blackxmagixx · 3 years
you know what I want: muse a that owns a pretty little flower shop and across the street is hardcore tattoo shop where muse b works at and muse b is utterly in love at the sight they see across the street where muse a tend for their flowers every morning and fate decides to screw up muse b and the two finally meet one day and cute fluffiness bYE
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blackxmagixx · 3 years
some reincarnation AUs
I fell in love with you three lifetimes ago and I’ve been looking for you ever since but I’ve been starting to give up and my friend’s new crush has your eyes and oh god I’m not going to steal someone’s date just because I’m hoping you’re the person I met in a past life (jk yes I am)
I’ve met you in every single lifetime and I always hope it will work out but it doesn’t but I’ll still keep finding you again because those few days/months/years together with you are always so worth it 
 I meet and fall in love with you in every lifetime at the same age but your age is always different so it never works out and for the first time I’m meeting you when we’re the same age and I’m horrified that I might fuck this up 
 I skipped like four cycles of reincarnation and I know you’re pissed at me for leaving you all those lifetimes but it wasn’t my fault please please will you take me back 
 We only remember each other in alternating lifetimes so every lifetime we have to find one another and convince each other that we’re soul mates but half the time I won’t believe you and half the time you’re already dating someone else 
 I don’t know how to tell you this but the reason you didn’t see me in our last reincarnation cycle is because for some fucked up reason I was reincarnated as your dog 
 We keep reincarnating as people who speak different languages and it’s kind of pissing me off because I can never initially confirm if it’s you but at least I keep learning a bunch of cool new languages each lifetime
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blackxmagixx · 3 years
Davut eyes gave her a long once over. He didn’t know much about withes, but she didn’t look like she could. But what the hell did he know, for all he knew. She could end up laying him on his ass right here and now. Davut didn’t think that so but you never really could tell. “ Tell you what, next time you can save me, and then we will be even.” He huffed, standing to his full height, not bothered but the nudity. It wouldn’t be the first time, and he was sure that it wouldn’t be the last considering.
“Likewise, sorry for the eye full,” he said, looking down his body before throwing his gaze back in her direction. “ Can’t be helped being a wolf and all.” At the offer of a shirt, his frown deepens, marring his features. Did she really think that a sweater she wore would fit him? “ Maybe a towel? I was camping not too far from here. If you could drive me to my campsite, I can do the rest.” He could always turn back into a wolf and go back himself. But a part of him didn’t want to leave her on her own. No telling if her friends would be back or not.
“Whatever we’re doing, we should get a move on. Just in case we attack more company.”
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"next time you need help, i will definitely save you." if she hadn't been caught off guard by the attack, she would have been able to save herself. but it had happened so fast that she didn't have time.  none of them did. and if faith was the only survivor then so be it. but just from the feeling alone, a few others survived. she could feel it in her. if they had died, that feeling would have never been there.
pushing herself off of the ground,  she watched as he stood up. she should have been used to the nudity. after all, her hometown was filled with not only witches, but werewolves too. some who would walk around nude after shifting.  but still, she couldn't help but to keep looking at his face this entire time. "it's okay.  my hometown has a pack that lives there.so i guess you could say i'm used to it." that was truly an understatement.
"yeah i could drive you to your camp site." she didn't mind. it meant she would be able to go see if any of her friends survived too. even if they did, they would be going their separate ways anyway. it would be safer that way too. "i'll be ready this time if there are any more vampires out there." she noted as she started to walk in the direction of her car.
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blackxmagixx · 4 years
“ Not exactly?” She wasn’t giving him much to go on, though he really couldn’t blame her. No doubt the girl was still shaken up, given the attack she just suffered. Anyone would be shaken up, or at least those that couldn’t defend themselves.
Shaking his head, he slowly started to push himself up more. “ I’ll be fine. Just need a minute for the wounds to start healing.” Which they were already well on their way. Davut hadn’t expected the vampire to be as strong as it was, but. It had catched him off guard with the attack to his side. His wolf had been pissed, fueling his anger more to want to kill the creature. It was all instinct taking over, protect her, kill it. That was all he thought at the moment. The aftermath, when the red faded and his logical mind took over. Thats when he could assess the damage that had been done.
