blindedbynight · 5 years
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                “someone who wants everyone to listen to them? do as they say - whenever they say, devil!” there was a small shrug of her shoulders. “those ares kids are mean, trying to out do each other - but not evil. drew just get’s on my nerves.”
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          ❝ she sounds like the VILLAIN of a teen romance movie. ❞ honestly, e v e r y t h i n g jay said about the camp sounded like some weird plot point in a cheesy movie. of course, this could have been absolutely normal behavior for people their age, but she REALLY wouldn’t know. ❝ is there anyone here that’s normal ? for us, i mean. ❞
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blindedbynight · 5 years
“ i’ve been worried all my life , a nervous wreck most of the time . ”
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          honestly, that shuts her up. rory only really started to feel that kind of panic and worry when she found out what she really was. up until that, she was pretty WELL-ADJUSTED. it wouldn’t be fair for her to try and relate, because she r e a l l y couldn’t. and, honestly, since she hated that fake sympathy crap that people gave her, she wasn’t about to act anywhere close to that towards madge.
          so instead, she makes an offer. ❝ —hey, look, i was gonna get out of here and take pancake to the beach to get away from all of the CHAOS. you should come with us, if you want. i’m sure pancake would really enjoy the company. ❞
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blindedbynight · 5 years
❝ What… what do you mean you can’t see? ❞
Being as oblivious as brick wasn’t a trait Eden was proud of, but it was true. And it was probably the reason she didn’t realize the girl was blind.
❝ Jesus, I’m so sorry, ❞ She stammered, an apologetic tone to her voice as her face got redder than a tomatoe. She really needed to get some sleep, because sleep deprivation was making her act even more dumb. She should’ve known when Rory asked for assistance with walking but Eden just assumed she was tired or wounded. ❝ I’m dumb like that, I apologize. ❞
❝ Here, let me take you there. Is there anything else I can do for you? ❞
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          on any other occasion, rory might have been annoyed at the change of interaction after eden found out that she was blind, but right now she was just EMBARRASSED because--- ❝ oh gods, no, i thought you knew. i’m so sorry, it’s just, i’ve been ❛ that blind girl ❜ since i got here a few days ago. ❞           this MIGHT have been the first time in her entire life that someone didn’t know she couldn’t see. she grew up in a little town where everyone knew everything about her, and at camp, word spreads like wildfire when it comes to the new kids. ❝ uh, yeah, if you could just get my clothes from cabin 30, that should be fine. i’m the only one in there right now, aside from my guide dog, pancake. ❞ this girl was probably exhausted, and asking her to stick around until she was done wasn’t fair of rory to ask. instead, she tacks on, ❝ oh, yeah, if you could just put his harness on and bring him back here, that would get you off the hook for the rest of the night. ❞
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blindedbynight · 5 years
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Nyx Aesthetic 
Requested by @nyxielchildofthemoon
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blindedbynight · 5 years
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blindedbynight · 5 years
feel  free  to  change  pronouns  ,  tense  ,  et  cetera  to  suit  personal  preference  .  trigger  warnings  for  suicide  ,  natural  disasters  ,  war  ,  gun  violence  ,  and  death  .
𝐒𝐔𝐍  .
