blue474 · 11 days
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🪒 here bro u need this
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blue474 · 11 days
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I'm pathologically fearful of sharing art I do for work online anymore but this just simply means to much for me not to commemorate it so I'm taking advantage of my surge of courage this morning.
Anyway here's some cover art I made for the 10 year Anniversary editions of the Raven Cycle for Owlcrate
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blue474 · 11 days
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most sensible girl in all of ya literature
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blue474 · 13 days
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[Image Description: Art showing select things added to Minecraft each year from 2009 to 2024. Above all the art is the text "Minecraft 15th Anniversary" in the style of the official update titles. The years are as follows: 2009: Diamonds, Steve, creepers, oak trees, and grass blocks. 2010: Crafting tables, redstone dust, redstone torches, fishing, Nether portals, and jack-o'-lanterns. 2011: Birch and spruce trees, wolves, beds, endermen, enchanting tables, and villagers. 2012: Cats, jungle trees, cocoa beans, iron golems, ender chests, emeralds, and beacons. 2013: Hoppers, horses, name tags, dark oak and acacia trees, alliums, poppies, sunflowers. 2014: Rabbits, banners, Alex, guardians, and armor stands. 2015 is just text that says "(No significant updates were released this year)". 2016: Elytra, shields, polar bears, llamas, shulker boxes. 2017: Glazed terracotta, recipe book, different colored beds, parrots, and concrete. 2018: Phantoms, tridents, turtle eggs, turtles, coral, and fish mobs. 2019: Foxes, sweet berries, new cat variants, lanterns, pillagers, crossbows, and bees. 2020: Respawn anchors, piglins, crimson and warped fungus, netherite, and lodestones. 2021: Copper, deepslate, moss, axolotls, glow squid, amethyst, and goats. 2022: Wardens, echo shards, goat horns, frogs, allays, and mangrove trees. 2023: Cherry trees, new default player skins, decorated pots, armor trims, sniffers, torchflowers, and pitcher plants. 2024: Armadillos, New wolf variants, wolf armor, maces, wind charges, breezes, and crafters. End Image Description.]
This is a spiritual successor to my 10th anniversary art, which I have always been very proud of. It's amazing to see how far we've come!
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blue474 · 15 days
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Happy Minecraft 15th Anniversary!
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blue474 · 22 days
The Sorrowful Truth
June of 2020
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blue474 · 25 days
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people who don't follow chess I promise this post is really funny
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blue474 · 28 days
there is NOTHING as heartbreakingly lovely as the line: “tell me to go to school closer to you and I will.”
This scene has always stuck with me, purely because of how that line is such an out-of-character thing for Adam to say, but he says it anyway. These words are coming out of the mouth of ADAM PARRISH. This is the same person who had to pretty much kill himself over getting good grades, getting out of Henrietta, and making something of himself. Adam refused to give up on that dream for literally everyone, and we can kind of watch his friendship with Gansey deteriorate because of his pride/how insistent he is that he gets into Harvard.
And he does. But in this scene, Adam witnesses Ronan crying after trashing his dorm room. barely even hesitates before telling Ronan he would leave Harvard just to be CLOSER TO HIM??? like Maggie is actually the sickest person out there for doing that. The fact that he was offering to literally THROW AWAY a life’s dedication of hard work and sacrifice just so Ronan would be COMFORTABLE??? oh I’m going to be SICK. (Of course Ronan declines the offer, and Adam is somewhat relieved he does, it’s still so heartbreaking to see him even propose that idea in the first place)
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blue474 · 29 days
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blue474 · 1 month
adam parrish who scammed harvard students even tho he knows damn well how to make magic. adam parrish who whispered in ronans ear cause he knew it would make his lil emo bf insane. adam parrish who is an army of one. adam parrish who bought blue flowers. adam parrish who murdered a man and conspired against another. adam parrish who found ronan lynch in another dimension. adam parrish who learned divination with persephone. adam parrish who loves gansey and admires him in a way that he idealized his friend and projected his insecurities on him because he was the one voice he would listen to the most. adam parrish who was alive because he bleed. adam parrish the cataloger of the human experience. adam parrish the clever little fuck. adam parrish the magician. adam parrish who wants to feel awake when his eyes are open. ADAM PARRISH.
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blue474 · 1 month
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blue474 · 1 month
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"It doesn't have to be like this. We could have it so much better"
Calligraffiti in Chicago, Illinois
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blue474 · 1 month
"the early 2010s were better" no they weren't. "hey soul sister" was on the radio.
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blue474 · 1 month
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the dream thieves – maggie stiefvater / the orange – wendy cope
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blue474 · 1 month
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How its been going so far
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blue474 · 1 month
i just drove a mustang for the first time and i understand people who want to fuck cars now
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blue474 · 1 month
the Columbia University arrests are worse than they seem. They're arresting protesting students for trespassing. It goes without saying students cannot meaningfully "trespass" in the common areas of a university they attend. So Columbia University has suspended all student protestors from their institution, in the process revoking their access to housing, their belonging, and most crucially damaging their academic futures. We are witnessing full scale silencing and removal of anyone of conscience from the next generation of academia.
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