blogthebuzzs-blog · 12 years
Crowning Glory
It took so long for me to look for a shampoo that will reduce my hairfall. I've been experiencing hairfall (scary hairfall). I used the anti-hairfall shampoo (endorsed by a well-known TV personality) but no effect for me! i simply cannot grow my hair long because it will break and my "tutsangs" will come out! Freaky!
I tried Dove Shampoo. I've been a Dove soap user and it has been very effective for my dry skin. So I told myself, maybe Dove Shampoo will help reduce my hairfall. I bought the Dove Daily Moisture Shampoo. 
It's very effective! It's more expensive than the locally made shampoos but come on! I'm paying for the QUALITY!
When one of the top manufacturers introduced it locally, I am very excited! At long last! It's cheaper, smells nicer, richer and it has more variants. But the Daily Moisture is not on the list but its okay. I'm also using the Intense Repair variant.
But to my dismay, I started having hairfall again.  Why oh why! I tried to look for the Made in USA but its not being sold on my fave supermarket.
Glad, this weekend, I looked again and its now available!
Once, I complained on having a very dry skin. I told my Supervisor of the predicament. She suggested that I use Ivory but the one that is made in US and not the one that is made locally. She said, the quality is different and the foreign made one is more effective.
I have nothing against the locally made products but i'm just wondering, why are the effects different compared to the one that is made in the US? Why do they compromise the quality of the product? Are they using different ingredients? Just wondering.
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blogthebuzzs-blog · 12 years
sorry i can't help but stare at you..awwwww..
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blogthebuzzs-blog · 12 years
Click on the Title above and know when is the next friendlies of our very own National Football Team. When are you going to scream and cheer again. Whoop whoop!
Credit to sir Ace's twitter page (@acebright) for the link. 
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blogthebuzzs-blog · 12 years
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Best wishes (los mejores deseos) to mr. and mrs. angel guirado.
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blogthebuzzs-blog · 12 years
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Okay.. I was "Googleing" the words Dennis Cagara Shirtless and nothing popped out. Not the image i wanted to see. Okay, try it yourself!
Any shirtless Dennis Cagara?
None? Maybe this one.
See..I'm drooling over his sexy hot buff bod. OMG! I'm acting like a teenager. LOL! If you're a fan, you too maybe experiencing the same dilemma as i do. 
You know the feeling?
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I truly admire his shoulder-to-shoulder defensing versus Indonesia and Guam. TALSIK sila di ba? Nawala sila sa screen eh. Hehehe.
What's more? When they played versus Guam and they were in all white, I was praying for the Lord to kindly send some rain over Panaad Stadium. Hahahahaha. Naughty!!
And syempre, his perfect Bicycle Kick during the Nepal match last October 2011. 
I was browsing over the pictures I took during that match and I noticed I have a LOT of him shirtless. Though, hindi naman talaga siya yung pinipicturan ko that time. 
Anyway, sharing this to you. Yung iba..next time na lang.
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