blargleheart · 13 hours
Fankyuu so much!!! My mummy is very new to this as opposed to me who has been looking this ABDL stuff up since 2004 as an early teenager ( literally just turned 35 )
It might make things fun
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I'm counting telling tumblr as telling parents when I need to potty
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blargleheart · 23 hours
@gonnakmsbutdemure this is us?
diapered, asexual and abdl romance are the best 😋
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blargleheart · 23 hours
@gonnakmsbutdemure this pushes a few buttons....
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When your little is too energetic running around the house at naptime you might need to get a little creative to slow them down
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blargleheart · 1 day
Should we find this app too, mummy? Should we?
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I'm counting telling tumblr as telling parents when I need to potty
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blargleheart · 4 days
Hope to start posting content :) gonna get my cutie butt into gear
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blargleheart · 4 days
@gonnakmsbutdemure :) I love this one
Maybe someday we'll get to try it.. no rush however, we've got all the time in the world
Une Question Simple - Remastered
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“As-tu besoin d'aller au pot, princesse ?”
Zoe looked up, a blank stare on her face. Her daddy, tall and scruffy, still dressed in his full business suit, was leaning down to talk to her, and it seemed he was asking a question. The words sounded familiar - this wasn’t her first time playing en francais, as he liked to put it - but she couldn’t quite make sense of what they all added up to.
“C'est une question simple,” Daddy continued, “As-tu besoin d'aller au pot, ou pas? Ou peut-être que tu es trop petite pour aller au pot ?”
Again, Zoe searched her limited vocabulary for words she could make out, finding none. Pouting slightly, she tilted her head down and shrugged to signal confusion. 
“D'accord, je vois.” With that, her daddy gave her a wide smile and a soft kiss on the top of Zoe’s head before heading back towards his office in the next room. 
Zoe, in the meantime, thought for a moment longer before returning to her stuffies and toys, eventually choosing a stack of rings for entertainment. Ordinarily, such a plaything would be too simple and babyish for her, but somehow her recent exchange made it feel more appropriate.
So play the girl did, quickly losing herself in the bright colors of her little world. Time flew as Zoe stacked and restacked the rings, shuffling them about the tower and about the floor without a care in the world. That is, until a familiar rumbling in her stomach threatened to interrupt her fun.
Zoe had tried to ignore the feeling earlier, and it did pass then, but now it had returned and was refusing to subside. She had not been planning to use her diapers for that today, so she stood and let out a deep sigh. She would have to ask Daddy permission to use the potty - the trouble would be figuring out how. 
As her cramps grew uncomfortably stronger, the girl made her way up onto her feet and over to her daddy’s office. With her legs starting to quiver, she launched into a rambling plea before he even finished 
“Daddy, daddy, I really hafta…”  
“Ah, non, non, non,” her daddy calmly interrupted her, wagging a finger to remind her of the rules, “en francais, s’il vous-plait.” 
Zoe squirmed and tried to think as hard as she could, blushing a deep rouge. 
“Je…” she began, tapping her right foot nervously, “je… je…”
“Je? Cheu, jee, geuuu... je quoi ?”
Tapping her feet faster now, Zoe turned her head up and let out a long whimper. Then, realizing she would not be able to find words in time, she turned around and ran away, tugging her pink shirt over the back of her diaper as she moved. 
The girl returned to her playroom hoping to find some distraction in her toys, but no distraction would be found. It was as she kneeled down and reached for her stack of rings that the cramps became too much to handle. Loudly, her muscles gave out, and the grown woman helplessly filled the seat of her diaper. 
Utterly defeated, Zoe knew what was coming. If her daddy hadn’t known from the look on her face earlier, if he hadn’t heard the noise her body just made, then he would surely smell what had happened as soon as he came into the room. Not wanting to just wait nervously, the girl turned once again to play with her toys to pass time, careful not to sit on her bottom as she did. 
Finally, her daddy did come in, crossing his arms sternly as he stopped to stand behind the girl. Zoe, in turn, tilted her head slowly and glanced up as the blush returned brightly to her cheeks. 
