"Thanks for driving us to the party, Soos!"
Unfortunately, horse carriage was not available, but Soos was kind enough to drive everybody there. Mabel excitedly hopped up and down in her seat as the minivan came to a stop in front of McGucket's mansion. The iron gates that once closed off the manor had been removed shortly after McGucket bought the place leaving it open to the public. The music Mabel heard only increased her bouncing speed. This was it! This is what Mabel has been waiting for for several agonizing hours. She's so excited that her hearts beating out of her chest! Or is she nervous? Doesn't matter, what matters is she's finally here!
"Not even a problem dude. I mean, we are family." Soos smiled. "Everybody can head on out, I'll find a parking space."
Mabel immediately opened the door and attempted to leave before she got yanked back by the seatbelt she forgot to remove. Quickly clicking it off, she slid outside and practically ran to where the gate once was. Wait, did I say practically? I meant actually. Mabel looked around taking in the sights. 
Several townsfolk were mingling in inconsistent styles of dress, ranging from casual to ballroom. Everybody's having fun and the atmosphere is somewhat extravagant. The party is a weird clash of formal mixed together with a hootenanny. Butlers are serving drinks and snacks while loud pop music plays over the speakers. There are a couple of vendors handing out sparklers and other small fireworks to bide people 'til the fireworks show plays. All in all, it looks like the party's going fantastic so far, buuut it looks like Pacifica isn't around. Mabel frowns. 
"No thousand foot high rollercoaster?" Dipper walked over to Mabel.
Mabel hummed and looked up. "Doesn't look like it."
"How unfortunate." Dipper glanced around taking in the sights himself.  
"Yeah, but like I said before, Paz is here, so it's no big deal." Mabel continued to scan the crowd looking for a familiar face. And, low and behold a familiar face does appear! But not the one she was looking for. 
"Howdy! I'm so glad you could make it!" McGucket greeted them.  
"Hi! It's so good to see you!" Mabel hugged him briefly before pulling back and scanning the crowd again. "You haven't seen Pacifica, have you?"  
"Uh, " McGucket looked taken aback before he put on a thoughtful expression, "well, the last I saw her she was inside making certain that everything was set up right." McGucket face then lit up. "That girl has been real helpful helping me put together this whole party. Why, she's been sweeter than sugar." 
"Awesome! It's been real nice seeing you again, lovely party, I'll talk later!" Mabel rushed off towards the mansion. McGucket felt confused by the quick meet and greet. 
"Er, sorry, she's just... real excited to see Pacifica." Dipper apologized on Mabel's behalf. 
"Oh, hmm, " McGucket watched Mabel run off and contemplated something for a few moments before he turned back to his peppy self, "I guess that makes things easier then!"
"Huh? What do you-"
"F! How have you been?"
McGucket turned to see the rest of the Pines and Ramirezs show up. "Ford! Oh, I've been doin' just fine! Family's been doin' good too. Katie took her first steps just a couple of days ago! She walked right up to me and said, "I love you!" You shoulda been there, it was the most precious thing I'd ever seen." He wiped a tear from his eye. 
"You make a great grandfather, F."
"Oh! And speaking of babies, " McGucket turned to Melody, "How's that little feller coming along?"
She held her baby bump. "They've been putting up quite a fight lately. I think they're getting restless in there."
Soos put his hand on Melody's shoulder and his expression turned serious. "They show signs of being a warrior."
Melody giggled, "They sure do, oh! They're kicking right now! Do you wanna feel?"
Dipper got bored with the pleasantries, so he gave a quick farewell and headed off to find his sister.
0 notes
After five hours of looking through every sweater, Mabel owned she realized that none of them captured the "be my girlfriend" vibe she wanted to give off, so she took the next logical step and started to make a new sweater. She immediately got to work designing while Dipper got to work vacuuming up the paper and glitter. Over the course of an entire day, she created and tossed nineteen different designs before settling on lucky number twenty. The next day was spent knitting and building an outfit around the sweater. 
