blindfated · 1 year
hi glitter bombs i will lurk more on @outlawiism for a bit !
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blindfated · 1 year
hi glitter bombs i will lurk more on @outlawiism for a bit !
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blindfated · 1 year
We miss you 💜 hope you are doing well
asdfghjkl this is so sweet !!!!!!!! thank you so much i missed you all too ! life's been not the Greatest™ ngl i just disappeared into the shadows and not anywhere fun but guess what i am still alive. i hope you and everyone else reading this is having the ABSOLUTE BEST SPRING ever and taking care !
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blindfated · 2 years
there's something unsettling about "0 notes" . . .
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blindfated · 2 years
“the only thing you need to worry about is you”
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❝      i  tried  to  pretend  i  was  better  off  alone.        it  didn’t  work  out.      ❞        visage  painted  with  the  colors  of  the  bittersweet  for  the  lady  to  absorb,        Matt  feels  as  if  a  mirror  just  spoke  to  him,        an  old  one,        one  that  is  now  broken  for  him  given  he  went  through  the  trials  that  God  set  for  him  to  find  out  he  belongs  with  found  family        &        friends.        &        the  lonely  path  leads  to  star-piercing  flames  of  Hell.        why      ?        because  it  would  mean  he’d  lose  who  he  is.        the vigilante  embraces  this  side  of  him  that  craves  connection        &        he  bets  she  doesn’t  mean  it  either.        ❝      i        WANT        to  worry  about  others  and  i’m  perfectly  fine  with  that  being  my  downfall  someday.      ❞        a  soft  sigh,        shoulders  loll        &        aimless  glance  bleeds  mirth.��       ❝      so  what,        you  only  worry  about  yourself      ?      ❞
defenders ep. 1 sentence starters ✞ | accepting mutuals only !
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blindfated · 2 years
“come on, the night’s just getting started”
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❝      NO  KILLING.      ❞        he  couldn’t  have  said  that  in  a  darker  voice,        the  dramatic  breathing  of  the  devil  subsists  as  the  crimson  umbra  of  his  costume’s  eyes  glimmers.        his  senses  scan  the  caliginous  street  below  through  interstices  of  the  metal  platform  they’ve  found  themselves  on.        there’s  an  unbridled  amount  of  rage  within  Matt,        because  they  took  his  best  friend.        this  is  precisely  why  he  asked        HER        for  help        &        not  anybody  else  on  the  planet.        ❝      i  can’t  question  someone  if  they’re  dead.        sorry  if  that  comes  as  a  surprise.      ❞
defenders ep. 1 sentence starters ✞ | accepting mutuals only !
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0 notes
blindfated · 2 years
“bet you loved that, didn’t you?” x
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the  commentary  draws  a  smile  on  the  face  of  the  lawyer,        senses  settled  on  the  patchwork  of  documents  spelled  out  in  braille.        he  reads  up  on  the  adventures  of  the  infamous  Hawkeye  :   the  ultimate  precursor  for  trouble,        however  a  man  of  good  heart.        knowing  so  is  why  he  decided  to  take  up  on  this  case.        the  detriment  to  the  state  is  gigantic,        one  he  supposes  he  can  defend  using  the  usual  necessity  for  heroes  argument.       
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❝      it’s  not  often  i  am  described  an  evidence  photo  that  is  funny,        so  yes  i  did.      ❞        the  obscenity  in  the  image  painted  in  words  for  him  beats  the  grisly  details  of  any  other  that  usually  comes  his  way.        ❝      just  how  did  you  get  yourself  involved  in  a  wild  goose  chase  around  New  York  with  no  pants  on      ?      ❞
defenders ep. 1 sentence starters ✞ | accepting mutuals only !
