‘Well, that was unfortunate...’ Ango sullenly thought as he looks at the teddy bear he got. He felt bad that he didn’t see the snowman but since it even stole his glasses (he already got it back) he supposed they’re even. 
“I’ll try again tomorrow.” He hoped the snowmen won’t remember him tomorrow though...
"Excuse me, I'd like to try my luck with the maze please."
“Hoohoo! Fresh meat, fresh meat!”
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Ango steps into the entrance of the maze! How far will he go?
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Not very far, apparently. He trips over a snowman, who gets angry and calls out his tiny snowmen friends to pick him up and toss him out of the maze, they also steal his glasses as compensation (don’t worry, you’ll get them back shortly).
Ango receives a teddy bear that sings holiday songs and 1 White Ticket.
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first bump !!
i’ve been wanting to kick up my activity sooo this is a plotting call for regular and/or event threads!! please like this post if you’re interested and i will slide to your im or contact me on my twitter, my dm is open! pls i want more friends for him (and also for myself fahsdjs rip). i also made a new plot page for ango here, if there’s anything that you like, please dont hesitate let me know !! :D
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i’ve been wanting to kick up my activity sooo this is a plotting call for regular and/or event threads!! please like this post if you’re interested and i will slide to your im or contact me on my twitter, my dm is open! pls i want more friends for him (and also for myself fahsdjs rip). i also made a new plot page for ango here, if there’s anything that you like, please dont hesitate let me know !! :D
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'I want the K'
‘i want the k’ meme — (not accepting)
10. Neck Kiss
Angohad thought that he’s going to spend his weekend by himself, relaxing in thecomfort of his own room while watching anything that he deems interesting onthe TV. Maybe then he’d have some brunch in some nice café. And ‘thought’, isthe correct word.
Angocan feel his eye twitches as he looks at a mop of brown hair, a familiar youth sittingon his sofa with petulant pout on his face. He said that he’s bored and Odasakudoesn’t have time to play with him when he has a case to work on.
"Fine,I'll shower first. Don't do anything weird while I’m away." He firmly says,ruffling the brunette’s hair when he passes him. Rolling his eyes at thechildish whines of the brunette, Ango picks his change of clothes up and goes tothe bathroom.
It doesn’ttake him more than fifteen minutes to be done and when he comes out of thebathroom, Dazai actually stays in the same position as when Ango left him.Well, would you look at that, he’s being a good boy for once. A little mischievousidea comes to his mind.
Theraven-haired male makes his way towards him, standing behind the sofa. Ango bendshis back so he can be closer to Dazai and presses his lips to the younger'snape, noticing fleetingly that Dazai’s skin feels warmer than his own lips ashe’s indeed just got out of the shower.
“Didyou behave like I told you to?” he whispers, letting his warm breath brushagainst the younger’s skin. A thin smile blooms as he watches the reaction Dazaimade. Maybe this brat can be cute too sometimes.
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i want the k
‘i want the k’ meme (not accepting)
15. Kiss in the Rain —
Ango had miscalculated the time when the downpour would come. It started with timid droplets of water, icy upon his skin until it felt as if he’s walking through a waterfall. He can barely see anything with the way water is blurring his glasses when another hand takes his wrist and leads their soaked bodies to a hidden part of an alley. Safe from curious eyes of strangers and away from the pouring rain.
His damp clothes bring chills to his bones and he latches himself to the nearest heater he knows. Unashamedly and bold, for he knows the latter wouldn’t mind him leeching off his body heat. True to this, his companion takes him into his arms and that’s all that matters to Ango. 
It was raining too back then, Ango thinks as he revels in the warmth of the other, giddy when he feels the soft touch of Oda’s lips against his forehead and the slight pricks of his stubble. He bumps their noses together, earning himself a low, amused chuckle from the older man. Ango loops his arms around his Saku, pulling him closer as the sound of rain drowns the world around and Ango exists only with him. 
The younger of the two closes his eyes the moment Oda’s lips claimed his and savoring the taste of rain among the hint of cigarette’s aftertaste. The feeling of a warm hand holding the back of his head and guiding him makes him sighs to their kiss. 
“Your place or mine?” the older man asks when they part, his gruff voice sounds clear to Ango even under this deafening rain.
“Are you really asking me that? Weren’t you the one complaining that my bed was too ‘springy’ for you that you couldn’t sleep because of it?” 
 “Hmm. My place it is then.” The red-haired man takes Ango’s hand in his and guides the way for the younger. Ango appreciates this gesture as the rain makes it hard for him to see what’s in front of them. A part of his worries that someone would see them in such an intimate gesture. But another part of him, the one that made him take that particular leap of faith, challenges such idea.
‘Let them try. Tonight, hidden under this veil of storm, what really matter are only him and I.’