Humming, he reached toward her. The jacket she covered him with. Had fallen down his body, exposing his bare chest. Davut had smelt blood in the air and at the mention of her saying she hit it.  Gently his fingers traced up along the nape of her neck. Gently to not hurt her further, “ You might have a concussion, “ his fingers worked through her thick locks. Stopping when she felt something warm and sticky—pulling his hand back to see the crimson on the pads of his fingers. Not a lot, thankfully.
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“ Davut,” he said cooly. He was showing the blood on the tips of his fingers. “ We should go get you checked out and cleaned up.” he paused, looking down at the lower half of his body. Currently covered up by her jacket.  “ Which means I’ll need to find some clothes.”
to say she was still shocked by what had happened was not to long ago was an understatement to the fullest. all she wanted was one good night with her friends. but that didn't happen. now, she didn't know if any of her friends had survived. that right there was the kicker.
"if that vampire hadn't been so strong, i would have been able to kill it myself."  she had done so in the past, but with vampires not that strong. not so ancient either.  tonight was a prime example of not being able to use magic on someone as old as that vampire was. it was almost like they had adapted to the magic being used. which if so, that wasn't a good thing.  at the mention of possibly having a concussion, a sigh escaped her lips. she knew that would happen the moment she hit the tree.  
"nice to meet you davut." if she hadn't been in this situation, she would have smiled. she truly would have. "i might have a shirt in my car you could wear." it was a start after all. and with the over sized shirts she would always wear when home alone, she could spare one for him. especially since he needed clothes to wear.
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blackxmagixx · 4 years
Its the warmth of her hand that  pulls him out of the dark. The sound of her voice a melody both drawing him in while providing him comfort. It don’t mask the pain but it helps; albeit fleeting. Davut can feel the fibers of something against his bare skin It’s a glaring contrast to the cool ground , slightly damp. His wolf is calm now, settling deep inside of him. Proud of himself no doubt, why did he have to go and stick his nose where it didn’t belong  It wasn’t their problem… his wolf would say otherwise. 
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A low groan thought it might sound like a growl to other, vibrated from the middle of his chest. Eyes squinting open as he angled his head to get a good look at their hands. A part of him wanted to pull a way but she felt so warm - he didn’t dare.  “ I’ll live,” he grunted out. His eyes finding hers . “ Do you make it a habit of holding strangers hands?” he asked the question meant to be light hearted but falling short. This was made even more evident at the sharp hiss he made as he tried to move. A wounded body reminding him that he was indeed still injured .  “Damn blood sucker,” he huffed. “ Are you alright? Did it bite you?”
there was a part of her that wondered what would have happened if she hadn't called for help. would the vampire had killed her already? would she be in the afterlife? those questions plagued her mind as she laid there. though a moment later she snapped out of it once she heard his voice. a sigh of relief escaped her lips in that moment.  after the fight between him and the vampire, faith truly was worried.
at his question, faith could feel the blood rush to her cheeks.  "well uh..." speechless? absolutely. for the first time ever, faith was speechless for a few minutes. "not exactly." she replied back finally. most of the time, she would just stay by the person if she didn't know them that well. this though was the first time she went out of that box.
"don't move, it'll only make the pain worse." she spoke. part of her blamed herself for this. maybe if her faith and her friends hadn't agreed to celebrating outside, none of this would have happened. they wouldn't have been attacked. the werewolf who had saved her wouldn't have been injured.    "my head hurts from hitting the tree but i'll be fine. and no he didn't bite me." she was thankful for that. she had gotten away from the vampire tasting her blood. just the sheer thought of that possibly happening sent a shiver up her spine.  
it was in that moment though that the thought of the vampire made her think about her friends, and if any of them had survived. some of them had to survive.   snapping out of those thoughts, she looked at him. eyes softly gazing at him.  "i'm faith, by the way."
