blackstarlight17 · 2 hours
I really love the new fairly oddparents show.
Season one will probably end with an anti-fairy plot and dev and peri getting together again. As well as dale pressing the return button and seeing the Bord before dev drew over the answers, figuring out that fairy’s exist and the neighbors are magic.
Season 2 could than start with dale using his money to buy magic experts. Meaning hazels dad and Mr. Croocker. While dad gets sent to cosmo and Wanda since he lives next door and is younger, croocker stays behind with dale to build capturing devices for him. There his detector goes off and he finds out about peri. While we could have two different chase plots I think it would be more interesting if the plots vary. Dad try’s to unsuccessfully capture the duo throw multiple episodes with it ending on him not being able to hurt them because he is a good guy and not capable of such evil, especially if his daughter asks him to stop. ( he doesn’t know their are her godparents only that their are magic and nice people hazel loves, so this is not against the rules ( Timmy parents know about fairy’s when croocker took over, but their were only taken away once they know the fairy’s belonged to Timmy ))
while croocker finds peri in the first episode and release its his junior, refusing to capture him. Croocker, dev and peri actually get time to bond while trying to keep croocker machines from outing peri to dale. This works because croocker was actually nice to baby poof and has a good hearth deep down ( as a kid ), so him getting some friendship and love could help him feel better ( he still try’s to help capture cosmo and Wanda, so he hasn’t given up his madness just yet ). And dev could get an actually adult in his live who could love him. Peri acts more like his older brother and he will not be able to stay around forever. Besides both dev and croocker actually lack the same thing in their lives, with is acknowledgment from their one parent, giving them something to bond over which peri lacks since he has good parents. The peri group could start by trying to get dale to love dev, by saving dale from Vicky as an example ( getting her finally arrested ). During those try’s croocker accidentally gets to bond with dev ( he originally only intended to spent time with peri ). By the way croocker is the only adult who the fairy’s will never erase their knowledge of existence from, since his believe is necessary for their power. Him knowing that dev has peri will not be against the rules. ( it never was with Timmy )
This could lead to one of croocker machines nearly capturing Wanda and cosmo with peri pushing them out of the way and getting captured himself. Dev and peri would feel betrayed by croocker. Who would get the credit he always wanted but lose the friendship he build with those two. Actually realising he doesn’t want this anymore ( croocker never succeeded where the consequence of this win would negative impact his live, so him getting the love he always wanted in the beginning only to lose it because of his madness is the only thing able to break him out of this habit ).
Even worse dale will have peri and he will be pissed at dev for not telling him about his fairy. When dev asks for peri release dale will discard him and show once and for all that he doesn’t care about dev, not matter what ( reverse of hazel dad actually listening to his daughter ). Dev will have been crushed by his dad, betrayed by croocker and lost his fairy.
Cosmo, Wanda, hazel, dev and croocker all want peri back save and sound so the last battle will be them combing their power to save peri.
Once peri is save, croocker could either stay as a servant for a mind erased dale or actually live in the fairy world as a fairy trainer against capture devices. He is after all quite famous there, so i could see them making an exception for him. Croocker could also be rough with them because his Extrem curse is actually helpful in the long run and jorgan is okay with a little violence in testing exams.
This way we get an goodbye for our old characters in Vicky punishment and croocker redemption. Plus a new easy villain in hazel dad and terrifying villain in dale.
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blackstarlight17 · 3 days
This is me when I see rocks I like.
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blackstarlight17 · 4 days
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Here is another older picture I drew that I never got around to posting anywhere else but DeviantArt. This character I made specifically for a multi-fandom crossover series I’ve been working on for over a decade. She’s gone through a lot of changes and I’m hoping when I have the chance, to redraw her and add her sister as well.
Below are some facts about her. It's a lot of text, and I might go back to try and condense it so it's easier to read.
