blue-lambs · 7 months
...there being discontinued (explanation below!)
Hi everyone! I wish I had better news to share but unfortunately, I don't. First, I want to apologize for not updating those fics in a long, long time. I had hit a rough writer's block and eventually started to write for an entirely different fandom (along with some other personal reasons). However, that is not the update I planned to share.
I have decided to permanently discontinue the stories, "...or should I go?" and "[INTERLUDE] 3 Months Between". I don't feel comfortable writing a story that focuses on Will when his actor has been actively supporting Zionism (as well as doubling down on his actions) I did not say anything about this earlier as I had hoped he would understand his actions are wrong, and that I had hoped (naively) that his character would be recast. (Obviously, I was being delusional, and that won't happen) I especially apologize for not speaking about this sooner. I had honestly,,,forgotten about these fics,,,but I do regret not speaking about this issue sooner. I know that I could just continue on with the story, however, I have relied heavily on rewatching the show in order to get information and stay as close to the flowing storyline. I had also planned on rewriting S5 to fit within the narrative I was creating for the show, which will not happen as I am boycotting the show.
It's somewhat bittersweet to say goodbye to this story as it has been a passion of mine for years and what first got me into sharing my writings on AO3, but I won't support a show that has actors who support Zionism in this day and age. Thank you all for reading my work and enjoying it, I'm sorry that this story will never get the ending I created for it. 
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blue-lambs · 9 months
sorry for the 2 month hiatus, again updates will become more sporadic but i'll keep yall updated here
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blue-lambs · 10 months
ok, so update on Mistakes have been made (...and will continue to be made)...it will most likely be updated in late September. i have recently run into a writers block and with school coming back up, my schedule is going to be fairly busy. after that, updates will probably be more spread out. really sorry guys
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blue-lambs · 11 months
hi!! hope youve had a nice day:) (and if you didnt, that it gets better)
i just wanted to leave a lil message saying i love your writing! "Mistakes have been made (...and will continue to be made)" genuinely single handedly converted me to shipping ganke x miles because of how stupid (IN AN AFFECTIONATE WAY) and adorable they are!
and im looking forward to what you decide to put out next! (although ofc you should take your time, burnout is no joke)
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anon i love and adore you, ty so much for the kind words. (and the fact that you like my writing,,,got me crying in the club rn --in a good way!!)
ALSO I AM SO PROUD TO MAKE YOU A MILES/GANKE SHIPPER!!! they are so stupid and dumb and they mean the world to me and i am so happy to spread the agenda :D!!
as of rn, the updates are...slowing down...and i am trying to find my footing again when it comes to writing the story. life is unpredictable and things happen but i am (slowly) making progress on it!!
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blue-lambs · 11 months
FAKE DATE #1 IS HERE!!! Ganke and Miles plan out their first date- or well Ganke and Spiderman plan their first date...and someone decides to crash it...ugh villains.
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blue-lambs · 1 year
(completely forget to do this for chapter 2 😭)
SUMMARY: fake dating fic between Ganke and Spiderman! The chapter focusing more on Ganke and Miles and how they got closer as roommates and friends!!!!
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blue-lambs · 1 year
...did anyone say fake dating for miles and ganke??? (...or well to be accurate, fake dating between ganke and spiderman)
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blue-lambs · 2 years
the continuation of the stranger things rewrite is back with s4!
hope you all enjoy the story and stick around to see how it all unfolds!
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blue-lambs · 2 years
teehee the revival of the rewrite is upon us 🤭 🤭 🤭
we are making our comeback >:) ...MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOLKS!!! this Monday (9/5) will be the day the long awaited S4 rewrite is being posted
--> this story is going to somewhat follow the canon timeline and plots (sans...a lot of stuff...like the entirety of the Russian plot, which makes sense if you've read our rewrite...) BUT it will be Will-centric along with it kind of just being an overall Party-centric story!!
- any and all feedback is greatly appreciated!!!!! :D
if you want to read the S3 rewrite we've done we have it posted on both AO3 and wattpad! which i have linked under 'keep reading'!!!
^ AO3 link to chapter 1
^ wattpad link
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blue-lambs · 2 years
pls this is like 2 weeks after the last chap update,,,,,,i am so sorry i forgot about this book. LISTEN, LISTEN, i have been working on the s4 rewrite and it is taking everything in me to plan it out,,,,,,and we did say it was sporadic updates, so......
CHAP. TITLE/SUMMARY: Anti-Mike Wheeler Club: New Members??
There is something going on in the Byers-Hopper household, and Mike is sure it has to do with him...why can't the others see how Jonathan and Hopper look at him like they're trying to kill him!
-- another installation of the Anti-Mike Wheeler movement (again this is all in good fun!! we love Mike Wheeler, although most of the times he's a little shit :D )
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blue-lambs · 2 years
munching and crunching on this good food rn
PLS ITS SO GOOD !!!!!!!!! my boys....🥺
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tiny byler, because i just know mike is a cat person but loves chester because he's will's ofc <3
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one with stars bc i couldn't decide which was better and tiny will bc i ♡ him 😢
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blue-lambs · 2 years
new chap posted for the one-shot book!!!!!
