bloodiedwisteria · 10 months
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he's here
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bloodiedwisteria · 1 year
Fujiko tilted her head a little, quickly swiping her eyes with her sleeve. "Would you really do that for a stranger?" She asked gently. Her fingers reaching for his as she listened. "you are...a saviour...regardless of your blood or nature..." the dark haired woman gently clasped her fingers to his hand. "Though...if I were to die...I wouldn't mind if it were to feed you" She brushed her fingers to his and then smiled a little. Her face flushed as tears started again. "Please don't let any other demon eat me..."
She set the stool down for Akaza. Seeming a little flushed.
“You needn’t pull out your coin purse. I’m not worth it” She laughed a little. “I was given to this house… because I didn’t follow the demon hunter that saved me. I don’t have the ability to fight…so I just had no other options.”
“My debt is my life…I’ve been told I will work till I drop dead.” She put her hand against Akaza’s cheek.
“Please don’t worry”
Her voice was soft, and she kept a smile, though now… tears were streaming down her face.
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This woman baffled him, truly made him take a few steps back with her lack of care for her own life. No this was more abuse than he could imagine, hell it even sparked some emotions that he hadn’t felt since he was turned into a demon and his memories were just SNATCHED away from him.
No this was unfair to this woman. 
“If I were to purchase you... free from your debt would you be willing to travel with a demon?” He might as well come clean. Finding somewhere safe for the woman would be a pain, especially with Douma skulking about. It would be worth it since those SCUMMY demons slayers left her for death.
“I will do my best to keep you safe, but know there will be demons that want you dead just for being around me.”
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bloodiedwisteria · 1 year
r u satan's worshipper???
(( if you're asking about The Mun's religious viewpoint, then I'm pagan. If you're asking about Fujiko's then she's Buddhist. I don't know what this question has to do with anything ))
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bloodiedwisteria · 1 year
She set the stool down for Akaza. Seeming a little flushed.
"You needn't pull out your coin purse. I'm not worth it" She laughed a little. "I was given to this house... because I didn't follow the demon hunter that saved me. I don't have the ability to fight...so I just had no other options."
"My debt is my life...I've been told I will work till I drop dead." She put her hand against Akaza's cheek.
"Please don't worry"
Her voice was soft, and she kept a smile, though now... tears were streaming down her face.
She tilted her head and then gave a warm smile. "I may not survive the next week. But It makes me happy to know that you care!" Fujiko only exuded a gentle positive energy. Perfectly accepting of her coming death. "The men I get shoved off to are often violent and cruel...So they take it out on me before going back to their perfect wife and children." She seemed to go quiet for just a moment, a sadness seeping into her eyes. "ah! don't worry about me. Would you like a drink?" she asked giving a bow; her hair spilling over her shoulders and going to get a small three legged stool for Akaza to sit on. Her eyes returning to somewhat warm and gentle.
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bloodiedwisteria · 1 year
She tilted her head and then gave a warm smile. "I may not survive the next week. But It makes me happy to know that you care!" Fujiko only exuded a gentle positive energy. Perfectly accepting of her coming death. "The men I get shoved off to are often violent and cruel...So they take it out on me before going back to their perfect wife and children." She seemed to go quiet for just a moment, a sadness seeping into her eyes. "ah! don't worry about me. Would you like a drink?" she asked giving a bow; her hair spilling over her shoulders and going to get a small three legged stool for Akaza to sit on. Her eyes returning to somewhat warm and gentle.
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bloodiedwisteria · 1 year
Why. Why was every deity teasing her with something she couldn't have. She felt herself burn hot; the feelings all swirling and mixing inside her. She opened her lips to apologise, to say that she was so intensely jealous... But... Once again his lips on hers. Was this torment or was it a gift? For now she'd take it as the latter, she wanted Yoriichi to open up, to give her enough of a crack for her to talk to him through. It seemed to have worked a little too well. But the sudden bubbling feeling like hundreds of butterflies in her chest and stomach made her relax a little, holding to Yoriichi like he was the last tangible thing on this earth. Gently reciprocating the kisses.
His embrace was firm yet gentle, his fingers combing through her hair as he let his calloused hand slip to caress the back of her neck. His other hand rested against her lower back, his thumb gently tapping against her spine.
Yoriichi vividly remembered the whole mourning process; he could recall the kindness shown to him during the most difficult time of his life. He never thought he would have to bury both his wife and their child at once. Fujiko and her family had been there for him when he had nothing else.
Was he ready to let someone in?