“  with  golden  string  ,  our  universe  was  clothed  in  light  .  ”
“  our  once  barren  world  now  brims  with  life  .  ”
“  that  we  may  fall  in  love  every  time  we  open  our  eyes  .  ”
“  i  guess  space  and  time  takes  violent  things  ,  angry  things  ,  and  makes  them  kind  .  ”
“  we  are  the  dust  of  dust  .  ”
“  we  are  the  apple  of  god’s  eye  .  ”
“  we  are  as  infinite  as  the  universe  we  hold  inside  .  ”
“  infinity  times  infinity  .  ”
“  let  there  be  light  .  ”
“  let  me  be  alright  .  ”
“  rows  of  houses  ,  sound  asleep  .  ”
“  only  street  lights  notice  me  .  ”
“  i  am  desperate  ,  if  nothing  else  .  ”
“  in  a  holding  pattern  to  find  myself  .  ”
“  i  talk  in  circles  .  ”
“  i  watch  for  signals  ,  for  a  clue  .  ”
“  how  to  feel  different  ,  how  to  feel  new  .  ”
“  like  science  fiction  ,  bending  truth  .  ”
“  no  one  can  unring  this  bell  ,  unsound  this  alarm  ,  unbreak  my  heart  .  ”
“  god  knows  i  am  dissonance  ,  waiting  to  be  swiftly  pulled  into  tune  .  ”
“  i’ll  go  anywhere  you  want  ,  anywhere  you  want  me  .  ”
“  i  know  the  further  i  go  ,  the  harder  i  try  .  ”
“  only  keeps  my  eyes  closed  .  ”
“  somehow  i’ve  fallen  in  love  with  this  middle  ground  ,  at  the  cost  of  my  soul  .  ”
“  yet  i  know  if  i  stepped  aside  ,  released  the  controls  ,  you  would  open  my  eyes  .  ”
“  somehow  ,  all  of  this  mess  ,  is  just  my  attempt  to  know  the  worth  of  my  life  .  ”
“  made  of  precious  metals  inside  .  ”
“  the  night  sky  once  ruled  my  imagination  .  ”
“  now  i  turn  the  dials  with  careful  calculation  .  ”
“  after  a  while  ,  i  thought  i’d  never  find  you  .  ”
“  i  convinced  myself  i  would  never  find  you  ,  when  suddenly  i  saw  you  .  ”
“  at  first  i  thought  you  were  a  constellation  .  ”
“  i  made  a  map  of  your  stars  ,  then  had  a  revelation  :  you’re  as  beautiful  as  endless  ,  you’re  the  universe  i’m  helpless  in  .  ”
“  an  astronomer  at  my  best  when  i  throw  away  the  measurements  .  ”
“  like  a  telescope  ,  i  will  pull  you  so  close  ,  until  no  space  lies  in  between  .  ”
“  i  was  a  billion  little  pieces  until  you  pulled  me  into  focus  .  ”
“  astronomy  in  reverse  ,  it  was  me  who  was  discovered  .  ”
“  then  suddenly  i  see  you  .  ”
“  i  dig  until  my  shovel  tells  a  secret  ,  swear  to  the  earth  that  i  will  keep  it  .  ”
“  brush  off  the  dirt  .  ”
“  let  my  change  of  heart  occur  .  ”
“  sold  soon  after  the  appraisal  .  ”
“  the  hammer  struck  the  auction  table  .  ”
“  louder  than  anything  i’ve  ever  heard  .  ”
“  fault  lines  tremble  underneath  my  glass  house  .  ”
“  i  put  it  out  of  my  mind  long  enough  to  call  it  courage  .  ”
“  live  without  a  lifeline  .  ”
“  i  bend  the  definition  of  faith  to  exonerate  my  blind  eye  .  ”
“  until  the  sirens  sound  ,  i’m  safe  .  ”
“  meanwhile  ,  my  family’s  taking  shelter  .  ”
