blllyhargrove · 3 years
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blllyhargrove · 3 years
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blllyhargrove · 3 years
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wanted  connection  !!  ok  after  seeing  all  this  dacre  and  naomi  scott  content  in  this  tag,  now  i  want  it.  so  if  u  have  a  naomi  fc  and  love  s.tranger  things,  come  write  with  me!!  we  can  do  something  where  they  were  childhood  best  friends?  enemies  to  bffs  to  lovers?  idk!!  i  got  a  few  ideas  in  mind. maybe  for  the  best  friend  plot:  she’s  always  been  the  sweet  one  &  he’s  the  heartless  bad  boy,  except  ONLY  for  her.  for  her  he’s  always  had  a  soft  spot  for.  maybe  they  first  met  on  the  playground  in  second  grade  when  bullies  were  picking  on  her,  this  soft  spoken  girl  he  never  talked  to  before--  but  couldn’t  just  watch  being  picked  on  by  a  bunch  of  boys.  (  he  has  this  thing  with  wanting  to  protect  girls  anyway,  after  he’s  always  had  to  protect  his  mother  from  his  ab*sive  father  )  so  he  butted  right  in,  pushed  them  back  and  from  there  she  was  smitten  with  him.  they  remained  friends,  through  out  elementary  and  middle  school  there  were  always  moments  where  they  would  protect  each  other,  perhaps  she  returned  the  favor  in  3rd  grade  when  he  was  getting  bullied  ( before  he  became  the  bully  )  and  from  that  day  he  finally  trusted  someone  again  ever  since  his  mom  left.  she  was  the  only  person  in  his  life  to  truly  care  for  him,  protect  him,  look  out  for  him.  their  bond  just  grew  stronger  and  by  high  school,  he’s  become  this  monstrous  boy  with  a  lot  of  demons  and  a  lot  of  anger.  she  knows  the  real  him,  though.  she  remembers  that  sweet  kid  he  used  to  be--  that  kid  who  would  pick  her  flowers  on  the  first  spring  day,  that  kid  who’d  put  scooby  doo  band-aids  over  her  knees  and  then  carry  her  home,  that  kid  who’d  think  best  friend  bracelets  ‘were  girly’  but  would  wear  them  for  her  anyway.  (  headcanon:  they  keep  the  bracelets  and  still  wear  them  even  now  )  there’s  moments  when  those  moments  are  barely  non-existent  these  days,  and  maybe  the  new  tension  between  them  is  because  he  loves  her  back.  and  that’s  what  he  can’t  deal  with,  because  he  doesn’t  believe  in  relationships,  convinced  everyone  will  leave,  doesn’t  do  feelings.  but  at  the  end  of  the  day...  no  other  girl  can  make  his  eyes  look  so  soft  like  she  can. enemies  to  best  friends  to  lovers:  she’s  the  smart,  always  on  time,  down  to  earth  midwest  girl  who  just  simply  hates  a  guy  like  him.  he’s  all  west  coast,  muscles  and  nasty  attitude.   the  new  bad  boy  in  town--  bad  boys  who  always  intimidate  her.  especially  him  and  his  reputation.  then  one  summer  when  they’re  stuck  being  work  buddies  (he’s  a  lifeguard  and  she’s  the  manager  of  the  pool),  there’s  a  lot  of  bantering,  lot  of  him  purposely  wanting  to  get  UNDER  her  skin  exactly  because  he  knows  she  hates  him.  and  he...  well,  he  has  a  major  crush  on  her  but  would  never  admit  that.  then  maybe  one  day  when  something  happens  and  SHE’S  one  of  those  people  who  can’t  swim,  he  winds  up  ending  up  needing  to  dive  in  into  the  deep  end  and  save  her  when  she  falls  in.  then  from  there,  something  just  changes.  because  she  was  just  saved  by  that  boy  who  goes  around  acting  so  cruel,  she  thought  for  sure  he  didn’t  have  a  single  ounce  of  good  in  his  heart  and  now  he  just  saved  her.  
