Art therapy is a very interesting concept. I found out about it last year and apparently it can help with mental health being used to treat depression, anxiety, and stress. I suffer from panic attacks, about a year ago they were really bad and frequent id have one ever night. It really started to mess with my sleep. I would try to find things to keep my mind off the anxiety and one thing i found that helped me a lot was making colours by mixing paint. I didn’t know this was considered art therapy back then i just knew it helped my panic attacks. I would definitely  recommend trying art therapy to anyone who thinks they might benefit from it. You don’t need to be an artist to try it its more about the process than the outcome of the art piece.
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Article I believe that parents shouldn't be setting time limits on the things their children love to do. Play Fortnite can lead to many positive things like developing relationships with people, teamwork/communication skills, critical thinking skill, and the ability to preform under pressure. I think a much more important thing parents should be teaching their children is to manage their priorities. for example make sure their responsibilities are taken care of before putting all there free time into playing their favourite game. Having games as your favourite thing to do can be beneficial in the times we live in. Game developing is a job in high demand right now and being interested in video games is a great place to start. Streaming video games online is also becoming a very popular thing. Gamers are able to build a following and gain a lot of publicity through their skill of gaming and even personality. This article also mentions that Fortnite is “built to be addictive” “with the element of luck”. Which i suppose i would agree with , but argue that everything can be addictive if all you’re seeking is luck. for example were you lucky driving to work and only got green lights or were you unlucky and every light you approached was red? In conclusion i don’t believe being addicted to Fortnite is a problem asl ong as you are taking care of other  things that need to be done in your life as well.
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