blairliana-blog · 9 years
@blairwyatt: @notnoahsark YO CHEESEBALL! happs to the bff day ya dorkus
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blairliana-blog · 9 years
But that’s wrong and boring!
Ohh, what’d ya get me?
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Well, then I will just stick to the incorrect response if that’s okay. 
Of course I am, we have something for everyone! 
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blairliana-blog · 9 years
Actually the correct response is to agree that Will Graham is ten shades of psychologically damaged hot.
Are you implying that you got me something?
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I really….don’t know how to respond to that, so I’m just going to continue to assume that you watch for the blood and guts. 
You’re welcome. We’ve already had to buy another suitcase just for souvenirs, so you can look forward to that, too. 
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blairliana-blog · 9 years
I don’t watch it for the gorssness. I watch it for the sweaty Will Graham-ness because I’m a thirsty bitch.
Thanks, bubs.
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Hannibal? Well….to each their own, I suppose. I’ll see what I can do. 
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blairliana-blog · 9 years
I’ll admit, I might’ve been inspired by Hannibal. Fight me about it.
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I can manage those. And….I will look into that too, if I can. An ear though? Really? 
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blairliana-blog · 9 years
Now you’re talking! I like sweet potato fries, by the bucketload. And seeing as you’re in Disney World, do me a favour and file a health and safety violation against Seaworld. Like, pretend you found an ear in a sandwich or something.
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Yeah, exactly like that. I’m assuming I’ll have to bribe you all to not show them to Harper, huh? 
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blairliana-blog · 9 years
Like the pucker marks from their little sucker things? Amazing.
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Laughing at my misery, I see how it is. I had marks on my face for weeks. 
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blairliana-blog · 9 years
I really liked the one where you got a starfish stuck to your face.
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blairliana-blog · 9 years
Tell me about it? Let me explain you a thing about the power of home video, Tobias.
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It really doesn’t surprise me that you’ve got an appreciation for thrill rides. I…won’t say no to trying, but I kind of sucked at surfing when I was a kid. You can ask Noah, he’ll tell you all about it. 
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blairliana-blog · 9 years
That’s the best kind of fun. Look at you, being all brave and shit. Next we’ll have you riding the waves, mark my words.
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They’re kinda fun, if momentarily feeling like you’re going to die counts as fun. I definitely didn’t scream at all….not at all. 
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blairliana-blog · 9 years
Check you out, tough guy.
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I didn’t think roller coasters would be my thing but….they’re really not that bad. Nobody tell Ethan. 
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blairliana-blog · 10 years
@blairwyatt: @notnoahsark this is how i spend every super bowl sunday how are you not used to it yet
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blairliana-blog · 10 years
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blairliana-blog · 10 years
@blairwyatt: spilled my nacho dip. wish it was on tom brady's bare chest so i could lick it off.
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blairliana-blog · 10 years
It was weird to Blair that the two of them had finally stepped out from the confines of California and were making it on their own. Although it made her self-conscious to admit it, she had been pretty spoiled when she was growing up and had wanted for nothing. Her parents had gave her everything she asked for (bar a cute, fluffy pet) and so to make her own way in the city was difficult, even if she did have Noah by her side.
"Okay... shots and water are sorted," she said, nodding to herself. She was glad that someone had their shit together and was thinking about this calmly, because she was due to have a freak out any second. She could barely be responsible for herself most of the time, never mind for a fuzzy little ball of fur that was dependent on her. At least she could rely on Noah to be practical.
She wrinkled her nose at him, although the action was fond, when he said that she didn't have to get a job. It was sweet of him to say so and she knew that he would take on the load for all three of them if he had to, but she refused to burden him like that. They were a team, they shared responsibilities and so she reached forward to give him a playful shove.
"Well, this isn't the 40's. You don't go out and be the sole breadwinner and I don't stay at the farm and wash your clothes by the river," she teased, letting out a chuckle before sitting back and returning her attention to their unnamed puppy. God, he was a cute little thing. A cute little thing with no name and Noah's suggestions had been bogus so far, but he seemed to be taking it seriously now.
