blue-jay-life Ā· 11 months
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So. I found an exciting thing while watching the latest episode of BNHA and I am excited.
I think All Mightā€™s gaining weight??
LOOK. Below, at the start of the show:
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Below, a little after Camino, when Deku first uses Shoot Style:
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And below (and at the very top of this post) in the latest episode, a few months after Camino!
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His face is FILLING OUT, guys. Heā€™s visiblyĀ putting on weight.
And, likeā€¦ it makes sense. Heā€™s living in the dorms! Heā€™s retired from active heroics, so no more pushing his body past its limits to save people (or just toĀ ā€œbe the Symbol of Peaceā€). Heā€™s in a structured environment, so less opportunity to forget/neglect his own needs. And heā€™s LIVING WITH OTHER PEOPLEā€“goodĀ peopleā€“who will alsoĀ help take care of him now and make him pay attention to his needs!
ā€¦So yeah. It makes senseĀ that heā€™d be putting on some weight now, with the decreased stress and improves environment. I justā€¦
I never expected to actually seeĀ it.
Heā€™ll always be a disabled character, thankfully, since heā€™sā€¦ you know. Missing some internal organs. Thereā€™s no fear of them trying to handwave that away, anywayā€”his arc is aboutĀ learning to value himself and his life beyond his utility as a superhero, without the strength he built his image around. Butā€¦
Now, on top of that, heā€™s VISIBLY a disabled character whose physical health is improving, in a realistic way, with improved care?? Thatā€™sā€¦ thatā€™s not even something I thought to LOOK for onscreen. They didnā€™t just leave him as his default skeleton-man animation model, as they so easily couldā€™ve. Theyā€™re visibly showing how the positive changes in his life are affecting him,Ā physically and mentally,Ā in ways that put his health above his old status quo. (A status quo heā€™d only consideredĀ ā€œgood enough,ā€ before, due to his own self-neglectā€¦ He told us, with apparent narrative weight behind him, that it was the best he could hope for, but now the narrative is telling us and him that he was WRONG. That even being that badly injured doesnā€™t mean thereā€™s ā€œno pointā€ in looking after yourselfā€“your welfare is ALWAYS WORTH CARING ABOUT!)
Justā€¦ UGH. I know the change here is very gradual and looks small, but I see it and Iā€™m EXCITED.
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blue-jay-life Ā· 1 year
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tonightā€™s commission warm down is some more usagi yagi
this rabbit bites wolves.Ā 
andā€¦probably digs holes on vacation
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blue-jay-life Ā· 1 year
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The rest of the warm downs are visible on Twitter since I canā€™t show here. Im @bitediamond
sugar and soft shed fur in your bed sheets
Itā€™s vanilla blond and milk chocolate brown
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blue-jay-life Ā· 1 year
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Discord chose more violence.
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blue-jay-life Ā· 1 year
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"When your brother's moniker is Lightbringer, and your Father is God it's not consider yourself a shadow."
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blue-jay-life Ā· 1 year
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Artwork by Simply_Nancy aka Prolific_Writer on AO3
Please do not repost without crediting.
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blue-jay-life Ā· 1 year
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blue-jay-life Ā· 2 years
Jason Todd being built like a heavy weight champion is so much better if you pair it with fact that he was trained by Batman and The League of Assassins.
Like you got this 6,4 beefy dude built like a tank in a video game and he is completely silent. You wonā€™t hear him or see him unless he wants you to. And by then itā€™s far too late.
Dudeā€™s bicep is bigger than your head and heā€™s on par with Nightwing when it comes to being nimble and performing acrobatic moves.
Red Hood radiating Michael Myers energy. An absolutely terrifying force to be reckoned with,
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blue-jay-life Ā· 2 years
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This explains so much
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blue-jay-life Ā· 2 years
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Looking into the eyes of my childhood traumaĀ  Wolfpile <3
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blue-jay-life Ā· 2 years
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Wolfā€™s Rain
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blue-jay-life Ā· 2 years
You Only Have To Look
The Gods never left us.
Ra is the prickle in the skin of the reveller on a sun-kissed day, warming them inside and out.
Set is the roaring in the heart of every rioter, whose eyes are opened by the unrelenting fire He burns in their belly.
Thoth is the yearning for knowledge that drives the academic to follow their dreams, pushing them to greater heights.
Sobek is the promise of self-confidence, beckoning the shy ones from their shells, His hand guiding them to being their best selves.
Nut is the unspoken connection between lovers as they sit beneath star-spangled sky, Her embrace lulling them closer.
Sekhmet is the guttural roar in the throat of the blood-soaked warrior who defends what is rightfully theirs, fearsome and strong.
Geb is the whistle in the wind that rustles the hair of the gardener who plows His land and enjoys the spoils of His soil.
Hathor is the maternal love between newborn and parent, Her lips the gentle kisses full of tearful joy that make life so precious.
Ma'at is the courage that spurs the journalist to give justice to those who are otherwise denied, and to expose isfet without fear when they see it.
Anubis is the urge to protect those who are dearest, and to guide them to a life of grace and blessings.
They say the Gods are gone, forgotten, and a world away.
But they are here; you only have to look for them.
(Inspired by @dandthegods.)
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blue-jay-life Ā· 3 years
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blue-jay-life Ā· 3 years
Make Some Pocket Extenders for Your Pants
So I donā€™t know about you, but Iā€™m often frustrated by the ridiculous smallness of girlsā€™ pockets. At a bare minimum, I need to be able to shove my cellphone in there - come on, pants companies! So what I started doing was making myself pocket extenders. Iā€™ve done this several times, for pants and shorts. Itā€™s great.
I just got this pair of jeans, so I thought Iā€™d show you how to do it. I kind of feel like it just hasnā€™t occurred to some of you that this is an option, so maybe now it will. All you need is your pants, some fabric (I just took a random piece from a scrap bin), a needle, and some thread (thread doesnā€™t even need to match the fabric since literally no one will see it).
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See? Ridiculous. Like, half a cellphone, or only 2.5ā€³. Useless.
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Ā So turn those inside out to expose the pockets.
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Figure out how big you want your pockets to actually be. I kinda go by whatever looks like might be right. I didnā€™t really measure them. Fold the fabric in half, so you have a pocket, and then fold it in half again so you can have two equal ones.
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Try to get the edges to line up enough, pin it in place, then sew up the sides! Are your stitches crazy uneven and wonky looking? Doesnā€™t matter; nobodyā€™s going to see it. These are in the inside of your pants. The only thing that matters is that it holds up. So I double-did the corners, since those tend to get the most stress.
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Cut open the bottom of the existing pockets.
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Pin it in place, then sew around, joining the new pocket to the old pocket. I did this by keeping my hand on the inside, so I wouldnā€™t accidentally sew through the other side. Again, I reinforced the corners, and didnā€™t worry about what it actually looks like. Then I turned it in side out to make sure the inside was all joined properly.
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Yay all done! And the pockets are so much bigger now!
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Whaaaat I can fit my entire phone and entire hand and probably something else now, are girlsā€™ pockets even allowed to do that?! Heck yeah they are.
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blue-jay-life Ā· 3 years
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blue-jay-life Ā· 3 years
ā€œWhy do people like a character whoā€™s committed war crimes but hate this other character just because theyā€™re annoyingā€ because itā€™s fiction Susan, and being annoying in fiction is a greater sin than being a supervillain, because it wonā€™t make me want to read about them. It isnā€™t difficult to understand
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blue-jay-life Ā· 3 years
Is chrome a guardian?
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Keep reading
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