“Princesse,” her daddy began, “as tu gardé ta couche propre ?” 
The girl gulped. It seemed she had been confronted. “Oui,” she replied, nodding meekly. 
“Oui? Princesse, si tu penses que cela c'est propre,” her daddy began, patting her full diaper as he spoke, “Si si te ne sais même pas ce qu'est le pot, alors j'ai bien peur que tu doives porter des couches pendant très longtemps. N'es- tu pas d'accord ?”
Zoe couldn’t quite follow this reprimand, but again she bowed her head and nodded. 
“OK, je vais te changer.” Her daddy pulled a changing mat from the room’s drawers and laid on the floor behind Zoe. This, she could understand, and she laid down on the mat, resting her arms by her sides. 
Soon, the girl felt the refreshment of crisp, conditioned air and moist baby wipes on her bottom, and she was clean again. What followed this, she had thought, would be a return to the soft cotton of her big girl panties, but the sound of crinkling from her daddy’s hands indicated otherwise. 
“Pan-” she began.
“Ah. Non, non, non,” her daddy quickly interrupted, wagging his finger once again. 
Zoe crossed her arms on the floor and pouted. It seemed she would be staying in diapers. Had she agreed to this without realizing? What, exactly, did she say ‘oui’ to?
But for all her qualms, the girl also started to realize just how right being diapered was beginning to feel. After the way she handled herself today, after the way she struggled to express even the most basic of thoughts to avoid an accident, and after the way she treated her last diaper, could she even trust herself without one. No, as she was newly powdered and padded, she understood that this was precisely as she belonged. 
“Tu sais,” her daddy began after finishing the change, “Je trouve très mignon que tu ne puisses pas me comprendre. Tu es vraiment un petit bébé, je suppose, mais je suis très fier que tu sois le mien.”
“Je t'aime, ma princesse” he concluded, planting a kiss firmly on the girl’s forehead.
“I love you too, Daddy,” she answered, butterflies fluttering in her stomach.
She had broken the rules, of course, but this time he would let it slide.
Image courtesy of @abdreams, used with permission. Please support their site!
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blargleheart · 4 days
@gonnakmsbutdemure ......I hope it's halfway as cute as this, mommy
Lily’s First Time
Lily’s First Time
I smiled to myself as I watched Lily coloring a new page in the book I’d bought her. She was laying on her tummy on the living room floor, coloring away, her pig tails bouncing animatedly as she turned her head this way and that. Once in a while she would kick her feet back and forth in the air and as she did, I’d catch glimpses of the pink Aww So Cutes hidden beneath her dress.
This continued on for quite some time. I’d read a few pages from my book, then glance down and check on my little girl. At one point though, my sweet girl had stopped kicking her feet. I continued watching her for a minute before curiosity got the best of me.
“Come here for a minute baby girl.”
“Okay Daddy.”
Reluctantly she put down the color she was using, carefully scooted up to her knees, then scooched on her knees to the couch. The crinkling of her diapered bottom was sweet, sexy music to my ears.
“Lift up your dress for Daddy so he can check your diapers.”
Lily grabbed the skirt of her dress about half way down and lifted her hands up to her tummy exposing the soggy state of her Aww So Cutes. It was fairly obvious that a change was soon in order. I didn’t need her soiling her dress or the carpets. I reached down between her legs and gave the taut plastic a little squeeze confirming as much.
“Sweetheart, I think it’s past time to change your diaper. I don’t want a leaky little girl on my hands.”
She nods shyly, a smile creeping across her face. She really enjoys her changes. I hold my hand out for her to take and help her to her feet and we make our way to the bedroom where I keep all the pampering supplies.
Just as we pass the bathroom on the way to our bedroom, she stops and tenses up, and I having her hand, end up stopping too, rather abruptly.
“What’s the matter baby girl?”
Almost in a whisper Lily says, “Daddy… I, I need to potty.”
