blockbutton · 1 year
You ever see a cat. And go oh you are so small
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blockbutton · 1 year
I hope you can all pity me today as there were three trans people on the tram and I was the most poorly dressed one
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blockbutton · 1 year
did u guys miss me
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blockbutton · 1 year
The reason she won't pick up the phone is because you made a post and tagged it women dni and she saw it and figured you didn't want her to interact with you
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blockbutton · 1 year
when she sees its me on her caller id she wont pick up the phone shed rather be alone but i cant give up just yet cuz every word shes ever said is still ringing in my head. Btw
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blockbutton · 1 year
for april fools we’re deleting this entire site sayonara you weeaboo shits
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blockbutton · 1 year
happy trans day of visibility! if you can do so, please consider supporting black trans people in need! 🏳️‍⚧️
▪︎ Rashida is a black fashion archivist. you can support her directly thru her paypal, venmo, or cashapp.
▪︎ Isa is a human trafficking survivor who needs help relocating for her safety. you can donate to her cashapp, venmo, and paypal.
▪︎ Yves is recovering from surgery and needs help covering bills while they can't work. you can donate to their moneyyy.me & gofundme
▪︎ Magnet is raising funds to secure their housing, continue their practice & pay for their meds. you can donate to their cashapp, venmo, & zelle or paypal below
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▪︎ Tael is a black nonbinary human trafficking survivor who needs help surviving. you can donate to their cashapp or venmo.
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▪︎ Sevyn and her family need help with gaining stable housing, & paying for food & bills. you can donate to her via moneyy.me
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Other black trans folk please feel free to add your links as well!
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blockbutton · 1 year
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it's tdov again, so @ my fellow allies: please use this day to help out & consider donating to charities supporting trans people. if you follow current events (which you should) you know how much this support is needed, so here is a small list of charities I personally donated to & lists others already put together:
the trevor project (not solely a trans charity, but one I regularly donate to)
bundesverband trans* e.v. (as a german one this is another go-to)
transcend australia
a list of 15 trans organizations to donate to
a list of uk trans charities
this list is non-exhaustive, please feel free to share & add more! also remember to keep up your support beyond this one day 💙💗🤍
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blockbutton · 1 year
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Image description: tweets from @ jaboukie that read: “yall need to stop hating on sex scenes and start demanding more non cishet male directors. i promise yall will not hate sex scenes as much
We haven’t really seen what a horny lesbian would do [on] a Hollywood budget”
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It’s true and we should say it
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blockbutton · 2 years
there should be weebs but for Ireland
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blockbutton · 2 years
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how the fuck did we get from there to where we are today
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blockbutton · 2 years
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blockbutton · 2 years
(part 2 of 3)
arrogant /ˈarəɡ(ə)nt/ adjective
having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities. “they're arrogant and opinionated.”
it's time for the stupidest poll on the site, a bracket to determine which self nominated “arrogant” bisexual is the most arrogant, most abrasive, obnoxious, overly prideful bisexual around (and by around i mean within my mutuals circle, sorry.)
the title of “most arrogant bisexual” is by absolutely no means an insult, but a title to wear with even more pride in your bisexuality and self advocacy than ever before. good luck and godspeed. also vote for me. this was my idea, after all.
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blockbutton · 2 years
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Obsessed with textile art
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blockbutton · 2 years
hi mutuals………
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blockbutton · 2 years
Boys go to harvard to become bastard… girls go to yale, what the hale….
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blockbutton · 2 years
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