blu3danny · 6 years
Tumblr Screwed Up Again, Huh?
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Welp. Seeing as there’s less than a week left until the purge begins, I may as well do this before everyone that watches me assuming they haven’t bailed already is completely gone.
I feel like the majority of people watching me probably already know this, but if you don’t, then allow me to show you other places you can find me.
Also, I won’t be leaving until the 17th. I won’t close the Tumblr, but I won’t be using it anymore. Well done, @staff! A+! 10/10 would stay at this hellhole of a website again!
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After Dark Twitter
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blu3danny · 6 years
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Timeless Cast (99/100): Tyler Lily
We’re at the home stretch, guys! 99 down, one to go. The second-to-last character in our long-running challenge is Tyler Lily, Pamela’s husband and fellow co-owner of the Vanilla Ski Resort. Tyler is very kind and energetic, often being a very encouraging and fatherly figure to the kids who come for his skiing lessons. Tyler and Pam are very sweet to each other, so much so that the residents at the resort find them sweet- often to sickening degrees. Tyler is not based on the hawk with the same name- I just took the name because it fit the pun perfectly. Aside from that, they’re essentially two completely different characters. I’m pretty happy with Tyler, especially with how well he looks with his skiing gear. Right now I’m just pumped to cap off the challenge completely… but who could be the final character?
Tyler Lily, Timeless created by @blumoontoons
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blu3danny · 6 years
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Timeless Cast (98/100): Twilight McDrake
And another major character makes his comeback! Twilight McDrake, the tall, noodly, lanky black cat is an optimistic young man. Twilight is currently working at the Chocolate Barrel making milkshakes for fellow mountain climbers, though that’s not where he wants to be. He wants to be creating comic books after being inspired by the adventures of Felina Fahrenheit. While his dad does not approve about his son’s dillydallying, at least his mom is more supportive of his dream. His nickname came from an incident involving glitter back in elementary school. Twilight is a complete geek, which is a slight departure from his original character, who was just meant to be a regular dude. He still kept his insane growth sport and optimistic demeanor, which have been with him since his very first design. The vest is new, but it definitely suits him, if I do say so myself. Enjoy!
Twilight McDrake, Timeless created by @blumoontoons
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blu3danny · 6 years
Tumblr Screwed Up Again, Huh?
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Welp. Seeing as there’s less than a week left until the purge begins, I may as well do this before everyone that watches me assuming they haven’t bailed already is completely gone.
I feel like the majority of people watching me probably already know this, but if you don’t, then allow me to show you other places you can find me.
Also, I won’t be leaving until the 17th. I won’t close the Tumblr, but I won’t be using it anymore. Well done, @staff! A+! 10/10 would stay at this hellhole of a website again!
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After Dark Twitter
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blu3danny · 6 years
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Timeless Cast (97/100): Troy Towers
Here’s an unexpected choice for an animal. Meet Troy Towers, the second of Aurora’s bodyguards. Troy, much like Spencer, is a mammal of few words, and his job is to protect Aurora Borealis, though he also tends to be the one who carries film equipment around in his giant backpack. Being a camel, he’s very much used to the warm weather of the Pipeline Isles, and he dresses the part with shorts and a tank top. On his off time, he enjoys playing a good game of basketball. It’s hard to describe characters who are essentially silent characters. While Troy speaks a bit more than Spencer, he doesn’t really communicate very much- at least it’s possible to get full sentences out of him. Plus designing a camel was a fun challenge, though I could not make the hump work in his design. Still, enjoy!
Troy Towers, Timeless created by @blumoontoons
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blu3danny · 6 years
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blu3danny · 6 years
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Timeless Cast (96/100): Trinity Toulene
Next on the list is Greyson’s fellow cop partner, Trinity Toulene. Trinity’s a doberman that used to be part of the team’s bomb squad as a bomb specialist, however after an incident in which she set off an important explosive that was meant to be used as evidence for a case, she was promptly kicked out of the bomb squad and demoted into being a regular beat cop. Since then Trinity’s turned out to be not quite right upstairs, and has a very unhealthy obsession with explosives, which has earned her the nickname [i]“Officer Nitro”[/i] behind her back. The only reason why she’s not been kicked out of the force altogether is because they find that letting Trinity go off on her own is a very dangerous idea, so she got paired up with someone to keep an eye out on her.
