omg I am so sorry for neglecting this account. ;w; I think I'm just terrible at handling two muse's at once.. I think once my draft count lowers on Rick then I will try and bring Michonne back because  uhgdhsadjskhbfjlsadd she's my bby. So I guess this account will be on Hiatus until further notice--
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Hey you guys thank you all for following and sorry for not being active on this account as much! ;A; I'm just going to finish my last week of classes and then I will be more active on Rick and this account-- If you wanna plot message me! c:
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maggie-mun did a thing and she would love to have some interactions with u lovely people.
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"I sure hope so.." Michonne mumbled, glancing down at the young girl.
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+ new followers
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"This is only the worst part, right? It’s gonna get better."
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Michonne’s smirk grew upon hearing the woman’s next words. She hadn’t expected to find anyone here, let alone someone alive with an attitude like hers. If anything she would have expected to find someone who was either begging for help, or was in a gang or something like that.
She gave her head a small nod and continued her way across the street, scanning her surroundings as she stepped closer to the building. She came to a slow halt, turning her head to look at the woman. “Know a way in?”
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Evelyn knew that she was probably walking a fine line by being sarcastic, but it came as second instinct, and it often helped distract her. Besides, it was rare for the brunette to run into someone who could not only take sarcasm but dish it out in turn. Even more so, this stranger was interesting, and Evelyn could never resist someone intriguing.
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          “Just waiting for your a-okay.” 
The response was overly cheerful and just a tad too loud, sarcasm yet again evident in her words. She straightened up from where she was crouched, grip tightening around the ax’s handle, ignoring the pop of joints being freed from the same position for too long. Fingers flexing around the warm wood, she moved to stand next to the other woman, eyebrow cocking in silent question, small smirk on her lips and something akin to a challenge in her usually cool gaze.
          “Would you like to lead the way?”
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Michonne gazed around their surroundings, her eyes landing on the destroyed prison that was still in sight. Her face grimaced and she turned away, closing her eyes. 
Kneeling down next to the woman, Michonne began to examine her leg. Her pant leg was soaked with blood, it didn’t look good. They had no supplies, medicine, shelter.. How would she be able to treat this properly.
"This a bullet wound..?"
Carol ran with her, with everything she had left. The thought that the others could still be alive, motivated her. They wouldn’t want her to give up. Especially Hershel. Tears fell as she thought of his death. At least- At least he smiled.
Breathing heavily, she took a seat on the log. “Jus’ my leg. It honestly doesn’t hurt.” 
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Michonne had been losing track of the days, but she guessed that it had maybe been a week since the incident. With no luck finding anyone, she was forced to push forwards on her own. It wasn't so bad. She was used to it being like that. Alone. The horrifying images still played through her head; Hershel being beheaded, the destruction of the prison, the deaths.. But Michonne had gotten her sweet revenge against the governor, he got what he deserved. No one had to deal with him anymore.
Finally deciding to leave the forest in search of supplies, she came across a small neighborhood. She hoped that the others came across the neighborhood too and that she'd be able to meet up with them. It was silent here from all Michonne could see. There wasn't even a walker in sight. 'They must be hiding..' Michonne muttered to herself with a shake of her head.
Walking up to the nearest house, she slowly creaked open the door and stepped in. Her brown eyes darted around the room, searching for any living soul. Seeing that there was no one in sight, Michonne crept into the living room, her sword now drawn in her palms. Her eyes widened upon hearing footsteps, preparing herself for attack. With one swift turn, she swung around, holding her blade straight outwards towards the enemy.
"--Carl?" Her mouth gaped slightly as she began to lower her sword.  
   It’s been a week or so since the incident with The Governor. It’s also been a week since Carl and Rick have been on their own. They managed to find a house in a quiet neighborhood. Not too many walkers, well; not anymore. He took care of the problem. But now Rick was unconscious, and that meant Carl had to protect them both. 
  He decides to take a little supply run. They’re running low on food and medication anyways. He figures when his dad wakes up, it’ll be nice to be greeted with fresh bandages and a few painkillers. Entering a neighboring townhouse, Carl quickly draws his silenced pistol, and makes his way towards the bathroom. After a few minutes of rummaging through cabinets, he manages to find a few things that were on his list. 
          t h u m p 
The noise causes him to furrow his brows. He’s not scared. In fact, he hopes it’s a walker. Running into another lunatic wouldn’t be very fun. He leaves the bathroom and follows the sound, with his gun drawn
"—- Who’s there?"