When her best friend held up the puppy next to the television, Blair let out a startled laugh upon realising just how well the name actually suited the little guy. She nodded enthusiastically, a grin on her face. She had never been much of a comic reader herself (bar when she read Spiderman to find out who this alleged Gwen Stacy was and why Noah seemed so besotted with her), but she'd watched all the Marvel movies and she fucking loved Renner.
"Okay, that's perfect," she said, approvingly. "Hawkeye it is."
She crouched down even more when Hawkeye was safely on the ground, clearly happy with his new name and she bumped her nose cutely against his.
"And when you're naughty we'll call you Clint," she joked, reverting back to her 'puppy voice'.
The shape of things to come || Blair and Noah
Noah immediately pouted when Blair averted her eyes from his face and the puppy next to it, hoping that didn’t mean she was changing her mind. On one hand, it had been a really stupid and impulsive decision giving the chaos of their lives right then, but on the other hand it could be just what they needed to start getting themselves together. It was easier to pretend they had no responsibilities when it was just the two of them, and having a little creature that was dependent on them might help to see what their priorities should be. And it also didn’t hurt that he was probably the absolute cutest dog in existence, either. 
"Well, the lady said he’s already got his shots, so that’s one off the list!" he said, nodding excessively as if he were convincing himself of his own words as well as Blair. He stood up and grabbed one of the plastic bowls that was in their room and filled it up from the sink before sitting back in his place in front of her, setting it down and pointing when the puppy hopped up and started drinking out of it. "And water is free, so that’s another one." He knew that if he asked Toby for anything the man would be more than happy to help, he’d told him so several times, but Noah really didn’t want to be a burden on him and have even more things to be guilty about when it came to his brother even though he knew Toby wouldn’t hold it against him. No, he would just have to follow up on all the jobs he’d applied for and find one that would be good enough to take care of the now three of them. 
He pursed his lips when she mentioned that she should get one too, staying silent for a few moments before responding. He didn’t want her to feel like she had to, he was the one who had dragged her all the way out here anyways and he didn’t want her to end up in some dead end job just because of that. “I mean…..you don’t have to. I have a few prospective ones lined up and I think it would be enough for both of us. And this little guy. But it’s up to you, really. Whatever you want to do.” he said, catching her eyes to convey that he would support her no matter what she decided. 
He smiled fondly when she reached out her hand to the puppy and then scooped him up into her arms, and he shook his head and started rambling off a few names to distract himself from the fact that he’d been staring. He had trouble concentrating with Blair being so cute on her own but holding a puppy was liable to send him spiraling and he had to be coherent in this moment. They had to pick a name. 
"Alright, alright, those were bad." he admitted, putting up his hands and chuckling a little. A serious expression made it’s way onto his face at her next words and he furrowed his brow in thought, trying to think of a name in the terms she’d just described. His eyes wandered to the TV where he noticed the Avengers was playing, and he was struck with an idea. 
"Okay. What about this? Clint is a shitty name for a dog, but…..Hawkeye?" he said excitedly, reaching forward to take the puppy and hold him up next to the character in question on the screen, nodding dramatically and looking at her for a response. 
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blairliana-blog · 10 years
Blair watched with a significant degree of amusement as the puppy continued to chew on the sleeve of Noah's jacket. She chuckled until her best friend eventually managed to detach his sleeve from the little guy's mouth and held him up. The sight of Noah hold a puppy up next to his face was a little too much for Blair's heart to take and she looked down at her lap to try and think of a more serious matter like how the two of them were going to be able to afford to keep a puppy and hide him as well.
"Chew toys, a bed, food, water... vet bills," she listed off, wincing. She had always wanted a dog which meant that she had researched everything that came with the ownership of one. She was fully aware that having a pet wasn't a responsibility to be taken lightly and so she knew that the two of them would have to step up their game.
"I need to get a job," she said finally. She had never actually went to a proper Ivy League college but she did have a sports leadership degree from the community college back in Cali. However she doubted that there were very many people who were in need of a surfing instructor at this time of year and she knew that she couldn't wait around until summer to start pulling her weight.
