blockrose · 5 years
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blockrose · 6 years
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blockrose · 6 years
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Submission for Thiam Big Bang 2018 @officialthiamlibrary
Soulless written by the amazing @slayerwithredhair (thank you so so much for letting me create art for you!)
Warnings: Angst, unstable home life-divorce
Rating: Explicit
Characters: Liam Dunbar, Theo Raeken, Mason Hewitt, Corey Bryant, Coach Finstock, Mr Geyer
Tags: Angst, Smut, Fluff, Divorce, Smut, Mentions of previous dub-con, oh and Smut
Summary: In an AU where Theo was never dragged to hell and never earned his redemption, the chimera plays a dangerous game with an angry young beta struggling to hold his life together. Prowling the shadows and craving connection, Theo tempts Liam farther and farther down a dark road that test’s the beta’s control in ways neither of them are prepared for. But as the secrets mount up and things get broken, it’s ultimately Theo who realises he might not be able to handle the path his has set them on, especially when his past doesn’t want to let him go.
Links to Artwork:
I Care About You
Also, please check out @irwinxtrashx amazing art for Jak's fanfic here and here.
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blockrose · 6 years
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blockrose · 6 years
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blockrose · 6 years
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blockrose · 6 years
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blockrose · 6 years
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blockrose · 6 years
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blockrose · 6 years
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blockrose · 6 years
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blockrose · 6 years
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2,397 followers! 1,371 posts! 11 Mods! 5 Events!
It’s insane that a year ago, on this day, 8 of us–connected only through our love of Teen Wolf and Thiam–came together to start this blog. We couldn’t say for certain official color schemes or who would do what or if we should call ourselves the “Thiam Book Barn” or the “Official Thiam Library,” but we knew the Thiam fandom deserved a place to grow, interact, and feel appreciated. 
Fast forward a year and OTL’s reached 2k plus people, connected 100+ Thiam creators, and hosted 4 fandom events–5 counting the upcoming TwentyGayTeen Drabble Party! So, this day couldn’t end without a few heartfelt thank yous. 
To Euthoxia, Vis, Lizzie, Tiffany, Olivia, Jay, and Esme for responding to a  random post about a potential Thiam library and helping transform a ‘what if’ into reality. 
To Corri, Lisa, and Alicia for joining the Mod family and adding their unique ideas.
To HeartEyesRaeken for creating a perfect blog header with nothing but an ask, a name, and a vision. 
To Bea for being an enthusiastic first Behind the Screens highlight and to the 15 artists and writers who willingly opened up after that. 
To anyone who sent an ask, participated in an event, or offered words of love and kindness. 
And most importantly, to each person who has ever liked, interacted, reblogged, and replied to a post. 
We thank you, we love you, and we look forward to whatever the following years have in store for the Official Thiam Library. 
All the love, 
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blockrose · 6 years
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//DECEMBER 12 TO 16, 2018//
//OfficialThiamLibrary’s Final Fandom Event of 2018//
We’re celebrating TwentyGayTeen and ushering in TwentyBiteen with a final week of Thiam LGBTQIA love. You might have remembered this post awhile back announcing a potential week of diverse Thiam sexual and gender expression. Check out the finalized details below! Hope to see you in the tags. xoxo
Event Tag: #thiam20gayteen
Why Drabbles?
The more, the merrier. If you’ve been ruminating on more than one fic idea, this gives you the chance to write them all. Drabbles make for a low commitment, high entertainment treat for all. And for this event, we’re using the term “Drabble” loosely: 100, 300, 500, 5k, etc. It’s all welcome.
Daily Themes: 
Day 1: The Gay Agenda// Random every day life in the spirit of gay. i.e., examples: parades, GSA school clubs, coming outs, etc. 
Day 2: Gender Bender//  i.e Transexual, Intersex, Transgender
Day 3: Ace Spectrum// i.e., aromantic/sexual, demisexual/romantic, graysexua/romanticl, queerplatonic relationships
Day 4: Neutral Ground// i.e Non-binary, genderqueer, gender neutral, agender, pangender
Day 5: Gay Anthem// Lyrics and Quotes from any queer artist
All daily themes are a suggestion. Please follow your creative process if it leads you in diverging direction ;) 
AO3 Collection/Tracked Tag
This event’s AO3 collection and event tag will remain open/tracked throughout 2019. Our vision is to curate a passionate collection of LGBTQIA content, a Thiam time-capsule if you will. So, whenever you create a relevant works, definitely add it to the collection!
Are other fanworks accepted?
Absolutely! Create using any medium of your choosing: words, art, graphics, music, videos, the list continues.
Special Thanks
All the gratitude to our collaborator and this event’s co-creator, Des, @marauders-mess​, who planted the seeds for a Twentygayteen week and suggested the daily themes!! To mod Tiffany, @blockrose, for her mesmerizing banner above! Finally, to everyone who reacted to our feeler post a few weeks ago. 
Please Reblog and Like to help us spread the word ;*
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blockrose · 6 years
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The premisses of the movie (Avengers: Infinity War) for us was always that because of what happened in Captain America: Civil War, because Cap and Tony had fallen out, because the Avengers were divided. This is why they lose to Thanos, because they’re not together, they’re divided. – Anthony & Joe Russo
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blockrose · 6 years
is this blog stupid? yes. but which one of us is following it?
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blockrose · 6 years
187 Thiam, please?
They were crushing it. It felt fantastic for Liam and Theo to be back on the lacrosse field together, and of course, because it wouldn’t have made sense any other way, they were killing the game, leaving their opponents behind every single time, scoring one goal after the other.
Liam felt the warmth in his neck and back, and he knew he was right where he belonged, on the green as the captain of his team, with a lacrosse stick in hand and a smile on his lips. He couldn’t be any happier. Well, not in any way that he could think of in that moment. But he trusted in Theo making even that possible.
As crazy as their journey might have been up until that point, the future looked sweet from his current point of view. They were together, and that was all that counted.
“Ah, fuck!” Theo cursed as he stumbled. He still managed to make a decent pass to Corey, but his planned attack was ruined for the moment.
“What’s up?” Liam asked, following Theo’s gaze down to the other boy’s feet, where his shoelaces had apparently come undone. “Oh,” he said, “let me fix that for you.”
As stupid as it may sound, it was kind of a difficult task to bend down and tie your own shoes while wearing full lacrosse gear, and Liam new the struggle, so he dropped to his knees real quick and began fastening Theo’s shoelaces again, one eye focused on the game going on around them, but he still didn’t fail to notice the pair of socks Theo was wearing.
“Now that explains a lot about your shape today,” Liam laughed, tugging at the red fabric covering Theo’s ankle. There was a yellow flash on it, and the pair had once belonged to Liam.
“Whatever helps us win, right?” Theo answered, and Liam could hardly argue with that logic. He made an extra knot just to be sure and looked up again.
He’d wanted to catch Theo’s eyes, but something else caught his attention on the way up there. He stared for a second and chuckled.
“Already?” Liam asked with a smirk. “Do I really have that much of an effect on you?”
Theo blushed a little, but did nothing to hide the evidence of Liam’s effect on him that was straining against his pants.
“My body is simply reacting to the sight of you on your knees in front of me. It’s not my fault that that’s like the hottest thing ever.”
“Well, I’ll make you an offer. If you score three more goals this game, I’ll get on my knees for you again later, when it’s just the two of us.” Liam got up with a wink. “So do we have a deal or what?”
“Definitely a deal,” Theo replied. “Thanks for tying my shoes, Captain.”
And with that he ran off to get back into the game again, scoring his first out of eight more goals that day.
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blockrose · 6 years
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