blogart-2-blog · 7 years
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blogart-2-blog · 7 years
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Daily practice 5 It was pouring and I like the rain. So I basically sat with an umbrella by the stream. It was loud and roaring and just beautiful. Getting to close was dangerous though. So I kept my distance.
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blogart-2-blog · 7 years
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This piece took me from 4pm-1am because I worked non stop through it all. It was extremely fun because I was able to put me on a piece of paper. I asked everyone in my dorm building to participate with the glow and the dark section. There is more handprints and writing than this but it’s hard to capture in a photo. Everyone put one hand print on the piece or wrote one word. Some of the parts are also interactive. You can touch certain areas to see how it feels and what texture it creates. All in all I think it was a job well done.
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blogart-2-blog · 7 years
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Daily practice 4 I planned to take a video of all the noises I heard but guess what! My phone died in the middle of a video which didn't save. Isn't that great? Anyway, so I took out my sketchbook and took my only utensil and drew what I could hear. You couldn't see the birds or the stream through the thick amount of trees and branches, but it was a beautiful mixture of nature noises. Birds were chirpping and flying around well the stream was flowing at its loudest. It was very relaxing. I was in the area where the tennis courts are sort of. It was more of a found area so it is hard to explain the location. There was definitely other animal noises so I didn't stay long. But it was fun well it lasted.
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blogart-2-blog · 7 years
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I wanna be this extra.
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blogart-2-blog · 7 years
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Daily Practice 3 Well this was a funny one. I attempted to take a new route to class today. So I left my dorm earlier than usual so I could make it on time. I went down the green monster and up a path that looked like it would be easier than the big hill leading down to Cohen. It turned out that this path way led up to the street like I had hoped but the opposite side of where I wanted to go. At this point I only had 5 more minutes to get to class. I made it with a minute left. Somehow I still managed to get pictures of it all. I DON'T RECOMMEND THIS!
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blogart-2-blog · 7 years
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Daily Practice I know this is something every student does, but this is a real accomplishment. I am TERRIFIED of heights and it's so unsteady that it freaked me out. I walked down and up the green monster for the first time today. I was headed to the gym. I accidentally stuck my hand in a spider Web almost 3 different times just going down it. They like to form their webs in the railings apparently. It wasn't a complete terror, there was a gorgeous view of the field from up there and it's a pretty great experience if you love nature. Try it out if you haven't yet!!
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blogart-2-blog · 7 years
Daily practice 2 I went walking onto a bridge and it led me to under the bleachers of our field. Their was a cute little concession stand that I had no idea was there. Also it was really cool to see the field from under the bleachers. There was a lot of birds under there. One actually scared me and I dropped my phone. There was also random gym equipment. I wonder if they use them at any point?
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blogart-2-blog · 7 years
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We decided to take a majority of our first installment and place it into a brand new one. Our “volcano” was supposed to represent student debt. I personally think we did an amazing job at portraying that, especially with the fake money. All the collaging we did to build the volcano was hard work but it definitely brought the environmental point of view into it. Over all I think we, as a group, did what we set out to do and hearing others ideas about what they saw in our project was an amazing experience.
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blogart-2-blog · 7 years
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blogart-2-blog · 7 years
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blogart-2-blog · 7 years
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blogart-2-blog · 7 years
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#foundations #studioresearch #originalsculpture
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blogart-2-blog · 7 years
Briana : What was your main reasoning for not using colors, besides black and white, in your piece?
Anthony: Well.. When I was doing this I was having a really, kinda, off day. So, even though that their was a lot of different sounds being played like at once and it was chaotic.. It all began to blend together into like one emotion. So, I wanted to represent that by having only the black.
Briana: Well, what specific feeling did you put into your art work based off of the sound that you were hearing?
Anthony: Um… I would say that the strongest two emotions that I was trying to evoke was both frustration and anxiety.
Briana: *laughs* I can understand that. I was uncomfortable during my experience with the noise as well.
Anthony: Yeah.
Briana: What mediums did you use? Also, do you wish you used other ones in the process?
Anthony: I only used charcoal because, well to go along with the frustration theme, I am not really a fan of charcoal so I used like, different density’s of charcoal and just overlapped them to kinda like convey the fact that their was different sounds going on. But, I don’t know, for me I kinda like the way it is so I don’t think that I would use different mediums. I might try to fill up more of the page but I think that other than that I am pretty happy with the medium.
Briana: Did you use vine and compressed charcoal?
Anthony: Um, no I have different density’s of like, uh, charcoal that are compressed so I used those.
Briana: What were you personally trying to show your piece?
Anthony: I think I really wanted to show not just sound but I also wanted to show the feelings that I had well I was also listening to the sound. More so than anything I think I was trying to show my personal experience with this sound, which was kinda intertwined with what I was feeling at the time. So I wanted to show both basically.
Briana: And you said you were feeling both anxiety and-?
Anthony: Frustration.
Briana: Frustration..
Anthony: Yeah, a lot of unrelated things were elements that influenced how I experienced the sounds.
Briana: Personally, I’m seeing like those eyeball things? Those are dragging me right to it.
Anthony: Yes.
Briana: Were those intentional or-?
Anthony: Yes, those were very intentional. The idea I was going for was that I wanted it to look like the sound was almost washing over me and that I was getting lost in it. So, I tried to make it look like.. I just wanted to make it look like the lines were- I wanted to make it very hard to distinguish the lines that represented the sounds and the lines that were the eyes. If you look carefully at the top it almost looks like a hairline. If you want to stretch it you can say that this is a mouth below.
Briana: I can see that. Actually, If you like flip It upside down it makes like a complete different face because If you look at the U shape kinda makes a mouth and those are like little eyebrows.
Anthony: Oh yeah!
Briana: I don’t know if you ever looked at it that way but, I was seeing the face upside down.
Anthony: Yes I see that, that is very interesting. Because the way I see it, the face had baggy eyes almost but the way you see it, the face has cranky eyes. Which is pretty cool.
Briana: Which it kinda seems like those are both the emotions you were trying to show us in one face. Plus you didn’t even realize it which is kinda cool.
Anthony: *coughs* I agree.
Briana: What personally spoke to you the most from the sounds that you were hearing in the artist’s piece?
Anthony; Do you mean like..? Like, what feelings was I feeling or was it something else?
Briana: Like, what sound do you remember the most? Because, listening to the sounds their was a bunch of different little sounds pretty much put together to make one big sound. So, What part in that big sound made you think ‘Wow this is giving me anxiety’? Or was it the whole piece?
Anthony: Honestly, no one sound stuck out to me because the whole time that I was doing it I was really in and out. I would disassociate and that snap back and continue my drawing more. So I would draw one thing, space out, and than snap back and I would start up drawing again. So, Honestly? It’s hard for me to say that one noise stuck out because they all kinda meshed together.
Briana: For the last question.. Your drawing comes off kind of simple, do you think the simplicity of your drawing improved the way you were trying to portray it? Or do you think you would add more to it if you could?
Anthony: I feel like that’s purely subjective, because I feel like it- if you look into it you can see the symbolism of everything and that makes it more interesting. But definitely sitting up there with some of the other pieces, I felt like I could have done more. So I feel like it’s a mixed bag. I might have tried to fill up the space more.
Briana: Sometimes less is more so. It’s all in the eye of the artist.
Anthony: Yup!
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blogart-2-blog · 7 years
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blogart-2-blog · 7 years
(via POP)
#FIELDRECORDINGS9/14 #field #recording #9/14 
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blogart-2-blog · 7 years
(via Late night walk)
#FIELDRECORDINGS9/14 #field #recording #9/14
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