If there’s anything to remember them by, Ango will remember this night.
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I want the K
‘i want the k’ meme — (not accepting)
8.  Eyelid Kiss
“Oichi-san, please just go to sleep.” Ango says without sparing a glance at her, fingers tapping rapidly over the keyboard of his laptop. “I don’t think I’ll be done anytime soon.”
To his surprise, he feels something bumps gently against his thigh. To think that she’d chosen to lay her head next to him instead… With a helpless yet fond sigh, Ango turns his laptop to a side so the light from his screen doesn’t directly go into her eyes.
Burying his fingers into the lush locks of obsidian hair, Ango gently scratches his blunt nails on the her scalp like one would do as they pet a cat. He watches with an adoring look as Oichi’s eyes flutters shut, holding back his chuckles so he won’t disturb her. He wouldn’t say so bluntly that the sight doesn’t warms his heart.  
The black-haired male tries to type slower, afraid the erratic sounds of his typing would be too loud for the slumbering woman. Hours passed quicker than he thought. Ango stretches his arms and he can hear almost every part of him creaks and pops almost immediately. It’s late and he probably shouldn’t pull another all-nighter especially when he’s got a company. 
Glancing at the sleeping woman beside him, Ango is momentarily at loss of what he should do next. His physical strength is nothing to be mentioned of so how should he move Oichi from the sofa to bed? He could try carrying her to the bedroom, certainly. And should he accidentally drop the her because of Ango’s meager strength, he surely will never let himself hear the end of it for the rest of his life. 
Sighing slightly, Ango leans his face closer to Oichi’s. The raven-haired male looks at those long, dainty lashes of hers, at those eyelids that are closed shut. He brushes his lips briefly onto her temple, missing it slightly and landing a kiss upon one of Oichi’s closed eyes.
“I really hope I won’t end up dropping you…” he murmurs, genuinely concerned that he might actually let that happen. 
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I was a billion little pieces until you pulled me into focus. Astronomy in reverse, It was me who was discovered.
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a laugh nearly slips out of his lips at ango’s denial, especially the sudden burst of color blooming on the latter’s cheeks. “just like that,” he snorts, but not harshly. that’s the face you often show me when there’s only the two of us. a hand slips inside the comfort of his pocket as sakunosuke continues “do i look the type to joke about something like this?”
odasaku doesn’t recoil from the sudden death grip upon his wrist– almost like he had seen it coming. and maybe he did, with his ability, but then again it’s barely ever needed when it comes to ango. he wouldn’t do anything to harm him on purpose. he thinks as cerulean hues regard the scene unfolding before them with unrelenting focus; ango is using his ability on him.
and when the younger finally lets him go, sakunosuke knows that he had seen one of their most intimate moments, judging from the way color seem to drain from ango’s face and darken at the same time.
laughing is inappropriate, so he settles with ruffling the dark locks before him in what he hopes comes off as a comforting gesture.
“i shouldn’t be bothering you on your shift,” he finally says as he retracts his hand, shoving them back into the pocket of his jacket. as much as he’d like to stay, sakunosuke knows his presence would only fluster ango more in his current state. not that he blames him, though, this much information is probably too much to be processed within a day.  “i’ll be going now. go back to work once you’ve calmed down.”
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sakunosuke fishes a small notebook out from his pocket, scribbling something on the last page before ripping it off from the binding. “contact me when you have free time,” folds the paper into a small piece and places it on ango’s palm. lets his touch linger longer than it is deemed appropriate. i miss you. “i’ll tell you more about your past.”
Ango finds it hard to look at the other man now, with his heart and mind racing at the remnants of memory that he saw, the intimate implication of what could possibly was shared between them in the past that’s foreign to him now. He feels as if he’s wearing an old suit, meant for him and familiar but ill-fitting and awkward on many places. Such an awful feeling it is, to feel like a stranger; a ghost in another body.
The black-haired male keeps his eyes glued to the floor, pretending that the hand that is now touching his head doesn’t cause a stutter in his breath. He looks at the note left by the taller male, reading the name scribbled upon it along with the number written underneath. 
'Sakunosuke'. Where has he heard of that name before? Ango bites his tongue to stop himself from calling after the retreating figure, still wanting to interrogate him further especially for the vague answers he gave to him. In the end Ango keeps his quiet, eyes following Oda's back until he can no longer see it from behind the shelves, hand clutching the piece of paper left behind by him.
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* `of the wandering ghosts.
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Did Chuuya hate Ango?
Traitors made his stomach flip, clench his teeth, wonder what the hell kind of person can play pretend so easily. Flit into other people’s lives, mess with them, turn around and say ‘by the way!’. 
Trick people into caring about them, then just fuck off like a migratory bird. 
