blogise · 5 years
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blogise · 5 years
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blogise · 5 years
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blogise · 5 years
It is not possible to not be committed to anything. 
Everyone has several commitments but also one core commitment. That can also be subconscious. Like most of our commitments are. Core commitment reflects our main value in life. We will always act in accordance to this commitment. A core commitment has too much energy flowing through it to avoid looking at. 
If we are not aware of our commitments, especially subconscious core commitment, it can wreak havoc on our life. We can´t consciously commit to our core commitment unless we are aware of it. We make the wrong choices. Our words tend to not match our actions. 
The biggest issue relative to subconscious core commitment is in the sector of relationships. Knowing other people´s core commitment can make them very predictable. This makes a relationship safe. 
Once you discover your core commitment, look at your life. A lot of your life and relationships make sense now. See if you can figure out why this commitment is so strong. The core commitment usually reflects something dramatic we have experienced. They reflect our deepest desires that come from experiencing what is unwanted. 
From here, get rid of your ideas of right and wrong. It doesn´t do any good to not commit to something you actually want to commit to just because you think it is not okey to do so. Any more than it is to commit to something just because you think it is the right thing to do. Decide if you want to commit to that subconscious desire but consciously this time. See the benefits and consequences of that commitment on each sector of your life. If you don´t want to commit to that, become completely aware of why. What is your new commitment going to be? And what changes are you going to make in your life in alignment with that new commitment? 
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blogise · 5 years
Each person comes into this life with an unique energetic signature. With an essence. Inside that essence is embedded everything that is unique about us (thoughts, our unique purpose, our unique needs, our desires). The way you can imagine it is like this essence is a pearl that is inside of a tightly closed lotus blossom. Our life process is a process of unfolding. If this was a process that wasn´t interfered with, the petals of this lotus blossom, would open and reveal its unique essence - our life´s purpose. 
Life isn´t like this today. Instead, so much of what we encounter in the world is impediment to the process of unfolding. Instead of becoming a part of this process of natural unfolding, most people look at us as a raw ball of clay that they can mould in alignment with their desires. They say that certain things about us are acceptable and other things are not. If we do the opposite, we´ll lose and we will be rejected. So we start the process of splitting ourselves, fragmenting. We´ll start to push away from ourselves the things that get us rejected. And start showing the world only the things that get us accepted. 
We need to accept that our personalities are in essence fake. These are magnification of whatever was met with acceptance and made us safe. The parts we push away become parts of our subconscious. They become parts even we don´t see about ourselves. We can only be authentic to the degree that we currently know ourselves. Most of us are not even aware that our personality is fake. 
Year 2019 is all about completing a cycle and stepping into another one relative to authenticity. This universe unfolds itself in spirals that are quiled. Each loop of these quiled spirals can be seen as a cycle. The year 2019 is the end of one of these loops in the spiral and therefore the beginning of the next loop. A 10-year cycle that begun in 2009. In each beings life, in 2009 the seeds were sawn for authentic vision, something that was completely in alignment with what you truly wanted and what you truly are. If you think back to 2009, think about what happened that year and what started that year. It doesn´t matter if it was in the sector of finances, spirituality, relationships, career, purpose etc. Whatever that was, that year was the beginning of the cycle of you stepping into authenticity. That means this authentic vision that begun in 2009 is now coming to a state of crystallization. 
The point of crystallization was so much about what last year was about. It was the year of stability. Those of you who have been through the year know that it didn´t mean that all of us would feel stable. Instead, what it meant was that everything unstable about our life would fall completely apart so that all we would be left with was what´s stable. Kind of like when the earthquake hits and the things that are stable are obviously the things that are still standing. 
Now, because the foundation of what is stable is actually set, we can move forward and build the structure. We can move forward, we can take steps towards improvement, and we can really come out of the closet. 2019 is the year of stride. What exactly does stride mean? Stride means a considerable step or stage in progress towards an aim. It also means to cross an obstacle in one step. It also means large decisive steps in a specific direction. All of these definitions fit the frequency of 2019. In 2019 we will see the second cycle of liberation of our own unique selves. 
2019 is the year for making great strides. And those great strides are going to happen in alignment with what´s actually true for us. In alignment with our authenticity. Now obviously, in order to take those great strides, we have to not only be acting from authenticity but also integrity. Authenticity and integrity go hand in hand. A lack of integrity should be defined as a quality of not adhering to principals communicated to you by your own consciousness and not living in a state of wholeness in and of yourself. For example, if your conscious tells you that honesty is right for you and you lie, you´re demonstrating a lack of integrity. Two parts of you split in that moment and you´ll feel bad as a result. Your internal guidance system will be directing you to the opposite direction than you´re currently headed. 
kuni 7.35
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blogise · 5 years
You see, we make a mistake when we are searching for our life purpose… We look for what we are supposed to do or have in this world when our purpose comes in the form of what we are supposed to give to this world. It is only through the giving of this gift that we can ever receive. To find the gift you are meant to give this world (your purpose), simply ask yourself what you want others to take away from you. Your purpose with respect to what you are meant to be “doing” here in this life will literally fall in your lap when you commit to living life at the mercy of your own joy.
(via tealiideed)
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blogise · 5 years
Finding the priorities.
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blogise · 5 years
Finding life´s purpose.
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blogise · 5 years
fear of change
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blogise · 5 years
finding your personal values and living accordingly.
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blogise · 5 years
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blogise · 5 years
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blogise · 7 years
Remember this, girl, you are half sea. No one ever asks the ocean to quiet her storm, so why do you keep  apologizing for yours?
Pavana पवन (via unveiledtremblingliesaroseling)
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blogise · 7 years
I am learning every day to allow the space between where I am and where I want to be, to inspire me and not terrify me.
Tracee Ellis Ross (via gut-hund)
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blogise · 7 years
The trees you planted in childhood have grown too heavy. You cannot bring them along.  Give yourselves to the air, to what you cannot hold.
Rainer Maria Rilke, “Part One IV,” from Sonnets to Orpheus (via shitiunderline)
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blogise · 7 years
Never get too attached to anyone unless they also feel the same towards you, because one sided expectations can mentally destroy you.
(via sniffing)
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blogise · 7 years
Forgive yourself for not knowing what you didn’t know before you learned it.
Maya Angelou  (via gut-hund)
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