blossomists ¡ 7 years
The drop by was unexpected and quite frankly, she was lucky someone else hadn’t been over. Damian rolls himself out of bed, not that he was sleeping, rather just relaxing in the middle of the day with a good book. Moments to breathe were rare these last few months and so he did the best he could to enjoy the quietude it brought. The sense of peace and calmness. Rare between work and all other events. He has no idea who it might be until the voice comes through and he snorts. If this was her attempt at a surprise it failed miserably. “Mika, go put some water to boil.” He orders, the boy dropping everything to go do as told while Damian tends to the door and the woman who had so suddenly stopped by. One quick swing and the large wooden gate to his home is opened. “Hey, what are you doin’ here?” Not that he’s bothered by it since he’s wearing a smile on his lips - clearly happy to have the company. 
“You should really warn me next time though. I’ve been hella busy this last little while.” 
🍓     victoria knew that she probably should have given him some warning, but-- didn’t that take away from the fact that it was a surprise visit? holding up the bags that she was holding, the younger of the two smiled brightly. she had taken it upon herself to pick up a meal that they both liked to enjoy together. ‘ warnings don’t make for good surprises, do they? ’ she spoke while slipping herself inside past him. ‘ but if it makes you feel better, i’ll make sure to at least shoot you a text next time. happy? ’ slender fingers pushed several loose locks of red hair back into their place as she turned to face her companion. ‘i had just been in the studio a bit longer than i thought i would be and figured coming to see you before i headed home was the perfect way to unwind.’ it had been true that most of her time lately was split between 3 album projects on top of filming for an upcoming netflix project in tokyo and seoul. so, to say she wanted to take advantage of any time she could get to wind down was an understatement. and who better to do that with than the person who blew up her phone not too long ago.
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blossomists ¡ 7 years
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🍓     hi!! this is just a post i’m throwing out there as a sort of call for producers, writers, & collaborators for blossom’s previous and upcoming albums. though her debut album when she was 14 was lee hi, she has been using halsey’s music since 2016 and so i would love to have fellow artists (especially ocs) that could be involved with her creative process. if you’d like to be involved in any way, please im me here or i can give you my discord!!
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blossomists ¡ 7 years
signaling @blossomists !!!
Stretching and yawning, Jaebeom knows he’s done for the day; at least, for now. How should he spend this free time? He’s been at work for so long, he doesn’t get much free time. He can stop by at Cafe Dudart and get something cold and sweet, but he doesn’t really feel like sweets. He can always take a nap, but he’s not exhausted. He can always stop by Hongdae and shop. He sighs, he’s not up for that either. Lately, he’s not up for doing anything but work. Scrunching his nose, he presses the button on the elevator to go down, entering when it reaches him.
As the elevator reaches the lobby, he smiles at the receptionists before getting out of that building. He could party. Ah, he’s done with that for now. He can find a broad to have fun with? Yeah, he’s not feeling that. Widening his eyes and shaking his head in aggravation, he stops by the convenience store near the building. How did he relax before? Letting the doors open, he purses his lips and goes to the prepared meals section, walking his way until something good catches his eyes. Jaebeom reaches for it but notices a hand reaching for the same. Blinking, he looks at the person before hesitantly retracting his hand.
🍓      the day had seemed to drag on for centuries by victoria’s standards and she was feeling more drained than actually exhausted by the end of the night. she figured that just going back to her apartment (since her members were off doing their own things and the dorm would be too lonely for her taste) and watching netflix or something would be the best bet. but of course, not before grabbing herself a bite to eat. well, she had plans to get a real meal but for right now a pre-made meal from the convenience store would suffice. after all, she might as well since she was already in there for sweets. her surroundings were lost on her momentarily as her focus was only on the song playing through her airpods and the various food selections in front of her. upon deciding what she wanted and actually reaching for it, the girl was brought out of her own thoughts by a hand brushing against hers. looks like someone else has taste just as good as hers.
‘ oh i’m sorry, my fault! ’ the words were said with a smile before she was able to actually look up and recognize the face that the hand belonged to. ‘ you can-- jay? ’ she hoped that she wouldn’t get a mild scolding for momentarily being too shocked to formally call him ‘oppa’. it had been so long since she’d been able to see the man, what with both their busy schedules and all. she was thoroughly shocked and happy to see the familiar face. ‘ did you come here just because you knew i would be here and you missed my face? it’s okay to admit it. ’ her words were teasing as she abandoned the first meal she reached for and began looking at the others so that he could have it.
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blossomists ¡ 7 years
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blossomists ¡ 7 years
"it’s okay to fear." Kibum sighed loudly, looking down to his own feet for a second. "I won't make you do splits but you should get a bit more flexible, that's why I'm here to help."
🍓      an equally as exasperated, but considerably quieter, sigh escaped victoria as she listened. it wasn’t that she wasn’t flexible...at least she thought she was. but it had been some time since she’d dedicated whole parts of her schedule solely to dance. she appreciated the help however and knew that kibum was here to offer nothing less than his very best help and support. and while she had grown up always admiring ballerinas with their grace and blush pink coloured outfits, she was coming to find that glamour and ballet didn’t always go hand in hand. he was right, she was fearful of the pain and strain that would come with doing a move she didn’t feel versed enough to try yet. reaching up to readjust her ponytail, the redhead looked up at him from where she sat stretched out on the floor.