For those that remember my character Izzy, Trinity’s essentially her recycled into a doberman body. So if her character sounded a little bit familiar to some of my veteran viewers, then you’re not imagining things- that’s her, just remade from the ground up. With that said, I’m very proud of Trinity’s design, it captures her mad bomber personality pretty apt, if I do say so myself. Plus the use of a Doberman as a completely unhinged nutcase I find to be particularly funny seeing as they’re normally portrayed as very serious or dangerous. Well, Trinity’s dangerous, just in a more unique way. And yes, she essentially exploits the cartoony nature of Timeles unlike anybody else in the series.
Trinity Toulene, Timeless created by @blumoontoons
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blu3danny · 6 years
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Timeless Cast (95/100): Trent Horns
Up next is the other resident politician of Dot City. Trent is running to be the next mayor once his former rival, Gladys, steps out of office. Trent is a very charming older rhino who knows how to get votes on his side, even though he’s much more concerned with his appearance and personality than anything else.
Yes, yes, I just had to add this kind of politician in the series, I mean you gotta have some competition when folks are racing to be the new major of Dot City. Now how big of a role will that give him? Well I can’t answer that, now can I? You’ll just have to see and find out. ;D
Trent Horns, Timeless created by @blumoontoons​
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blu3danny · 6 years
Yes, I’m still posting here.. for now at least. I’ll explain more later.
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Timeless Cast (94/100): Tori Starr
I’m sure you guys are relieved to know that there ARE more female characters in Timeless left to go- this being one of them! Meet Tori Starr, a wrestler from the Brawlercoaster, co-host alongside Suzy, and a wrestler herself. Her stage name is Shooting star, and she’s a very agile cheetah. Her fighting style isn’t based on brute strength as much as Suzy’s but rather her agility. When both girls team up on the ring, it will take a lot to beat them both. Off-stage, she’s dating Andre Hugh. There’s no way i wasn’t going to have a cheetah in the cast, and I’m really pleased with Tori’s design, she turned out rather cute, if I do say so myself. I also like how her star-shaped ponytail turned out. Also, yes- her bangs are meant to be uneven in length. Enjoy!
Tori Starr, Timeless created by @blumoontoons​
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blu3danny · 6 years
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Timeless Cast (93/100): Tony Powers
Yes, we have another beefy dad in the Timeless family. Meet Tony Powers, Joannie’s dad, and a handyman that works at the Pipeline Isles. He helps around the Open Shores Resort, and occasionally the underwater pipes to make sure they’re in top shape. Tony shares a lot of qualities in common with his daughter, namely his muscular frame, as well as their love of physical activity. Because of this Joannie loves to spend more time with him than with her mom, though Octavia tries to prevent that as much as possible because she finds her ex-husband to be a bad influence on her. Another family is complete! I had to make sure Tony captured where Joannie got her main influence from how she is, and I think Tony reflects that perfectly. Originally he didn’t have the beard but he looked… rather weird without it, which is why he has it. Enjoy!
Tony Powers, Timeless created by @blumoontoons​
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blu3danny · 6 years
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Timeless Cast (92/100): Todd Spade
Rock n’ roll! Time for the next character to show up on stage, and that would be Todd Spade, the fifth, and final remaining member of Whiplash. Todd is the bassist and lead male singer of the group. This scruffy ruffian is a real rock n’ roll star, complete with an attitude to match. He breathes, eats, and lives rock- as well as a love for the fangirls that come visit Whiplash’s every show. Despite coming across as uncaring he’s as crucial to the band as all other members, even if he tries to act like it means otherwise. Can you believe it took 90+ characters to complete the whole band? Todd’s my favorite members in terms of design because he’s by far the most stereotypical musician out of all of them, and his design perfectly captures that attitude to a T. He’s a total show-off and he knows it, so I hope you all enjoy him as much as his fans do! ;D He was totally not inspired by another big cat, with bangs that cover his eyes, who also just so happens to be named Todd.
Todd Spade, Timeless created by @blumoontoons​
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blu3danny · 6 years
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Timeless Cast (91/100): Thomas McDrake
Alright guys, it’s time to start with the final 10! First up is Thomas McDrake Sr., Twilight’s dad, and Dawn’s husband. Much like Cornelius, Thomas was part of the army and he used to be out on the front lives for the majority of his life. He retired from the army a few years after Twilight was born, and currently runs an auto repair shop in downtown Dot City. Thomas is a major hardass, constantly getting on his son’s case for not being very productive and spending a lot of his free time reading comic books. He finds that being tough on Twilight is the only way he’ll learn to be prepared for the world, and so far he’s not close to getting there. Thomas, much like Dawn, I drew a long time ago, and while he didn’t change as drastically as his wife did, he did get a pretty big overhaul in his design thanks to the updated art style. The families are getting very close to being completed now! Enjoy!
