blogkrunchieee · 4 years
The bible message emphasizes how important everyone is to our Almighty God. He appears to be the reason we exist in this world; he is the reason that, no matter how complex the circumstances, we can honor the gifts he has bestowed upon us; he is the one who protects us from evil creatures; and he is the one that provides us with continuous guidance in our everyday lives.
The bible verse “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” It emphasizes the Lord's concern, direction, and security of his people. We may put our trust in the hands of the universe's ruler. Nothing will ever be missing in our lives as long as God is our shepherd.
“He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.” According to this bible verse, green pastures signify sustenance and abundance. Green pastures are often associated with God's Word. We find rest and nourishment for our souls when we spend time meditating on God's Word.
“He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.” This bible verse taught me in life that we all wander from the Lord at times. We are in dire need of God's grace and redemption, which he gladly extends to those who confess and return to him. God guides our steps in the direction of righteousness, in keeping with all his name stands for: holiness, loyalty, faithfulness, and wisdom.
“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” Indicates that people are conscious that life will take us to dark and lonely places. But, since God is with us, we don't have to be afraid of suffering. The staff represent God's protection, care, and encouragement. Just don't worry, because God will protect us no matter where we are or how bad our condition is.
“Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.” This indicates that the Lord is a generous host. We may dine peacefully as guests of the Lord, even in the presence of our enemies. The overflowing cup represents God's unselfish kindness. The Lord not only meets our needs, but also blesses us beyond our ability to comprehend.
“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” It taught me to have more faith in our God, because God's goodness and grace are limitless. That the Lord's covenant with us will last forever. His gift to us is everlasting life, and we will be with him for the rest of our lives.
Overall, our love and trust in God must grow stronger with each passing day, because God is the only one who can save us from any problems we may face in life. God is God, and he works all things, including your life, to achieve his goals. God has counted your days and will complete the mission he has for you.
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blogkrunchieee · 4 years
The Perfect Storm
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I. Trivia about the perfect storm Sebastian Junger wrote a best-selling book about the horrific true story of a confluence of storms devastating the Andrea Gail and its crew off the coast of Gloucester, Massachusetts. Then it became a hit film starring George Clooney, Mark Wahlberg, John C. Reilly, and Diane Lane, which was released 15 years ago today. Hurricane Grace's remnants created the storm in the film in late October and early November 1991. None of the fish in the film were real; they were either rubber (dead fish) or animatronic (animated fish) (alive fish). Wolfgang Petersen, the director, is an animal rights activist. As George Clooney narrates the film at the end, he says, "Blow your air horn and you throw a wave to the lighthouse keeper's kid on Thacher Island." The lighthouse seen in this scene is actually The Eastern Point Lighthouse, not Thacher Island's. The Twin Lighthouses on Thacher Island are nothing like the ones depicted in the movie.
Wolfgang Petersen the director of the movie “The Perfect Storm”.
G.Michael Ironside as “Bob Brown” the Andrea Gail is owned by Bob Brown. Despite his success as a self-made businessman, Gloucester residents have nicknamed Bob "Suicide Bob" for his penchant for taking risks while fishing.
George Clooney as “Billy Tyne” as captain of the Andrea Gail from Charlie Reed. Billy grew up in Gloucester, Massachusetts. Billy, a divorced father of two, is one of those rare fishermen who loves what he does.
Mark Wahlberg as “Bobby Shatford” is a crew member on the Andrea Gail. Bobby was raised in Gloucester, Massachusetts, by his mother, Ethel. He was engaged to Chris Cotter at the time of the boat’s last voyage. He is divorced from his ex-wife, with whom he has two daughters. He wanted to take a job on the Andrea Gail to help pay off his expenses after being brought to court for non-payment of child care.
John C. Reilly as “Dale “Murph” Murphy”. Murph is one of the Andrea Gail’s crew members. He is 30 years old and hails from Bradenton Beach, Florida. He adores his three-year-old son Dale and his ex-wife Debra. He buys his son toys as one of the last items he does before embarking on Andrea Gail's final adventure.
Allen Payne as “Alfred Pierre”. Alfred Pierre is a crew member on the Andrea Gail. He was the ship's only black crew member, having been born in Jamaica and raised in New York City
F.William Fichtner as “David Sullivan”. Andrea Gail’s crew member when another fisherman accidentally pulled out, he signed up for the trip at the last minute.
John Hawkes as “Michael “Bugsy” Moran Bugsy”. Moran is a crew member on the Andrea Gail. In Gloucester, he has long hair and a wild reputation. During the storm, he, along with the rest of the crew, disappears.
Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio as “Linda Greenlaw”. Linda is the captain of the Hannah Boden, the Andrea Gail’s sister boat, which is also owned by Bob Brown.