On the day of the party, Mabel wolfed down her breakfast cereal faster than Dipper could finish pouring his. By the time he sat at the table she'd already zipped up the stairs to get ready. After he'd finished his cereal he went back up to his room to get his journal so he could write some additional thoughts he had about a deer that appeared to have headlights for eyes he found last night. Could be that it evolved those eyes as a way to avoid being hit by cars...
Dipper climbed into his bed and grabbed his journal off the nightstand along with his pen. He flipped it open and considered the words he was about to write when he noticed that the clothes that his sister had carefully laid out last night had disappeared. He rolled his eyes and got to writing. 
After putting all his thoughts down on paper and drawing an additional sketch (he's greatly improved his drawing skills over the last 5 years) he finally closed his journal and made to put it back on his nightstand, but before he could Mabel slammed open the door startling him. After his very manly scream (it was very manly and filled with testosterone, trust me) Mabel made her way towards him.
"There you are, Dipper! Tell me I look good!" Mabel twirled and made a rather cutesy pose.
Dipper looked her over incredulously.  
Her new sweater was a vibrant purple with hearts made up of different shades of pinks and reds climbing up the right side. Her skirt and headband was lavender which contrasted nicely with the sweater. Her makeup was natural and she wore black hoop earrings. She wore her typical black ballet flats and long white socks.  
"Sooo, what do you think?" Mabel grinned cheekily.
"You do realize that the party isn't until five and it's currently," Dipper glanced at his alarm clock, "8:42 AM." 
"Pfft, details." Mabel waved dismissively. "Ain't nothing wrong with getting ready early."
"Yeah, well, next time could you maybe not barge your way in here and give me a heart attack?" Dipper realized he was clutching his journal tightly to his chest and loosened his grip. 
"I can't help it, I'm so excited! Today is the day I confess my love to Paz!! Look at me, I'm literally vibrating in excitement." Mabel stook her arm out and sure enough, it was shaking.  
"Um, you sure that's from excitement and not from nerves?" Dipper questioned.
"Absolutely positively sure. 100%!" Mabel stood jittering for few moments. "Okay, maybe more like 99%. But besides that everything is fine!" Mabel struck a confident pose to prove her statement, but it was undermined by the fact that she was still shaking.
"I don't think you're-"
"Can you imagine all the fun things we're gonna do today?" Mabel smoothly changed the subject (trust me). "Why, I bet that everybody's gonna be there. We'll have fun dancing and talking and eating nice food. And then there will be tons of small fireworks before the grand show. Grunkle Stan bringing a bunch of illegal ones too, those are always fun. And, hey, wouldn't it be cool if there was a bounce house?"
"I guess-"
"Cause a bounce house would be super fun! Ooh, and a petting zoo! So many cute animals to get to know and snuggle with! Like rabbits and goats and sheep and- do you think there'd be llamas?"
"Could you imagine," Mabel paused for dramatic effect, "if there was a full-blown carnival going on in Mcgucket's backyard? Funnel cake, deep fried cookie dough, clowns, the whole shebang."
"I think you're being a bit ridiculous." Dipper finally got in. 
"I'd say I'm not being ridiculous enough. There's gonna be a rollercoaster."Mabel said stubbornly. Dipper felt somewhat amused.
"It's gonna stretch up 500- no, 1000 feet into the air!" Mabel lifted her arms to exaggerate her point. "It'll rival the likes of Space Mountain! Splash Mountain! All of the mountains! The joy of climbing Mount Everest will never compare! The awe and wonder of blasting off into outer space itself, seeing the stars up close and personal is nothing in comparison to this roller coaster!"
It's starting to worry Dipper about how much the stress of asking Pacifica out is getting to Mabel. He sets his journal on to his nightstand as she continues to ramble on about how meeting aliens is a lesser discovery than the roller coaster she's made up in her head. Sure, Mabel has quite the active imagination, but clearly, this is more than just that. She's forcefully distracting herself. Dipper feels kind of amazing at what Mabel can come up with when she feels a need to do so. But more than anything, he feels annoyed. 
"Hey, don't you think you're overhyping this party? You'll just set yourself for disappointment if this magical roller coaster doesn't exist." Dipper says.
Mabel stops her rant about alien foods being worse than fried cookie dough to consider this thought. Then she shakes her head.