Name: Renea Panthera
Sex: Female
Species: Caterian – Breed: Black Jaguar
Age: 11
Note about her age: Despite her appearance, Renea is under the effects of a curse that has frozen her body and soul’s aging process. Her mother and others are currently looking into ways to break the curse someday. Until then, they are taking advantage of its effects to fight the demon who had cursed them without fear of growing old and weak.
Height: 4’5”
Weight: 65lbs
Sexuality: Lesbian – Confident that she is when finding herself attracted to another girl.
Homeworld: Cateria (formerly) / Never stays in one dimension/realm for long
Family: Caitlin Panthera (mother) / Homura (ex-father) / Currently has 37 brothers and sisters (third youngest)
Friends: Emory (deceased), Anti-Emory (deceased), Thistle (deceased), Anti-Thistle (deceased), Akame (younger sister/twin), Timmy, Chloe, Tootie (love interest), Chester, A.J., Tad, Chad, Mark, Cosmo, Wanda, and Poof – More may be added as the story develops.
Likes: Her pendant / Music / Videogames / Learning about fae species and their magic / Sweets / Tootie / Her friends and family
Dislikes: Losing her friends and family / Darkness (hates/fears her) / Not being strong enough / Clowns (makes her uncomfortable)
Bio: Renea and her family lived on Cateria eons ago as royalty, making her a princess. At one point, after defeating what they had hoped to be the final time of a dangerous species, their planet began to collapse. To save as many as possible, Renea’s mother, Caitlin Panthera, attempted a reincarnation spell but lost control of it. She is forced to then not only seal everyone’s memories of this life but scatter everyone caught in the reincarnation spell so that they may start anew.
For some reason, Renea and Akame are among the few immune to the Memory Seal and as they get older in their new life, they encounter their mother’s friend, Digitin Data, who was also immune. They inform them not only what happened but has learn that an ancient, god-like demon has become active in destroying various worlds and realities. Worried, they team up to find everyone who had been reincarnated to ensure their safety.
To find a safer means of traveling between dimensions, Renea discovers a power to tear open a hole and create a doorway between realities. With some help from Digi, they determine this power is unique to Renea’s species, Akame able to utilize it with some practice. Digi later finds a way to artificially copy this power and create devices for non-Caterians and other entities who don’t have this type of power or those who do somehow lose it.
While looking for their friends and family, they find Renea and Akame’s mother, Caitlin Panthera. They restored her memories which helped to not only unlock her DNA, but it restored her bloodline and powers. Not long after, they have their first encounter with the demon, Darkness, she attempts to curse them with some unknown spell. The curse, however, did not react the way any of them, Darkness included, expected. Instead of killing them, it has not only frozen their ages but later discovered the curse is like a disease and can spread by simply being in the same vicinity as someone and stopping the aging process. Caitlin and Digi were able to learn enough to know its effects don’t take full effect unless they’re around people for at least five years. If they keep moving and don’t linger around people for that long, the curse won’t take effect on them.
As they find more of their friends and family, creating allies to help face Darkness when it becomes clear that she won’t stop her destruction. In this time, Renea chooses to seek out the faes her species were allied with. She wanted to find out if they were still alive and if so, warn them about Darkness’ activity so that they may flee somewhere safe. Akame joins her in her quest, knowing how important faes are to her. Once they locate where they are and get ready to go to them, their mother wishes them well, having one of her friends go with them to keep them safe. Digi helps create false documents so that they can blend in on Earth as Renea wasn’t able to locate where the faes lived. She could only sense there were some fairies dwelling on Earth, so decided to find them and have them take her to their world.
Other Facts: The pendant Renea wears was a gift from fae elders after passing their tests. The pendant carries the essence and magic of each species of fae: fairy, anti-fairy, pixie, and anti-pixie. The pendant allows Renea to better utilize fae magic without exhausting herself unnecessarily.
When Cateria was collapsing, Renea, scared to lose her pendant when the reincarnation spell began, sealed it in a pocket dimension of shadows. After her reincarnation and she was strong enough, Renea retrieved it.
Renea rarely takes the pendant off. Any time she does, she would trust in with a trusted sibling, often Akame as they are usually together. She will get very defensive if anyone tries to make her take it off.