She’s doing everything in her power not to look at me, hoping I’ll understand her subtle hint. It takes me a second, and then it dawns on me. She’s never done ‘that’ in her diapers before.
I cannot blame her, it can be a messy endeavor, and so, though she has wanted to, she’s never done ‘that’ in her diapers during her solo playing. She put it off until she had a partner to help with the cleanup.
Well, there is no time like the present to have your dirty little desires realized right?
“Okay baby girl, Daddy will help you.”
She is so beautiful as the blush begins to rise in her cheeks.
Still holding her hand I lead her into the bathroom and sit on the edge of the bathtub adjacent from the toilet.
“Alright baby girl… Daddy knows you want to have the full diaper experience, so I’m going to help you with your first time, okay?”
We’ve talked about this and she knows exactly what’s going to happen, still, she feels the heat rise on her skin as she begins to blush more fully. She is so embarrassed by it all. It’s hot for both of us. Shyly, she nods instead of answering.
“Good girl!” I praise her. It only cements her babyish position, and what normally would be high praise just adds to the mortifying scenario.
“Okay, Daddy is going to sit you down on the potty with your diaper still on. That should be a little more familiar for you, and hopefully that will make it easier for you, your first time. Understand baby girl?”
She nods again and I lift the lid up, and have her pull her dress up above the waist of her diaper, and then set her down on the toilet seat.
Really, this doesn’t make anything easier. Actually quite the opposite. It’s much more for familiarity than anything else. As Lily sits her crinkly bottom on the seat, the diaper pulls tightly against her, leaving little room for what’s to come. I’m doing this knowingly, I have my reasons. I know that right now her heart is racing, she’s nervous and almost to the point of shaking, and every nerve ending in her body is on full alert. If she really wants to experience this, I’m going to give her as much bang for her buck as I can. What are Daddy’s for?
“Okay baby girl, go potty for Daddy.”
It’s hard to imagine the courage and trust it takes to perform such an act in front of someone. Most people would not consider pooping their pants voluntarily in a million years. She was not only doing so voluntarily, but in front of a new partner. To say it was a significant mental hurdle doesn’t do it justice. So naturally, I turned up the heat a little. She began to push and did what she could to avoid looking at me.
I grabbed her gently by the chin and turned her face toward mine. “Look at me baby girl. Look at Daddy.” She paused for a brief moment before she reluctantly met my eyes. There was no escaping or hiding from me. She was going to feel every bit of this, and she was going to feel it fully and directly, with me, and in the process, she would learn that her desires, no matter how dirty or shameful they felt, would not scare me away.
She took a deep breath and began to push again. It’s not an easy thing. The diaper pressing tightly against her, she had to work at it. With no room to expand outward, her diaper forced the mess up and down her bottom. Every inch of her skin felt on fire with sensory overload.
I cooed and encouraged my girl.
“That’s my baby girl, push it all out for Daddy. Load your diaper up for me. You’re such a good girl for Daddy…”
The praise for what she felt was such a naughty, dirty thing to do, kept the constant heat and color of embarrassment in her face. It was plenty humiliating to want to mess her diapers like some toddler. It was worse knowing that she was actually an adult doing something so childish. It was made worse yet by having to do such a thing in front of another adult, but then, adding insult to injury, to do it while sitting on the toilet, inches away from being the ‘normal’ adult, but CHOOSING to mess YOUR diaper instead… No, Lily would not forget her first experience, not ever.
Sweat actually began to bead across her forehead as she finished filling the seat of her soaked diaper.
“Are you finished baby girl?
“Yes Daddy, I’m done,” she whispers at me.
“You did it! I’m so proud of you baby girl!” I lean in and hug her tight, rubbing her back reassuringly. “Okay sweetheart, stand up and let me check your diaper. Show Daddy what a good job you did filling your crinkle panties!”
The fun with humiliation play is much like building tension in a story, you just keep throwing new levels of pressure at the protagonist, force them into new and unfamiliar situations and watch them bloom and blossom. My little girl was turning into the reddest of fire flowers if I was not mistaken.