“  the  sparks  send  the  fire  down  the  wire  .  ”
“  a  countdown  begins  ,  until  the  dynamite  gives  in  .  ”
“  the  echo  ,  as  wide  as  the  equator  ,  travels  through  a  world  of  built  up  anger  .  ”
“  too  late  to  pull  itself  together  now  .  ”
“  there  was  an  earthquake  .  ”
“  there  was  an  avalanche  of  change  .  ”
“  we  were  so  afraid  .  ”
“  we  cried  ourselves  a  hurricane  .  ”
“  there  were  floods  ,  tidal  waves  over  us  .  ”
“  we  folded  our  hands  and  prayed  .  ”
“  like  a  domino  ,  these  wildfires  grow  and  grow  .  ”
“  until  a  brand  new  world  takes  shape  .  ”
“  we  laid  our  names  to  rest  .  ”
“  along  the  dotted  line  .  ”
“  we  left  our  date  of  birth  and  our  history  behind  .  ”
“  we  were  full  of  life  .  ”
“  we  could  barely  hold  it  in  .  ”
“  we  were  amateurs  at  war  ,  strangers  to  suffering  .  ”
“  we  made  our  families  proud  but  scared  at  the  same  time  .  ”
“  we  promised  we’d  be  safe  ,  another  lie  from  the  front  lines  .  ”
“  our  backs  against  the  wall  ,  we’re  surrounded  and  afraid  .  ”
“  our  lives  now  in  the  hands  of  the  soldiers  taking  aim  .  ”
“  our  questions  ricochet  like  broken  satellites  .  ”
“  how  do  our  bodies  ,  born  to  heal  ,  become  so  prone  to  die  ?  ”
“  though  time  is  ruthless  ,  it  showed  us  kindness  in  the  end  .  ”
“  by  slowing  down  enough  .  ”
“  a  second  chance  to  make  amends  .  ”
“  lay  your  weapons  down  !  ”
“  they’re  calling  off  the  war  .  ”
“  on  account  of  losing  track  of  what  we’re  fighting  for  .  ”
“  so  we  found  our  way  back  home  ,  let  our  cuts  and  bruises  heal  while  a  brand  new  war  began  ,  one  that  no  one  else  could  feel  .  ”
“  our  nights  have  grown  so  long  .  ”
“  now  we  beg  for  sound  advice  .  ”
“  let  the  brokenness  be  felt  ,  until  you  reach  the  other  side  .  ”
“  there  is  goodness  in  the  heart  of  every  broken  man  who  comes  right  up  to  the  edge  of  losing  everything  he  has  .  ”
“  we  were  young  enough  to  sin  .  ”
“  we’re  young  enough  to  try  to  build  a  better  life  .  ”
“  wrote  it  down  in  the  winter  of  1610  .  ”
“  just  a  secret  under  lock  and  key  until  then  .  ”
“  while  collecting  the  stars  ,  i  connected  the  dots  .  ”
“  i  don’t  know  who  i  am  ,  but  i  know  who  i’m  not  .  ”
“  i’m  just  a  curious  speck  that  got  caught  up  in  orbit  .  ”
“  like  a  magnet  ,  it  beckoned  my  metals  toward  it  .  ”
“  make  my  messes  matter  ,  make  this  chaos  count  .  ”
“  let  every  little  fracture  in  me  shatter  out  loud  .  ”
“  you  taught  me  the  courage  of  stars  before  you  left  .  ”
“  how  light  carries  on  endlessly  ,  even  after  death  .  ”
“  with  shortness  of  breath  ,  you  explained  the  infinite  .  ”
“  how  rare  and  beautiful  it  is  to  even  exist  .  ”
“  i  couldn’t  help  but  ask  for  you  to  say  it  all  again  .  ”