Still, she supposed there was nothing wrong with mopping down table tops, bagging groceries or making coffee in order to bring in some more cash. This was also New York where jobs like that were popping up all over the place and, if she ended up even delivering pizza, every little helped. It was going to be hard going for the first few months, but with a joint effort from herself and Noah, they could help their little family addition grow up well.
He still needed a name though and she crouched down and held out her hand so he could sniff it. At once, he began nibbling on her finger and she let out a huff of laughter before scooping him up and holding him close, throwing a look at Noah when he began rhyming off name suggestions that Blair would never be caught dead shouting at the dog park.
"Okay, how about no, no and no," she smirked, shaking her head at the man and hoisting the fluffy little ball up further so he could sit comfortably in her arms. "We need a cool name for him, something that lets all the other dogs in the world know that they'll never be as good as him so they should stop trying. Isn't that right?"
She bowed her head so she could look at her new puppy square in the face and nodded seriously at him.
The shape of things to come || Blair and Noah
Noah knew it had been a spur of the moment decision and they would really have to work at it to keep the dog hidden lest they get kicked out of the hotel, though he didn’t imagine it would be too difficult to find another. He’d just fallen in love with the puppy straight away and even more so had thought about the smile it might put on Blair’s face to see the little guy. He knew she’d always wanted a dog ever since he’d known her and couldn’t because of her dad’s allergies, and the opportunity had seemed to present itself perfectly. 
He wasn’t sure what had possessed him to reach out and take her hand like he had, much different from all the other time they’d held hands in their years of friendship, and he found himself unable to let go even when she followed his suit and sat down on the floor. The more he thought about it the more he knew that he didn’t think of her platonically at all, the events at the restaurant with the asshole waiter had proved that to him, and it was clear that he’d felt this way for a long time. But that didn’t mean she returned those feelings, if anything he was just her best friend and always would be, and he’d be damned if he was going to ruin their friendship over his stupid feelings. That proved easier said than done though, and while he knew she wasn’t just going to go running of with some random guy in the city it still bothered him a lot to think about the fact that she might date someone eventually that wasn’t him. 
No, he wouldn’t think about that now. The issue at hand was the little dog currently biting the crap out of his jacket sleeve, and he moved his arm around playfully, laughing loudly when the dog began making cute little growling noises. “Easy there!” he said eventually, detaching the animal from his sleeve and holding him up so they were at eye level. “I’m not a snack! I think we’re gonna have to get him some toys to play with.” he said to Blair, looking around for something that the puppy might be able to chew on without breaking it and coming up blank. 
A bright smile made it’s way onto his face when Blair agreed that she was alright with keeping the dog, and he handed the little guy over so she could hold him. It already seemed like they were a little family, and Noah didn’t really mind if they ended up having to change hotels to one that accepted pets if it meant they could all stay together. 
"Oh. I didn’t really think about a name." he said after a moment, his eyebrows furrowing. "What does he look like to you? Steve? Peanut? Bolt?" he asked, listing off a few names in a joking manner and looking up at her. 
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blairliana-blog · 10 years
Unless you were talking about Monopoly or Cluedo, Blair liked to play by the rules. During high school, she had went through a rebellious phase like most teenagers where she had stayed out late, tried cigarettes and drank so much alcohol at a party that Noah had had to sit with her in the bathroom all night and hold her hair back when she threw up. Ergo, the end of her rebellious phase. Now, she was strangely obedient for someone who had the tendency to be more mouthy and sarcastic than she should be.
And she knew that keeping a dog was definitely against the rules of the hotel.
But, God, she was a sucker for puppy dog eyes and it didn't help that both the little pup and Noah were giving her them. It was a double dose that weakened her. Damn them both. At once, she was pretty much a goner.
"If I don't hit myself, it'll be you with a pillow," she whined, although she was suddenly hyper aware that she was holding Noah's hand. It wasn't like they hadn't done anything like that before. In fact, their hands had been practically sewn together since they had stepped foot in New York and she had dragged him through the crowds to all the tourist attractions in the city. But... well, this was more of an intimate setting. And all he'd had to do was prise her hand away from her forehead where a dumb red mark was now forming giving the velocity with which she had whacked herself with. Nice one, Blair. He didn't have to keep holding her hand though and yet he was.