Lily stood up off the toilet and as she did I watched her face as the mess in her diaper shifted with her movement. There was no way to hide or escape the sensation. The ever present condition of her diapers were a clear and constant reminder of the babyish act she had just willingly committed. She turned her back towards me and I instantly pulled her severely sagging diaper back up around her waist where it should have been. It appeared from behind her, as if she had winced slightly at the sudden sensation. I placed my hand on her bottom, cupping the mess in my hand, gently patting it. Her nerves were still acutely alert and she jumped a little the first time I patted the lump.
Not quite finished toying with her, I stood up off the edge of the bathtub. She chose now to be the first moment she voluntarily spoke since this little scene began.
“Daddy, I’m a stinky girl.”
I walked around and stood in front of her and wrinkled my nose at her with a playful grin dancing on my face. I grabbed her chin in my hand again.
“Yes you are, aren’t you?! That’s okay baby girl, you’re MY stinky girl, and Daddy loves you, and he’s very proud of you.”
I bent down and kissed her full on the lips and hugged her tightly.
“You were a very good girl“, I praised her once again. “Now, Daddy knows you’re stinky, Daddy knows you have a big mess in your diapers, and Daddy guesses that you would probably like to get changed right now…but…Daddy wants you to begin getting used to the way messy diapers feel. You’re my baby girl, and when Daddy puts you in diapers, Daddy wants you to use them like the baby girl you want to be, and the baby girl we both know you are.”
She nodded her head in agreement. We’d discussed this too.
I took her by the hand and led her out of the bathroom and back into the living room. I moved my book from earlier and sat down, and pulled her into my lap where she rested her head against my chest as she often loved to do. I nuzzled my head against the top of hers and we cuddled for a long while. Being the diaper lover I am, I couldn’t resist idly playing with her soaked, loaded diaper. She didn’t seem to mind. In fact, when I finally decided we needed to get her into a fresh diaper, she actually groaned at me for even suggesting moving from this position. I smiled at her again, kissed her forehead, gave her messy bottom a firm but friendly swat and pushed her towards her feet. Once more, I took her hand in mine, kissed it as well and walked my waddling diaper girl to the bedroom for a change. This time there was no detour.
Lily stood in the doorway as I laid out the changing supplies. I patted the bed where the adult sized changing pad had been spread out and she crawled to the center and rolled herself over into a laying position. I gave her a paci and handed her, her lamb stuffie. It’s one of her favorite for changing time because it rattles. She’s so adorable it nearly hurts.
While she’s occupied with her lamby, I tap her bottom and instinctually she lifts up as I push her dress up and out of the way. I tap her again and she lays right back down. She’s been such a good girl and I don’t dare waste an opportunity to reward such behavior. Besides, here’s a chance to tick another first off her list: cumming in her dirty diaper. I grab the hitachi and diligently bring my little girl two satisfying orgasms. She looks tired and ready for a nap now. That makes me happier still. I think after I get her all cleaned up and in a fresh diaper, I’ll lay her down. I sigh happily, rip open the tapes to her diaper and begin the arduous task of cleaning her dirty bottom. I don’t mind. She’s my baby girl and I am her Daddy, and that’s the way it is supposed to be…
The End.
Written by me: Diapers Anonymous © 3/16
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blargleheart · 4 days
Lily’s First Time
Lily’s First Time
I smiled to myself as I watched Lily coloring a new page in the book I’d bought her. She was laying on her tummy on the living room floor, coloring away, her pig tails bouncing animatedly as she turned her head this way and that. Once in a while she would kick her feet back and forth in the air and as she did, I’d catch glimpses of the pink Aww So Cutes hidden beneath her dress.
This continued on for quite some time. I’d read a few pages from my book, then glance down and check on my little girl. At one point though, my sweet girl had stopped kicking her feet. I continued watching her for a minute before curiosity got the best of me.
“Come here for a minute baby girl.”
“Okay Daddy.”
Reluctantly she put down the color she was using, carefully scooted up to her knees, then scooched on her knees to the couch. The crinkling of her diapered bottom was sweet, sexy music to my ears.
