blinkbaby182 · 5 years
Jack with Cherry Coke
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Pairings: Tom Holland x reader, Chris Evans x reader(former)
Summary: You were a well known singer and actress which is why people in the industry called you a ‘double trouble’. Amongst your most popular roles was that of Sylvie Lushton aka The Enchantress in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. You were one of the original Avengers and dating Chris, but when what happens when a certain spider-ling catches you attention.
A/N: I had other ideas for where this was going but it would’ve been too long so tell me if you guys want a part 2, also send in any other request with any characters or celebs if you want k thanks xx
Words: 2,158 oof
 You met Tom at the sets of Civil War, the kid had caught your eye the first time you saw him and evidently you did the same to him. He would try to make conversation or even try complimenting you but would fail as he couldn’t stop nervous fumbling, but you thought it was cute. This didn’t go unnoticed by Chris who wasn’t quite amused by the looks exchanged between you two but didn’t say any more than angry glances here and there. You were dating Chris Evans at the time but things weren’t going too smooth. Eventually after one long night of cursing, yelling, sweet nothings and calm silent talks, you and Chris mutually decided to break off the relationship as it wasn’t going anywhere.
Although it was also your decision, being separated from Chris was still breaking you heart. 18 months is a long time invested in a relationship for it to just cease to exist in one night, but you both knew it was coming. It was still painful to see Chris every day, on set and during the press tour where you, Tom and Chris were ironically paired together. Your relationship was public but not too much so it was safe to say that the fans or the media didn’t know about the breakup but people had started to notice. You, however did not want your love life to be some sort of entertainment to the public, so nor you neither Chris made any comments about the break up.  Between all of this, Tom always seemed to be around. He would try to talk to you more often, without fumbling this time and bring you tea to your trailer even though you could just ask somebody to get it. They were sweet gestures but you didn’t know how to react. You liked Tom of course, you weren’t blind, how could you not like those honey brown eyes and messy curls not to mention those abs and the cute accent. But you couldn’t do anything about it. You had a few years on Tom, it wasn’t a huge difference but you knew that in the industry you work in, young men and older women never really work out. And not to mention you also had recently got out of your well known relationship with Chris Evans. It wasn’t the right time for whatever you and Tom potentially had to happen, or was it?
It was finally the release party of ‘Captain America: Civil War’ and since Sylvie Lushton, your character was an original Avenger and plays Captain America’s love interest, you were pretty much in one of the lead roles and the press was dying to get quotes from you about the movie, further Marvel projects, your breakup with Chris and any possibility of a new man in your life.
You were sitting in your makeup room just thinking, about the party and how you were going to see both Chris and Tom at the party both of who you hadn’t seen since the last press tour in Beijing which was two week ago. You couldn’t help but think if Chris was bringing a date tonight, it had been 3 months since your split you wouldn’t blame him if he were to be there with someone else. But the thought of him bringing a date made you some kind of jealous, not because he was going to be with someone else but because you couldn’t. Speaking of which, what if Tom brings a date? He has already started shooting for ‘Spider Man: Home Coming’, what about the girl he’s been shooting with. Zendaya. She seems really nice and I’ve worked with her once before for a Lancome photo shoot, she’s very pretty and has cute curly hair and is very young… about Tom’s age.
You were pulled out of your chain of thoughts by Frenchie, you assistant and good friend who told you that it was time for you to leave and that your limo was here. You pushed away all the thoughts and prepared yourself to see anything and be unbothered so that the media wouldn’t have a field day on your personal life. The ride to the premiere wasn’t too long and soon you were greeted with cameras flashing and a long red carpet and fans screaming your name for pictures or autographs or even a few hand waves to be thrown to them. You graciously spent some time in the limelight, signed a few posters and took a few selfies with the fans before you proceeded to walk the carpet alone, without Chris, after a somewhat long time. It just felt weird being alone since you were pretty much used to being with Chris at such things even before you started dating, because you were good friends and on screen lovers.
When you walked near the staircase, you looked back and saw Chris, with Jenny Slate. You knew Jenny, not personally but Chris had told you about working with her and Mckenna when he was signed for ‘Gifted’. He had started shooting for that film now which means he might be hanging out with Jenny more which means, he brought her to the premiere as more than friends probably. ‘You’re over thinking again, it doesn’t matter who he’s here with and neither does he need to tell you, get yourself together Y/N’, you thought to yourself as you climbed up the stairs to the premiere hall. You entered and saw that you had been placed beside Tom Hiddleston, not the Tom you were wishing for but the Tom who was your good friend and the man you truly adored.
“Hey Y/N, it’s so great to see you, it’s been long enough’’, he said, his accent clearly showing through. “It’s good to see you too Tom” you chimed back, “I’ve missed you” both of you smiled laughed and talked about your recent works as you got comfortable in your seat. Tom was telling you about his ongoing shooting for ‘Thor: Ragnarok’ when you saw him, Tom sitting with his assistant who you also knew was his best friend a few seats apart from you in the row behind. There was no girl sitting anywhere beside him so you assumed that he had come to the premiere alone, like you. You chatted a bit more with Hiddleston before the movie finally started. You and Tom, Holland of course stole a few glances at each other in the theatre without anybody noticing since it was quite dark and the film was quite too interesting for the viewers than whatever you two had going on.
