bladwinthegreat · 16 seconds
Someone pointed out that the way Edwin rearranged Charles’ clothing was because in his era it was the proper way to show affection to your family/spouse/… and I’m going FERAL over the idea of Charles understanding he is romantically in love with Edwin and once he does he runs as fast as he can towards the nearest computer to google Edwardian courting ritual lmao
Edwin : *talking about a case with Crystal*
Charles : *time slowing down moment like Edwin had* oh fuck
Edwin & Crystal : are you alright.
Charles : *freeze no thought head empty only Edwin and Crystal having a phone does not compute* *bolt*
Edwin : Charles !?!
It’s the first time Charles out run Edwin lmao
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bladwinthegreat · 2 minutes
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Is this anything?
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bladwinthegreat · 42 minutes
I'm so emotional about how Niko reacted to Charles forbidding them to come with him to hell
Because like... well, Crystal goes and actively seeks out her asshole ex who she only just got out of her head. Which says so much about how kind and caring and brave she is at heart and I love her for it but it doesn't ultimately end up being all that helpful to the situation at hand.
But Niko... it seems like Niko just passively accepts it. She knows she can't help with literal actual hell so she just stays behind and waits. And no one questions that. Everyone has always respected her ability to tap out of the scary adventures and that's lovely and if that was it that would be perfectly fine storytelling.
But it gets better. When Edwin and Charles return, we realize that she hasn't just been sitting and waiting. She realized that she couldn't help with Hell, so she looked ahead to what the next obstacle would be for her friends, and she looked at the Night Nurse and she realized there was a way she could help. So she sat with this woman who wanted to take away her friends and she played the fool and asked questions and convinced the night nurse to let her see the rules and regulations just to stop her chattering - knowing that if she could just find a loophole, she could buy them some time. So she dove into this book of regulations, and she found a loophole. She probably found a few, just in case the first didn't work.
And no one - not even the audience - realizes what she's done until it's done. It's brilliant and she makes it look easy. It's something only she can do, and it works with Charles' plan, even if he isn't trying to work with her.
Edwin might be book smart but Niko is the one who is willing to ask questions and listen to the answers. And the information she finds this way is always so critical.
I love her so much.
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bladwinthegreat · 1 hour
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dead boy detectives textposts part 10
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bladwinthegreat · 2 hours
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Some Riz doodles I did at work because the little man has been especially unhinged this season
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bladwinthegreat · 2 hours
Listen, listen, listen, imagine Charles making a grand romantic gesture to confess to Edwin, he makes it really special, VERY obviously romantic
They're talking, they're bantering, and eventually, Charles sees his chance and tells Edwin, "I love you"
Edwin blushes and naturally says it back
And Charles is super happy, like "Yes! I finally did it, we're finally dating!" ...meanwhile, Edwin did not get that it was a date and a romantic confession
So we see them go about their days and solve cases while Charles thinks they're together and assumes Edwin is too shy to kiss him, but he's waiting for an opportunity to do it one day because he really wants to, but he can be patient for Edwin
And Edwin is just like, "Charles’s been more affectionate with his touch recently, I don't know what that's about, but it's nice"
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bladwinthegreat · 2 hours
Newsies Dead Boy Detectives AU anyone?
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bladwinthegreat · 5 hours
I have a headcanon that, like Charles' bag, Edwins' funky little notebook has an unlimited number of pages between its covers
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bladwinthegreat · 5 hours
Charles never finished Orpheus and Eurydice, but that means that he at least started it. So he knows that it is at least a love story, just not that it is a tragic one.
Charles Rowland, I swear to the gods above-
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bladwinthegreat · 7 hours
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The only thing i can imagine Squeem said in this moment before throwing the mass healing cortado
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bladwinthegreat · 7 hours
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bladwinthegreat · 22 hours
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bladwinthegreat · 22 hours
one of my favorite things about dead boy detectives is that it doesn’t take its monsters too seriously because the monsters themselves aren’t the scary part - it’s the symbolism, the things they represent, that are truly scary. yeah, teeth face and the sprites and the demon that apologized for dragging edwin to hell are goofy because they’re not what we’re meant to be scared of. the real horrors are parental abuse, internalized homophobia, xenophobia, bullying, abusive relationships, stalking… i could go on and on. anyway this show is brilliant and i need 20 more seasons of it please and thank you
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bladwinthegreat · 1 day
so if charles and edwin name all their cases ("the case of the shrieking doll", etc) then things like "the great chewing gum debacle of '06" aren't even real cases it's just things they did or happened to them that they decided to name and remember to the end of time.
that's just so funny to me like imagine they get stuck in a haunted house and it's not part of a case so they call it "the haunted manor escape of '96" which of course is different to "the case of the haunted manor."
how do they remember all of these?? does edwin keep notes on all their little adventures even if it's not officially a case ??
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bladwinthegreat · 1 day
listen I love charles regardless of if he ends up with edwin but calling edwin’s confession “one of those Orpheus and Eurydice moments” is absolutely an INSANE thing to say to your best friend who just told you he’s in love with you, cmon man
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bladwinthegreat · 1 day
the devlin episode has so much fucking nuance, especially in the relationship between crystal and edwin
someone else has pointed out that edwin correcting himself from "I could lose Charles" to "we could lose Charles" is huge, yes. he realizes that while Charles is hugely important to him, charles is hugely important to Crystal too
and he's also confronted with the fact that crystal is important to Charles as well, since Charles told her something he'd never told Edwin. something about her + the devlin case + the break in their comfortable duo allowed him to open up. Edwin is forced to see her coming as a good thing.
over eps 2 and 3, he's also realized that she's smart and an asset to the agency outside of just being a medium. she has good instincts and skills, skills he and Charles don't have.
so while he still hasn't taken to her personally, he's grown to appreciate her more. nothing like working together to save your friend to really seal your own bond.
then, Edwin does something incredible: he admits he doesn't know something.
"I don't know how any of this works."
not a huge revelation, right? of course he doesn't know how to work a VCR. but. BUT. Charles JUST pointed out that Edwin gets snippy when he doesn't know something. we've seen him act out like that before (see, for example, how he deals with the whole bracelet situation, even though it's kind of his fault). so instead of being sassy and bitchy about it, he admits it simply. to Crystal, of all people. that's a level of vulnerability he hasn't allowed himself with her.
this episode is a turning point in their friendship and you can't change my mind
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bladwinthegreat · 1 day
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So speaking of little nods to Edwin's hell trauma that are foreshadowed early in the show.
Does anyone else think about the way Edwin is Extremely Unsettled by the snake in Esther's cabinet, and how one of the rooms in his hell map notes that it's a snake pit with a picture that features a very large snake? Cause I do.
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