The Ministry, as well, pissed him off. A deep seated dislike for the Government, who’d sealed Arahabaki, who’d sealed him. A dislike he doesn’t stop to think on further, because he doesn’t want to know where it comes from.
But in the same way, there was respect, for the third prong in the strategy to protect Yokohama. They clashed many times, of course, and their methods rankled him to no end, but after everything they… mostly had the same goals.
No. Chuuya didn’t hate Ango Sakaguchi. 
But he sure as fuck hated this situation, hated not knowing anything, hated that the man in front of him could so easily forget his actions and the consequences of him. 
…And Ango just happened to be the target for those frustrations, unfortunately.
Ango grips his hand in return, hisses back. Thin smile spreads on Chuuya’s face, focus on Ango razor tight. Ango’s response seems to have finally tipped the situation over the edge.
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“Huh. You’re almost believable, looking like that.” He sneers, practically throwing Ango backwards with a flick of his wrist as he lets go of the amnesiac. Ango either stumbled, catching his balance or actually falls backwards. Whatever the outcome, it doesn’t seem to matter.
Almost. Ango’s already proved himself skilled at deception, infiltrating the Port Mafia of all places. Chuuya’s not idiot enough to believe so quickly. 
Chuuya rears up his right leg…
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“‘Cus I never thought you’d be so stupid to pick a fight with me, Sakaguchi.”
…And slams it into Ango’s chest, hard enough to knock the air out of Ango.
Ango didn’t expect to be thrown backwards so easily like that. He may not be the burliest of men, but this person before him toss him around as if he’s made of cotton and feathers.The amount of hostility he’s shown towards him really shouldn’t be something that he takes lightly and Ango has definitely fucked up big time for provoking him like that. 
Belatedly realizing the incoming attack, the force of the kick that landed on his chest sent him crashing to the ground a few feet apart from where he was, gasping and coughing at the surge of pain that blooms on his rib cage. 
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Maybe it’s true that he did something bad before that caused this much resentment between them. But it was his past self’s fault, not his current self! Who the fuck was he pre-memory loss?? Stop picking fights with strong people! 
Despite of him cursing his damned luck, Ango finds himself letting out a gravelly laugh and immediately caught in a fitful of coughs again. What came over him to behave like this, the black-haired man is utterly lost. Somehow, he knows that he should be getting something a lot worse than one simple kick. So he returns the latter’s smile with a shaky grin of his own that resembles  a grimace. 
Might as well go with a bang, right? 
“Is that all y-you’ve got?” Ango rasps, trying to support his weight with one of his elbows as he looks back into those pair of eyes, challenging and unafraid. 
* ` 08:03 in the pm
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The Goose does not notice the no-winged taking out their blinking light and noise making machine, but if they had, then they would have surely approved. Yes, strange no-winged! Spread the message! Spread it far and wide!
The Goose has come to punish all who are mean to birds…!!!
HONKS fall from beak nonstop, like water flowing from a tap. It seems to propel them faster along as they swim. Or maybe they just like the sound of their own voice! It’s rude to judge, you know?
They get closer and closer, until–
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The Goose touches beak gently to poor enslaved giant goose, rare moment of empathy, before (clumsily) trying to scramble upwards to the horrible no-wingeds. 
Ango cooed out loud when the feathered creature’s and the swan boat’s beaks touch, fleetingly thinking about how amazing nature can be sometimes. He fails to realize that this goose, this one particular goose, is no ordinary goose but the embodiment of pure chaos. While that moment is very wholesome, it can be very startling when they suddenly scream (honk?) on your face. 
Surprised that the goose is trying to get inside the boat, Ango tries to calls after it though... How do people call geese? He can’t make that ‘wswswswsws’ noise like when he’s trying to pet a stray cat, can he? Oh, screw dignity, he’s going in and talk to the goose.
“Hey! Uh, goose?? Birdy?? Come here I have uh...” Should he offer them his lunch? Is it okay for geese to eat bread? He reads somewhere that white bread is bad for water fowls so is wholegrain okay? “You can have some bread if you want.” And leave the poor guys alone, maybe.
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Send me 'I want the K' and I'll generate a number
1: Hot, Steamy kiss
2: Cheek Kiss
3: Nose Kiss
4: Forehead Kiss
5: Firm Kiss
6: Gentle Peck
7: Romantic Kiss
8: Eyelid Kiss
9: Jawline Kiss
10: Neck Kiss
11: Collarbone Kiss
12: Chest Kiss
13: Stomach Kiss
14: Kiss Along the Hips
15: Kiss in the Rain
16: Upside-Down Kiss
17: Goofy Kiss
18: Underwater Kiss
19: Forceful Kiss
20: Any of the Above
21: Then there’s tongue
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Hurriedly looks at the article. What kind of bullshit capitalist agenda is this?? Glances at the pocky stick between Oda's lips. Unless...?