He didn't know, but after she had shown him such kindness and understanding, he couldn't just push her away when she poured her heart out to him.
Maybe he needed this.
Wordlessly he would use the hand on the back of her neck to gently tilt her head back before he pressed his lips against hers.
After all, the rain wouldn't let up anytime soon.
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bloodiedwisteria · 1 year
She didn't quite expect the embrace. Eyes widened and her hands automatically wrapped around his waist, her hand up on his back and her head resting against his chest. She inhaled a little. That smell was something she adored, the faint scent of tea and coffee. The scent of today's rain and dirt mixed with his earthy cologne. Her eyes closed for a moment. She enjoyed this briefest of moment. Wife... Something she'd been there to help Yoriichi through. It was... hard, she had seen him at his lowest as well as being unable to help as much as she wanted. She prepared the bodies with her families. But She was more appropriate in dealing with the grieving. She so desperately wanted to help Yoriichi...
But she treasured Yoriichi's friendship more than anything, she didn't want to push the memories of his wife away. But why were her eyes feeling so hot, why did she just want to bury herself in his hold forever...
He could see how misty her eyes had become as she turned to him; he could tell she was holding her feelings back. A gentle expression crossed his face as she smiled at him. She was so strong...smiling even when her heart ached. One of his hands would raise up, cupping the side of her face before sliding to the back of her head, pulling her against his chest as his other arm wrapped around her torso.
"Don't fret over that...It's just...my wife..."
His voice was gentle as if the world would crumble around them if he spoke too loud.
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bloodiedwisteria · 1 year
"...Kindness is the only thing I have left to offer people"
she thought on his words for a minute. "I'd love to come and help repair you and your clothes!" Fujiko smiled warmly as she put her head gently tilted to look at him "My name is Fujiko, Fujiko Shimizu! Do you have a name to give in return?" Her question was soft, like she didn't wish to ask too loudly in case it attracted something horrid. She laced her fingers together and waited patiently for his response.
The puppet quietly listened to her, its porcelain eyes flicking to examine her face closely, his gaze tracing over her scars. "...for some...it takes time to find the strength they need." Yoriichi himself would not go out of his way to encourage others to follow his path- he knew it to be a dangerous and bloody one; even those with the strongest hearts would break at the hands of demons. He found her quite endearing; kindness seemed to radiate off her, "I would be glad to keep you company...in exchange for a few...repairs..."
The old man really wouldn't mind the company either; he was always willing to lend an ear to those in need, though he was always more keen on listening than talking. His gaze would flick up to the sky before settling on the young woman once more.
"What is your name?"
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bloodiedwisteria · 1 year
"Do you know where Muichiro went? He had my hair tie." The boy took the demon's only tie.
"Ah. I'm sorry, I haven't seen Muichiro at all lately." Fujiko bowed a little. "You're welcome to have one of my spares though"
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bloodiedwisteria · 1 year
Mun vs Muse
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tagged by: @uppermoonkoku I tag: whoever would like to do thiss!
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bloodiedwisteria · 1 year
It had felt like no more than a terrible dream. The pain that she had felt was giving way, she was sure she was told not to fall asleep when she had such numerous traumatic injuries but... She had been dreaming about her family. All her sisters sat around their small temple. She was thirteen again...just a bad dream. Until she felt someone pinch her nose, causing her to cough hard. The blood and dirt in her mouth being spat out before she glanced upwards as well as she could. "...Flame...Hashira?" she asked almost in shock and awe. She couldn't move properly. Trying her best to focus and breathe. Doing as he had told her; some injuries harder than others to focus on, as she herself wasn't fully aware of all of her injuries. "...It was an upper moon..." she said between breaths. It hurt to breathe a little, her eyes squeezing shut again.
“Remain calm ..”
He was too late to stop, the demon that had been here. Whomever it had been, rather whatever it had been, it had not been, anything he had encountered before within his life. He had arrived, as quickly as he got the message that a demon had been sighted within the area and someone was in danger, but alas, like all things, he appeared to be too late.
The cruelty of the path of the slayer, was how so many of them died. As he stood there for a moment and just leaned over and looked down, golden eyes wide open as he lowered his hand down, extended one finger and poking the top of her forehead, before he moved it down and pinched her nose, to see the gargle and the splatter of blood leaving her lips.
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“You are still alive, but greatly injured, you need to focus and relax yourself and remember your training.”