After the film ended, you joined the cast and the crew to the after premiere party that the Russo brothers were throwing. You met up with a few of your cast members and friends but then decided to go get a drink at the bar, coincidentally where Tom was standing.
“A Jack with Cherry Coke, please” you ordered your drink and turned to Tom, who was already looking at you. “What do you think about the party, Holland?” you raise an eyebrow feeling a bit confident.
“It’s pretty great actually, almost the whole MCU cast is here, Stan fucking Lee is here too, that’s crazy!” such a dork, you laugh to yourself.
“What are you drinking?” you ask in a sorta flirty way, the Jack taking over you a little.
“Just a beer, love” he shrugs, the accent coming out stronger than usual.
“A beer, c’mon Tom it’s a Marvel party plus there’s like a free alcohol buffet, and a very pretty lady in front of you, don’t you want more?” you were flirting shamelessly at this point and you didn’t know where all this confidence came from because you just had one drink, which wasn’t usually enough.
Tom looked at you not in a weird but in a confused way because he didn’t ever expect you to flirt with him so directly. He didn’t say a word but you could see from the look on his face that he was trying very hard to come up with something to say. You on the other hand felt some weird guilt, you weren’t doing anything wrong you knew that, but somehow it didn’t feel right.
“Well, I think I may have had too much to drink” you hadn’t but you had the habit of blaming everything on the alcohol “Enjoy your beer Holland, I’ll see you around” you said and excused yourself to the restroom.
You rested you back on the sink and tried to recall the events of tonight, walking the carpet alone, seeing you long term ex with another woman, seeing Tom come to the premiere without a date, him staring at you throughout the film and all those months of shooting where he kept trying to spend time with you, it felt like you did have something. But you weren’t sure of it either, maybe you shouldn’t have made a move tonight. I mean he’s young, he could easily get a girl his age you know.
You weren’t old but you were just a few years away from your 30s while Tom was just starting his 20s. And he was doing great with his acting career and he had looks and other than being a nervous dork sometimes, he was a perfect gentleman, it was too good to be real. And you weren’t in a place to be dating a younger guy right now as the media would’ve literally hunted you down for it. You didn’t want any drama in your life right now any way right. Right?
“You okay darling?”
“Yeah, I’m good. What are you- what are you doing here?” you said standing straight.
“I just came to check on you, you just up and left at the bar so I thought, did I- did I say or do something that-to-that upset you?” he was fumbling but you could only focus on the strong accent dripping from his words.
“You didn’t do anything honey,” you gently laughed, ”I’ve just been tired that’s all. But I’m alright now so” you reassured him since he had come to ‘check up on you’.
Both of you didn’t say anything for a while and you thought maybe, he’s been around because he just adores you, like he does RDJ. Maybe there are no feelings, maybe…
“Actually I didn’t just come here to check up on you” he cut off your thoughts, “I- all these months of shooting have been great and you and I have become good friends but I was thinking..”
“You were thinking what Tom?”, maybe he did feel the same way, but you couldn’t do this, could you?
“Y/N I-I’ve just-oh good lord fuck this” he grabbed you by your waist and pulled you close smashing his lips onto yours. He tasted like, Jack and Cherry Coke? You couldn’t wrap your head around what was happening but you did kiss back until he just pulled back and started to look even more nervous than before.
“I’m-I’m so sorry Y/N I shouldn-fuck fuck please don’t- fuck”
You grabbed his collar and smashed your lips onto each other’s again to stop his rambling, neither of you knowing what the fuck you two were doing or how you were going to explain this to your manager, the media, to Chris? But it didn’t matter as you untucked his white dress shirt from the waistband of his pants and put your hands in to feel his toned abs or when he zipped down the front of your dress and looked down at you like you were a goddess. To him, you probably were.
After god knows what unholy things you two did on the sink of that bathroom, both of you quietly walked out, separately of course. You came out first and walked to the bar and looked back to see him come out of the same Ladies Restroom with a grin on his face which only grew wider when he saw you looking at him. You gestured him to come over to the bar and slyly looked around to see if anyone saw you two. So far nobody did except, Jenny and Chris who was glancing at you while Jenny whispered something to him.
Tom took the seat beside you and hit your leg with his while he had a childish smile on his face.
God, what had you gotten yourself into?
 [does anyone want a little angsty part 2??]
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blinkbaby182 · 5 years
Tom Y/N, Y/N Tom.
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Synopsis: You and Tom are an old flame from high school that comes face to face after years on the set of ‘The Heart of the Sea’
Summary: You are a part of the MCU cast who arrive at the set of ‘The Heart of the Sea’ to surprise Chris Hemsworth on his birthday (let’s pretend they shot some scenes in LA pls thanks). What you didn’t know was that you would also be surprised to see someone else.
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Side note: I tried to use an abbreviation for the ‘The Heart of the Sea’, but it just came out as THOTS which was wrong xD
Words: 1261 wow
You were on a break after wrapping up the tour and the release of ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’ and the end of phase 2 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. You came to Los Angeles from London in 2011 when you were just 16. You never thought that you would ever land such a big role in one of the biggest Hollywood franchises but here you were.