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Michonne held her gaze, not allowing to take her eyes off of the stranger. She listened carefully to her words whilst examining her expression and movement. This was a tense situation between the two, almost as if they were battling each other only by expressions and few words. Or maybe Michonne only thought of it that way, it was like her to pick small fights with strangers nowadays. Especially ones that call her cocky--
"If that's your way of offering assistance, then hurry up." She muttered, a smirk now crossing her face as she turned to face the mart. Michonne didn't want to admit it, but this woman's use could be something she really needed. She was exhausted, and still in shock of what had occurred only hours ago. With a sigh, she took a few steps closer to the building, allowing her eyes to search the area.
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Evelyn watched as the sword was lowered slowly, though the woman before her was most definitely keeping her guard up. As she should. Though it may seem that the brunette was just waiting for a chance to strike when Michonne’s guard was down, it was quite the opposite; she was just trying to get by with as little trouble as possible.
          “Well… if you say it like that,” she drawled slowly, eyebrow remaining quirked. She wasn’t exactly insinuating that the other survivor was cocky, not in the slightest bit. It was more of a sarcastic comment than anything.
Exhaling a slow sigh, she waited a beat, curious to see if this survivor would actually go forward and attempt to sneak past the walker herd. She might be able to, which would be impressive, though the brunette was slightly doubtful.
          “I don’t know about you, stranger, but I wouldn’t be able to handle that many by myself. Another pair of hands and eyes might actually help.” It was a not quite subtle way of Evelyn offering a temporary alliance due to mutual needs.
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Michonne helped balance out her weight so that they could quickly walk in step. The two had to get out of there, now. Walkers poured in by the second and soon enough the whole destroyed refuge would be in ruins. She tightly gripped Carol's hand as the two sprinted out into the forest.
Once Michonne believed they were a safe enough distance away, she allowed the two to come to a stop. She exhaled sharply and lowered Carol's arm off of her shoulder, letting her take a seat on a fallen log. "Where are you hurt?" She questioned in a concerned quiet voice.  
Carol nodded her head in agreement. She looked back once more, seeing the explosions and fire. It hurt to know that everything they had built was gone. The only things they had kept, were gone. Everything was gone. 
She walked in step with Michonne, without a word. Even if she had no expression, she could tell the woman was in distress. 
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Slim survival. || Michonne&Beth
It was finally the end to the governor's manipulation. Thanks to Michonne, Rick was alive. She had gotten her sweet revenge, thrusting her katana right through the manipulator's heart, leaving him lying helplessly in the middle of the field to suffer. He didn’t deserve a quick painless death. It could be seen as sick to let someone suffer, but it didn’t compare to the suffering he had caused their group to go through. So she didn’t care.
Her head pounded endlessly as she made her way back up the path to the prison. Sure, she shouldn’t have left Rick, but there could be other people in need of some help, she knew he would be okay now on his own. He needed to do his own thing, rather than having her baby him.
Michonne's blade was gripped tightly in her hand as she ran through a huge gap in the prison fence that led to the courtyard. There she found Beth, whom was all by herself. She was just standing there, a shocked look painted across her expression. Her deep brown eyes widened and she began to sprint her way over to the young girl.
"Beth.." She began, gently taking hold of her arm. "We have to get out of here.."
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"You mean Rick?" Michonne paused and looked around, realizing that the child was truly all alone.
"Let’s go look for him together then."
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+ bloodstainedkatana
"Yes… I don’t know where daddy is."
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After leaving the governor to rot and suffer, Michonne had made her way back towards the prison, finding Judith left behind and completely out of it. The samurai managed to grab the girl and quickly escape the prison walls before they could be closed in by the walkers. Once a good ways into the forest, Michonne halted their steps for a breather. Her head throbbed in pain-- But looking down at Judith, she could tell that her pain didn’t compare to what she was feeling inside. She gave Judith a quick pat on the shoulder, reassuring the girl that she was still there.
---"We will.." Michonne replied with a slow nod.
