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He really didn't want to go to Grappling practice today. But I held his hand and encouraged him to try for 15 minutes! But no matter what it takes I will do what it takes to see MYSELF and ATLAS succeed!!!!! #do #whatever #it #takes
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My birthday is February Second and I'm celebrating getting back into good health. Proud of what I've achieved in 2 short months. Grateful for Living.
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Practiced rolls and shrinking today (at San Diego, California)
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Practicing a new art! I've always wanted to try I'm truly blessed to be able to move again. What are you grateful for today? (at San Diego, California)
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Today I did some practice roles that I learned from Jujitsu class. It was difficult at first and I had to First do it slowly so that I can perfect my form. With learning the new technique or language we must first learn to leave our ego at the door. It's a really humbling experience to learn something new. Whether it's learning a new language a new way of processing or learning to roller skate. We first must learn that learning itself is a process. I understand that to get where I want to be will take time energy and effort. But the ultimate step to success is doing however it's everyday consistent and persistent is the formula to any success. I will post my shoulder roll begginner video on my YouTube Channel. Thank you for your support guys please follow like subscribe comment or unlike. Every positive comment I receive lifts my spirit!😀😙 (at San Diego, California)
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Some people might feel uncomfortable with this post. I I'm usually very conservative about the way that I show my body. But no one really realizes that I was a junkie kid growing up. And maybe I wasn't. But I truly believed that I was obese and I was a kid. My dad would constantly call me fat ugly and stupid. I've learned to forgive him. I've learned to forgive my parents for the way that they talk down to me. Constantly that you're fat ugly and stupid, really can have effect on a child. I've chosen to show my son there's nothing wrong with your body. I want him to see that I am proud in my own skin and comfortable wearing a bathing suit. This might sound off topic but trust me, it all ties in. I remember when I was 9, I had the chance to go to a field trip at a water park. But I was too insecure to wear a bathing suit. So when I received I threw it in the trash. I didn't want my parents to see able to go to a water park. Firstly because they were really conservative but mainly because I was afraid to show my body in a bathing suit. I will now allow myself to wear a bathing suit at any size. I understand that I don't have a "perfect body". But I have came to the conclusion that when I am mentally and emotionally motivated that I am happy with myself and my body. I share some tips on my YouTube channel on how to stay motivated. I will soon create a video program on how to stay motivated. Being and staying motivated important part of our lives. And I believe our inner beauty is much more important than our outer beauty because when we are happy inside we are comfortable with who we are outside. (at San Diego, California)
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When we are Positive everything around your life feels like magic. Remaining Positive everyday is difficult. But when you find what makes you motivated, staying positive becomes easier. In the beginning it might feel odd and uncomfortable to say and listen to positive affirmations. But once you start and stay consistent natural and a part of your life. You'll start noticing that the uncomfortable it goes away and you will start to feel "off" when you stop the positive affirmations and positive thinking. We are surrounded and bombarded with negative thoughts and negative speech. To undo and combat this negativity it takes time it is possible to overcome these negative thoughts. Positive thinking is a muscle and in order to grow we must stay consistent and persistent. (at San Diego, California)
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Just edited YouTube video!!! Today was my 1st Brazillian Jujitsu class! And I am a total beginner. But I loved the challenge. I will stay consistent and make some new friends and positive people. Everyone was so nice my partner was totally encouraging and patient with this beginner<me> I will keep learning and growing. Much love -Biviana Romero. (at San Diego, California)
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So if you're single parent like me or just someone who is has a really busy schedule I know it's hard to find time for yourself. I work I have my son 24/7 try to maintain a healthy physique all whilst staying a decent person. I know I give that advice it's thinking about what you're grateful for everyday but no matter hope you think so no matter how hard you think your life will not change unless you take action. In the YouTube video I just created I share tips that have given me the freedom to succeed. I hope you do find these tips helpful. I'm so grateful for my viewers comment likes and subscribers. Thank you! (at San Diego, California)
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Being grateful energizes your life! Helps to stay motivated and make money happiness and friends!!!! 3 things that im grateful for is my hands, being able to walk and feed myself. Had an amazing live video with @miprimoerik talked about tips to stay happy and self motivated!!! Follow our videos Wednesday Thursday 10-11am. My podcasts will be up on my youtube channel every Friday. (at San Diego, California)
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I understand that positive goals take a long time to achieve. But when we are consistent positive take Massive Action those goals can feel closer. And achieving goals a mental challenge. I think most people would agree with me when I say that our mind is the most powerful tool. I overcome most of my fears and challenges by reminding myself what I'm grateful for and staying positive. It is easier to stay positive when you allow positive people into your life. It is also necessary to remove negative people from your life. Whenever someone life negative things to say about me or my dreams I simply pretend to listen they will never understand my Pursuit to success because they never achieved their dreams. I will only listen to mentors that have achieved their dreams. These are the best steps to success, what stay positive?