“  i  tried  to  write  it  down  ,  but  i  could  never  find  a  pen  .  ”
“  i’d  give  anything  to  hear  you  say  it  one  more  time  .  ”
“  that  the  universe  was  made  just  to  be  seen  by  my  eyes  .  ”
“  love  is  an  echo  .  ”
“  pitch  black  ,  pale  blue  .  ”
“  it  was  a  stained  glass  .  ”
“  variation  of  the  truth  .  ”
“  i  felt  empty  handed  .  ”
“  you  let  me  sail  with  cheap  wood  .  ”
“  i  patched  up  every  leak  that  i  could  .  ”
“  until  the  blame  grew  too  heavy  .  ”
“  stitch  by  stitch  ,  i  tear  apart  .  ”
“  if  brokenness  is  a  form  of  art  ,  i  must  be  a  poster  child  prodigy  .  ”
“  thread  by  thread  ,  i  come  apart  .  ”
“  if  brokenness  is  a  work  of  art  ,  surely  this  must  be  my  masterpiece  .  ”
“  i’m  only  honest  when  it  rains  .  if  i  time  it  right  ,  the  thunder  breaks  when  i  open  my  mouth  .  ”
“  i  want  to  tell  you  ,  but  i  don’t  know  how  .  ”
“  an  open  book  with  a  torn  out  page  ,  and  my  ink’s  run  out  .  ”
“  i  want  to  love  you  but  i  don’t  know  how  .  ”
“  these  wild  oceans  shake  what's  left  of  me  loose  .  ”
“  just  to  hear  me  cry  mercy  .  ”
“  a  strong  wind  at  my  back  .  ”
“  so  i  lift  up  the  only  sail  that  i  have  ,  this  tired  white  flag  .  ”
“  i  woke  up  from  the  same  dream  :  falling  backwards  until  it  turned  me  inside  out  .  ”
“  now  i  live  a  waking  life  of  looking  backwards  .  ”
“  a  model  citizen  of  doubt  .  ”
“  until  one  day  i  had  enough  of  this  exercise  of  trust  .  ”
“  i  leaned  in  and  let  it  hurt  ,  let  my  body  feel  the  dirt  .  ”
“  when  i  break  pattern  ,  i  break  ground  .  ”
“  i  rebuild  when  i  break  down  .  ”
“  i  wake  up  more  awake  than  i’ve  ever  been  before  .  ”
“  i’m  pinned  under  the  weight  of  what  i  believed  would  keep  me  safe  .  ”
“  show  me  where  my  armor  ends  ,  show  me  where  my  skin  begins  .  ”
“  like  a  final  puzzle  piece  ,  it  all  makes  sense  to  me  .  ”
“  the  heaviness  that  i  hold  in  my  heart  belongs  to  gravity  .  ”
“  the  heaviness  that  i  hold  in  my  heart’s  been  crushing  me  .  ”
“  i’ve  been  worried  all  my  life  ,  a  nervous  wreck  most  of  the  time  .  ”
“  i’ve  always  been  afraid  of  heights  .  ”
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blindedbynight · 5 years
A daughter of Nyx?
Well, that was new.
❝ Oh, okay.❞ Eden was really curious about how a goddess like Nyx– not a goddess, a titan– managed to have a kid from a mortal but pushing Rory to talk about it or drown her with questions seemed a bit cruel. Especially when she looked like she was about to collapse.
❝ No, you’re not bleeding but you don’t seem really good either, ❞ Eden spoke with honesty, scanning the girl from head to toe for a second. ❝ Are you sure you’re alright? Because I can really take you infirmary, I’m sure Will won’t mind. ❞
❝ Yeah, of course. ❞ Eden held out her arm for Rory to hold on, just wanting to help the girl as much as she can.
