blangkocharti · 6 days
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alex dump ft. my farmer
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blangkocharti · 6 days
t-...to-...toasty s'more mushrooms.....
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blangkocharti · 4 months
I really hope we get to see ccFit in more narrative things in the future tho. Like bravo man, he's clearly a great storyteller
aka don't just go back to 2b2t analysis you bald fucker show me your Lore Skills again
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blangkocharti · 4 months
finally. a cubito ending that isnt just "and i fucking kill myself because nothing matters so the only end is suicide this is a healthy way to deal with things" hes still sad as hell but hes choosing to live and survive and persevere through the hardships. to remember his loved ones and to eventually be happy again because getting to know them all was worth it. and surviving will be worth it.
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blangkocharti · 4 months
I cannot praise Fit enough. He managed to to present us a complete (and emotionally devastating) story over the past year with all odds stacked against him, so many distractions that probably diverted a lot of what he had in mind, but he still managed to work with what he had and gave us complete cinema every single time. Q!Fit's character development has been an absolute marvel to watch, and even though his ending was bleak, it's something he'll still be able to carry with him, along with the goggles of his son, and some dried rose petals in his pockets.
Bravo Fitmc.
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blangkocharti · 5 months
Hey did you know I keep a google drive folder with linguistics and language books  that I try to update regularly 
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blangkocharti · 5 months
the genius of megamind (beyond the obvious genius ofc) is that it's superman parody actually presents a genuinely unsettling depiction of the "hero" that I like wayyy better than "what if superman was evil" or "what if superman was wrong"... it's "what if superman didn't care"
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blangkocharti · 5 months
what you have to understand about dungeon meshi is that the entire conflict basically boils down to "every character is autistic but in ways that clash so catastrophically horribly that everyone thinks everyone else is a nuclear-level threat"
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blangkocharti · 6 months
the dapper & pomme song <3
baghera sings so beautifully
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blangkocharti · 6 months
Hiiii Pomme and Dapper if you see this, a little letter for you:
I LOVE YOUUU I LOVE YOU my favorite little eggs, my dappleduo!! 🎩🍎 of course you stay together even now, I wouldn’t have expected anything different! :D
You’re amazing. the work the two of you have done in breathing life into your characters, as a ghostie watching from the very beginning I have loved every moment of it. it’s hard to fully express how much I appreciate you in words rn, but I’ll try to say a few things:
To Pomme, you’re literally so inspiring. they say art begets art and that’s sooo true, for me with you- the writing and characterization you’ve done has given me so much inspiration for my art over the many months. you’re so skilled, and everything you do reflects that you’re a person with a lot of heart (also you’ve got a wonderful music taste) It’s been a joy to follow your journey, but most of all I’ve enjoyed the little moments spending time getting to know you on the late nights. get lots of good sleep, girl!! you deserve it!!!
“dearly beloved,” I will absolutely be coming with you on your next journey <3
To Dapper, it’s obvious after so long that you’re someone who’s really passionate about whatever they set their mind to, which has been a joy to watch over the past year. your lore ideas, like with the laboratory? fantastic. your fun facts? awesome. your humor- please never stop being the effortlessly funny person you are!!!! you’re a lovely and hardworking person. all of the hundreds of hours I’ve spent watching you collect random things and fight mobs have never once been a waste of time on the days I needed some company, and I’d do it again in a heartbeat.
all the best to you my little occultic egg, see you again soon! <3
I feel so sorry this happened to you guys, thank you for speaking out. I wont lie, I feel heartbroken at what you’ve gone through and it’s been hard to read. but, I’m so happy that you’re taking the steps to do what is personally right for you and your health, because that’s the most important thing.
and, what brings me a lot of comfort is that you both were able to meet and no matter what, you’re staying together.
A french & a spanish speaker becoming besties from across the world in a block game as little baby eggs that talk on signs, isn’t that just crazy??? but it really has happened- proof that barriers can be crossed, and in the most strange, unexpected ways too. you have truly embodied the heart of this project, shown us it’s really possible to make lifelong memories and friends no matter the language. thank you for letting us watch you become the close friends you are today.
Please know you have support in whatever it is you guys choose to do next. I love you, we all love you. I can say for a fact that this platform sings your praises all the time lmao, I know you come here already but no matter what happens in the future, if you ever wanna hang out more often and just chill feel welcome to, yeah? 🫶
As they say, it’s never a goodbye but instead a see you later- in whatever form that will be. take care of yourselves 💖
Merci, Gracias
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blangkocharti · 6 months
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q!pierre character design & style guide | qsmp headcanons
Pierre truly does not care about style and just wears whatever he likes, it doesn't matter if they necessarily 'match' or not. He does not care. And why should he--his clothing, his body. Besides, it's not hurting anybody. This means that a lot of his outfits tend to be eclectic and loud, but he doesn't see a point in scaling them down. Pierre's style is very much the embodiment of "do what you want". Of course, this is all within [his] reasoning. He isn't going to wear something if he doesn't like it or if he doesn't find it comfortable--hence why he always wears sneakers [dad style] or sandals. This is also reflected in how he does his hair: he doesn't. He keeps it cut on the shorter side because it's easier to manage and he simply cannot be bothered to try and style it like others do.
inspiration board
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blangkocharti · 6 months
I said this on twt but I'm saying it here: the fact that fit hasn't experienced really any major interruptions or hindrances to his lore is truly nothing short of a miracle, the rest of the islanders have been burning in the hellfire that's been the server in the past 5 months whilst q!fit sips his sparkling water and watches the sunrise.
I'm sure there's definitely been a few things that may have knocked his plans off course a little, but the fact that Fit has managed to create a fully fledged, well paced story (with characters he's been hinting at since the early days) with all that's gone on is honestly mind-blowing. I can't compliment his story-telling enough.
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blangkocharti · 6 months
You know a characther is fucked up and traumatized when they are wearing one of these
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blangkocharti · 6 months
guys tell me your pettiest, smallest mischaracterization details that drive you nuts. the little tiny things that you see constantly that get on your nerves.
mine is when people make c!slime call quackity "quackity from las nevadas" in casual conversation or have him always using his full _ from _ titles for everyone. guys. he doesn't use them all the time. he calls people that when greeting them or having formal conversations 😭
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blangkocharti · 6 months
Bbh did research to learn the proper pronunciation of Yangdding’s name <3
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blangkocharti · 6 months
i have genuinely never heard connor be this fucking angry like .... ever ?? jesus christ
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blangkocharti · 6 months
Techno Fanfic Thread:
This is a collection of fanfiction Technoblade has written. Feel free to reblog with any that I missed!
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