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blackxmagixx · 4 years
He kept to himself, he was a lone wolf preferred it that way. When he left the pack, after he lost everything. Betrayed by the people that swore to love and protect him. A pack he had given his life too– they abandoned him. Or maybe he abandon them? Dav stuck to the woods preferred it to the busy towns. Not many people or creatures stalked the woods, it allowed him to roam in his wolf form freely.  That was what he was doing now, hunting a deer when he caught the scent. And the stench of the other. It was instinctual , as his wolf slowed eyeing the pair , a snarl showed the whites of this sharp teeth.  Her call, pulling his gaze. Not understanding why, the urge to protect was so strong. Put that pull the wolf felt was to strong to ignore. Rushing forward as the vampire was about too strike. Teeth clamping down around the creatures shoulders throwing it back . The wolf coming to take a defensive stance between the vampire and the woman. Protect 
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It was an over welming need to do so. As if she was his as if he had claimed here. This feelings settling in him. Mine,  yes this seemed to feel right in the moment. Yellow eyes looked back towards her taking in her shaken form. Growling the dark wolf turned back towards the vampire now on it’s feet as he changed towards the creature. It was a bloody struggle between the two, but the wolf prevailed. Ripping the head off the other. Blood dripping from ins maul . He takes a unsteady step towards her, paw sinking into the damp earth. Pausing only a few feet away from the woman a whimper is heard before the animal collapses to the ground.  Fur retreats, the long wolf face morphs as the body transforms into that of a man. Naked, bloodied . Heavy breathing escapes his lips as three large cuts are etched deep into his side. 
a groan escaped her lips as her body laid there on the ground. not moving an inch due to the pain she was in.  eyes opening up slowly, she watched as the wolf fought with the vampire.  that alone only made her want to help the werewolf. but how could she when she wasn't in the best place?  
staying put for a few minutes, the witch waited until she had enough strength to pull herself up.  after a few minutes, she put her hands on the ground before pushing herself up slowly. looking up, she noticed the wolf laying on the ground in the form of a man. had he saved her? was he the one who was able to hear her call for help? eyes softening, another groan escaped her lips as she did her best to crawl over to where he was.
the fact that he had saved her, that meant so much to her. shrugging off the sweater she had on,  she drapped it over his naked body.   this was supposed to be a night of fun and celebration. but that night turned into a blood bath. one she wouldn't forget anytime soon.  looking down at the man,  she grabbed ahold of his hand gently. she didn't know what else she could do except to stay by his side until he woke up.
"please be okay." she spoke in a whisper like voice. he had to be okay. he just had to be. just as he had to wake up. which he surly would, right?  still holding his hand, faith laid down on the ground next to him. "thank you for saving me." with her free hand, she gently ran her fingers along side his cheek. there was just something about him that made her feel safe. as if no one would harm her.
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blackxmagixx · 4 years
                                                       "here's to us"
it was the end of an era for the eight of them it seemed. with college graduation having passed a few hours ago, they were off to do god knows what. for faith, she had plans of heading back home for the summer. get a job there and save up some money.  that were her plans.
"promise we'll all get together after this? even if its once a year." faith chimed in. a bright smile on her lips. with all of them nodded, she knew right then and there that despite where they went, they would always be friends. but most importantly, a coven. taking a deep breath, faith knew it was almost time to leave. go back to her dorm room to pack up. with a flight out the next morning, she still had a ton to do. before though either of them had a chance to leave, all hell broke loose.
vampires had descended upon them. vampires had been the one species she hated more than anything.one by one, she saw her friends get killed. one by one, watch as they had their life taken from. "faith, run!" one of them said, one who was still alive. almost instantly, she felt her feet moving backwards. she knew these vampires were too strong for them to deal with. too strong that fighting against them would be useless. her own magic wouldn't help her now. her body turning around, faith made a dash towards the wooded area. though she didn't get too far. one of the vampires had appeared before her, causing faith to stop.
fear ran through her body as she stood there, frozen in place. this was it, wasn't it? this was the end of the line for her. the last moments of her life. if it was, then so be it. she lived a decent life so far.  "your blood....it smells delicious." the vampire spoke, a grin forming on his lips a he approached faith .feeling the hand on her neck a moment later, things started going fuzzy after her body had been thrown at the tree. she was really unlucky that night. a groan escaping her lips, her body laid there on the ground.
eyes opening a little bit, everything was blurry. she could barely see anything aside from a figure approaching her.  a couch escaping her lips, thw witch couldn't move. not because she didn't want too, but because she couldn't. not when her body had felt too weak to move. "h...help." she did her best to yell out. even though it only ended up in a whisper like voice. would anyone come? come to save her at least?
