blessings-incarnate · 36 minutes
You shouldn’t date or become serious friends/partners with someone if you can’t stomach the thought of being stuck in a car or train with them for 16 hours.
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blessings-incarnate · 47 minutes
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holographic charm concepts ✨ buy a wallpaper or leave a tip / twitter / instagram / shop 
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blessings-incarnate · 48 minutes
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Redwall art envisioned as an 80's animated film look. (Milt Kahl / Don Bluth) --- I know nothing abt Redwall. I havent read the books and know very VERY little of its lore. Years ago I remember seeing a tv series but never finished it.
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blessings-incarnate · 16 hours
So sick of dog motif what about cat motif.
I love you but we don't love the same. I can't be near you when you want me to be. Your love is smothering and your need to keep me safe is trapping me. I'm my own person but I don't know how to show you that. I lash out and hurt you even though I don't mean to. I need you to move slowly around me or I'll bolt. I love you, even though I don't say it. If you stay still I'll sit next to you, and even though we don't understand each other we can be together like that.
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Maids, servants and how they dress
Practically every fortress-type nest has nobles leading it, and nobles bring along a whole swarm of various minions. Cooks, cleaners, gardeners, butlers - they all occupy the "mansion" part of the nest where their masters separate themselves from the commoners.
The ones working outside tend to fly a lot. Nest walls are littered with various access hatches that allow the servants to move quickly through the superstructure, but these entrances are not exactly spacious or comfortable to go through. For this reasons the ones running errands outside the "mansion" tend to go topless to not restrict their wings and for general ease of movement.
The lasses wear a simple skirt with pockets and puffy underpants. Just petticoat isn't an option or they'd be accidentally mooning passerbys as they fly by. A lot of the time they also wear aprons which may range from simple rectangular ones to as ruffly and heavily decorated as their master is willing to shell out for.
The lads dress themselves in wide pants with thicker form fitting bottoms made of rough leathery materials, as well as similarly thick corset-like band. It has no purpose beyond aesthetic. They wear aprons as well, but they're usually worn to the side when not actually needed.
Leading this cohort of servants are seniors, they rarely leave the noble's area and take on more of an administrative role rather than doing much menial work themselves. It's reflected in their dress, generally more showy and restrictive. The matrons wear floor-length skirts with a long large-sleeved underdress. Their male counterparts meanwhile gain darker dress shirts and more elaborate leather accessories - the band and the cuffs.
Common servants and maids can also take on fancier outfits when they stick around in the mansion and don't need to fly to get around. A woman's getup can be modified with an underdress similar to the matron's but it's not floor length. A male servant only needs a dress shirt to make himself more presentable.
All their clothes are color-coded to make them easier to pick out among the crowd. It can be just about any hue depending on a particular noble's taste, but orange is extremely prevalent due to the pigment used for dyeing being bright and fairly cheap.
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Little mound
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i HAVE to know how you went about designing the heraldic devices on the flags in the sculpture chocodile just shared. Do the symbols have meaning?
Hell yeah, here comes the flood! This will be a bit of a rambly crash-course in my likely slightly inaccurate remembering of heraldic facts (and largely focused on English heraldic rules, as that is what most online resources focus on), so bear with me, haha.
Also going to try my hand at writing blazons for them, just for practice. :P
So, for me, the challenge in designing something like this is that I wanted to designs to be evocative of the character themself, but coat of arms are also passed down from the ancestor that was originally granted it through the family line, so they should also represent the character's family as a whole.
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Sable, in chief an estoile gules, in fess an open hand argent between two estoiles of the second.
Hyden comes from an ambitious magical family, so I wanted something that alluded to both the concepts of "mystical" and "evil." Red and black is a bit of a cliché way to do it, but it's effective, no?
Hyden also has a star motif in his family; Hyden's first name, Arcturus, is the name of a star! Stars are also something that seem pretty mystical, right? I wanted to incorporate those in his coat of arms, so on they go.
I went through other charges at first, including a rabbit (self-explanatory) and mountains (Hyden's family comes from a mountainous region), but Chocodile liked the version with the hand best. The hand was meant to represent both the using of magic (often channeled through the hands), and due to the positioning of the stars, appears as though it is reaching up to grab the stars, relating to his (and his family's) ambitious and power-hungry nature.
I also had a version with white stars that followed the rule of tincture properly (short version of the rule of tincture: only white and gold can be put on top of any other color), but Chocodile preferred the version with red stars, so red stars it is! It works, too, because the star Arcturus, which Hyden and many of his ancestors were named after, is a red giant star.
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Quarterly; first and fouth, Gules semy of flames Or, a sun Or charged with an eye palewise irised gules and pupiled Or; second and third, Argent semy of roses gules thorned and seeded Or.
No idea if THAT blazon is correct, this one's a bit funky.
