blog-andrew-h-blog · 5 years
Tumblr media
This artwork shows how stuff that happens on the internet can be taken very seriously in the real world for people. 
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blog-andrew-h-blog · 5 years
This video shows the true depth that media can go to effect things happening in the real world. 
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blog-andrew-h-blog · 5 years
This post perfectly displays the attitude that the vast majority have to hearing the loud minority constantly shouting different politics onto social media cites while keeping the funny and comedic tones of social media alive.
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blog-andrew-h-blog · 5 years
At some point, everyone, no matter how desensitized by their online experience, is liable to get freaked out by a big enough or cruel enough threat.
Joel Stein in “How Trolls Are Ruining The Internet”
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blog-andrew-h-blog · 5 years
Trolls On The Internet
The section about trolls in media today is easily what captured the most of my attention during this week’s module. It is easily the most relatable piece of material that I read since I can relate to a lot of the examples the author gave... though I guess that if 70% of people aged 18-24 experience trolls harassing them over the internet then it isn’t that insightful of a topic to choose. If there’s anything that I’ve learned from my extensive time on the internet it is that people choose to put others down all of the time. There can be no reason for it or no end goal other than to be mean. It is one of the biggest flaws the internet has; reddit boards such as fatpeoplehate that only exists to be mean to other people. Since it is through a computer screen many people fail to see the human being on the other side that receives that hate. Its easy to just see a profile or an avatar, but the internet hides the person behind it so well it creates an environment where trolls can thrive with very little effort. Its sad that something as amazing as the internet can become such a hostile place to be. 
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