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blindfated · 2 years
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Daredevil + Matt’s hearing coming back
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blindfated · 2 years
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#he’s just like me fr
DAREDEVIL (2015-2018) - 3.01 • “Resurrection”
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blindfated · 2 years
“i think we have different understandings of the word fine”
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his  life  is  pendulous,        wafting  between  the  shimmer  of  blood  against  whitened  knuckles        &        the  razor  sharp  edges  of  paper,        information,        arguments.        never  does  the  fact  that  he’s  split  into  two  realities  bother  him.        however  there  are  rare  moments  when  an  encounter  is  too  close,        enough  to  remind  him  of  his  past  ironies,        the  fleeting  moments,        contradictions  of  his  heart  &        mind.       
it  stings        &        makes  him  moody.        Matt  is  graceful,        but  the  devil  who  fights    he’s  volatile.       
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he  busies  himself  cleaning  his  suit,        pulverulent,        stained  from  the  buildings  he  leaped  off        &              the  blood  he  drew  from  the  mouths  of  assailants.        the  belligerence  of  the  devil  still  lurks  even  if  he  is  not  wearing  it  anymore.        he  takes  a  deep  breath,        &        holds  it,        trying  to  calm  himself  down.        ❝      not  everyone  is  durable  like  steel.        if  i’m  not  dead,        i’m  fine.      ❞
defenders ep. 1 sentence starters ✞ | accepting mutuals only !
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blindfated · 2 years
“i’m not starting over, i’m moving forward”
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the  fondness  that  lights  up  his  features  comes  from  a  place  of  sympathy        &        understanding.        Matt  Murdock  has  lost  count  on  how  many  times  he  has  fallen  in  a  deep  pit  of  despair,        only  for  hope  to  come  back  to  him        &        light  up  his  soul  like  a  match  striking  phosphorus.        in  his  half-prayer        &        half-profanities,        his  faith  never  quells.       
there’s  a  slow        &        steady  nod  of  his  head,        radar  senses  calibrating        &        culling  little  details  from  the  other  like  flowers.       
she’s  avoided  giving  the  absolute  truth  in  its  full  glory,  as  if  he’s  the  devil  &  although  he’s  light  itself,  it  will  set  him  afire.        he  doesn’t  judge,        given  he  deigns  keeping  secrets  fair  if  it  means  it  protects  those  who  he  cares  about.       
the  sentiment  in  her  words  is  familiar,        welcomed.       
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❝      that’s  not  an  easy  path  to  walk.        i  had  my  share  of  failure  when  it  comes  to  accepting  what  is  and  not  letting  that  affect  my  judgment  or  behavior for the future.        i  believe  it’s  a  path  anyone  could  walk  if  they  tried.        i  am  sure  you  will  too.      ❞
defenders ep. 1 sentence starters ✞ | accepting mutuals only !
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0 notes
blindfated · 2 years
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he  can  either  reflect  the  comments,        or  attempt  to  diffuse  the  tension.        despite  his  usual  tenacious  attitude,        he  chooses  to  go  down  the  more  comical  path,        rather,        try        &        fail  being  funny.        he  figures  it  will  serve  the  purpose  of  being  a  distraction  regardless  of  his  failure.        ❝      the  pain  might  be  clouding  my  judgment       .  .  .        i’m  kidding.      ❞        Matt  comments.        the  smile  on  his  face  dwindles,        leaving  its  place  to  a  thoughtful  expression,        almost  languid.        he  means  to  limit  his  movements,        because  there’s  a  little  area  on  his  brow  that  is  on  literal  fire,  or  so  it  feels like.
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❝      you’re  a  very  smart  lady,        that’s  for  sure.        me  commenting  on  whether  you  could  have  had  a  calling  as  a  lawyer  might  actually  end  up  giving  you  clues  on  your  suspicions  about  what  you  think  happened  to  me.      ❞
&        saying  so  gives  her  nothing.        if  he  slips,        he  can  blame  his  concussion  he  can  feel  is  ready  to  burgeon.        a  tilt  of  his  head,        senses        SPREAD        across  space,        waves  quavering  against  what  his  mind  interprets.        there’s  the  vicissitude  of  medicine  in  a  bottle,        humming  to  him.        ❝      there’s  one  in  the  kitchen  cupboards,        second  one  from  the  left,        top  shelf,        left  corner.      ❞
they all have different fires,  different levels of damage that world has inflicted upon.  perhaps she's lucky hers is so much easier to hide  -  yet there is no doubt they all have their boxes of secrets to hide.    ❝ now,  aren't lawyers meant to be good judges of character?  do I seem the kind who doesn't know how to fix up a pavement induced cut or two? ❞   maeve has no need to fully believe him,   no inclination to pretend that she does,  but there is no part of gentle nature that makes her capable of simply walking away when there is anything she may assist with.    (   she needs to be helpful,  it has always been her downfall,  a little too much empathy.  )   
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she's no medical doctor,  but stitches are something she has done enough times that they've started to feel like muscle memory.
