blessmyhoran-blog · 8 years
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Hey, you see this kid? He’s a little boy. He has no control over what his father says and does. His father’s personality, language, and actions will not be changed by you cyberbulling him, calling him names, claiming he has a neurological disorders or otherwise challenging his mental state. Picking on him doesn’t make you edgy, it makes you as much of a bullying piece of shit as you’ve ever thought Trump was. His parents and half-siblings are all adults and can be judged for their actions, but he is a minor who has no say in any of this.
Leave 👏🏾 Barron 👏🏾 Alone👏🏾
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blessmyhoran-blog · 8 years
What gives you the right to call me anything but my fucking name?
“Sugar, sweetheart, babe” (via 2am-spilledthoughts)
God you're a fucking cry baby.
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blessmyhoran-blog · 8 years
Sweetie, the royal 'They' and 'They' as a pronoun are completely different..
"they'll will regret it" is much more appropriate than "hey, They" "how was your day, They?" "How are you, They?". There's a difference. Stop being delusional
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blessmyhoran-blog · 8 years
POC BEWARE: They just changed the meaning of racism right under your noses.
The awful torture of that boy has been ruled a hate crime, which I believe. BUT an official statement said it was a “racist attack on a white male”. Racism used to require power, but now idfk with this country anymore.
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blessmyhoran-blog · 8 years
Now listen, I am glad that they were charged, I believe that they should be put away for a long time. But now racist white people are going to use this as a way to say “racism against whites exists” and now the justice system is backing that claim up. But again, I’m glad they were charged
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blessmyhoran-blog · 8 years
Blaming BLM for the kidnapping is like blaming all white people for Dylann Roof
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blessmyhoran-blog · 8 years
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blessmyhoran-blog · 8 years
you do realise cracker isn't an actual racist word don't you? you're surely not that thick?
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blessmyhoran-blog · 8 years
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fingers crossed 
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blessmyhoran-blog · 8 years
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Laci Green talks about the recent protests in a new Braless.
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blessmyhoran-blog · 8 years
I just got an anti-feminist blog in my recommended. WTF, tumblr?
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blessmyhoran-blog · 8 years
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It’s powerful. It’s heartbreaking. It’s true. 
Kids like her make Black people go out and speak up. Kids like her deserve better environment. Kids like her can’t even understand reasons of RACIAL HATE, POLICE VIOLENCE, TERROR. Kids like her are our present and future… 
People just have to see this. 
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blessmyhoran-blog · 8 years
Why I will never support Black Lives Matter:
Because black lives only matter when they are killed by a white person. 
Because they have effectively silenced every other minority group trying to bring media attention to their issues. 
Because over the weekend 4 Latinos and a white guy were killed by police and no one batted an eye.
Because they spend more time protesting a minority of police officers than trying to fix the communities  that are broken. (and on that note: expect others to fix their communities.)
Because “All Live Matter” was coined by another minority group who’s issues were being overshadowed by BLM and BLM threw a temper tantrum at the suggestion that other people were having problems too. 
Because they are constantly causing and advocating for violence. 
How does looting your own neighborhood help again?
Because the “All lives matter is like saying all houses matter while mine is on fire” doesn’t apply. By saying that you are implying that you personally are a victim and most of you are not. 
Because BLM is using the movement to be horribly racist without repercussions. 
Because BLM is the new “slavery” when the community doesn’t get what they want. 
Because Native Americans STILL have the largest amount of police brutality per capita of any group in the US, but BLM spreads false stats that they are the most victimized. 
Because of shit like “All lives can’t matter until black lives matter”. So basically: Fuck everyone else. You can get help AFTER us.“
What started out as good intentions has turned into a “we’re only happy when it’s all about us!” and I can not and will not support a movement that silences everyone else’s problems because “ours are more important.
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blessmyhoran-blog · 8 years
Reblog if you believe men and women are equal and you do not identify as a feminist
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blessmyhoran-blog · 8 years
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blessmyhoran-blog · 8 years
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i forgot that men and women didn’t have the same kind of teeth
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blessmyhoran-blog · 8 years
Reblog if you believe that women should face charges for false rape and abuse accusations against men.
Seriously… false accusations can ruin a person’s life.
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