Renea also possesses a sword she often keeps in a pocket dimension of shadows due to its size. It has the appearance of an old, rusted sword that has had parts broken off. However, despite its ragged appearance, it is as sharp and as durable as a freshly crafted blade. Its exact origins are unknown, discovered on another planet with no present life. It is unknown if it had been abandoned there or if its master perished, the body long since eroded.
The sword does not appear to have any significant magical properties or curses attached except for a couple. Should someone attempt to hold it, the rust will grow and dig into their hands until they let go. Renea became its new master by mistake, accidentally touching it, and was left unharmed. She didn’t officially own it until she was older, and tests were done to ensure it had no adverse effects on her from simply touching it. Even then, she was watched closely to ensure prolonged exposure did not affect her negatively in any manner. A theory was made that the sword may respond to one’s strength, but hard to prove as many others are stronger than Renea who are unable to wield it. The other ability the sword seems to display is acting as a medium for any spells Renea may cast through it similar to a wand.
More is still being studied on this unusual sword to determine its origin, if its appearance is on purpose, or if it faced something strong enough to break pieces off. The metal used to seemingly craft this sword is determined to be the second strongest form of metal in existence. Renea calls her sword the Rusted Sin, though if asked why, she will admit she did it because she thought it sounded rather cool.
Renea is an alien species known as a Caterian. They are a feline-like race capable of shapeshifting between one of three forms: a more humanoid form, a beast form, and a mix of the two, appearances varying. Caterians come in different breeds, many of which will appear similar to other feline-like species found on other planets such as Earth. There is some genetic connection, making them very distant, ancestorial cousins.
Renea’s breed is a black jaguar and is capable of manipulating shadows naturally. With practice, she learns more spells to control shadows further. Most Caterians like Renea are born with angelic-like wings which can sometimes vary in shade and color, the most common being pearl and ivory. Caterians born with bat-like wings or other kinds are hybrids where one parent is of another species. However, some hybrids could still be born with the standard wings depending on what species that parent is. Some breeds are born without wings.
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blackstarlight17 · 14 days
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It's an older picture I never got around to posting anywhere but DeviantArt, but after seeing how popular A New Wish has become and seeing clips of it, I wanted to share an OC I made for the show. Below are some facts about him.
Name: Saru
Sex: Male
Species: Fairy
Age: Immortal (appears mid-twenties to early thirties)
Note about his age: Despite his appearance, he is in actuality much older than Jorgen's grandmother, Nana Boom Boom. It is due to a curse he naively accepted while struggling to care for his first godchild. This curse has made him a true immortal, meaning he cannot age, nor can he die by any known means.
Height: 6’5” (does not have a smaller form)
Weight: Weightless
Sexuality: Pansexual
Homeworld: Fairy World (formerly) / Rarely stays in one place for long, including planets.
Family: Parents – Names unknown (deceased) / Younger sister – Cenna (deceased) / First Godchild (deceased))
Friends: Anti-Saru (deceased)
Likes: Cigarettes / Alcohol / Music / Sweets (pocky and lollipops are his favorites) / Seafood / Quiet places
Dislikes: His curse / Abusive/neglectful parents / Bitter and bland foods / Fairies
Weakness(s): Butterfly Nets / Iron / Magical Back-Up / Feeling helpless
Other Facts: After losing his godchild and later his sister, Saru has made multiple attempts to end his life. His curse, however, prevents it by healing every injury and eliminating any poisons from his blood. He had been told by a witch who gave him the curse that he could end it by passing it to another. He does not want another to suffer as he does, so he intends to find a way to die, taking the curse with him.
Saru has a strong hatred towards Fairy World, believing they acted prematurely inducting fairies into becoming Fairy Godparents while humanity was still primitive and feral. He blamed them for the deaths of his and his sister's anti-fairies, his anti-fairy having helped him with his godchild, protecting him from those who would harm the child. Saru also hates himself, blaming himself for their deaths, the likely death of his godchild, and the death of his sister.
