blitz-core · 3 hours
reblog if your name isn't Amanda.
2,121,566 people are not Amanda and counting!
We’ll find you Amanda.
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blitz-core · 2 days
Remember: behind every robot that turns evil is an engineer who specifically installed red LEDs into the eyes just for this occasion
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blitz-core · 2 days
not to be insensitive but some of the salem witch trials were so funny bitches like “i saw her at the devils sacrament!!!” girl… what were YOU doing at the devils sacrament 👀
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blitz-core · 2 days
snake and dragon yuri...
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22K notes · View notes
blitz-core · 2 days
A spoon's only objective in life is to make soup go upwards, and it knows this. That's why when you put one under a running tap it blasts the water way high. The spoon thinks there's suddenly TONS of soup to deal with and it freaks out.
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blitz-core · 2 days
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occasional posts from users
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blitz-core · 3 days
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I am always saying this during museum visits
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blitz-core · 3 days
enough reclaiming slurs, I think in 2023 we should reclaim nascar. they banned the confederate flag on all properties & their stance on lgbtq+ isn’t just performative bc in 2013 they fined a driver 10k for using a homophobic slur, condemned indiana in a statement for an anti lgbt law, and partnered w carolina’s lgbt+ chamber of conference in 2022. nascar was founded by anti-cop moonshiners/bootleggers who drove suped-up fords to out-run the police. #yaaascar
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blitz-core · 3 days
starting to feel like part of the reason that Sam and Celia's romance thing feels a little off rn is cuz like. what do you mean they're actually dating. he asked her on a date and she said yes. and it's working out so far. it's chill and fine. what do you mean they're not pining for 4 seasons, not communicating, and then getting together only after one of them walked through hell to drag the other out and make sure they know they're loved and wanted. they haven't even patched each other's wounds yet hello. aren't y'all moving a little fast.
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blitz-core · 5 days
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47K notes · View notes
blitz-core · 5 days
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8K notes · View notes
blitz-core · 5 days
gambling with angels is easy. they can't lie but they have addictive personalities; it's easy to clean them out then make them divulge secrets about the business of heaven to call your bets. my dad used to say "hey, watch this" and summon angels to play poker with him with a sort of bone flute he inherited from his grandpa, and they'd be holding horseshit and still want to call him. i'm talking "raise on a two pair" level bad at it, but they couldn't stop trying to win. my dad taught me all the secret names of God before i was out of grade school and i would use them to curse my enemies so they came down with leprosy. you can cure leprosy these days but it still sucks, especially for a child. but they had it coming for pissing me off
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blitz-core · 10 days
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check mate insane villain
inspired by this fic: Buy Back The Secrets
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blitz-core · 10 days
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typical cat behaviour
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blitz-core · 10 days
sorry i just have so many feelings about suzume. its about the chair as memories of her mother but also something to rest upon in the present but also the hope for a brighter future. its about how the adult figure talking to child suzume seems like it is suzumes mother, then souta, then you realize its suzume herself. its about there is something terrible and angry and disastrous beneath the surface of the earth and all it wants is destruction and you can never destroy it, only lock it away again and again, its about how japan has suffered natural disasters again and again and all you can do is hold on to the memories of what you lost, rest in the present, and have hope for a brighter future. its about seeing that 3/11 date on suzumes childhood diary near the end of the movie. its about 100 years ago there was the great earthquake. its about "you really think this place is beautiful?". its about daijin is tiny and abandoned and desparate for any sign of affection, alone in the mountains, and saidaijin is huge and powerful at the heart of tokyo and how soutas grandfather says "my old friend i entrust it all to you". its about the grief of loss and the healing of remembering what was lost and that the loss never really goes away but the future can shine. its about grief made physical. its about love made physical. its about devotion, and how suzume and her aunt love each other and resent each other and that doesnt diminish the love. its about "i lied, i actually owe him money" and about serizawa dropping everything to travel across an entire country on the word of someone he only met for a few minutes. its about "im afraid of a world without him" because yes she loves souta but souta as the chair is her memories and her future and she is afraid to live in a world without her grief and her hope. its about the women who helped suzume, over and over, on her journey, ride or die from the word go. its about locking doors and about opening doors and about daijin offering to go back to being a keystone. its about love and loss and hope and every time i think about it i get so emotional i go insane. and i havent even started on the music and the visuals. im biting my couch
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blitz-core · 10 days
My Child.
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I introduce you to..
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blitz-core · 10 days
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Daijin is the worst boy.
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