blacksatoshi-blog · 6 years
“He thought a for That would be helpful actually. Would you please? It would save time. If you can’t find my imoto let me know and I’ll see what i can do.” He grabbed his bat in case things would get rough and looked at her with smile.
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“Find them quickly alright? I don’t know how much time we have left. I’ll meet you at your place once i deal with rena.” His voice would be confident. His eyes would clearly show that he believed shion would make the choice.
“Hmm how to put lightly..well you see in a matter of days..the village is going to come to under siege..by..unforeseen and unstoppable attack. It’s no person..in fact..i would  refer to to it as a “red demon” but it will take the form of gas..destroying everything. At least..that’s what i was i was told in so person the healed..he asked me to bring Rena with me when i leave. He sees a interest in her. But I’ll be sending you out and the others before i deal with her.”
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“Wouldn’t want you and the others to get infected. Rena…might be a bit difficult..you know she is with the village. I doubt she’ll leave peaceful. But i won’t kill her.” He straightened his suit “once i finished what i need to do I’ll head your way.”
What I’m doing is simply returning a debt. Besides i have a back up incase things don’t go well.” He looked at her through the corner of his eyes.
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“Do you need me to wait for you while you’re gone..? I could go get Satoko and Rika in the meantime..? I figure it would save you some time rounding everyone up after all. I’m sure if you talk peacefully to Rena she’ll understand and come with you.”
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blacksatoshi-blog · 6 years
When they cross-Beyond darkness arc
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It was a few days before the foreseen disaster would hit though no one knew of it. The blonde was that most had expected to been dead still in bad shape his body ached and breathing was growing weaker. He could barely move all he do right now is lay down rest. A gas mask was tightly strapped to his mouth. He was in too much pain to even move. But he could hear better then normal. All the pain canceled out his other senses and except his hearing.
The doctors were worried as his condition was getting worse. He afraid was because he could die? No...he knew full well of the condition he was in. It was something else. SOMEONE was entering his village. He could despite his condition he could sense the DEMONIC AURA getting closer to his person. He was helpless right now.
There was saying in situations “When in face of fear itself brace yourself stand strong.”  His thoughts were only of shion and the promise he made “Someday i’ll return to a play where only our smiles exist!” he stayed laying down hearing the tapping of shoes as the mysterious figure approached.
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blacksatoshi-blog · 6 years
“Hmm how to put lightly..well you see in a matter of days..the village is going to come to under siege..by..unforeseen and unstoppable attack. It’s no person..in fact..i would  refer to to it as a “red demon” but it will take the form of gas..destroying everything. At least..that’s what i was i was told in so person the healed..he asked me to bring Rena with me when i leave. He sees a interest in her. But I’ll be sending you out and the others before i deal with her.”
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“Wouldn’t want you and the others to get infected. Rena...might be a bit difficult..you know she is with the village. I doubt she’ll leave peaceful. But i won’t kill her.” He straightened his suit “once i finished what i need to do I’ll head your way.”
What I’m doing is simply returning a debt. Besides i have a back up incase things don’t go well.” He looked at her through the corner of his eyes.
He would sigh placing his head gently against her own “As long as you and her are safe that’s what counts. You did well. I knew i could count on you. Shii-chan.” He whispered lightly as a smile formed on his face. “Though too completely honest…i was only able to return..because i had help someone stabilized the virus in me so no i have to leave town. “
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“However..I’m able to bring others with me. The man the stabilized me is waiting on his island. So do you want to come me?”
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“Of course..! You know I’d do anything for you. but..Must we really leave our life behind..? I-I mean, what about Rika and Satoko? Are they coming with us? Or even Sis and the others..?”
Shion asked purely of concern for her friends from his odd request. Why would he have to leave town..? Better yet ask her to go with him? She was happy but also confused which never helped  her worries. What would happen to their life in Hinamizawa?
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blacksatoshi-blog · 6 years
He would sigh placing his head gently against her own “As long as you and her are safe that’s what counts. You did well. I knew i could count on you. Shii-chan.” He whispered lightly as a smile formed on his face. “Though too completely honest...i was only able to return..because i had help someone stabilized the virus in me so no i have to leave town. “
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“However..I’m able to bring others with me. The man the stabilized me is waiting on his island. So do you want to come me?”
“I was just released actually. Irie said my condition was unhealthy right now but stable enough for me to walk around. By the way…if your going to see satoko then that does mean you kept your promise? You made sure she remained safe?!”
His expression was slightly more serious he was still slightly injured and weak from his stay at the hospital but he shown concern as always for his sister and for others. But his sister wasn’t the only thing troubling him.
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“Shion wait I need to know..during my absence what has happened? How much time has passed?” He took a sudden breath in worry is my uncle! Is my uncle still harassing satoko?!”
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“Yes, for the most part she’s been safe. I believe it’s been about a year or so now.. I’ve been doing my best to provide for her and Rika by working double shifts. Unfortunately at one point Teppei returned after fleeing town for awhile..he..”
