blenthusiast · 4 days
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2023 bls +  ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍  
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blenthusiast · 4 days
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Edwin & Charles hugs.
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blenthusiast · 4 days
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Happy Pride Month
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blenthusiast · 10 days
crying cuz i love when they dance together
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blenthusiast · 18 days
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A mixture of pics from WINK magazine and the XCrossOver campaign.
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blenthusiast · 18 days
Kim has a chipped tooth , but the chipping is inside , and very very small. It can't be seen and he won't get it fixed.
It's a souvenir from the very first time he defeated Chan on hand to hand combat. Even Chan doesn't know that, THAT hit, did so much damage.
Chay on the other hand , knows.
After their first kiss on his shaggy old couch , and the many more that followed that night , he could wax poetry about all the edges and softness of every single crevice on Kim's mouth. He had whimpered when it accidentally grazed his lips , and had grabbed onto Kim's shoulders at the time.
But after that one night Chay never got to kiss Kim again. He never saw the warmth in his eyes that melted and re-moulded his entire world. Not even when he begged in front of Kim to tell him some part of whatever they had , was true.
Afterwards when he tried to move on , when he tried to fall into the arms of strangers who creeped all over him lustfully , the kisses never made him * feel*.
They were just a way to distract the minds of these poor replacements , so they wouldn't notice how empty Chay's ministrations were. They always closed their eyes when they kissed , and so Chay's unsatisfied frown went by unnoticed. His anger at the reminder , the lack of friction when they tried to dominate him, only made him pull back to lead their attention elsewhere, which they mistook for throes of passion. Hopefully.
When Chay finally was picked up by Kim at Yok's bar one night , Kim was shocked seeing how very much Chay had to drink , and how lax the security around him had been , especially considering their ward had been inebriated. Chay could barely recognise it was Kim half-carrying him out of the bar. Porsche had mentioned to "Make sure Porchay is being safe , Yok called and said he's drinking now. I know , shocking!" , Kim hadn't expected to end up with whole armful of drunk lanky Chay with flushed face and pouty lips.
Kim decided then and there to take him to his penthouse to sleep it off, so he could lie to Porsche about how drunk he had been and maybe so noone else could see his Chay like that.
Once a slightly sobered up Chay took in the piano that stood against the backdrop of a starlit Bangkok skyline , Chay tearfully broke down and tried to push Kim's aid away.
Only for them both to end up on the rug overlooking the balcony , holding each other , Kim trying to bask in the aroma that was simply his Porchay , and Chay trying to claw his way into Kim's leather jacket.
Finally , finally; Chay got to taste him again , and his whimpers got louder each time Kim grazed his plump lips with that one chipped tooth.
Some vague part of Chay's consciousness revelled that it couldn't get better than this , for Kim to choose that moment bite his lips with full force and draw blood. Chay started to shake like a scared fawn when Kim's fingers climbed underneath his shirt and headed to his chest.
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blenthusiast · 1 month
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"I didn't like this feeling ..."
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blenthusiast · 2 months
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Pick your fighter
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blenthusiast · 2 months
characters whose philosophy is “if i cannot be wanted, i will be needed and if i cannot be needed, let me be used until there’s nothing left of me.” thank you for everyone’s attention. falls off stage and dies
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blenthusiast · 2 months
my favourite ship dynamic is “me and the bad bitch i pulled by being autistic” but you can’t tell which is which
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blenthusiast · 2 months
A collection of Qian and Yuan being framed in their own little world where Yuan usually looks at and after Qian.
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And a smaller collection of both isolated and separated in episode six which means they can't and don't see outside of the framed world.
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So the only time they look outside of the frame is when they look at the place the other should be.
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blenthusiast · 3 months
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because the earth revolves around the sun
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blenthusiast · 3 months
no tv show will ever be able to resolve a m/m/f love triangle as perfectly and as weirdly as Hannibal, in which the woman kisses one of the guys, sleeps with the other one, then decides "actually, never mind, you're both awful!" and marries a rich lesbian instead - and, while this is all going on, the guys develop a weird homoerotic obsession with each other culminating in them going off a cliff together. truly unhinged and unmatched
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blenthusiast · 3 months
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blenthusiast · 3 months
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XCrossOver's 「Billet-doux 情书」 series
gif source
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blenthusiast · 3 months
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Love for Love's Sake cast is so unhinged (affectionate) - these were taken during/before filming the drama! And Joowan is already biting Taevin's ear – wait WHAT
I mean, all of the actors were proudly and eagerly talking about their desire and determination to film BL (Joowan's parents even supported him; Taevin searched for BL casting after the BL plotline was erased in his last project etc), this is so refreshing, for Korea and just BL industry. And they indeed found their own people!
I hope this team and the cast would film a new story! Please-please-please.
(Also damn, this picture really feeds me with my wish for Myungha-Yeowoon-Sangwon OT3 story, can we get this brave team and make a poly KBL?!xD Anyway, I'll be off writing OT3 fics now with more force–)
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blenthusiast · 4 months
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2023 BL Dramas Watchlist
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