“Lift up your dress for Daddy so he can check your diapers.”
Lily grabbed the skirt of her dress about half way down and lifted her hands up to her tummy exposing the soggy state of her Aww So Cutes. It was fairly obvious that a change was soon in order. I didn’t need her soiling her dress or the carpets. I reached down between her legs and gave the taut plastic a little squeeze confirming as much.
“Sweetheart, I think it’s past time to change your diaper. I don’t want a leaky little girl on my hands.”
She nods shyly, a smile creeping across her face. She really enjoys her changes. I hold my hand out for her to take and help her to her feet and we make our way to the bedroom where I keep all the pampering supplies.
Just as we pass the bathroom on the way to our bedroom, she stops and tenses up, and I having her hand, end up stopping too, rather abruptly.
“What’s the matter baby girl?”
Almost in a whisper Lily says, “Daddy… I, I need to potty.”
She’s doing everything in her power not to look at me, hoping I’ll understand her subtle hint. It takes me a second, and then it dawns on me. She’s never done ‘that’ in her diapers before.
I cannot blame her, it can be a messy endeavor, and so, though she has wanted to, she’s never done ‘that’ in her diapers during her solo playing. She put it off until she had a partner to help with the cleanup.
Well, there is no time like the present to have your dirty little desires realized right?
“Okay baby girl, Daddy will help you.”
She is so beautiful as the blush begins to rise in her cheeks.
Still holding her hand I lead her into the bathroom and sit on the edge of the bathtub adjacent from the toilet.
“Alright baby girl… Daddy knows you want to have the full diaper experience, so I’m going to help you with your first time, okay?”
We’ve talked about this and she knows exactly what’s going to happen, still, she feels the heat rise on her skin as she begins to blush more fully. She is so embarrassed by it all. It’s hot for both of us. Shyly, she nods instead of answering.
“Good girl!” I praise her. It only cements her babyish position, and what normally would be high praise just adds to the mortifying scenario.
“Okay, Daddy is going to sit you down on the potty with your diaper still on. That should be a little more familiar for you, and hopefully that will make it easier for you, your first time. Understand baby girl?”
She nods again and I lift the lid up, and have her pull her dress up above the waist of her diaper, and then set her down on the toilet seat.
Really, this doesn’t make anything easier. Actually quite the opposite. It’s much more for familiarity than anything else. As Lily sits her crinkly bottom on the seat, the diaper pulls tightly against her, leaving little room for what’s to come. I’m doing this knowingly, I have my reasons. I know that right now her heart is racing, she’s nervous and almost to the point of shaking, and every nerve ending in her body is on full alert. If she really wants to experience this, I’m going to give her as much bang for her buck as I can. What are Daddy’s for?
“Okay baby girl, go potty for Daddy.”
It’s hard to imagine the courage and trust it takes to perform such an act in front of someone. Most people would not consider pooping their pants voluntarily in a million years. She was not only doing so voluntarily, but in front of a new partner. To say it was a significant mental hurdle doesn’t do it justice. So naturally, I turned up the heat a little. She began to push and did what she could to avoid looking at me.
I grabbed her gently by the chin and turned her face toward mine. “Look at me baby girl. Look at Daddy.” She paused for a brief moment before she reluctantly met my eyes. There was no escaping or hiding from me. She was going to feel every bit of this, and she was going to feel it fully and directly, with me, and in the process, she would learn that her desires, no matter how dirty or shameful they felt, would not scare me away.
She took a deep breath and began to push again. It’s not an easy thing. The diaper pressing tightly against her, she had to work at it. With no room to expand outward, her diaper forced the mess up and down her bottom. Every inch of her skin felt on fire with sensory overload.
I cooed and encouraged my girl.