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blackxmagixx · 4 years
And when we kissed one another for the first time I could swear I heard our souls whisper ever so quietly, ‘Welcome home.’
Beau Taplin || Welcome home. (via afadthatlastsforever)
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blackxmagixx · 5 years
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blackxmagixx · 5 years
Halloween themed starters !
❛ was that someone knocking? its not time for trick or treaters yet. ❜
❛ how can you watch movies like this? ❜
❛ stop predicting what’s going to happen next! you’re taking all the fun out of it. ❜
❛ you have to get real candy. we can’t be known as the house that handed out licorice. ❜
❛ if you scare me one more time, you’re going to end up getting hit. ❜
❛ you call that a costume? ❜
❛ it smells like a pumpkin threw up in here. ❜
❛ i brought a ouija board! ❜
❛ i don’t mess with spirits. ❜
❛ you’re just being paranoid. ❜
❛ can you go in first? i hate being the lead for haunted houses. ❜
❛ do you save all your black clothes just for fall? ❜
❛ i hate halloween. ❜
❛ halloween parties are only good for two things: dressing in lingerie and getting really, really drunk. ❜
❛ did you really eat all the candy? that was for the trick or treaters. ❜
❛ i feel like we’re being watched. ❜
❛ are you sure this place is abandoned? ❜
❛ we really shouldn’t be here. ❜
❛ why is everyone in horror movies stupid? ❜
❛ do not go in there, you’re going to get murdered! ❜
❛ i’m no expert, but usually there’s signs saying ‘do not enter’ for a good reason. ❜
❛ i’m not scared. ❜
❛ can’t we just sit on the couch, cuddle, watch scary movies, and eat halloween candy until we puke? ❜
❛ aren’t you a bit old to be trick or treating? ❜
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blackxmagixx · 5 years
for mina to take a break from designing was a huge thing. her own mother found it surprising. but with the holidays right around the corner, that's what she wanted. plus it meant she would get to spend more time with jisung. and that alone was what she wanted more than anything. a yawn escaping her lips, curled up next to him on the couch. snuggling up to him at night like this was the one thing she loved more than anything.  "I say we go on a vacation soon." she suggested. sitting up a bit she looked over at him. "maybe greece, or italy" it was all suggestions. if they did decide on a vacation, then it didn't matter where they went. just as long as she was with him
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blackxmagixx · 5 years
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blackxmagixx · 5 years
open to: f | based on: ( x ) 
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Grimacing as he finally heard the toilet flush Elijah glanced to the clock in the bedroom: 3:45am. He would like to believe this was the latest she could keep him up at night but the truth was she had stumbled in at 6am sometimes and had even not returned back once. As the door opened he looked toward her, trying not to be annoyed at the fact she had kept him up for the fifth night in a row. “How’re you feeling now? You want me to grab you a glass of water or something?” He did try, one of them had to considering the mess they were in. A mess they couldn’t get out of no matter how many strings he had tried to pull. It was even harder when she went out partying all the time regardless of the fact he had to be up at 7am most mornings to get down to the office for morning briefings. Standing now he flicked on the bedside lamp and pulled back the sigh he was going to let slip at the sight of her—it had only been 3 weeks. How much longer could she keep this up for? The best he could do was try and help her out when she couldn’t do it herself. “Or do you want me to get you something for your stomach? If you feel like you’re gonna get sick again I can grab you a bowl or something for the bed?” 
kaitlyn never used to be like this. before being thrown into this marriage that was a surprise to her, she was a different person. a person she missed being. she had plans. plans of pulling away from her parents and doing something other than taking over the family business. she wanted to become a fashion designer. but those dreams were tossed out of the window the moment they found out.  the moment she got married? that was when she decided to do this. to get back at them for forcing her to give up her own dream and get married instead. she wanted to send a message to them personally. it was one she was hoping that they received. a groan escaping her lips, she flushed the toilet before slowly standing up.  hand gripping the doorknob, she opened it. seeing elijah standing out there surprised her.  part of her did feel bad for doing this. for making him wake up so late at night all because of her.  "a little better and sort of tired. water though would be nice."  she didn't mean to constantly do this to get back at him. she didn't blame him at all for this marriage. "I'll be fine after i get some sleep, hopefully."