"Rules are rules, right..." Leans forward to Oda's face and bites the other end of the treat, holding Oda's gaze.
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Ango almost choked on his half chewed pocky. The red-haired man’s face is too close to him than he’s used to. Awkwardly fixes his glasses. “O-Odasaku-san? What are you doing?” 
He’s too close…
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“the article,” says through clenched teeth, taking a step closer. “says you have to give the pocky stick with your mouth?”
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"Ango-chan you should play the pocky game with me.~"
“Pocky game? Why would you want to play it with me?” Ango tilts his head to one side, clearly confused by that request. 
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 “Also, whenever you use that tone it give me bad feelings.” Squints at the younger.“ What are you planning?”
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bends his back slightly to read the article, only emitting a small “ahhh,” when he reached the end of the line. “so we’re supposed to give these to each other?”
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he doesn’t really understand the logic behind the occasion, but for someone who rarely ever has the chance to celebrate something in his twenty-seven years of living, he’s more than happy to comply.
wordlessly place another stick between his teeth before leaning down to face ango eye-to-eye. the article did mention that you’re supposed to give it with your mouth…?
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Ango almost choked on his half chewed pocky. The red-haired man’s face is too close to him than he’s used to. Awkwardly fixes his glasses. “O-Odasaku-san? What are you doing?” 
He’s too close...
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Shows the screen of his phone to the older male. An article is open in his phone browser explaining the day and the thing that’s called’ the pocky game’ that he missed the chance to read. “Apparently it’s a real thing, Odasaku-san.” 
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Ango tries one of the treat, tasting nothing special from it aside of the satisfying snap from the sweets as he bites down to it.
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stares at a box of pockey he just purchased. “pocky day, huh…”
what’s so special about this day, anyway? he wonders as he puts a stick between his teeth and bites down. it’s sweet like usual.
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hums thoughtfully. a sense of nostalgia washes over him but sakunosuke doesn’t let it carry him away. not yet, not here. “you got a point,” such an ango thing to do, answering a question with another question. perhaps there’s still a small part of him that even the accident cannot take away.
saku wished his memory of them was one of those things.
the accident part, though, has his eyebrows furrowing. “i thought you drove dazai home with you? what happened?” their last meeting had taken place in lupin, and saku clearly recalls ango’s decision to opt for a non-alcoholic drink as he was going to drive that night. how come dazai managed to escape unharmed? “i saw him a few days ago. he wasn’t hurt.”
all these questions only gave way to more questions, and sakunosuke feels his fist clench involuntarily. now he’s certain that there’s something off with this city. people waking up with their memories taken away… could it be that this has something to do with the government?
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Read More Now! Read More Now!
For a brief moment Ango swears he saw a flicker of emotion in the other male’s eyes. He must be imagining it because there’s no way that he could’ve made him sad? Oh, he’s getting a nasty headache soon.
Dazai… The image of a man with a pair of piercing brown eyes comes to Ango’s mind. What does the man he met at the Casino has to do with this?
“Dazai? Why would I drive him home?” he asks, confusion apparent in his face. Ango’s eyes widens as the red-haired man moves to leave his seat, not willing to let him go yet as there are still many things he wants to know from the latter. Just as he was about to ask him to stay, the words that came out of Oda’s lips freezes him. Wait, what…
“Sleep—Wait, just a min-“ Ango chokes on his words. The bluntness of the other man flustered him to the point of finding it difficult to form a reply properly. The tips of his ears grow hot and the color of red spreads from his cheeks, eyebrows furrowed as he frowns at Oda.
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“That’s n-not a funny thing to joke about.” He tries to sound brave, denying the thought that tells him that he’s squeaking like a mouse. Ango grips on the taller male’s wrist to keep him from leaving after dropping something unexpected like that, wanting to demand the truth from him when something that can only be compared to a vision assaulted his senses.
Ango is looking at someone that looks like himself—glasses nowhere to be found. His dishevelled hair pressing against a pillow, bare shoulders and exposed neck, skin flushed and warm. He, the one that’s lying on a mattress, is looking at him, leaning to the hand that’s cupping his face and lacing their fingers together. His lips are parted, red and inviting. He can tell that they—? Him? We??—are out of breaths as he can hear two different voices panting. The man gasps as somethings seems to jolts him, a meek cry comes out of his lips.
Ango, the one frozen in the present time, immediately lets go of the man’s wrist as if his skin was burned.  
“What the fuck…” he mutters shakily. The sound of his own heartbeats thundering in his ears, face growing more and more crimson as the second passes. What did he just see and why the hell he looked so… obscene in that vision? He’s truly going to pass out.
* `of the wandering ghosts.
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