❝ There is the showers, ❞ She pointed out when they arrived. ❝ Why don’t you take a shower and I get you clean clothes? ❞
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          HUH. well, rory felt okay. maybe just a bruise or two from falling, but nothing severe. ❝ there’s no need to wake him up, really, i’m okay. ❞ still, she couldn’t seem to figure out what eden meant when she said she doesn’t seem alright. maybe it was just dark out and she was confused or something. yeah, she’s gonna go with that.           okay, she’s heard people tell her things were ❛ right there ❜ or ❛ over here ❜ her whole life, so it didn’t really bother her. most sighted people are so used to saying things like that, but the information was rather useless in her case. clearing her throat, she replies, ❝ uh, i can’t SEE where ❛ there ❜ is. ❞
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blindedbynight · 5 years
❝ Shadowtravel? ❞ Eden asked, her eyebrows raising with confusion. Only people she knew who could shadowtravel were Hazel and Nico. ❝ Are you a child of Hades? ❞
❝ Hey, hey, be careful! ❞ She jumped forwards when the girl seemed like she was going to fall, not touching her but waiting ready to do catch her if she did. ❝ Are you sure you don’t want to go the infarmary? I can call Will from Apollon cabin, you don’t seem really good. ❞
❝ Yeah, of course. ❞ Eden nodded when she said she wanted to go to showers, leading her through the way. ❝ By the way I don’t think I caught your name, ❞ She continued. ❝ I’m Eden. ❞
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          ❝ hades ? no, my mother is nyx. goddess of the night. she’s WAY older and more powerful than... anyway, yeah. i can shadowtravel. ❞ of course, like the rest of her abilitites, she couldn’t control it. exhibit a being that they were standing in the woods in the middle of the night because of a nightmare.           ❝ infirmary ? why, am i BLEEDING ? ❞ her hands scour her arms and face, trying to distinguish between mud and possible blood. ❝ oh, sorry, um, my name is rory. thanks. ❞           for a second, she can hear eden begin to move away, and panic rises in her throat and seeps through her lips in a strangled noise. ❝ HOLD ON, i can’t--- i need to hold on to your elbow. i-if that’s okay. ❞
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blindedbynight · 5 years
When Eden heard the yellings, it was almost 03:00 and she was smoking at the roof of the Hecate cabin.
Last week had been pretty hectic for Eden. For unknown reason, some idiot were trying to resurrect dead people and unfortunately managing to accomplish it. since Eden’s mother was the goddess of necromancy, children of Hecate and Hades were dealing with the problem. And that meant, she was spending most of her time in the Hades’s kingdom with Hazel and Nico.
She waited a while, hoping yellings would stop and she’d happily continue to smoke but it didn’t happen. So Eden put out hee cigarette with a whiny groan, and left the rooftop to go out and find the source of the noise. It was past the curfew and if they kept yelling like that harpies would wake up… and the rest would be pretty messy.
“ Hey, what’s wrong?” She asked as she finally saw a silhouette in the dark, approaching her with a lazy, chill demeanor. “ You need to stop yelling my friend, or harpies are going to hear you and they have permission to eat the children who breaks the curfew rule, so… anyway. Can I help you?”
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          ❝ OHMYGODS, ❞ she gasped, her head whipping around to the voice. ❝ yeah, uh, they wouldn’t eat me, i’m kind of a special case. i had a nightmare and i SHADOWTRAVELED and i don’t know where i am. ❞ arms still pushed out in front of her, rory takes a step towards the voice and stumbles a bit before correcting herself.           ❝ could you maybe walk me back to the cabins ? or, actually, the showers ? i kind of fell a lot and it’s really muddy out here. ❞
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blindedbynight · 5 years
@deeplovelywoods  ❤
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          she wakes with a start, the DREAD and PANIC from a fresh nightmare rolling off of her in waves. it takes her a moment to realize that she’s not where she’s supposed to be. she’s still in the camp, but not in her bed. and pancake isn’t here either.           very slowly, rory stands up and puts her hands out, then begins to walk back towards where she thinks her cabin is supposed to be.           when TWENTY MINUTES go by and she still hasn’t found her way back, she begins to shout for help. at least a few campers had to be out past curfew, right ? all she can do is hope there’s someone nearby.           ❝ hello ! can anybody hear me ? HELLO ?! ❞
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blindedbynight · 5 years
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                  “She’s a devil in a stain dress,” Now, that is not a nice thing to say about Drew, but - Jay, does not care.