There was nothing he could do, other than kneel down and apply some pressure, to the wound on her side, but her injuries where numerous, and worse eternal than they where external, she needed to focus on healing herself, closing up the damage as best as she could, until the rest of the slayers could arrive to offer more aid than he could, as he rested on his knees now, and kept his hands upon her to try and press down and stop the worst of the bleeding.
“Just hang on for a little bit longer, help is on the way, just focus on your breathing, we will take care of everything else.”
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bloodiedwisteria · 1 year
She put her fingers through his hair while her hand bled incredibly quickly. The precious lifeblood staining the white of her kimono. It was rather... beautiful? In a macabre way. Then the sting of a bite came, her eyes squeezing shut as her nose crinkled a little. But she didn't make a sound, only a short, sharp inhale. "I wish I didn't have to die...I don't mind sharing my blood...but..." her eyes glanced downwards as she then looked at Urogi. His lips spilling with her sanguine gold.
Fujiko was curious. Instead of moving her hand there would be a slow seeping of blood. A fragrant tasting liquid that tasted more like the sweetest ambrosia than the typical iron tasting liquor. She stared at him with a tilt of her head. “…Will it hurt?” Her voice was quiet; the stinging in her hand was nothing compared to the fear welling in her chest. Yet her voice stayed at a settled tone. As if at peace with her fate. She watched the scarlet liquid blossom over her hand, running small rivers down her arm; catching the sleeve of her white clothing. Yet she kept stroking his hair with her other hand that was not currently being drank from. Her fingers still moving in slow circles; her eyes closing slowly, as if she was falling asleep.
The first drop of blood made Urogi’s pupils widen. Marechi, no wonder she smelled good, when she had such delightful blood within her. The Demon’s fangs remained in her flesh as he let the droplets flow into his mouth. The blood made his feathers tremble. A small chirp left his upturned mouth, a smile on his lips.
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His fangs slowly pulled out to let the blood flow with proper freedom as he watched it dribble down her arm. “Khyahaha, you’re a marechi.” He commented the obvious with a cackle. “More reason to not let you get away.” He chirped as he lapped at the fresh wound on her hand. The pets on his head only made him giddier along with the blood. It was like a strange haze befell upon him at the taste of rare blood. 
“If I devour you right here, it will only hurt for a moment.” Urogi finally answered her as he pressed his teeth back into her wounded hand and bit down into it, strong enough to try and bite a whole chunk out of it. He didn’t mean to lie, but the pain tolerance between a human and a demon was so high, that he sometimes forgot a mere bite was painful enough for most humans.
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bloodiedwisteria · 1 year
Fujiko laughed a little. Looking at the younger slayer before folding her arms.
"Yes. Udon! It's wheat noodles usually with a clear broth. But you can have whatever extras you want with it!"
She then tilted her head.
"Are you sure you're alright? Do you need a minute before we start going?"
She then checked her own wounds, nothing major, a few cuts, and bruises. Her fingers were a little blistered and had bled a little. Easily enough fixed with a bowl of fresh Udon.
"Come on then, Boar head"
"Mmhm. You did a great job, Boar-Kun!" But her eyes narrowed a little.
"However, I didn't want to take you back with your body in shreds. Especially since I'm the elder in this situation"
She smiled a little.
"We couldn't have found them without you so... you can be mad at me on the way back! And I can treat you to some udon!"
She had heard somewhere that food was the way to get the boar skin slayer to trust, and what would it hurt? She really liked the broth from her favourite cart.
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bloodiedwisteria · 1 year
(( find him over at @forgehearted ))
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bloodiedwisteria · 1 year
(( working on a haganezuka blog. Will keep updated :3 ))
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bloodiedwisteria · 1 year
Fujiko smiled a little. She wanted to cry, but that would be such a horrid thing to do.
She felt his hand on her arm and heard the words that he had spoken. But she simply turned to him and mustered the brightest smile she could.
"Yoriichi, you don't need to explain. I put you in a situation that I shouldn't have"
The thunder gave way to lightning, illuminating the skies that were definitely full of rain.
She took off her dirty gardening gloves and set them on the work bench to the side.
continued from this ask
His mind was swarming with questions as he stared down at Fujiko.
Was this okay? Was it okay for him to share his affections with another woman? Was he ready to hold another so dear to his heart?
No...it couldn't be okay. This was his fault; he had never told her about his late wife about how he had failed to keep her and their unborn child safe. What would he say?
"O-oh I apologize, what were we talking about?" Changing the subject was easier than confronting it.
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bloodiedwisteria · 1 year
How does your story end?
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Tagged by: @uppermoonkoku
Tagging: whoever wants to do it!
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