Ambroys was a challenge because he comes from two important families, but he's a disappointment not much like either of his parents.
He also has the most complex coat of arms of the bunch because I wanted to have him quartering both his parents arms, since being the descendent of two powerful lineages is important to his character. When a nobleman was descended from two parents who were able to pass down coats of arms, the son could quarter them like this to preserve his mother's arms, which, due to rules of inheritance focusing on male lineage, would otherwise be lost.
The coat of arms featuring roses is the one belonging to his father. Admittedly, I cheated a bit here because I just really wanted roses on Ambroys' heraldic device since I associate them so strongly with him. BUT the area where his father's family comes from is a place known for farmland, natural beauty, and richness. Thus, I thought a field of flowers would suit that rather well.
The other coat of arms belongs to his mother. While she isn't a noble because she's not part of the mortal system, she does have a sigil that represents her (the sun and eye motif), and I figured anyone descended from a Celestial would be so important they'd have a right to arms. Thus, her sigil is incorporated into the coat of arms representing her, in addition to a field of flames and red. His mother was a somewhat warlike, conquering entity, thus a field of blood and the fire she would leave behind felt like an appropriate backdrop for her symbol.
Ordinarily, the father's arms would go in the dexter position (dexter is right on a shield, or our left), as dexter is a place of prominence over sinister (shield's left, our right). However, I decided to put his mother's arms there instead, as she was a Celestial while his father was a mortal, which I imagined would take prominence on the hierarchy scale over the fact that one's his mommy and one's his daddy.
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Ermines, on a chief argent, three gouttes de sang.
I had already designed the coat of arms for Theo's family some time ago. Even before I furrified them, I associated his mother and her family with ermines. Ermine fur was used in the cloaks of royalty and nobility since way back, and they live in cold climates. Their association with the elite and coldness, as well as their deceptively vicious predation of animals much larger than they are (including... rats) made them well-suited to be a symbol of Theo's hoity-toity, standoffish, and frankly rather nasty family.
Thus I used ermine fur as the field of the coat of arms. Ermine fur is often used in heraldic devices, for the association with nobility I mentioned before! That's what those weird three-spot things are - a representation of the spots of color on an ermine-fur cloak.
But ermine fur is represented as white with black spots, like the real thing. There is, however, another version of ermine fur sometimes used in heraldry called "counter-ermine" or "ermines," which is black with white spots, like what's going on there!
I used counter-ermine partly just for aesthetics - I wanted to have the drops of blood, and to follow the rules of tincture, needed to put them on white (or gold, but yellow doesn't suit him), and the black fur contrasted with that better.
But there's also another reason. An old medieval myth is that ermines are very vain creatures, who would rather give themselves up to hunters than risk being injured and having blood dirty their pure white coats. A black ermine wouldn't have to worry about that, though. So the black ermine fur represents that they are just as haughty and vain as a regular ermine, but also willing to get their hands (or fur) dirty.
The drops of blood (gouttes de sang) represent both the North's history in that they earned their nobility through war and bloodshed, and also are just very fixated on their bloodline and the concept of family loyalty. The blood drops also tie into the myth about ermines that I mentioned before.
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There is also YET MORE BLOOD in the full achievement (a coat of arms that also shows all the other nonsense I labeled here) I designed for them, which incorporates ermines as supporters, but also a heraldic pelican as the crest. The medieval myth behind pelicans was that the mothers would pierce their own skin to feed their offspring their own blood. Very goth, and also tying into family loyalty yet again. You might notice that the motto of the Norths involves blood, again. There's a theme going on here, is what I'm saying.
(also the Latin is wrong in the motto, I seem to mess up the grammar in a new way each time I attempt it, BUT DISREGARD THAT)
I'd like to design full achievements for Hyden and Ambroys as well, some day! But I think that's enough of my babbling for now.
Thanks for reading my essay, I hope you found it at least a bit interesting, haha. xP
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When They See Their S/O Crying (Allies)
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Headcanons for how I think the Hetalia characters would act if they walked in on their S/O crying.
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America: Okay, Alfred would low-key start to freak out a little bit. He's pretty good at dealing with people in general, but that's only when they're in a good mood. He doesn't totally know what to do for someone who's crying. So when he sees your tears, he's a little thrown. His first instinct is to try and make you laugh or smile, and if that fails, he'll realize that whatever is going on is more serious and will wrap his arms around you, telling you, "Hey, it's okay. Just let it out." He really does try. It's just that, surprisingly enough, comforting others isn't always the hero's strong suit.
England: Arthur would immediately take this very seriously, reaching forward to hold your hand with both hands, rubbing his thumb over your skin. He'll look you in the eye and insist on knowing what's wrong. When he doesn't get an answer and you continue crying, he'll gently hold your head and tenderly wipe away your tears, giving you small kisses on your face. He'd also take the time to make you two a pot of tea after you've calmed down a bit, hoping to calm you down even further, as well as get you to explain to him what's going on.