“That’s my baby girl, push it all out for Daddy. Load your diaper up for me. You’re such a good girl for Daddy…”
The praise for what she felt was such a naughty, dirty thing to do, kept the constant heat and color of embarrassment in her face. It was plenty humiliating to want to mess her diapers like some toddler. It was worse knowing that she was actually an adult doing something so childish. It was made worse yet by having to do such a thing in front of another adult, but then, adding insult to injury, to do it while sitting on the toilet, inches away from being the ‘normal’ adult, but CHOOSING to mess YOUR diaper instead… No, Lily would not forget her first experience, not ever.
Sweat actually began to bead across her forehead as she finished filling the seat of her soaked diaper.
“Are you finished baby girl?
“Yes Daddy, I’m done,” she whispers at me.
“You did it! I’m so proud of you baby girl!” I lean in and hug her tight, rubbing her back reassuringly. “Okay sweetheart, stand up and let me check your diaper. Show Daddy what a good job you did filling your crinkle panties!”
The fun with humiliation play is much like building tension in a story, you just keep throwing new levels of pressure at the protagonist, force them into new and unfamiliar situations and watch them bloom and blossom. My little girl was turning into the reddest of fire flowers if I was not mistaken.
Lily stood up off the toilet and as she did I watched her face as the mess in her diaper shifted with her movement. There was no way to hide or escape the sensation. The ever present condition of her diapers were a clear and constant reminder of the babyish act she had just willingly committed. She turned her back towards me and I instantly pulled her severely sagging diaper back up around her waist where it should have been. It appeared from behind her, as if she had winced slightly at the sudden sensation. I placed my hand on her bottom, cupping the mess in my hand, gently patting it. Her nerves were still acutely alert and she jumped a little the first time I patted the lump.
Not quite finished toying with her, I stood up off the edge of the bathtub. She chose now to be the first moment she voluntarily spoke since this little scene began.
“Daddy, I’m a stinky girl.”
I walked around and stood in front of her and wrinkled my nose at her with a playful grin dancing on my face. I grabbed her chin in my hand again.
“Yes you are, aren’t you?! That’s okay baby girl, you’re MY stinky girl, and Daddy loves you, and he’s very proud of you.”
I bent down and kissed her full on the lips and hugged her tightly.
“You were a very good girl“, I praised her once again. “Now, Daddy knows you’re stinky, Daddy knows you have a big mess in your diapers, and Daddy guesses that you would probably like to get changed right now…but…Daddy wants you to begin getting used to the way messy diapers feel. You’re my baby girl, and when Daddy puts you in diapers, Daddy wants you to use them like the baby girl you want to be, and the baby girl we both know you are.”
She nodded her head in agreement. We’d discussed this too.
I took her by the hand and led her out of the bathroom and back into the living room. I moved my book from earlier and sat down, and pulled her into my lap where she rested her head against my chest as she often loved to do. I nuzzled my head against the top of hers and we cuddled for a long while. Being the diaper lover I am, I couldn’t resist idly playing with her soaked, loaded diaper. She didn’t seem to mind. In fact, when I finally decided we needed to get her into a fresh diaper, she actually groaned at me for even suggesting moving from this position. I smiled at her again, kissed her forehead, gave her messy bottom a firm but friendly swat and pushed her towards her feet. Once more, I took her hand in mine, kissed it as well and walked my waddling diaper girl to the bedroom for a change. This time there was no detour.
Lily stood in the doorway as I laid out the changing supplies. I patted the bed where the adult sized changing pad had been spread out and she crawled to the center and rolled herself over into a laying position. I gave her a paci and handed her, her lamb stuffie. It’s one of her favorite for changing time because it rattles. She’s so adorable it nearly hurts.
While she’s occupied with her lamby, I tap her bottom and instinctually she lifts up as I push her dress up and out of the way. I tap her again and she lays right back down. She’s been such a good girl and I don’t dare waste an opportunity to reward such behavior. Besides, here’s a chance to tick another first off her list: cumming in her dirty diaper. I grab the hitachi and diligently bring my little girl two satisfying orgasms. She looks tired and ready for a nap now. That makes me happier still. I think after I get her all cleaned up and in a fresh diaper, I’ll lay her down. I sigh happily, rip open the tapes to her diaper and begin the arduous task of cleaning her dirty bottom. I don’t mind. She’s my baby girl and I am her Daddy, and that’s the way it is supposed to be…
The End.