The microwave started beeping signaling that your previously gone cold tea was hot enough for you to drink when your phone starts going off. You knew that some of your friends from the MCU were planning to surprise Hemsworth for his birthday on the sets of the new film he was shooting for and you decided to tag along. You got a text from Evans saying that they all decided to meet at a coffee place near the studio in around two hours.
So you took a quick shower and put on a basic outfit which consisted of skinny denims, a white lace crop top, a blue denim jacket and your recent favorite orange beanie. The outfit was nothing too special which was perfect since the idea was to not grab too much attention while walking on the streets. After putting on some light makeup, you grabbed your bag and texted your crew that you were leaving. Since the studio was only like 10 minutes away from your apartment, you decided to walk. After a nice 15 min you walk you saw the sign of the coffee shop Chris was talking about and spotted Evans and Sebastian in their classic baseball cap and glasses attire which were sort of their camouflage outfits. You greeted them both and were soon joined by Scarlett and then proceeded to go inside.
You met Chris’ assistant who took you to his trailer and you all quietly stood outside while she knocked and asked him to come out as the directors need a word with him. As soon as he stepped out, all of you yelled ‘’Happy Birthday” and Hemsworth just stood there, surprised and held his hand to his heart. He was so extremely happy to see you all there and it could be clearly seen on his face.  He had been missing his MCU family and seeing some of you was nice and refreshing. Soon everybody went ahead to find a table on the set to celebrate with a cake and were joined by the cast and crew of the ‘The Heart of the Sea’. You went to talk to Chris after a while since you hadn’t got the chance yet,
“Hey you sexiest man alive, it’s so good to see you” you chimed and hugged him, he kind lifted you up being so happy to see you again,
“You too tiny lady, how you been?” he said putting you down.
You almost opened your mouth to answer when you saw him, standing behind Chris. Chris looked behind when you saw a new face that you knew so well.
“Hey mate, happy birthday, you’re old now” he laughed and hugged the tall man, he hadn’t seen you yet, you thought. Maybe you could just leave and avoid the situation before it got awkward.
You started to turn on your heel when “Hey Y/N, I want you to meet Tom,” Chris said pointing at the shorter boy whose face fell from the smile he previously had and ‘he’s seen you now, great’ you though to yourself. “Tom has been working with us and he’s a great actor at such a young age, he reminded me of you a lot little lady” little lady, Chris always called you that.
“Tom Y/N, Y/N Tom, she’s the..” Chris was about to continue introducing you too when the other Chris interrupted and ‘thank god’ you thought. Evans and Hemsworth kept talking about something related to his new film or the MCU, you tried to keep up but you couldn’t, all you could think about was the curly haired, brown eyed boy standing equally awkwardly in front of you.
Tom Holland, you knew Tom Holland pretty well, but they didn’t know that. He was your first love and you, his. You two dated all the way back in high school and you two were pretty much the power couple until one day he decided that his acting career was going to keep him busy and you probably couldn’t keep up with it so it was best for you two to split up. Tom Holland, who broke you heart in junior year because he thought you couldn’t ‘keep up’.  After he changed schools you decided to move in with your cousin in LA and worked hard enough to get to where you were today. But Tom was always there in the back of your mind, and right now in front of your eyes. You couldn’t understand if you were exactly angry for what he did all those years ago or just happy to see him again. After you moved out you sort of just tried to leave Tom behind, you didn’t keep up on where he was or what he was doing, which was probably why you didn’t know that he was going to be here, on the same set where you were surprising your friend. What did you get yourself into?
The two Chris’ continued to chat for a while and you two just kept stealing awkward glances at one another, pretending to keep up with the conversation. You noticed that he had changed a lot since junior year, his hair was different and longer, he was taller, sort of tanner and more muscular. Also, the mole on his chin was gone. You were sort of staring and he noticed and started to turn a little pink. You were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard Scarlett calling your name. You smiled at the Chris’ and Tom and took a turn on your heels. You felt somebody follow you until you heard
“He-hey Y/N, it’s great seeing you again”, Tom. You turned back again and replied “You too, Tom”
You didn’t know what else to say so you kept staring at your feet or anywhere else away from Tom while he kept trying to come up with something to say. That’s when you look behind tom to see RDJ hugging Hemsworth. You didn’t know that he was going to come down to this little reunion too and it was nice to see him. Tom followed your gaze to see Robert and boy was he shook. You almost went ahead to greet RDJ while leaving Tom behind, but decided to look back to Tom who literally looked like a surprised cartoon. You laughed a little in your head when he looked at you almost in a panic face,
“oH mY goD iT’S rObErT dOwNeY jR. !?!”
At this point you started laughing, ‘’my god he’s still a dork’, you thought and took him along to introduce him to RDJ.
  [ my first imagine guys pls be soft and send requests :) <3 ]
also, part 2?
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blinkbaby182 · 6 years
i think i accidentally break my own heart a lot
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blinkbaby182 · 6 years
3 years later and I’m still wondering what you’re doing
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