On: Aadrian Goodson
To be honest i went to school with this dude and it amazes me how many people from my high school are out there doing their thing and taking their life into their own hands from music - photography - models just out there grinding to get their dreams. I havent looked into his music since then but i stumbled onto a link on my facebook page and i wanted to share him with you all. I can tell you this though this dude has my support from now till the end. Respect.
Friday-$$$ ft. AntBash
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Introducing: Lysandra Lee
The beautiful Lysandra Lee or for many you may know her as Schoolforwolves on instagram. I first stumbled on to her page when i started creating BlackRose Collective and it had barely any views or likes. I don't remember which picture it was that she liked but i checked out her page anyways to return the favor. I must say at first like many people that visit her page you can help but get drawn into the personality that she has in every picture she takes, however there was more. I personally love up and coming musicians and i can listen to their recordings all day long and be happy with my day. After going through her profile i happened to find a link to her sound cloud (https://soundcloud.com/lysandra-lee-official) and from the very first song on the list "Boston" i was hooked. It's amazing when you have a voice that beautiful that it can instantly connect with an audience effortlessly. To this day i still listen to her soundcloud even if i have heard the tracks over and over it never gets old. I hope any of you that are reading this can get to feel the same and show her some love.
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Introducing: Tank Leether
Today i wanted to talk about a good friend of mine Tank. You may have seen him around with brands like "Us Versus Them" doing his thing but he's also about his music. Throughout my process of creating my company this is the guy thats been letting me bounce ideas off of him with his knowledge of the industry. If there is one person that has given me constructive criticism and pushed me to keep my idea live it was this guys. So i just wanted to take the time to send out my respect and say thanks for being there. You can check Tank over at https://www.facebook.com/tank.leether.7?ref=ts&fref=ts you can also check some of his music over at https://soundcloud.com/tank-leether 
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Good Morning Everyone,
So this morning i just wanted to take some time to announce the release of this shirt and talk a little bit about the company. This shirt is going to be released within a week and is what i consider the staple shirt for BRC. You may have seen this and a few other shirts sitting in the online store as pre-orders. I am trying to stray away from this and have more product available steadily. Now i want to talk about BlackRose Collective for a second.
We are a company that is really focused on giving back to those who help support us and our cause. If you haven't seen the footer of the website (blackrosecollective.com) then let me tell you what our cause is. We really want to help children in need in the states. I am really big on helping children to escape the poverty that they may have been born into or just happened to fall into. Growing up with no money I would have taken any help that i could have to live a more healthier child hood. With the purchase of our shirts we will pick a charity that helps these children and donate a portion of all of our sales to help for as long as we exist. 
In all I hope to see you all in our clothing and I cant wait to grow with all of you.
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Stickers & Support
I just want to say first off thank you to everyone thats been giving us love over on instagram, fb, twitter etc. Without you guys the company holds no value. Today i got in the stickers that will come free with every order through our shop. Not only do we like to provide top of the line garments for all of you we also like to give back for what you do for us. I gave out some stickers over the past couple days just to see if they would end up anywhere that i could see on my walks to work or home.
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Here are a pile of the stickers laying on my desk. Very productive.
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B.Rose hanging out on a pile of stickers showing his supoprt.
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I painted this guy probably about 3 months ago, sticker only made it better. Always have to throwback for those star wars fans out there.
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Found this little guy as i was walking to grab some pho for dinner.
All in all i just want to say thank you for the support thats been given. I cant wait to release product for everyone to get their hands on. Facebook contests daily on our page over at facebook.com/blackrosecollective. Thanks everyone!
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Sticker Sets
I was really waiting for tomorrow to release this post but i actually wanted to get it out there. There is nothing better than easy advertisement. Whats easy advertisement you ask, i like to call them stickers. Everyone loves them they are easy to use even if your hands don't work and most importantly they make you seem important. I have always had a fascination with stickers and the different mediums they can be used in. From your typical bumper sticker to a custom dye cut you cant go wrong with the millions of possibilities that these little guys pack. With that being said, i am pleased to announce the upcoming release of the BlackRose Collective Sticker Pack vol.1. The pack is going to include 5 different stickers for all your cravings. Throw it up on your wall, your mac, your buddies who cares. One thing i ask is once you have your stickers take a pic send it over to [email protected] so we can see the movement grow.
Now then here are some exclusive previews for your eyes.
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KickStarter Launched!!
Good Evening!
Tonight is a very important tonight. We released our kickstarter campaign!! This is huge! For the next 30 days if you so wish or anyone wishes they may donate to help support our company. Every donation gets something, and we all stay happy! Please take the time to visit http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1930714184/black-rose-collective see what everything is about!
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Hello to you!
WTF is a Black Rose Collective?
  It's simple. I created this brand with one thing in mind. That was to be a brand that was not in it for the money, to be a brand thats for the people that buy into it and creating a family of people all over the world that have this one thing in common. This is a brand dedicated to those who support it and one that listens to the voices of the collective to produce what they want as well.
 I hope that after you have taken the time to view the site that you decide to stay with us. Everyday a new brand comes out with high hopes and star filled eyes. Im here because this is what i love doing. fuck the money even if it is nice i do this because its what ive wanted since i learned to pick up a pencil. This is me and this is the blood that runs through my very veins. Till death do us part this i am married to this company.
 Enjoy what you want, live for what makes you happy.
-The Colelctive.
oh... heres some photos and shit.
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