Even Shion was visibly upset, as she remembered how helpless she felt when it came to protecting Satoko at the time. She couldn’t pull Satoko from the situation which made her feel useless.
“He..he abused Satoko, making her do errands for him..never taking her to the doctor, refusing to let her go to school. Threatened to kill her if she cried for help. We all felt so helpless that we couldn’t do anything. However thanks to some help on Irie’s end and a few other authorities we saved her, Teppei will be in prison for a very long time. But I swear on my life Satoshi I am dedicating every part of my life now to keeping her safe and cared for..”
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blacksatoshi-blog · 6 years
“I was just released actually. Irie said my condition was unhealthy right now but stable enough for me to walk around. By the way...if your going to see satoko then that does mean you kept your promise? You made sure she remained safe?!”
His expression was slightly more serious he was still slightly injured and weak from his stay at the hospital but he shown concern as always for his sister and for others. But his sister wasn’t the only thing troubling him.
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“Shion wait I need to know..during my absence what has happened? How much time has passed?” He took a sudden breath in worry is my uncle! Is my uncle still harassing satoko?!”
It was too dark to see the blondes face clearly all that could be recognized was his dark red eyes hues lighting up the staircase as he passed her bye. However he reached out his hand and too help the greenete knowing she might need help. “Shiichan? Shion? did you go shopping again? You always over do it this far much for one person to carry alone!” He lightly laughed with a smile though it was dark “Here let me help.” He was only at her place though to discuss matters concerning the village and more have some one fill in the caps in his memory.
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It was still too dark to see the mans faces however it was obvious by the voice who it was. He had reached down and helped the greenete to pick up her belongings and stood up with his out. “Come on..I think we have some catching up to do.”
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Shion softly spoke up softly, holding back her tears..she hadn’t checked in with him in a while this she hadn’t been aware he wasn’t in Irie’s care anymore. Oh god his laugh..she missed it so much.
“N-No it’s okay, this is what I usually get. I was picking up extra stuff to bring it over to Rika and Satoko tomorrow. I just tripped on the step, I can’t see all that well in the dark..”
She picked up the rest of the items and carefully got up, walking with him to her apartment at the end of the hall.
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blacksatoshi-blog · 6 years
It was too dark to see the blondes face clearly all that could be recognized was his dark red eyes hues lighting up the staircase as he passed her bye. However he reached out his hand and too help the greenete knowing she might need help. “Shiichan? Shion? did you go shopping again? You always over do it this far much for one person to carry alone!” He lightly laughed with a smile though it was dark “Here let me help.” He was only at her place though to discuss matters concerning the village and more have some one fill in the caps in his memory.
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It was still too dark to see the mans faces however it was obvious by the voice who it was. He had reached down and helped the greenete to pick up her belongings and stood up with his out. “Come on..I think we have some catching up to do.”
❀ Unexpected Guest  ❀  || Open ;;
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It was late into the night, Shion, having finally returned home from her shift at Angel Mort was making her way up the stairs of her apartment complex. Her bag she carried her uniform in slung on her shoulder, her arms carrying grocery bags. She had made it to the top of the stairs on her floor but had tripped on the last step as it was usually dark and poorly lit at this hour. 
Embarrassed, the greenette quickly scrambled to pick up anything she dropped. However she then heard someone ask ‘Are you okay?’, looking around for a moment she then looked up at the source of the voice.
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blacksatoshi-blog · 6 years
((Muu..makes senses, i have separate account for my which ever satoshi is alive in the village. The only reason isn’t linked to this account is memory issues. With everything going on and events that’s happened in my past I could very well get confused on which rp is which person.))
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((Well that seems fairly confusing so what are these verses?))
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((Perhaps we figure something out? Righting stories for since one was 5 has it’s perks ya’know.))
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{{ I split them into three based on possibilities for her
Main verse takes place post-kai to before the end of the ova’s. Basically, a peaceful timeline where everyone is safe and thus Satoshi is successfully recovering from HS. 
Crazy verse is post Shion’s arc where she succumbs to L5 HS but instead of falling to her death she becomes a serial killer seeking vengeance for Satoshi’s disappearance
And Post-series verse where she becomes the head of the Sonozaki as she IS the true heir and elder child. }}
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blacksatoshi-blog · 6 years
((Well that seems fairly confusing so what are these verses?))
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((Perhaps we figure something out? Righting stories for since one was 5 has it’s perks ya’know.))
(There both me by the way lol just think of him of a satoshi with the virus completely under his control, but only due to bbs magics it became stable. So in exchange for helping him, satoshi was suppose to essentially help destroy the village while luring some out of the village, also note I’m literally one of the oldest satoshi you will ever meet xD I was begged to be him by three renas when because i’m similar in personality.))
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{{ Makes sense, it’s just I have like..3 verses and have no clue which one would fit with him }}
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