‘ whatever you think will help i am willing to try. as long as it’s not one of those pully machines that’ll turn my body into taffy. ‘
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blossomists ¡ 7 years
“Well…I guess we have something in the fridge” he nodded and took her hand not really caring of the people looking at them. “Shall we?” He asked and started to walk towards his home, not really waiting for her reply.  “What are you doing out this late?” He asked and eyed her. “You gotta be careful you know?”
🍓      her nose wrinkled at the question that she knew was going to inevitably come from him. it wasn’t like she made a habit of being out and about past 1am. at least, not on her own. ‘ i was working on something and i just finished. and when i ordered an uber, he kept getting lost so i just cancelled it. ‘ adjusting her bag on her shoulder, she continued to keep pace with his steps. ‘ what about you? still not ready to leave the bar scene alone? ‘
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blossomists ¡ 7 years
@insanityinflux 🍓 do you have any strawberry milk?
🍓      the text that victoria had received from damian was more than enough to tell her that she needed to go see her friend. it wasn’t often that he made a point of trying to get her attention and with such a “loud” text, even she was missing his company more and more. taking it upon herself to surprise him at his apartment since he didn’t seem to be at the studio when she had called to see his whereabouts. surprises weren’t usually her strategy of choice, but perhaps it wouldn’t hurt in this particular situation. shifting around the bags that she held in her hands, the redhead leaned forward to press on the buzzer to his home. as soon as it sounded like someone was about to respond on the other side of the intercom, she excitedly squealed, as if he wouldn’t be able to tell who it was immediately.
‘ dami! open up. i come bearing gifts, aka food. and great company. my company! ‘
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blossomists ¡ 7 years
all 4 texts!
Text Messages|| @blossomists
Send ✉ for an 2 AM text
{kkt: Blossom} Hey, this is super random. But did you want to go on a walk? I can’t sleep.
Send ✘ for an unsent text
{kkt: Blossom} I wonder what you thought of me that day on the bench. Did I look lost, to you?
Send ☠ for a threatening message
{kkt: Blossom} I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU DON’T CALL ME WHEN YOUR SCHEDULES ARE DONE!! Seriously, I haven’t seen you in like a month. 
Send ❤ for a lusty/loving/affectionate message
{kkt: Blossom} Thank you for hanging out with my weird ass. I know it must be hard on you with work and publicity. It’s hard between us both but I just thought I’d let you know that I appreciate it.
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blossomists ¡ 7 years
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blossomists ¡ 7 years
@mug40 🍓 continued from here!
🍓     wrinkling her nose a bit, victoria watched her elder. of course it wasn’t a date. not that he wasn’t date worthy, so to speak, but why would anyone go on a date to taco bell? ‘ uh...sorry to disappoint, but no. i just really want a quesarito. i’ll even buy you something. we can make a platonic date out of it. ’ the younger laughed a bit as she gathered her belongings and adjusted the clear aviator lenses that she was wearing.
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blossomists ¡ 7 years
@juuzai 🍓 do you have some strawberry milk?
🍓     victoria wasn’t usually someone that people could say was “in the wrong place at the wrong time”, it usually wasn’t her niche. but, one never really knows when the “wrong time” will be until well-- it happens. and sadly, that’s what happened to vic. a late night trek home was the least of her worries on a normal night, with the sidewalks being extremely well lit and occupied in some way or other. even so, she had called junsik to meet her at least halfway on the walk back to her place. it wasn’t so much nerves as it was wanting to have company and he was always good for that no matter the hour. something should have told her to be cautious and alert with the corner she was rounding, but her attention was too focused on chatting away with junsik on the phone; there was no particular topic, mostly her telling him that there was no problem with her not waiting at the studio for him to pick her up. she could handle a ten minute walk on her own, right?
‘ jun, stop worrying so much! i’m fi-- ‘
the sentence was cut short by a sudden sharp pull on her hair, causing her to cry out and drop her phone (maybe that screen protector would come in handy). before she could let out another sound, a hand was trying to cover her mouth which she instinctively bit at. she was almost sure that she had bit into some type of glove, but either way that didn’t stop the assailant...s, she was sure there was more than one person, from swinging at her. the hit caused her to fall to the ground and she struggled to grasp for her phone, hoping that junsik was still on the line. but before she even could grab it, a black boot kicked it just outside of her reach. and in an instant, there was yet another tug on her hair, which this time the pain was nothing compared to the throbbing she felt under her eye. the sound of footsteps running sounded faint, but secretly she was hoping it was junsik. though, even if it wasn’t, any kind of witness would be appreciated at this point. or some kind of explanation...
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blossomists ¡ 7 years
Ace gave her a look and rolled his eyes trying to stand up. “You know I don’t go out to score” He muttered and stumbled back as he got up. “I’m more of a drown my feelings in whiskey kinda guy” He said and gave her a cheeky smile which faded pretty quickly. He let out a sigh and looked at her. “We’re not far from my home…If you can’t get a ride home you can always stay at my place, you know that” he sad and looked at her with a soft expression on his face. 