note:  if  ur  genuinely  interested,  i  only  ask  pls  be  a  detailed  /  colorful  writer.  and  pls  contribute  to  plotting  <3  (  as  its  not  fun  being  the  only  one  to  try  and  flesh  an  idea  out  )  gifs  or  icons  are  not  everything/required,  but  they  are  appreciated  in  making  our  threads  look  tidy  &  pretty  as  i  enjoy  using  them.  ♡  **i  dont  write  ic  on  discord,   i  only  ooc  plot  there.   message  me  at  my  main:  @turnedahero  if  u  wanna  be  my  naomi  connection.  <3  
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blllyhargrove · 3 years
❆ holiday plots ❆
❄ muse a is throwing a christmas party and now it’s almost 4 am and the music still hasn’t stopped and, frankly, muse b is over it
❄ muse a slips and falls on a patch of ice on their way to buy some egg nog & cookie dough and thinks their wrist might be broken. muse b happens to be walking by as this happens and initially laughs at muse a for being so clumsy before realizing it might be serious and now they’re the asshole who laughed at a hurt person
❄ muse a’s car breaks down in a small town they’re passing through to get to their parents’ house for thanksgiving/christmas dinner. muse b works in the restaurant right down the street that muse a happens to walk into to borrow a phone, but comes to find out that there’s no mechanic doing business this late at night/this close to the holidays, but muse b offers to help (could offer to fix the car/drive muse a to their parents’ it’s really up to you)
❄ muse a and muse b are in the same friend group and everyone has been trying to get them together for months. cue the christmas party where the two are - quite literally - shoved under an arch with mistletoe hanging over them
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blllyhargrove · 3 years
❆ holiday plots for all your shipping needs ❆
❄ muse a is sick of their family making fun of them and saying that they’re going to end up with 28 cats someday at every family gathering they’ve ever attended. enter muse b, a charismatic (and sometimes flirty) coworker who muse a pays to be their “date” for the holidays optional: “oops, i just kissed you in front of my family because they were pestering us and i’m not sure if you felt what i did, but wow”
❄ muse a is throwing a christmas party and now it’s almost 4 am and the music still hasn’t stopped and, frankly, muse b is over it
❄ muse a slips and falls on a patch of ice on their way to buy some egg nog & cookie dough and thinks their wrist might be broken. muse b happens to be walking by as this happens and initially laughs at muse a for being so clumsy before realizing it might be serious and now they’re the asshole who laughed at a hurt person
❄ muse a’s car breaks down in a small town they’re passing through to get to their parents’ house for thanksgiving/christmas dinner. muse b works in the restaurant right down the street that muse a happens to walk into to borrow a phone, but comes to find out that there’s no mechanic doing business this late at night/this close to the holidays, but muse b offers to help (could offer to fix the car/drive muse a to their parents’ it’s really up to you)
❄ muse a and muse b are in the same friend group and everyone has been trying to get them together for months. cue the christmas party where the two are - quite literally - shoved under an arch with mistletoe hanging over them
❄ muse a and muse b are coworkers who never really got along, but at the office holiday party they both get a little too drunk and end up in the same bed the next morning
❄ muse a doesn’t have a significant other to kiss at midnight, as usual. new year’s comes along and they decide to all go downtown and barhop for the night. when the countdown rolls around, muse a still has no one, until muse b grabs them and kisses them as the clock hits 12. optional: they never exchange names or numbers, but muse a goes back to that same bar the following new year’s with the hopes that muse b maybe wanted to see them again, too
❄ muse a has always been attracted to their coworker, muse b, that much is clear to most everyone who works there. when they’re the only people assigned to work christmas eve and only have three customers the whole shift, they realize just how much they have in common optional: or don’t have in common
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blllyhargrove · 3 years
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WISHLIST.   does  anyone  have  a  SELENA  GOMEZ  FC   that  wants  to  write  with  my  dacre  one?  we  could  do  any  of  these  plots:
bad  girl  x  bad  boy  or  reversed  /  good  girl  x  bad  boy  plot
a  plot  based  off  selena  gomez’s  song  back  to  you,  wolves  or  souvenir
a  been  best  friends  since  childhood  plot  where  they  have  always  secretly  loved  each  other,  but..  he’s  always  kept  her  in  the  friendzone  n  always  been  super  protective  of  your  character  but  then  the  second  she  finally  gets  a  bf  he  shows  he’s  jealous  and  things  escalate  from  there.  angst,  fluff,  all  kinds  of  fun  stuff.
or  any  plot  u  may  have  in  mind  works  too!!
*  notes:  pls  be  literate  /  a  detailed  writer,  gifs  or  icons  are  preferred  but  not  mandatory,  if  interested  contact  me  at  my  main:  @turnedahero​
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blllyhargrove · 3 years
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WISHLIST.   does  anyone  have  a  SELENA  GOMEZ  FC  that  wants  to  write  with  my  dacre  one?  we  could  do  any  of  these  plots:
bad  girl  x  bad  boy  or  reversed  /  good  girl  x  bad  boy  plot
a  plot  based  off  selena  gomez’s  song  back  to  you,  wolves  or  souvenir 
a  been  best  friends  since  childhood  plot  where  they  have  always  secretly  loved  each  other,  but..  he’s  always  kept  her  in  the  friendzone  n  always  been  super  protective  of  your  character  but  then  the  second  she  finally  gets  a  bf  he  shows  he’s  jealous  and  things  escalate  from  there.  angst,  fluff,  all  kinds  of  fun  stuff.
or  any  plot  u  may  have  in  mind  works  too!!
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blllyhargrove · 3 years
pls write w me if you have a max!! 
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blllyhargrove · 3 years
i  want  a  max  mayfield  to  write  with  to  flesh  out  some  awesome  family  plots !!
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