🖍 — eu tava vendo se tinha algum outro blog com o nome de anonverse e eu achei essa relíquia de 2020
🖍 — esse treco genuinamente parecia ser tão legal, pena que não foi tão longe então acabou sendo criado e abandonado no mesmo ano:(
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Welcome to ANONVERSE!
Anonverse is where many different Anons reside, there are no known limit to what kind of Anons exist, they appear and then they stay, Anonverse is big enough for everyone!
Here are some things you should know!
- Anyone can be Anons!
- Their CORE and clothing represent which kind of Anon they are!
- One can become any type of Anon by will.
- Sometimes some people decide become permanent Anons, making it their life goal.
- Anons can visit anywhere from Fandoms to Alternative realities, there are no limits.
- Permanent Anons cannot be changed unless they strive away from their chosen goal, changing them forever with no way of changing unless they make another of their original self.
- Anons cannot die, they fade slowly depending on how active them are at their chosen job, other Anons cannot kill off each other. Completely faded Anons or known as ‘CFA’s can be seen to wander aimlessly in the abyss of Anonverse.
- You can revive ‘CFA’s by motivating them, talking to them, whatever gives them the courage to continue their goals.
- A person’s goal determines what kind of Anon they are recommended to become!
- Express yourself! No one will know exactly who you are!
More details will be added as we go along with your adventures!
Sending in Asks will register you as an Anon, what kind of Anon is yours to decide, give yourself a special name! Here are some types of Anon that is recommended for you! (Most of them) You can change anytime!
[Insert Special Name] - [Insert role]
DPA - Daily Positivity Anon (They give out positive comments and gifts! Or whatever floats their boat!)
DNA - Daily Negativity Anon (They pass on negative comment or whatever saddens their chosen Tumblrs, people don’t really recommend becoming this Anon.)
DTA - Deep Thinking Anon (They do deep thinking and then share their thoughts! Fun fact, Anonverse was made by one very thoughtful DTA!)
DFA - Daily Fact Anon (They give out fun facts to their chosen Tumblr! Facts on what is their decision!)
Anonymous - A normal Anon! (They travel to different kinds of Tumblrs, do whatever they want to until they find their chosen Anon to become!)
AAA - Anonymous Artist Anon (Any Anons who would like to be known for their artwork! Music pieces, paintings, drawings, crafts, etc...!)
DSA - Daily Supportive Anon (They support their chosen Tumblrs! How is for them to decide!)
ENA - Everyday News Anon (They keep people updated in the latest news across the globe, the Tumblr universe or a chosen country’s!)
AVA - Anonsverse Anon (They hang around Anonverse, some look for their goals and some just sit back and relax! They don’t travel often and this is their sanctuary to come and rest!)
DA - Daily Anon (They give you whatever they want daily! It is said that they couldn’t decide between any other daily anons!)
Registered Anons (By names and roles):
Admin - AA (Creator of ANONVERSE)
Player Deep Thinking Anon - DTA (Co-Creator of ANONVERSE with amazing ideas-)
Cyrus - DPA (THE original DPA!? And also a Co-Creator!)
Obsidian- DA/DLA/Daily Love Anon
Mustard Stealer - Anon (They spread pink across Tumblr apparently- Becareful Andrew-) -"We'll all turn to dust one day, so why not a little early?"
🎶🌙 /r3v3ri3s - AAA
Sean - DFA
DD (Desired Diamond) - AAA
Third-Impression - AAA
Shyla - Anon (Their computer is glitchy- :0)
Uncreative af - SA (They can’t do it daily but still want to support people! How thoughtful!)
Starteller - SFA/Startelling Fact Anon (They share amazing facts about Space and stuff!!) - “Soon I will learn to love the skies I'm under"
Star - ATA/Author Anon (They write, A LOT-)
Jam - CAA/Chaos Affection Anon (No idea what they are up to, all I know that I must stop-) - “Hot pocket loving entity of chaos”
Syn - SA (Wants you to know that they care about you AND they support you!! <333)
Lyn - TSA/The Scenario Anon (They’ll make you laugh with the funny scenarios they come up with! Or stole, who knows?)
Death-trap - DRP (Rainbow DPA apparently)
No-life-Anon - AAA - "People is pissed off by success, thats why cancel culture is a thing"
Chaos - DJA - “Punny, pun, pun, pun”
Jayda - DTA
Sol - DFA - "A fact a day keeps boredom away"
Error - DPA - "There are so many amazing people out there, why not give them all some love?"
Horrorsansanomaly - DCA (Daily-Challenge-Anon)
Space - SAA (They drop off fanart for people! )
Akuma - AVA
Scourge - DHA/Dark Humor Anon - (They tell dark, morbid and politically incorrect jokes, sometimes based on real events in history.)
•w• - Anon
General Microwave - DFA - “mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ding”
Lily - ASA
360transboi - AAA
Lab - DPA - " I will give everyone love until it's overwhelming. "
SHRIMPY - DA - "If you don't light candles with flamethrowers, you're doing it wrong."
Lilac anon - DA - "I just wanna spread spread positivity and creativity to people! And to have fun! I also smell like Lilac's!"
There is now apparently a discord server! May all anons (13+) join the server! <3
Other types of Anon that either me or DTA figured out, you can give suggestions as well! :
(You can also look at everyone else’s role, maybe you could pick one of those as well!)
LA-Lusty Anon (They Like To Flirt With Everyone.)
CA-Crazy Anon (There Just Crazy In General)
HA-Hungry Anon (There Always Hungry No Matter What.)
TA-Thirsty Anon (There’s Always Thirsty.)
ASA-Anti-Social Anon (There Scared To Talk To Anyone And Mostly Sit In The Corner Tho. They Talk To People They Thrust.)
YA-Yandere Anon (They Have Senpai. And Will Do Anything For Senpai.)
MFA - Multi-Fandom Anon (They share things from other fandoms, maybe some of the lastest stuff, maybe the top! Who really know what they’re up to?)
TA- Tsundere Anon (They Have A Senpai. They Could Snap At You Or Be Nice To You-..)
YTA-YouTuber Anon (This Anon Has A YT Channel.)
MA-Medic Anon (If You Have Injured Yourself MA Will Save The Day! :3)
SA-Sans Anon (They Will Give You Bad Time. Unless You Have Been Good Then Maybe Sans Anon Will Be Friends With You.)
SSA - Shady Shadow Anon (They are just shady in general, don’t trust them!)
IA - Idle Anon (They’re usually too shy to say something to their favorite artist-)
SRA - Sleep Reminder Anon ( They remind us when we need to sleep, personally I don’t like this one- )
DAA - Daily Anime Anon ( They give... Anime related stuff to tumblrs )
DJA - Daily Joke Anon ( They tell jokes daily, you gotta deal with them everyday-)
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🐛 — eu amo a kasane teto.
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