Diane Lane as “Christina Cotter “. Bobby Shatford’s fiancée is Chris Cotter. She is in her early forties when The Perfect Storm takes place. She is divorced and has three children from a previous marriage. Chris is distressed by Bobby's fishing trips, and she drinks to cope with his long absences.
Christopher McDonal as “Todd Gross” a Boston meteorologist for WNEV-TV.
Sebastian Junger  the Perfect Storm is written by Sebastian Junger. Since witnessing the storm's damage firsthand and reading a news story about the Andrea Gail's supposed demise.
III. Summary of The Perfect Storm Five fishermen and their captain boarded the Andrea Gail, a long liner boat used for sword fishing, in A True Tale of Men Against the Sea. Their intention was to sail from Gloucester, Massachusetts, to the Grand Banks off the coast of New England. Each fisherman planned to earn up to $5,000 depending on how many fish he caught. Bobby Shatford and Albert Pierre are the only two fishermen who have a girlfriend. They spend the days leading up to the trip saying their final farewells. The others are mainly loners who say their goodbyes to fellow fishermen at a nearby bar named "The Crow's Nest." Two of the men decide not to board the Andrea Gail at the last minute because they both have a bad feeling about the trip. Even though the crew is putting in twenty-hour workdays, the fishing yields nothing for their efforts over the first three weeks. The captain, Billy Tyne, is ready to return to Gloucester. He seeks assistance from his sister ship, the Hannah Boden, the only female-helmed fishing vessel. After a few days of successful fishing, the Andrea Gail is filled with 40,000 pounds of sword fish – enough to make it financially viable to return home. Storms in the Grand Banks are notoriously dangerous during the last week of October. The Banks are a shelter for thriving marine life, but they are also notorious for gale force winds and hurricanes. On October 27, the National Weather Service issued an alert that a major storm system was forming. And seasoned meteorologists are amazed and excited by this storm. Three weather systems appear to be convergent and would form "the perfect storm." A storm that occurs only once every hundred years or so. On the Hannah Boden, Captain Linda Green law warns Billy Tyne of the impending storm. He continues to continue driving home, despite the fact that he will be in the path of the bad weather. His ice machine is broken, and if he does not return home, his fish will spoil in a matter of days. Tyne meets with Tommy Barrie, the Allison's captain, and is never seen or heard from again. Green law discovers barrels labeled "AG" three weeks later when the Andrea Gail washes up on Sable Island. The ship most likely sunk after being struck by a monster wave. After two weeks, searchers called it quits on finding the Andrea Gail. The Perfect Storm is filled with nautical knowledge about ocean waves, storms, marine life, and shipbuilding. It also offers a comprehensive overview of the New England fishing industry, as well as a look at the subculture of fishermen and their villages.
IV. Review The Perfect Storm is very well example of a sensational film. It's about ships being knocked around by a violent storm. The film lacks complex and engaging characters, but they are not needed. It does not tell a complex story and does not need to; the key events are revealed to the majority of the audience before the film starts. All is dependent on the storm. I won't deny that I was enthralled. We hear about the economic strains on the sword fishing industry, we meet the crew members and their women, we learn a bit about their stories, and then the film is about the ship, the hurricane, and the people waiting for news in port. A parallel story about a luxury sailboat in distress heightens the suspense even further. The Andrea Gail's crew members are a mishmash of standard movie styles. We have Captain Billy Tyne (George Clooney), whose pride has been wounded because his catch has lagged this season. Bobby Shatford (Mark Wahlberg), who is in love with Diane Lane; Murph (John C. Reilly), whose seafaring life has resulted in a pleasant yet sad separation from his wife and son; Bugsy (John Hawkes), the type of character who gets overlooked in crowds; Alfred Pierre (Allen Payne), a Jamaican who has traveled into northern waters for the paycheck; and a last-minute addition, Sully is an abbreviation for Sully (William Fichtner). He and Murph don't get along. What's the harm? Jealousy over Murph's mom, according to the film. My assumption is that the story would benefit from onboard tension. We just think about their outward signs and characteristics; we don't know or care what makes them tick. That isn't a fatal flaw in the film because "The Perfect Storm" is about the storm, not the people. Except for urgently yelled words, the film's best scenes are largely devoid of dialogue. They are about men who are caught in a whirlwind of overwhelming powers. They respond heroically because they have no choice; they are not heroes; their motivation is necessity. They had a bad season, made one last risky journey, and ventured beyond the familiar Grand Banks fishing grounds to the perilous Flemish Cap. Quentin, the salty old dog who sits at the bar in Gloucester and offers color commentary, fills us in: "I was last there in '62." There are a lot of fish. There is a lot of weather.” They have good fortune: A swordfish catch weighing 60,000 pounds. And disaster strikes: the ice machine fails. If they return to port soon, the catch will spoil. A storm is brewing, according to reports. Billy lays out their options: "We can either hang out here or say screw it and drive on through." The crew decides to ride out the storm and earn