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can’t believe we got a canonical fanfiction-flavored “oh…” moment of love realization from Crowley.
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If Anathema and Newt hadn't burned the other prophecies they would have found one that went something like "When that the Angel and Demon speaketh of an Us, like Two that came before and thus ran to the starres, their wordes shall cross the starres of their own fates, a nightingale shall close its solemn beak, and all ye who watch shall utter 'What Thee Fuck, You Are Both Bloody Idiots'."
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It's about Crowley bearing witness to Aziraphale's desire, about the way that desire is animal and visceral and enormous and terrifying*. And about how Crowley sees that and wants it. Crowley offers the ox rib and watches Aziraphale eat because eating provides them no sustenance, it's purely for pleasure, sensual, selfish. And Crowley introduces Aziraphale to this, and thousands of years later still takes obvious pleasure in feeding Aziraphale, in watching him eat. In watching Aziraphale's pleasure.
And I think it's significant the things we see Crowley put into his body in s2, and why: six shots of espresso, as something bracing before seeing what it is that made Aziraphale call him in his "something's wrong" tone; whiskey, because he has to give Aziraphale some bad news; wine, because they "might as well get comfortable" during the storm coming down on Job, after Aziraphale learns that Crowley is actually pretty unhappy with Job's suffering; and poison, to dispose of it so Elspeth (or Wee Morag, I've fogotten which is which) doesn't die. Crowley doesn't take Aziraphale's "something that calms you down", only consumes things that not only don't bring him pleasure but are an attempt to prevent pain. Crowley, who introduced Aziraphale to this important physical, sensual, selfish pleasure, denies it to himself. He denies himself the eccles cakes, he denies himself partaking in food, and he denies himself Aziraphale.
And we see throughout the rest of the season other things he's denying himself: the comfort and safety of a home in the bookshop in favor of the mobility and ready-made escape of living in the Bentley, the surety of saying what he really means during the confession. He cannot bring himself to admit what he wants, that he wants. Gabriel and Beelzebub "going off together" is not what he wants. He wants Aziraphale, but he doesn't say that, because he's never, in the years and years and years we've seen this season, let himself want or be seen wanting. "Going off together" is as close as he can get to speaking it. "A group of the two of us" is as close as he can get. So he has to watch as Aziraphale leaves and takes his pleasure in the world with him.
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Trudeau newly single….Obama bi-curious arch just dropped….are you picking up what I’m putting down?
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me lately once again
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hate bluetooth headphones that talk. you are a machine you may NOT speak to me
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don’t mind me, just thinking about how in 1941 Aziraphale stepped in to cover for a magician who was specifically a deserter and ended up having to pull off a legitimately deadly trick, under intense scrutiny and pressure, with no miracle other than somebody he trusted
just thinking about how Aziraphale is now stepping in to cover for a deserter and is going to have to pull off the highest stakes magic trick of all time (saving humanity), under intense scrutiny and pressure, with no one he trusts immediately within reach
just thinking about a lone caraway seed and three cowrie shells, and the art of making sure your audience is looking exactly where you want them to look, so you can hide the trick in all the spaces they’re not paying attention to
just thinking about how he can only ever pull off a magic trick when it’s either very close quarters or vitally important
you know, just thinking
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In the Job story, the difference between Aziraphale appearing for the first time, all proclaiming his lines and posing on a rock and surrounded by a shining halo and the second time he tries to stop Crowley, just standing there, shaking and nervous but still determined to try.
The first time he is representing what God wants (or he thinks it’s what God wants) so he appears biblically angelic.
The second time it’s just what he believes is right and he’s got no-one to back him up and he’s pretty sure he’s going against the will of God but he is going to try to his best to save those children…
What must it be like for Crowley, knowing Aziraphale knows Crowley’s actions are sanctioned by God, and yet here is Aziraphale, shaking and almost human, and yet still determined to try and stop Crowley.
Against God’s will.
Against all the other angels.
Of everyone in heaven, only Aziraphale is prepared to try to stop this. It must have touched something very deep inside Crowley - that he’d found the only truly good one - and perhaps his words at the Flood might have had something to do with Aziraphale doubting
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If I read something on the asks that feels genuinely threatening or dangerous, or that's actually abusive, I just delete it and block the person.
If I'm answering an ask here you can assume that as far as I'm concerned even if it's apparently threatening or angry, it's meant humorously or with love.
It's never appropriate to dogpile people. Never appropriate to threaten or abuse them, even if you think you are doing it for me and with the best of intentions. Don't.
If you are upset on my behalf, or on behalf of all Tumblr users, just think "this is probably a tone-deaf attempt at humour" and let it go.
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RYAN GOSLING as KEN Barbie (2023) dir. Greta Gerwig
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the neurodivergent sway
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ideal hangout i invite 2 talkative and funny friends over and listen to them talk to each other
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Mortifying ordeal of telling a funny story from your actual life to a group of people at school and someone saying they saw the same story on tumblr, meaning the only way to defend your honor would be to out yourself as the author of the tumblr post (unthinkable)
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