Blair didn't like to overthink things though. She wasn't the type of person who tended to overanalyse certain things. She took everything as it came to her without second guessing anything. It was enjoyable for her to have a laidback approach to life and looking into the meaning of all of Noah's actions had always caused her head to hurt and so she shut the whole thing down. She and Noah were good friends, best friends, but she knew he probably always thought of her as a sister. And she would get over that. True, it was taking her about eight years to get over it but she was confident that it wouldn't be an 84 year gig like the old lady from Titanic had been subject to.
She allowed herself to be pulled down to sit on the floor beside Noah as he recounted his tale of how he had come into possession of the puppy. It was frustrating how she found herself to be practically melting into the carpet and she inwardly cursed her best friend for being so, well, cute. And adorable. And--focus, Blair!
"And now he's here..." she repeated, eyeing the little guy wishfully. God, she really wanted to keep him. But what if they got caught? She didn't want to get attached to him, only to have to give him up later. That sounded a lot like overthinking to Blair though and before she knew what she was saying, she found herself agreeing.
"Okay, we're totally keeping him," she said, eventually. "What are we calling him?"
The shape of things to come || Blair and Noah
Noah was more amused than anything by the look on Blair’s face and he was excited to surprise her, something he wasn’t often able to do since she was pretty good at predicting his every move. It was inevitable that they would end up with a pet, they always did somehow, though never a dog since Blair’s dad was allergic, and he was surprised that they’d gone this long without having done so. He felt it was fate that it had taken so long, perhaps they were meant to have this little dog in their lives and he was already extremely fond of the animal in the time it took for him to walk back to the hotel. 
He let out a string of chuckles when Blair’s eyes widened at the sight of the little dog being pulled from his jacket, and he grinned at her proudly. “Yeah, a dog! Well, he’s a puppy, but— thats redundant. We have a dog!” he said excitedly, holding the creature out slightly in case she wanted to hold him. 
However he hadn’t really thought about the fact that she might not be as excited as he was to have a dog given the hotel they were in only allowed service pets, and his smile faltered when she still just stood there, gaping at him. He wasn’t always the type of person to think things through but the dogs had looked healthy to him and the lady was very kind, and even if the little guy did need shots or something he didn’t have a problem giving out a bit of extra money to do so. He was fairly confident that he would be able to get a job at some point, even if it was just flipping burgers somewhere or answering a phone, and one more little mouth to feed hadn’t seemed like a huge deal to him though he definitely should have thought about that beforehand. 
Luckily he didn’t have to worry long because Blair finally broke out of the shocked look on her face and immediately jumped forward to pet the dog, making little cooing noises and laughing brightly when he licked her face, causing Noah’s heart to constrict slightly. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind now that the feelings he had were certainly not platonic and no matter how hard he tried he still melted a little when she did things like that, laughed because of him or sleepily shoved him over in bed at three in the morning because hers was too cold. He would have to face that at some point, it was inevitable, but right now he was fine just being happy about the dog. 
"Oh, geez, don’t hit yourself!" he exclaimed, reaching forward to grab her hand off of her face and take it in his own. The dog was squirming about in his arms still and he sat down on the floor so he could run around and sniff everything, and he pulled Blair down with him since he was still holding on to her hand. "Nooope, we’re not going under there!" he said, lunging forward to grab the puppy before he got under the bed, and he smiled fondly when the little guy shoved his way back inside his jacket to sit.
"Okay, well I was walking back from the grocery store— and there’s milk in there so we need to put that away soon— and there was this lady with a box of puppies outside! And I had to stop and see them, like I don’t think anyone could have just walked past, or else they’re probably a cold hearted robot— but anyways, she was giving them away for ten dollars! That’s not even that much. And I thought to myself, ‘Noah, you probably shouldn’t. Except they’re really cute and its cold outside and one of them needs a home!’. And this guy was jumping all over me and we just bonded and I kind of bought him and brought him home and now he’s here?" 
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