🍓     it had been a joke, but she should have known that it might not have seemed that way to him. she’d have to make a mental note to announce when something she says is meant to be taken lightly. watching his attempts to stand up, victoria extended an hand in offering towards him. ‘ i actually wouldn’t mind that. i haven’t eaten either, so if you have a solution for that too, i’d love you. ‘ not that she didn’t already platonically share the feeling for the older male. brushing some red strands of hair from her face, she looked up at him once he was standing at his full height. ‘ it feels like forever since i’ve seen you. ‘
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blossomists ¡ 7 years
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             “  have  we  met  before  ?  it’s  just  ———  never  mind  .  ”
@blossomists¡  //  sc.
🍓     dark eyes lift to meet the other’s as she abandoned the search she had going in her bag for some candy. had she met him before? she couldn’t recall, honestly. but also-- she was used to hearing such comments by now. ‘ ah, i’m not sure. but do i seem familiar? maybe we have. '
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blossomists ¡ 7 years
— closed starter for @blossomists!
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to say kian hated parties was an understatement, in fact he hated EVERYTHING that involved him having to interact with people. kian couldn’t count how many times his sister had dragged him to useless parties like this one to keep her company, only to be forgotten the second she found herself her new boy toy for the week. letting out a frustrated huff, the boy got up from the couch and made his way into the crowded kitchen to refill the drink that had been sitting in the solo cup for hours. on the way back to his spot, kian couldn’t help but notice someone had already taken up his spot. usually he wouldn’t care for this sort of stuff but considering there was no other place to sit at he mustered up the courage to ask the other for his seat back.
“ ex—excuse me, hi, uh—you’re kind of sitting in my spot. ”
🍓     house parties (that weren’t hosted by her close friends) weren’t usually victoria’s scene, mostly because she didn’t have the time to attend. however, this particular evening proved to be a rare moment for her. earlier in the week she’d been invited to a party by one of the company staff members and she didn’t see the harm in attending. though, as soon as she reached the destination she almost regretted not bringing along a familiar face to accompany her. it wasn’t as though making friends and conversation was hard for her, mostly that she liked some kind of familiarity. and while the reason for her invite was no where to be seen, the redhead had managed to get a red cup filled with some pink concoction. and while it looked pretty, it sure smelled strong. having taken up the only empty seat she could find, victoria was immediately filled with remorse at the realization that she’d taken someone’s spot.
‘ oh, i took your seat? i’m so sorry! i didn’t even know. ‘ she immediately stood in hopes of letting him have it back, but before they could even finish their exchange someone rudely shoved past her to take it. ‘ uh...yikes! i’m sorry about that, twice now. i’m victoria, though. if it matters. ‘
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blossomists ¡ 7 years
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blossomists ¡ 7 years
😍 = Does your muse have any crushes? If so, who are they?
meme: headcanon promptsstatus: accepting!
ah, yes she does. if we’re talking celebrity crushes, they’re in abundance and she even has a whole diary dedicated to some of the crushes she has. she has a bit of a split between the soft boy aesthetic being her kryptonite and also falling for boys that look like they could break her heart. we’re talking: reece king, ryan potter, hyungwon, harry styles, & aminé. but also, she won’t tell anyone, but she’s oddly and severely attracted to andy black. but the diary with that confession is hidden in the very deep crevices of her closet.
if we’re talking mutuals, though. she finds two of her label mates extremely attractive and great to be around. and of course there’s her (since 2014) crush on her favourite oppa, @tvnmark lol.
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blossomists ¡ 7 years
☆ Headcanon Prompts ☆          Love and Romance
💔 = Has your muse ever been heartbroken? If so, explain what happened. 
🌹 = How would your muse react to romantic gestures, expected or not? 
🌷 = Is your muse likely to be the one to make the first move, or would they wait for the other to make a move first? 
🎁 = Does your muse become flattered to receive gifts? 
😍 = Does your muse have any crushes? If so, who are they? 
😘 = Does your muse like to flirt? Do they like to be flirted with? 
❤️ = Does your muse focus on one person, or do they like to go and date as many people as possible?
💛 = In what ways does your muse express their love to their partner? 
💚 = Does your muse get jealous easy? 
💙 = Does your muse prefer a night out or a night in? 
💜 = Does your muse date others based on their appearance or personality, or both? 
♡ = Is there any kind of person that your muse will never date? 
💞 = Does your muse believe in soulmates? 
💘 = Does your muse believe in astrology signs? If so, what sign are they most compatible with? And is this important when considering a date? 
💗 = Would your muse prefer a large, public proposal, or do they prefer a small, private one? 
💵 = Is money an important factor to consider when dating? Does your muse prefer rich partners? 
💎 = What kind of gemstone would your muse prefer on their engagement or wedding ring? 
💍 = Big or small wedding? 
💅🏻 = Does your muse always try to look their best around their partner, or are they comfortable wearing anything around them?
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