Thomas McDrake Sr., Timeless created by @blumoontoons​
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blu3danny · 6 years
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Timeless Cast (90/100): Tempus Quantum
This one certainly took a while to get here, but here we are- 90 characters! So let’s celebrate with one of the biggest characters in the cast, Tempus Quantum. Tempus is the king of the Kingdom of Dracotopia, and he shares the title of ruler with his wife, and queen, Luna. This tough old dragon has also been given the nickname of “Father Time”, due to his old age, as well as being the one responsible for keeping the Master Time Crystal safe and sound. Though he does provide a very large and imposing image, Tempus is a very kind and gentle ruler and father. So far, Tempus has the honor of having the longest it ever took me to design a character- at least 4 hours just to make this dude’s design. I suppose it’s appropriate that one of the Quantums would take a lot of time in designing- these guys are not just some minor characters in the cast, after all. There’s still a lot of the Quantum family left to go, so you better believe that we’re not finished yet! And yes, at a whopping 3,000 years old, Tempus is the oldest character in the cast. Hey, those dragons have some long lifespans. Enjoy!
Tempus Quantum, Timeless created by @blumoontoons​
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blu3danny · 6 years
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[Art Jam] Chun-Lucy
It’s that time of the year where I draw an obscure character from some crappy show that nobody likes! This isn’t the first time I’ve drawn this character, I drew once before for a sketch dump, however this is the first time I’ve given her proper ink and colors. If you don’t know who this is or where she’s from I don’t blame you- and I don’t recommend you look then allow me to introduce you to Lucy, from Kung Fu Dino Posse. The show itself is a very, very poor knock-off of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles- the names even sound similar- and it’s probably the worst one of that kind. The show itself has terrible dialogue, horrible animation, godawful humor, and it’s generally very obnoxious. About the only thing I can say I like about it is the character design, but watching the show is so not worth it for just that. If you read the title, yes I drew this for another art jam. This jam’s theme is dinosaurs, which is why I picked Lucy. And I dressed her up as Chun-Li because I’m awesome at wordplay, am I not? It was a pretty simple pic to get out of the way, hence why I managed to finish this one quickly. Enjoy!
Lucy, Kung Fu Dino Posse © Cookie Jar Entertainment Chun-Li, Street Fighter © Capcom Art by BluMoonToons
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blu3danny · 6 years
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[Art Jam] 1987
Yes, I’ve got yet another art jam entry, this time it’s for an 80s theme! So I decided to have both my Cornelius and Gretchen go back in time 30 years ago to show what they look like as teenagers. This was sort of a take based on what I did with dressing up Gretchen in her clothes from the past, but now taken a little closer to the decade where she would have been pretty young, and I added her young hubby (who you can now see in color) to show just how they enjoyed the decade. I’m very happy with how this pic came out, and I think the background was the final detail that brought everything together- even my border works for the nature of the pic! Hope you guys enjoy it!
Gretchen Hazard, Cornelius Hazard Timeless, and art by @blumoontoons​
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blu3danny · 6 years
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Timeless Cast (89/100): T-Bone
Did you want another huge, large, meaty tub of meat? Well, you’re getting one whether you wanted or not. This is T-Bone, full name Ted Bonnet, a grumpy construction worker who is a big workaholic. Tends to not stop building, even if it takes a long time, and even if he really starts to show it. I feel like I’m doing better at drawing fat/hefty characters, and Ted is a good showcase on how my skills have increased. Also, I noticed I have a distinct lack of hairy characters. Yes, even in a cast where 90% have fur, hair exists- on their heads, pits, chest, everywhere! Hope you guys enjoy!
T-Bone, Timeless created by @blumoontoons​
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blu3danny · 6 years
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[Art Jam] Hi Hi Puffy RuthKelly
Yeaaaah, another art jam pic for my server! This was for October’s theme, which was Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi, so I decided to do something amusing and have it be done in the spirit of Halloween, which means costumes! Well… cosplay, which is really the same thing, but cosplaying isn’t restrained to one month of the year. ;D So here I have both Ruth and Kelly dressed up as Ami and Yumi, respectively. I think they both pull off their respective costumes very well! It’s a good thing Ami has those little buns, they work well with Ruth’s pompom puffs. Ditto for Kelly and her jelly… dread… hair… tentacle things. They dressed up enough to resemble their respective characters, while keeping qualities of themselves so you can see who’s who. Hope you guys enjoy it! ;D
Hi Hi Puffy Amiyumi © … I’m not really sure. Who owns the copyright on this show, the actual singers or Cartoon Network? Kelly, Ruth, and art by @blumoontoons​
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