@blindedbynight  ​lyrical sc ( accepting ) / renegade runaway - carrie underwood
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          ❝ i’m sure you’re exaggerating things a little, ❞ she hopes aloud. ❝ i mean, i’ve never met her, but the others in her cabin seem nice enough. i thought the ARES kids were supposed to be the evil ones. ❞
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blindedbynight · 5 years
‘  you’re  are  depraving  some  village  of  their  idiot .  ’
‘  i  miss you .  i  miss  you  every  day  that  i’m  not  with  you .  ’
‘  i  didn’t  think  it  was  possible  to  miss  a  person  this  much .  ’
‘  if  you  love  music  then  you’re  in  the  right  place .  ’
‘  the  ties  that  bind  you  together  make  you  stronger  than  you  are  alone .  ’
‘  i  can’t  just  call  him  in  the  afterlife  and  be  like ,  ‘ can  you  please  stop  playing  tennis  with  hitler  for  a  moment  and  take  a  quick  call ? ’  ’
‘  get  up .  we’re  going  to  save  the  world .  ’
‘  it’s  not  spandex ,  it’s  leather .  and  you  used  to  like  it .  a  lot ,  if  i  recall .  ’
‘  we  can  accomplish  anything  when  we  accept  responsibility  together .  this  is  what  creates  trust .  ’
‘  you  never  know  when  to  stop ,  do  you ?  ’
‘  you  got  enough  material  for  your  sequel  yet ?  ’
‘  i  bet  you’re  loving  this ,  hm ?  the  team  at  it’s  best .  it’s  just  like  old  times .  ’
‘  he  hated  children  too  and  he  had  plenty  of  us .  ’
‘  if  you  believe  in  yourself ,  just  once ,  great  things  are  gonna  happen  for  you .  ’
‘  i  know  that  i  let  you  down ,  but  i  could  do  anything  for  you .  ’
‘  you  know ,  i  liked  you  a  lot  better  before  you  got  laid .  ’
‘  oh  yeah ,  it  is  your  skirt .  i  found  it  in  your  room .  it’s  a  little  dated ,  but  it’s  very  breathy  on  the …  bits .  ’
‘  you’re  the  most  important  person  in  the  world  to  me .  ’
‘  best .  funeral .  ever !  ’
‘  sometimes  men  are  unredeemable  shits .  ’
‘  we  were …  we  were  just  kids .  little  kids .  ’
‘  we  all  came  home .  since  we’re  here ,  we  might  as  well  save  the  world .  ’
‘  i’ve  decided  you’re  the  only  one  i  can  trust .  ’
‘  if  you’re  raised  to  believe  that  nothing  about  you  is  special ,  if  the  benchmark  is  extraordinary ,  what  do  you  do  if  you’re  not ?  ’
‘  eternal  peace  is  probably  overrated .  ’
‘  we  all  wanted  to  be  loved  by  a  man  incapable  of  giving  love .  ’
‘  one  grows  used  to  things ,  even  if ,  sometimes  one  shouldn’t .  ’
‘  look ,  you  wanna  pay  your  respects ?  go  ahead .  but  at  least  be  honest  about  the  kind  of  man  he  was .  ’
‘  you  of  all  people  should  be  on  my  side .  he  had  to  send  you  a  million  miles  away .  that’s  how  much  he  couldn’t  stand  the  sight  of  you .  ’
‘  i  feel  like  we  should  stop  him ,  but  then  again  i  also  just  kinda  wanna  see  what  happens .  ’
‘  you  make  me  want  to  wake  up  each  day  and  you’re  in  my  dreams  every  night .  ’
‘  you  also  told  me  that  licking  a  nine  volt  battery  would  give  me  pubes .  ’
‘  i’m  just  gonna  go  murder  mom ,  i’ll  be  right  back .  ’
‘  last  time  we  tried  to  stop  it ,  we  all  died .  what  makes  this  time  any  different ?  ’
‘  we  actually  have  the  chance  of  saving  the  lives  of  billions  of  people .  ’
‘  it  wasn’t  his  fault  ‘cause  he  was  ridiculously  high ,  right ?  and  the  girl ,  she  thought  he  was  a  furry …  ’
‘  i  think  maybe  you’re  the  only  person  who  really  knows  who  i  am  and  still  likes  me  anyway .  ’
