blacktwinstar · 10 years
What caused the bigbang anyway. Is there a god out there ? Everything seems to work so perfectly well together (beside humans), it must mean that there is at least something behind that.
"These are questions I do not have the answer to. Although to the second one, I believe there are multiple, as I serve a Goddess with full reverence."
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blacktwinstar · 10 years
What if Saga is surrounded with 10 kids ? That would be adorable.
"I wouldn't be unused to it. I helped many of the trainees when I was barely a man."
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blacktwinstar · 10 years
Can I touch ur hair
"Ah, I don't see why not..."
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blacktwinstar · 10 years
What do you speak about, with Shaka ? It seems very interesting. ((Is mun good at philosophy ? Because I think the two of them have conversations deeper than the marina trenches))
"At times it's comments on the weather and why we were gifted with the rain, others it's memories of his childhood I tease him with. He's not fond of those," Saga chuckled, shaking his head. "It all depends."
[I'm decent! ]
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blacktwinstar · 10 years
Saga, did you found the meaning of Life yet ?
"I don't think it's meant for human eyes to see, or for minds to understand. I believe at times."
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blacktwinstar · 10 years
Bah, that guy is not you, I bet It's a powerful parasite.
"I'm afraid it isn't so simple," he sighed mournfully, "I must atone for the actions done at my hands."
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blacktwinstar · 10 years
Errr, i mean, when you're with strangers ? Some cultures wont mind a hug while in others, it is VERY badly seen. On a scale of zero to ten, how comfortable are you with hugs with a person you only know the name of ?
"Ah, I see. Friendly pats on the shoulder are not unknown to me, but hugs and such are uncommon for me to offer. Most Greeks are quite friendly, offering a smile is normal."
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"I’m at a 8 when it comes to hugging children, being more comfortable. Somehow with adults, it’s more so a 5…"
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blacktwinstar · 10 years
Have you seen Shaka ? It seems like you two could have very interesting conversations about the way Life works.
"Shaka and I speak at times, and our conversations are always carefully layered words. It's not unenjoyable."
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blacktwinstar · 10 years
Do you practice some form of artistic hobby, like painting, singing or sculpting ?
"I'm afraid I'm not very artistic. I tried making poetry once, and Kanon laughed at it. Can't say I disagreed with his judgement, looking back."
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blacktwinstar · 10 years
"And if it weren't a lie? Come now, Kanon. You know you're irreplaceable."
Who was your childhood crush ? ((That's so cute :3))
"Ahaha, I won’t get out of this one, will I? Alright then. It was Aiolos."
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blacktwinstar · 10 years
How comfortable are you with phisical contact, like touching or hugging ?
"It might depend on who it is."
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blacktwinstar · 10 years
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aiconoclasm òvò
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blacktwinstar · 10 years
"Would you preferred I said you?"
Who was your childhood crush ? ((That's so cute :3))
"Ahaha, I won’t get out of this one, will I? Alright then. It was Aiolos."
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blacktwinstar · 10 years
Do you know who is your other personality ? ((My headcanon is that its Ares the god of war who uses the geminis the same way Poseidon used the Solos.))
"Another part of me, I suppose. I prefer not to know him. "
[ I personally don't, I headcanon him to have Dissociative Identity Disorder, but I've heard both! ]
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blacktwinstar · 10 years
Did your brother forgive you for what happened in cape sounion ?
"I do not think Kanon will ever fully forgive me."
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blacktwinstar · 10 years
Ask my muse a very personal question
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blacktwinstar · 10 years
I can bear any pain as long as it has meaning.
Haruki Murakami, 1Q84 (via wordsnquotes)
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