their paychecks. Of course, they have no idea how severe the storm is, and when another fishing boat skipper, Linda Greenlaw, attempts to inform them, their antenna has blown overboard. Scenes at sea compete with scenes in the pub, which appears to be frequented by the majority of the Gloucester fishing industry and is conveniently situated right at the end of the dock. This is about right; I have no doubt that during a hurricane, the owners, retired sailors, mothers, girlfriends, and drinking buddies all stand watch in a saloon, ordering rounds and watching the Weather Channel. There are fantastic set pieces even before the hurricane, such as when Murph is yanked overboard by a fishing line and two men dive in to save him (Sully, his enemy, is the first in the water). The ordeal of two ships trapped in a storm, however, is at the heart of the film. The skipper tries to cut loose and anchor as the men of the Andrea Gail fight wearily against their fate. He clings to a swaying beam while carrying an acetylene torch; it's a miracle he doesn't burn a hole in himself in the process. The parallel story involving a Coast Guard rescue of the sailboat is even more thrilling. A passenger (Cherry Jones) begs the ship's owner (Bob Gunton) to take the ship to safer waters, but he is a pigheaded millionaire yachtsman with little regard for nature. A helicopter rescue is attempted, and the tension increases as the chopper attempts to continue to the Andrea Gail, a mid-air refueling is attempted, and finally men risk their lives in what appears to be a doomed battle (at one point, a Guardsman who is safe goes back into the sea after a crew mate). We understand mentally that we are watching special effects. Tanks and wind turbines are included, as well as computer graphics and models. This isn't important. The story's momentum propels us forward, and by the end of the film, I was drained. It's possible to condemn the shady characters, but doing so is pointless. The film portrays the harrowing experience of battling for your life in a small boat in a massive storm. If that's what you're looking for, you'll see it done just as good as it can be done here.
V. Reaction  The first time I watched the movie “The Perfect Storm,” I felt happy and relaxed because I saw people out there excited to see their love once again, but by the middle of the film, I started to feel weird and anxious about what would happen to the fisherman's. Before the hurricane struck, I was anxious and shocked at how unpredictable my reaction was. It occurred to me that what if I encountered something similar to that hurricane? I thought my tears would fall before the boat sunk and the six fisherman were lost and dead, but I only suppressed them. Hands down to the cast and director, this is one of the best movies for anybody who wants to cross the sea to see what life is like for fishermen.
VI. Lessons Learned The movie "The Perfect Storm" taught me that none of us know if we would be alive tomorrow. Life is too short to not make the most of each day. Take some time each day to focus on how fortunate you are to be alive. Don't be afraid to pursue your passions; you could just save someone's life one day. Life is full of surprises and ups and downs, but note that you never know what tomorrow will bring.
VII. Reference
Junger, S. (1997). The perfect storm: A true story of men against the sea. New York: Norton.
Gardiner, S. M. (2011). The perfect storm: The ethical tragedy of climate change. New York: Oxford University Press.
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blogkrunchieee · 4 years
The interpretation of men and women's experiences is Feminism. The value of relative roles in culture cannot be overstated. The importance of men and women's relationships in society is emphasized in much feminist thought. Virginity was once held in high regard in our society. It is given to a husband and wife as a token of their love. In today's society, it has already become commonplace. Women should be regarded with respect and reverence, as feminism advocates for their emancipation. Some women are born with no hymen, whereas others are born with a small hymen that can burst for a variety of reasons unrelated to sexual activity. Genders should be viewed fairly in popular society, rather than as artifacts or creatures. We are humans, but we are not perfect, and we must strive to be so in order to advance in a healthy and caring society and climate. Respecting and treating one another with dignity can assist an individual in achieving success on their own. Shivani is Mr. Samarkant's wife, and she has been abused against her husband because of her virginity, according to a short film I watched. Her husband believed that the woman should remain a virgin until she married. Shivani says that he would prefer the woman even though she was already a virgin. This attitude is deeply toxic and disrespectful to the feelings of others. The virginity of a woman has no bearing on whether you support her or not. Gender equality safeguards women and girls from harm. It is important for economic development. Equality means that everyone has an equal opportunity to make the most of their lives and abilities. It is important that both genders value each other's human rights, since these are universal values.
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blogkrunchieee · 4 years
Name: Kranz Magbanua Grade 11 student of John B. Lacson Foundation Maritime University.  I like to take tasks that I can do it, self-motivated person, self-disciplined. My strengths are my mentality. I may embrace a world of any sort. I'm a really good listener and a fast learner. I have the pleasure of presenting myself. Jan. 28, 2021
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