"Anti-Mike Wheeler Club: An Understanding" --> how the club got formed :D
updates for this book are sporadic !!!!!!!!!! this works within the rewrite we've previously posted and finished !
any and all feedback is greatly appreciated !
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blue-lambs · 2 years
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everyday i am in awe at how many ppl actually enjoyed the story
Literally i am just so.....😭 yall mean the world to me
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blue-lambs · 2 years
@solvna you know what you've done....here is the slightly more worked on first kiss between will and mike
--any and all feedback is greatly appreciated!!
Mike and Will's first kiss doesn't happen in the heat of the moment. It doesn't happen while Will was under Venca's control, not when Mike almost lost him. It also doesn't happen the day the Party decide to hang out again, living the final days of spring break before Will has to leave again. No, it took time...lots of it.
It took Mike an entire year to realize he was falling out of love with Jane and in love with his best friend. It took him a road trip across states to see how much Will really meant to him. It took almost losing him, for good this time, for him to start planning. How he'd ask him out, or confess...better yet.
Even with everyone telling him to just go for it. He couldn't muster up the courage, the strength to admit it. To letters he has hidden beneath his bed, all addressed to the boy in California, all to the boy who Mike is so madly in love with...the one that makes him crazy. And sometimes Mike wants to laugh at how stupid he is. 1984, Halloween night, he promised they'd go crazy together...and he spent 2 years telling the same thing to Wills' sister.
The Byers-Hopper family came back to Hawkins for Winter Break, and Mike couldn't have been more excited. He'd spent the last few weeks decluttering his room for Will, spent hours redecorating, and even then he still felt on edge. He knows Will, knows the other won't say anything too mean, but...it feels different now. Of course it does, Mike had just found out he's in love with Will and is freaking out about his crush staying in his room for 3 weeks. Cut him some slack!
Now, Mike could go on and on about that break. Speak for centuries if his lifetime allowed for it, just talking about Will. But, there is one memory he's committed to heart. So deeply etched into his being that he thinks its filled a hole in his heart he hardly even knew was gone.
It was a normal night in the Wheeler’s household, though if you asked Mike he'd say there was just something electric in the night. Something waiting to spark, and something did.
Lying down in Mike's bed, both boys simply couldn't find it in themselves to go to sleep. Caught up in something beyond their understanding, maybe it was just the Christmas Eve anticipation that ate away at them. They lay staring at one another, simply gazing into each other’s eyes. A staring contest, one in which neither boy wanted to lose. They took in one another and Mike swears that to this day, he can recite every little detail about that moment. The way Will looked back then, under the soft glow of Mike’s nightlight, how he was so aware of the others breathing, so much so he matched his own breath with Will's, wanting to be as close as two souls can be. And he realizes just how much he's missed all of this, just him and Will, just two boys without the stares of everyone else. And he wants to do something, wants to just...act on his emotions. All those weeks painstakingly planning out each minute of his confession was simply thrown out the window. He's tired of waiting, tired of being too scared to do things, tired of pushing this off. Because he honestly thinks he'd rather die than pretend he and Will are just friends.
In the softest voice he could muster, trying so desperately to hold onto the peace they've found together, he asks him, "Can i kiss you?"
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blue-lambs · 2 years
so.....about that break.....
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one shot book is now up 😁!!!! (first 2 stories have been posted) ---- this is connected to the S3 rewrite !!!
UPDATES ARE SPORADIC, so....yknow 😀👍
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blue-lambs · 2 years
AHHHHH ITS OVER !!!!! 🥳🥳 two months of writing and planning things out AND NOW THE REWRITE (of s3) IS DONE!!!!!
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idk if many ppl will even see this or read it, but i just need to talk about this!!!!!
i never really thought id see the day where a fanfic ive worked on has over 300 kudos, or even the fact that so many ppl seemed to enjoy it. this story really was created one day with one of my best friends, WHILE WE WERE IN CLASS TALKING ABOUT THE VOL 2 DROP. 😭
its so surreal to have these past 2 months where we were writing on it and getting a notification of someone commenting on the story telling us they cant wait for the next chapter. it really does mean the world to me to have this kind of support on MY (solvna had worked on other stuff before, she is the girlboss) first fics.
i just want everyone whos read the fic (both on ao3 and wattpad) that i am so so so so very thankful to each and every one of you!!!! (especially the wattpad commenters, pls yall are too funny)
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YALL MEAN THE WORLD TO ME !!!!! and i really look forward to writing more stories for this fandom !!!!! pls i need will byers to be a main character 🙏🙏
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blue-lambs · 2 years
^^ AO3 link
^^ WATTPAD link
STORY SUMMARY: what if Will heard the Russian transmission in S3? (basically a S3 rewrite with Will as a main character)
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