❝ I get it,  you don't want to talk about it,   or to tell me what's happening. ❞    voice remains soft,  lacking in any true accusation.  instead all that scientist speaks are observations  -  clever eyes studying him before they flicker around space.  ❝ will you tell me where you have a first aid kit tucked away at least?   I'm quite the fusser.  if you let me distract myself by helping,  I shall surely be too busy to continue asking questions you need to dodge.  unless you wish to continue checking if I had any calling as a lawyer? ❞
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blindfated · 2 years
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he’s  grateful  for  the  chill  of  the  biting  air.        it  serves  as  a  distraction  as  they  venture  down  the  streets  he  has  memorized  like  the  patterns  of  veins  running  through  her  body.        he  was  scared  he’d  forgotten  her.        his  cane  is  in  display  for  pure  theatrics,        blending  in  as  an  ordinary  blind  man  comes  as  a  reflex  until  they’re  in  the  comfort  of  the  apartment  complex.        ❝      not  sure  if  i  could  afford  to,        and  i  guess  i  don’t  see  a  reason  to  anymore.      ❞        she  was  his  reason.        a  gulp  behind  his  throat,        that  bittersweet  expression  that  crosses  his  lips  when  there’s  a  tinge  of  heartbreak  is  in  full  bloom.
he  turns  the  key        ;        it  twists  like  the  muscles  in  his  jaw.        ❝      sorry,  i  don’t  mean  to  imply  anything  or  make  you  uncomfortable.        i’m  just  being  honest    something  i  didn’t  always  do  with  you  before.      ❞        Matt  steps  in,        politely  turning        &        gesturing  towards  his  living  space.        it’s  not  easy  for  him  to  pretend  or  keep  his  emotions  pressed  down,        not  like  she  can.        he  is  no        SPY        &        he’s  not  exactly  the  best  to  keep  his  temper  in  matters  of  heart.
this  is  not  the  courtroom.        this  is  his  home,        his  home  with  its  missing  piece  existing  within  it  in  this  exact  moment.        Matt  is  cautious  heading  towards  the  table  situated  by  the  kitchen  area,        setting  down  his  bag,   the  cane,        his  coat,        his  bravery  from  earlier      .  .  .  ❝      i  can’t  believe  you’re  actually  here.      ❞
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__________✧   SHE'S NEVER HAD A TRUE HOME. when she lived her life as the married natalia shostakova, that house had been gifted to her by the party. bugged && staged with furniture that was not their own. san francisco had been a fleeting dream. avengers tower was a job, her safe homes were temporary, the red room was closer to a circle of hell than any childhood home. when he speaks those words with such conviction, she can't help but feel a twinge in her chest for something she never had. this is the closest she's ever come: a refuge in the city with one who had still has part of her heart.
✧__________   SHE IS THE ONE WHO HUGS CORNERS && WALLS, yet she forces herself towards the middle of the office as he packs up, shifting from one foot to the other. chewing the inside of her cheek to prevent sarcastic comments from coming across as hostile. they failed at this before && that's their great tragedy. she could never hate him even when their past lays in ruins. she wonders if there was a way this could have worked, a way she could have saved herself && them. does their line of work always have to be one or the other ??