Written by me: Diapers Anonymous © 3/16
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blargleheart · 4 days
I in extra ickle space. First I put on my cutest ever dress.
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Then I decided I was gonna trys the potty training chart I has.
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But I realised there was a BIG pwoblem. I was to little to try anything on the list. So I only gotted one sticker. And that was for washing my hands.
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Since potty training wasnt for me I asked my teddy's what I should do and they said I should do some cooking instead. I waassss much better at that!
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And I maddde some din dins for stitch to eat! Cos I'm a good girl!
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After that I got thirsty so I went on a adventure to the kitchen and manage to find my own drinkies without the helpies of any grownd ups!
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Stitch then told me he really wanted some cuddles. So we had some cuddle bug time time. We maybe got slightly sleepy. But don't worrys we woke back up again.
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ANND once we woke back upps again we did some colouring in. And looooks! I did it all by myselfs! Do you like?
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Hes called ellie the elephant!
Now all that's left is story time. Can I has a story pwease?
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blargleheart · 4 days
Awwww that looks so comfy <3
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blargleheart · 4 days
Meep, can we do this???
Train Your Little...to be a Scholastic Scholar! 🎒
Listen: you already know your Little isn't a rocket scientist. You trained them to tinkle in their diapers, babble like a toddler, drool over baby toys, and submit to a child lock.
But that doesn't make their education any less important (even if they left the school system a while ago)!
That's why @destinedfordiapers insists on a 3rd-Grade Reading List for Littles.
"It's the perfect mix of small words and big life lessons," he'll remind me as he tucks a 40-page, large-print paperback into my hands. And it's true! 3rd-grade literature is perfect for teaching your kiddo about manners and appropriate behavior, both around grown-ups and their diapered peers.
Children's books can provide your Little with needed structure and stimulation, but they aren't the only one who benefits! You get the satisfaction of watching them kick their little legs as they turn the pages, rubbing against the plastic of their gradually swelling diaper! It may also be an opportunity to instill other desired habits, such as requiring them to suck their thumb as they read.
Or, if you need a quick break from constantly monitoring your pamper packer, take this chance to enjoy something on TV in the other room (besides Bluey). Remember to keep the volume down! Your Little is concentrating.
But how is your diapered doll going to prove that they've been diligently keeping up with their reading list, especially if you're domming them remotely? That's easy! Just remember your ABC's!
Accountability 👨‍🏫
By ⭐️
Crayon 🖍
Those waxy, vibrant little coloring sticks are, in the words of @destinedfordiapers, "unserious implements for unserious people." Which makes them perfect for your Little! Have them write you a book report in crayon, being sure to use lots of pretty colors! You might even have them illustrate their favorite moments from the book!
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So grab your library card and get your little scholar started with such titles as Muggie Maggie (Beverly Cleary), Poppy (Avi), and Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing (Judy Blume)! Maybe they'll be ready for 4th grade in no time!
Or not.
🌈 Happy Reading! 🌈
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blargleheart · 4 days
0 notes
blargleheart · 5 days
@gonnakmsbutdemure it me?
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blargleheart · 5 days
@gonnakmsbutdemure look, so cute, I wants them
Thank you so much to HofBondage for the design and permissionto use. I can't wait to wear this and I definitely need to get a Nora cosplay nailed down before my second attempt to do it justice but this was super fun and I love how it came out despite the mistakes
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blargleheart · 7 days
Eep.. RWBY themed nappies... Omg I kinda want them
Thank you so much to HofBondage for the design and permissionto use. I can't wait to wear this and I definitely need to get a Nora cosplay nailed down before my second attempt to do it justice but this was super fun and I love how it came out despite the mistakes
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blargleheart · 7 days
don’t wait!
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blargleheart · 7 days
Awww I love those skirtalls
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Peek-a-boo with Minnie 😝
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