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couldendthisrightnow dontwanna—growup futurexleader bloodstainedkatana katanasurvivor
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Michonne gave a small shrug in reply to Tara’s question, not having a word to say. She felt some sympathy for her, having been manipulated by the Governor, along with her niece being dead. But the other half of her was angry and disgusted. Their refuge was ruined, Hershel was murdered, everyone was split up.. She was mad.
Michonne threw Tara a silent stare, watching as the girl went talking her mouth off as she retrieved her knife. She had nothing to say, all that was on her mind was how to get out of this mess and who was still alive.
Walkers poured in by the second. A few were coming too close for Michonne’s liking. She swiftly swung her blade, clean cutting straight through the first ones neck. She then stomped its head to finish it off, doing the same with the next few that came after. 
Turning her head, her gaze landed upon Tara. She was giving her this look, as if telling her to follow. Michonne would usually much rather be on her own. She was used to it, that’s how it was when the outbreak occurred. With a small sigh and shake of her head, Michonne gripped her blade and began to jog after the girl and into the nearby forest.
Fighters - Tara/Michonne
"And go where?!" always the one to fight back, always the one to be the first to speak. She was sick of people telling her what to do, or what was right for her to do. "If Lilly hadn’t done it, I would have. You just made the icing on the cake for that asshole." the brunette quickly stepped out of the growing pile of undead still half in shock but managed to keep her eyes right on Michionne. "I’m grabbin’ my knife, we need to get out of here. That’s my seven year old niece over there on the ground!"
Her olive colored hands yanked the combat knife from the undead that she had gotten earlier to save Michionne from a bite and her boot shoved the walker so that the knife could come out clean. Everything had been played in slow motion before, the war scene, how Alisha had just dropped like dead weight from a gunshot and how everything just quickly fell apart before their eyes.
It was too crowded now, they were coming in all different directions. Tara looked at the other woman for a few more seconds and suddenly took off into the woods after giving her a cant of her head. Hopefully she’d follow.
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Michonne felt the strangers gaze landing on her Katana. She didn’t dare move a muscle. She didn’t want to show any weakness to whomever could be an enemy to her. Usually Michonne could read the people she met like a book, but it was different with this woman. This woman barely looked phased. In fact they looked calm, almost as if she were bored.
Shooting the stranger a silent glare, Michonne finally loosened her stance and lowered her sword. She didn’t feel very threatened at the moment, but continued to keep her guard up anyways. Couldn’t be too careful anymore in this new world.
"Who says I’m being cocky?" Michonne shot back after a few moments of bitter silence between the two. It was true that she took risks a lot of the time and came across as a cocky person, but it wasn’t the case. She was a very careful and capable person who wouldn’t be so quick to stubbornly end her life.
Even Michonne didn’t know what number of walkers were past that wall, but with her weapon it was quite simple to take out a select few in close combat. She desperately needed some supplies, that was the main goal on her mind.
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Blue eyes slid to settle on the katana wielded tightly between hands, a slender eyebrow raising in both curiosity and awe. She’d seen some pretty unique weapons - nails hammered into a bat, knives taped to golf clubs, the list could go on - used to fend off the dead, but never a katana. It was intriguing, to say the least. And she’s always attracted to something intriguing.
Eyes continued to slide over the other survivor, subtlety not a concern at the moment. The brunette was curious, trying to see how this survivor was faring, assuming that the woman was alone. She looked hardened, bitter - who wasn’t? - though there was something just under the surface of her emotionless gaze that spoke of painful experiences. A common feature every survivor had.
          “Cockiness could get you killed.” It was a needlessly - and probably offensive - pointed out statement laced with barely concealed sarcasm that should not be the way to go, especially with a still raised sword. “Still, be my guest.” 
Evelyn had no idea the actual number of walkers loitering around the corner. A quick glance and she had only counted ten, though there was always the chance there was more than that. Hell, she was counting on there to be more than ten. Otherwise, she would have been sifting through the goods in the mart by now. Ten she could handle by herself. More? Yeah, not so much.
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Give ♥ this ♥ to the ♥ twelve♥ nicest ♥ people ♥ you ♥ know ♥ if ♥ you ♥ get ♥ five ♥ back ♥ you ♥ must ♥ be ♥ perfect ♥
asdfjhgkjokhkj lkjjkl nh
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I made the mistake too..
*sobs for eternity*
I should have never. 
Clicked that video. 
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