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blackxmagixx · 5 years
   002.        ↷             ❛    𝐁𝐄𝐍𝐉𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐍   &   𝐉𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐏𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐄 !
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 IF   HE’S   BEING   HONEST   WITH   himself   –   and   he   does   try   to   be   –   benjamin   doesn’t   care   what   movie   they   see .     if   one   at   all ,   in   fact .     he   could   spend   his   day   with   josephine   in   an   alley   and   be   perfectly   content ,   but   she   deserves   so   much   better   than   that .       ❛     if   we   are   seeing   something ,     ❜       he   says ,   nose   wrinkling ,       ❛     i'd   rather   not   see   a   kid’s   movie .     i’m   kind   of   tapped   out ,   i’m   afraid .     ❜       how   she   handles   three ,   he’ll   never   know .     ❛     how   are   yours   doing ,   by   the   way ?     ❜
hearing his comment, she couldn't help but to laugh a bit.  she had a feeling he wouldn't want to see aladdin. that movie wasn't for everyone. she knew that. "alright then, no aladdin. how about dark phoenix then? " she suggested. if he didn't want to see a movie, then she would be completely fine with it. she didn't care about the movie at all. she only suggested it just so she could spend time with him. "Or you know, instead of a movie, we could take a walk through the park."  that was another option. "they're good. my eldest two are almost done with school. while daisy is now six months old. how are yours doing?"
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blackxmagixx · 5 years
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              he hadn’t been the best boyfriend in the world , but he was also jamie knight , & no one expected him to be. at least no one that knew him , that is. he would probably be labelled most likely to die before the age of twenty five , or most likely to be in jail after graduation. with his addictions , it was common for many to believe what was told , but with thalia away at home , he managed to get himself as clean as he could. alcohol was still a struggle, the male relapsing almost every second day due to the craving , but he was excited to explain to his girlfriend that he was holding onto his three month sober button from narcotics. the moment he saw the hair , he couldn’t help but have the bright smile form on his lips , rushing towards her , picking her up into his arms , face buried in her neck to take in every inch of her. ‘‘ fuck —- sake , i missed you more. ’’ he grunted , his grip tightening around her.
she hated having to leave him for a little while. but it wasn't like she was gone for months on end. a week tops was how long she was gone.  if anything, she would have never went back to new orleans. she would have stayed home where jamie was.  "I hated being away from you." even if it wasn't that long, she hated it. not waking up next to him in the mornings or falling asleep in her arms at night was something she didn't like whle she was away. "the next time i go away, you're coming with me." she couldn't bare to leave him again. that was why she vowed to bring him along the next time she went out of town.  
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blackxmagixx · 5 years
there was nothing more that she wanted than to be home. after spending a few days in new orleans to, as she called it, face her fears. it was finally time to do just that. go home. she had put the past behind her finally after so many years. a sigh escaping her lips, she watched as she plane descended. finally touching down on the runway. every part of her couldn't wait to get off the plane. she missed her home, her bed. but most of all, she missed jamie. as the plane pulled up to the gate, she was fast to unbuckle her seat belt.  after a few minutes, she found herself leaving her seat to get off the plane. "finally." she whispered to herself. from walking off to the walkway that was connected to the plane, to going down to the baggage claim, she  looked around for a moment before spotting him. a bright smile formed on her face as she saw him. running over to him, her arms wrapped around his neck instantly. "god, i missed you."
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blackxmagixx · 5 years
adelaidekane 10/10 would lounge again 🐨 #expressxoliviaculpo
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