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Life is full of 2nd chances choices and beauty. What will you choose today?
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To work never give up
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Today was the first day back to the gym it's been a hundred and thirty-eight days since I've been at a gym. I didn't realize how much I missed going to the gym and surrounding myself with like-minded people. It is my first day back and I feel like I'm a beginner again but new accomplishment is the ultimate motivation. Small steps towards a massive goal is inspiring to myself. I'm so blessed be able to walk push my body limits like I used to. I'm more than grateful to be back. I hope everyone reminds themselves what they are grateful for it's the small things like being able to walk and being able to shower alone is one of the things that I took for granted before the seizures Hit me hard. I'm now able to play with my son and cook food again. I hope you can find 5 things in your life that you are grateful for. I wish you a wonderful day and night thank you for watching my journey and following my YouTube channel good night.
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Today was probably one of the hardest days I've had in a long time. My schedule was right my head was right I was productive. But just couldn't push my body hard enough today. It was a really rough period day. I feel like no-one likes talking about this. I took a step back to indulge my day off and ate whatever I wanted. Wore whatever I felt like. Only pushed myself as much as I could handle. I forget how far I've come. I am grateful for being able to walk, eat and function again. Grateful I have a son that can call for help if the seizures happen again. Grateful for my best friend being the shining light in my lowest days. Grateful I have sisters who adore my son. Grateful for my ambition and resilliance.
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📽On YouTube!!!!📽 Don't Feel Like Working Out????!!!!! Fitness is believing in yourself and pushing your body believe it. When you believe in yourself you are able to push your body Beyond its limits. I have noticed that when I am less motivated and when I give in to my temptations that I am less physically fit. Today I invite you and challenge you to do a workout or physical action that you do not feel like doing but use your mind strength to do it anyway. We have to do things that are uncomfortable or challenges but it is an emotional and mental challenge to reach a greater goal. Today I did not feel like working out at all. I challenged myself to do a workout anyway. I started with a workout that I already enjoy. Glute workouts are my favorite type of workout. I hope you enjoy this video and can can relate to mental challenge that I have. I hope you like subscribe comment on like like and watch. My content will grow and exceed your expectations as you grow and exceed the expectations that you have for yourself. I hope this can help you today as always be great and have a great day. I believe in you when you don't believe in yourself and I hope you believe in yourself when everyone else gives up on you.
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📽On YouTube!!!!📽 Don't Feel Like Working Out????!!!!! Fitness is believing in yourself and pushing your body believe it. When you believe in yourself you are able to push your body Beyond its limits. I have noticed that when I am less motivated and when I give in to my temptations that I am less physically fit. Today I invite you and challenge you to do a workout or physical action that you do not feel like doing but use your mind strength to do it anyway. We have to do things that are uncomfortable or challenges but it is an emotional and mental challenge to reach a greater goal. Today I did not feel like working out at all. I challenged myself to do a workout anyway. I started with a workout that I already enjoy. Glute workouts are my favorite type of workout. I hope you enjoy this video and can can relate to mental challenge that I have. I hope you like subscribe comment on like like and watch. My contact will grow and exceed your expectations as you grow and exceed the expectations that you have for yourself I hope this can help you today as always be great and have a great day. I believe in you when you don't believe in yourself and I hope you believe in yourself when everyone else gives up on you.
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