bloodshedmoon-blog · 8 years
kurarei :
bloodshedmoon :
        Yes, what good would it do? The demon with the moonlight hair appeared to have settled himself where he was; and he was too quietly amused at this curious coquettish display of modesty to consider requests.
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   Also, the rain outside was torrential. He could hear it pelting the treetops outside.
    “Are you a man or a maiden?” he murmured, choosing to turn his back to the spider, rather than comply and leave.
{🕷} “I’m not sure at the moment.”
Naraku muttered, getting up while still wrapped in his pelt. He walked to the far corner of the room, back to Sesshomaru before beginning to dress. After a minute, he passed silently back to Sesshomaru while tying up his hair.
“You can look at me now. I’m decent.”
         That was an interesting answer... An interesting thought, too. Though he quickly perished the thought.
   “I take it you’re inviting me in,” He said, turning back to face him, head cocking while the man fidgeted with his hair. “Else, you’ve gone to a lot of effort for an uninvited guest.”
It was unusual for him to openly tease someone. Perhaps it was the strange turn of the weather, but for once, Sesshoumaru felt at ease here.
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bloodshedmoon-blog · 8 years
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Independent Naraku & Byakuya
▌✗▌Skype available for mutuals
▌✗▌5+ years of RP experience
▌✗▌Mun is of age
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bloodshedmoon-blog · 8 years
kurarei :
bloodshedmoon :
         He knew this was more of vague accusation than a genuine question, but he entertained Naraku with an answer anyway.
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    “It has happened more than once. I wasn’t perturbed…  They were dead soon after.” He was nettling him. Naraku hadn’t even demanded an explanation for his presence, much less attacked him.
{🕷} Naraku gave an irritated sigh. He was tempted to scream at Sesshomaru to leave or for Byakuya, who was down the hall. What good would any of that do? Sesshomaru wouldn’t listen and Byakuya was useless in these situations.
“Well now that you’re here I might as well get up. Will you please leave the room so I may dress?”
        Yes, what good would it do? The demon with the moonlight hair appeared to have settled himself where he was; and he was too quietly amused at this curious coquettish display of modesty to consider requests.
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   Also, the rain outside was torrential. He could hear it pelting the treetops outside.
    “Are you a man or a maiden?” he murmured, choosing to turn his back to the spider, rather than comply and leave.
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bloodshedmoon-blog · 8 years
kurarei :
bloodshedmoon :
        When the cunning bastard put it that way, it just sounded… Strange. In fact, seeing him sitting there, clutching to his pelt like some virginal maiden was strange in itself. Shifting his gait and folding his arms within his sleeves, he shook his head. “I am taking shelter. I’m not here to watch you.” Although he had been. It showed, written in the gold of his eyes.
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    “You look troubled.”
{🕷} “Are you insinuating that you yourself would not be somewhat perturbed to wake up and find someone watching you while you slept?”
Naraku inquired coldly, red eyes narrowing. He did not particularly believe Sesshomaru’s claims of simply looking for shelter and certainly did not believe that was the only reason he had come.
         He knew this was more of vague accusation than a genuine question, but he entertained Naraku with an answer anyway.
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    “It has happened more than once. I wasn’t perturbed...  They were dead soon after.” He was nettling him. Naraku hadn’t even demanded an explanation for his presence, much less attacked him.
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bloodshedmoon-blog · 8 years
@inuyashaxx started following you
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           “You’re still alive, I see.”
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bloodshedmoon-blog · 8 years
dog-demons-little-entourage :
Despite that Rin never doubted his returns to visit, it was too hard not to be excited of over it.
Such a question was one she did not expect of him, but she happen to be glad he asked it. It made her smile more, if that was possible. There was always a belief that he cared for her, usually it always proven by subtle actions exhibited from him rather than words. Words were nice too.
Yes. “Of course not M’lord. I’m just happy to see you.” 
        The.... awkward taste the question had left on his tongue faded away quickly, which, in other ways, was awkward in and of itself.
  Years had passed, and still, he had yet to get used to this. The way his external barriers grew increasingly fragile around the girl. If only a decade ago he’d been told a mere human pup would infect his senses like this, he’d have brushed it off as nonsense.
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   His hand came to rest upon the top of her head and combed once through her locks-- an incredibly affectionate gesture by his standards. Yes. Good. “Is that so. I would have hoped you were keeping busy enough here in the village to pay my visits much mind.”
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bloodshedmoon-blog · 8 years
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     9 plus years of rp experience      selective + oc friendly      big fluffy dog creature demon thing      mun is 20+
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bloodshedmoon-blog · 8 years
dog-demons-little-entourage :
Upon her face a larger smile grew.  
“Lord Sesshomaru, you’re back!” Rin approached closer before she waved to him.
         The way she’d enthusiastically greet him each visit he paid always left him puzzled. The same smile, the same wave. Her eyes were always full of wonder and surprise, as though she hadn’t been expecting him to come back at all.
    But he always did.
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    It was nice, a warm sort of nice, he reasoned, that despite the passing of seasons, some things never seemed to change.
    “Was I away too long?” The question had slipped before he could think to stop it.
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bloodshedmoon-blog · 8 years
@dog-demons-little-entourage started following you
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        ☽••─ And there’s a genuine smile brought to stone lips.
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bloodshedmoon-blog · 8 years
{🕷} Naraku remained sitting bolt upright in bed, the white baboon pelt clutched tightly to him as he stared up at the dog demon.
“Do you intend to just…watch me all night?”
         When the cunning bastard put it that way, it just sounded... Strange. In fact, seeing him sitting there, clutching to his pelt like some virginal maiden was strange in itself. Shifting his gait and folding his arms within his sleeves, he shook his head. “I am taking shelter. I'm not here to watch you.” Although he had been. It showed, written in the gold of his eyes.
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    “You look troubled.”
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bloodshedmoon-blog · 8 years
kurarei :
 {🕷} “I was trying to sleep!”
The spider is clearly unimpressed at being caught off guard.
        And the daiyokai is clearly nonplussed, he remains standing in place-- No, looming would be the better word, with the way his shadow stretches long and dark across the chamber floor.
    “You were succeeding until now.”
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   The fact that he has not yet been asked to leave is mentally noted.
{🕷} Stares at intently. Reaches slowly for baboon pelt without breaking eye contact. Covers self.
“How the fuck did you get in?”
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bloodshedmoon-blog · 8 years
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        There’s a long pause. And then, "I can leave just as easily.”
{🕷} Stares at intently. Reaches slowly for baboon pelt without breaking eye contact. Covers self.
“How the fuck did you get in?”
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bloodshedmoon-blog · 8 years
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bloodshedmoon-blog · 8 years
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