‘  you  don’t  get  to  blame  your  problems  on  anyone  but  yourself .  ’
‘  we  didn’t  choose  this  life .  we’re  just  living it .  ’
‘  than  christ  he’s  not  our  real  father ,  so  we  couldn’t  inherit  those  cold ,  dead  eyes .  ’
‘  you  don’t  have  to  apologize  just  for  existing .  ’
‘  when  something  seems  to  perfect ,  it’s  usually  anything  but .  ’
‘  all  the  what - if’s  start  to  haunt  you .  ’
‘  i’m  done  playing  their  games .  i’m  ready  for  a  change .  ’
‘  i  would  love  to  play  cops  and  robbers ,  wear  a  mask ,  and  feel  important ,  but  guess  what ?  recess  is  over .  it’s  grown - up  time .  ’
‘  we  have  a  great  job .  the  best  job .  we  got  it  made ,  asshole .  ’
‘  people  still  don’t  take  me  seriously .  i  wanna  be  numb  again .  ’
‘  i  stayed  because  the  world  needed  me .  ’
‘  at  least  i  make  my  own  decisions .  ’
‘  i  have  been  left  out  of  everything  for  as  long  as  i  can  remember .  ’
‘  nowhere  to  go .  no  way  to  change .  ’
‘  but  now ,  i  know  nothing  in  my  life  was  real .  so  i’m  starting  over .  ’
‘  you  do  whatever  it  takes  to  survive .  or  you  die .  ’
‘  i  don’t  belong  anywhere ,  thanks  to  you !  you  made  me  a  killer !  ’
‘  i’ve  done  unimaginable  things ,  things  you  couldn’t  even  comprehend ,  just  to  get  back  here  and  save  you .  ’
‘  she  needs  our  help  and  we  can’t  do  that  if  she’s  locked  in  a  cage .  ’
‘  i  mean ,  it  must  be  scary .  terrifying ,  really .  to  discover  that  you  can  do  something  that  you  never  thought  you  could  do .  ’
‘  it’s  not  difficult  to  accept ,  it’s  impossible  to  accept !  ’
‘  what  are  you  still  doing  here ?  we’re  trying  to  have  a  serious  conversation .  ’
‘  what’s  going  on  with  you ?  and  don’t  tell  me  everything  is  alright  because  i  saw  you  in  there .  you  were  crying  like  a  baby .  ’
‘  you  saved  my  life !  ’
‘  i  don’t  want  them  to  see  me  like  this .  besides ,  you  know ,  i’d  just  hold  them  back .  ’
‘  how  about  we  ask  him  after  we  kill  him ?  ’
‘  maybe  they’ll  brood  each  other  to  death .   ’
‘  you’re  a  real  sick  bastard .  ’
‘  would  you  stop  it ?  why  are  you  putting  this  shit  in  your  body ?  ’
‘  he  must  have  been  a  very  special  person  to  put  up  with  your  weird - ass  shit .  ’
‘  you  were  my  greatest  disappointment .  you  only  scratched  the  surface  of  what  you  were  capable  of .  ’
‘  i  lost  someone .  the  only …  the  only  person  i’ve  ever  truly  loved  more  than  myself .  ’
‘  you  know ,  before  you  kill  him ,  you  might  want  to  hear  what  he  has  to  say .  ’
‘  we  all  came  home .  since  we’re  here , we  might  as  well  save  the  world .  ’
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blindedbynight · 5 years
Your speakers are blowing.
Your ears are wrecking…
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blindedbynight · 5 years
like this for a starter !
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blindedbynight · 5 years
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It means…
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blindedbynight · 5 years
updated the blog a bit ! added a more in-depth history page, edited the about page, and shuffled a couple of other little things around. learn more about rory here !
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blindedbynight · 5 years
like this for a starter !
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