France: Francis's heart will shatter upon seeing your tears, reaching forward to wrap you up in his arms before bringing you down to take a seat with him on the couch. He'd run his fingers through your hair, allow you to press your body into his, and whisper sweet nothings into your ear in French. He'd also hold your hand tightly and bring it up to his chest, as well as kiss away your tears. If you need to vent to him, he'd be all ears, willingly listening to all you have to say. I can also see him playing soft music to try and calm you down.
Russia: If Ivan sees you crying, prepare for him to become the ultimate teddy bear. He'll hug you tightly, wrapping his big, strong arms around you. He'd sit down with you in his lap, practically wrapping his body around yours. I can also see him being the kind of guy to gently sway you to and fro as if cradling a frightened child. It hurts him to see you in any kind of emotional pain, and he wants to do everything in his power to help you. He'd also make you hot cocoa and give you little kisses on the nose after you calm down.
China: Yao is surprised at first, but quickly springs into action. He'd softly grab your arm and gently guide you towards a place to sit down. He'd sit close to you and start rubbing his hand up and down your back. If you need to, he'll allow you to hold onto him as you cry. He'd rest his head on yours and allow you to let it all out. Afterward, I can see him getting you some water to rehydrate with (crying can dehydrate you) and offering to make you a special meal that night to try and lift your spirit. Of course, after you tell him what's going on.
Canada: Matthieu would press his forehead to yours, and softly ask you what's wrong. If you're too upset to answer, he'll just rub his hands up and down your arms while shushing your cries, pressing small kisses to your cheeks and around your eyes, hoping to kiss the tears away. He'd listen to your problems as he preps you some herbal tea in the kitchen. As the two of you sit there he'll take your hand in his, gently rubbing his thumb over your knuckles, smiling at you sweetly.
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witch's treehouse (updated)
cross stitch pattern here
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It would mean the world to me if you could check out my fashion instagram. Today’s post has just stepped out of a fairytale!
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Chung Thanh Phong
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Gravity Falls Thirty More Years AU and Art Masterlist
Here's all the pages of the comic in order plus some of the other GF stuff I've made. I'll keep updating this list to make it easy on y'all.
Edit: I have a new tagging system! All asks will be tagged #thirtymoreyearsau without spaces, and all comics and fic updates will be tagged #thirty more years au with spaces. If you want the whole story together, then you can filter using this tag on my account! Filtered link here.
If you like the comic and would like to support it, here’s my tip jar!
Thirty More Years AU Comic:
Page 1
Pages 2 and 3
Page 4
Page 5
Page 6
Page 7
Pages 8 and 9
Epistolary Prequel Companion/ Dipper's Diary Entries:
"Dear Mabel, I Miss You"
Answers to Common Questions:
What is the Thirty Years AU?
A Gravity Falls fan story and comic about what would happen if Mabel and Ford both fall into a leftover multiverse rift at the end of summer. They experience a week of silly adventures but return to a world where 30 years have passed and Dipper + co have aged without them. Told as both a comic and a companion fic.
2. How old are the characters?
3. When does the story take place relative to the show?
4. Where's Bill?
5. Where else can I read the comic? Will you distribute it on a site?
Releasing it on my Instagram (but Tumblr gets the pages earlier cause y'all are special). As for releasing it on a site, answer here.
6. How many pages/ how long will the comic approximately be?
Subject to change, but here's my answer for now.
7. How often will you post/ when will you post again?
Here's my answer for now, but if there's delays between posts please don't spam me with questions on when I'll post again. The updates will come when they come and I'm trying to keep this flexible.
8. Is this Drifting Stars AU/ Other Similar AU?
9. Someone's reposting on TikTok/ Other social media! Are you okay with this?
No, and please report them if you can. Answer here.
11. Will you tag me/ make a tag list?
12. Why haven't you answered my question?
13. What art program/ brushes do you use?
Other Fanart
Twin Glare^2
Kitten Sweater
Pines Pines Pines
Happy Birthday Twins
Gravity Falls The Odyssey AU
Sona Shenanigans
Fiddleford to the rescue
Stan Pines Mini Character Analysis Essays
Apparently I do this a lot, so collecting them in one place:
Poll thots
Rough and tumble little Stanley
Stan Appreciation
that magic 8 ball man…
off topic Billford thots
off topic Fiddleford thots
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Reminder that you're actually interesting. Your hobbies are interesting, your interests are interesting, you are important and loveable and people appreciate you. You're just a loveable, interesting person.
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Bill and freak
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First Meetings part 1 | 2
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Sequences from my finished animation. Inspired by a dog named Teacake.
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