From what he endured and living through centuries of humanity's growth, Saru developed a nihilistic view of life. He does try not to display it too much whenever he happens to be around children. He also tries not to bond too much with children, not wanting to taint their innocence.
Saru has vowed that he would never fail another child should he see they need help, especially when Fairy World is failing them.
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blackstarlight17 · 1 month
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It's been over four years since I actually drew something. A lot has happened and still is ever since my mom's passing. But I'm kind of happy that while this isn't perfect, I did rather well after such a long time.
So, here's a "slightly" updated headshot of my nihilistic fairy OC, Saru. The biggest difference I added was bags under his eyes because this guy has gone through a lot.
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blackstarlight17 · 2 months
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blackstarlight17 · 8 months
Team Rocket & rocketshipping discord! - Rocketshipping & More A brand new, cozy, open group full of creatives that's been slowly growing. Join to share in the enthusiasm for Team Rocket.
Dedicated fanfic & fanart channels.
LGBTQIA+ & multiship friendly.
18+ only.
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If it sounds like your thing, we'd love to see you there.
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blackstarlight17 · 9 months
If you're a fan of Team Rocket and want to meet others, come join our server.
We are 18+
We're LGBTQIA+ friendly.
We share, discuss, and create fanfics and fanart.
Team Rocket & rocketshipping discord! - Rocketshipping & More A brand new, cozy, open group full of creatives that's been slowly growing. Join to share in the enthusiasm for Team Rocket.
Dedicated fanfic & fanart channels.
LGBTQIA+ & multiship friendly.
18+ only.
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If it sounds like your thing, we'd love to see you there.
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blackstarlight17 · 6 years
Hearts For Markiplier
hey guys….i’m not sure if you saw Mark’s newest video yet about why he had to cancel the stream and since Mark is now going through a tough time with the news he got about his niece….i want to do something special….i want everyone to reblog this post with red hearts…and as soon as he comes back online he will see all the love and support from us 
also Mark if you by any chance happen to see this post, i just want to let you know that we are by your side at all times….
sincerely, LisaSepticSuperPlier and the whole Markiplier Community
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blackstarlight17 · 6 years
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Thank you for a wonderful night, Seán. And thank you even more for… just… everything. I can’t even think of words right now. :’)
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blackstarlight17 · 6 years
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how did we get here?
this is a drawing my lovely friend @the-redhead-who-writes gave to jack for me at the toronto show!
i actually finished this a while ago but i wanted to wait a bit to share it. this took me like a week on and off to draw but i’m super proud of it! i had a lot of fun making it too, it’s the first digital painting thing i’ve ever done
and @therealjacksepticeye, even though i can’t go to any of the shows, i’m super proud of you and i hope you have a ton of fun!
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blackstarlight17 · 6 years
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P̱̊l̟͑ȧ̢y͇͊ ͇̒w̭̾ī̖ṭ̔h̪̿ ̨̓m̟̂e̛̳
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blackstarlight17 · 6 years
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Got home not long ago. Wad making dinner when Lester decided it was snuggle time. (at New Hampshire)
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blackstarlight17 · 6 years
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After Jack posted his little mentos and coke meme, some people in the PMA server suggested that we share a Coke with Anti
So I made it a thing
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blackstarlight17 · 6 years
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“Sleep, Jack..”
firstly , let me say how absolutely giddy i’ve been to work with the fantastic @thebbvillain on this collab !! bb drew the amazing lineart , and i did coloring/etc !! evil marv is the best marv and nobody can tell me otherwise . thank you again , bb , for the awesome chance to work with you !! ♡
please do not repost / trace / claim as your own
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blackstarlight17 · 6 years
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Let’s do something amazing tomorrow :).
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blackstarlight17 · 6 years
I can agree, or at least stop destroying possible dreams they have.
anyway, since the average life expectancy is close to a three digit number now, can we stop forcing adolescents to decide their life long field of study at the tender age of 17 or so
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