__________✧   A SOFT SMILE PRESSES AGAINST HER LIPS. it's still chilly in the city, her favorite time of the year to be honest. she focuses on that simple pleasure now, to ignore the growing unease at who awaits them later tonight. she knows she has to confide the identity of their target to matt, but she hesitates now. ❛  i'd say that sounds great. though you've always had a penchant for being convincing. it's what makes you a great lawyer. can't believe you're still in that building after all this time. never wanted to venture out to something new ??  ❜
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blindfated · 2 years
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there  are  certain  half-formed  statements  that  will  never  pass  to  existence.        trying  to  break  through  the  defenses  that  the  lady  has  put  up  against  everyone  is        USELESS.        perhaps,        it’s  better  to  surrender  to  her  violet  waves.       
there’s  a  pattern  to  the  woman  next  to  him,        the  pattern  of  her  thoughts  coming  around  to        BEAT        herself  up.        it’s  as  if  she  wages  war    both  against  herself        &        her  food. 
❝      i’ve  met  plenty  of  people  in  the  dark.        trust  me,        you  are  not  a  bad  person.      ❞        Matt  comments,        voice  tinged  by  a  vibration  of  certainty,        callous        &        thick.        unlike  Jessica,        he  is  not  eating.        he  only  plays  with  his  food  because  his  senses  refuse  to  be  fragmentary.        they  are  focused  as  a  whole  on  the  heartbeat  of  her.
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❝      maybe  i  just  like  the  sound  of  your  grumpy  voice.      besides,      you  don’t  kick  me  out,        so  i  could  ask  you  the  same  thing.      ❞
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" my secret? " she asks, capturing up the utensils. she wraps her hands around the wood & pries until an uncomfortable snap cracks through the room. " ----- i'm a piece of shit. tends to keep people away. "
a beat passes while she fiddles the lid of one of the containers open. she fishes a hunk of bok choy dribbling with sticky soy sauce up between them.
" --------- most of the time. " the syrup-cloyed vegetable crunches between her molars & she uses the moment to dish out a clump of rice onto the folded-open container that she's using as a plate. she snags a hunk of chicken, pocketing it into her cheek without ceremony. " current company obviously excluded. " jessica keeps eating for a while, churning through a mess of peanuts, meat, & vegetables before adding:
" if you keep showing up like this with food i'm going to think you have a crush on me. "
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" or, more likely ---- " muffles around another mouthful. " you have something you want from me. " her brow scathes up a path toward her hairline.
" so, which is it? "
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blindfated · 2 years
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Daredevil (2015-2018) 2.03 | New York’s Finest
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blindfated · 2 years
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Daredevil (2015–2018) S03E01 ✛ RESURRECTION
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blindfated · 2 years
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there’s  no  doubt  that  he  would  be  safer  with  the  more  famous  heroes  of  the  city.        Matt  does  not  have  their  stamina,        or  inhuman  capabilities,        however  there’s  an  edge  to  being  with  him.        stealth.        &        the  arguments  that  he’s  about  to  make.       
❝      i’m  sorry  if  this  is  a  little  too  forward,        Caspian,        but  you’re  more  than  welcome  to  stay  with  me.        since  i  represented  Mr.  Castle  in  the  past,        he  wouldn’t  be  hostile  towards  me,        not  quickly  anyway.      ❞       
the  offer  may  seem  too  generous.        only  if  he  could  tell  him  the  real  reason  why        &        the  truth  about  Daredevil.       
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❝      i  am  confident  that  Mr.  Russo  is  not  a  good  man  regardless  of  what  his  relationship  is  with  him.        i  don’t  know  if  you  followed  The  People  versus  Frank  Castle  at  all,        but  Mr.  Castle  has  very  specific  targets.        he  just  doesn’t  happen  to  use  the        LAW        to  deal  with  them.      ❞
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WELL HE DID HAVE A PLACE , THE AVENGERS COMPOUND , but he was not sure if even there was safe. What if the Avengers were not home right now? " Well I was thinking of the Avengers compound, but I do not want to risk their lives for my own. It is not noble milord." Caspian says. He is still a prince, without his kefta and even if he was identity was stolen.
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He shakes his head. " To answer your question, no. I do not have a place to stay. " The prince could always check in a hotel. That could work.
The werewolf tapped the phone case and he frowned. " I suppose Mr. Castle and Mr. Russo have a history together? " Caspian has no clue how any of this works. If he could go back to London, he could, but he did not want to leave without his identity falling into the wrong hands. " My name is Caspian, not Mr. Wolfe." Caspian snickers a little.
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