"Nah, cause Paz will be there and there's no comparing Paz to the most amazing roller coaster to ever exist in any dimension." She then nods confirming this thought to herself. Dipper breathes a sigh of relief at the momentary silence. But unfortunately for him, it was just that, momentary.
"Oh my gosh, I'm asking Paz out today." Mabel held her face in her hands, being careful of her makeup. "This is going to be the best day ever, I can't wait!" Dipper held his face in his hands, sighing in exasperation. 
"I think I should ask her while we're watching the fireworks! Wouldn't that be romantic? Or would it be better to ask her out immediately? Then us hanging out at the party could be like our first date! Or-"
"Or you could calm down and not overthink everything!" Dipper exclaimed. "There's no point to all this nonsense!"
Mabel was silent for a moment before huffing out a breath. "I know, it's just, " she huffed again in annoyance, "the party is hours away and I don't know what to do with myself." She despondently shuffled over and sat on her bed. "Ugh, why can't time move faster? What would I give to jumpcut to the party right now?"
heres a picture of mabel i doodled
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0 notes
It was a lazy Sunday if Mabel ever knew one. She didn't have plans today and wasn't planning on making any. She and Dipper lounged in front of the tv boredly watching reruns of Ducktective. 
"Quack quack quack... QUACK QUACK!" Ducktective quacked, pointing his wing at the butler. Everybody in the collective room gasped while the butler started sweating. 
"W-what do you mean Ducktective? Surely you're mistaken!" The butler cried out. 
"It's always the butler, " Dipper complained, "You'd think it would have been the creepy lady with her huge collection of creepier dolls, but no, it was the butler who did it."
"Fooled you." Mabel nudged her foot at the back of Dipper's head. 
"I wasn't fooled," Dipper swiped back to get her foot off his head, "it's just stupid." Mabel made a noncommittal noise and continued to watch as the butler tried to make a run for it only to be tackled by a couple of cops. 
"Quack quack quack quack. Quack quack quack quack qua-quack quack. Quack quack. Qua-quack quack, quack qua-quack. Quack quack quack qua-quack? Quack quack qua-quack, quack quack?" Ducktective read the Miranda rights to the butler. 
The doorbell rang out and immediately Mabel sprang up from the chair shouting, "I'LL GET IT!" She shoved Dipper out of the way (Hey!) and ran to the door. She swung it open to reveal Pacifica standing there looking somewhat bored. She looked up from her nails and her face lit up. 
"Mabel! So nice to see you!" Pacifica smiled sweetly. "I've got an invitation for you." She held out an envelope that looks like somebody dumped too much glitter on to it. 
Mabel gasped and accepted the invitation looking over its sparkly exterior. "There's going to be a 4th of July party at McGucket's mansion and the whole town's invited." Pacifica carried on. She smiled shyly. "I was hoping to be able to meet you there."
Mabel looked up at Pacifica and grinned brightly. "Of course! I'd love to come!" She pulled Paz into a snuggly hug. 
"Great! It's a date!" Pacifica cheerfully hugged Mabel back, used to how often Mabel hugs her. 
Mabel glanced up with a blush on her face. "A-a date?!" She squeaked out. 
Pacifica looks shocked and then starts backpedaling. "Ah, yeah, you know a-a friend date!" She says maybe a bit too loudly. She lets go of Mabel and doesn't look her in the eyes. "A date with a friend. Friend date." Paz giggles nervously. Before Mabel can get a word in Paz looks up and says quickly, "Alright, see you there! Bye!" Then she turns stiffly and walks away. 
After a few moments, Mabel recovers from Pacifica's weirdness and calls out a farewell. She turns back inside and closed the door. Clutching the invitation in her hands she lets out a squeal and heads back to the living room.  
"What's up?" Dipper asks from Mabel's stolen seat. 
"We're invited to a party!" Mabel shoves the invite into Dipper's face. Dipper leans back in distaste before grabbing the envelope. Glitter that wasn't glued well enough shimmered down on to his shorts. Dipper frowned and sat the envelope on the chair's arm. He wiped his glitter-covered fingers on his shorts in the hope that it'd wipe off. It helped a little bit. 
"Paz delivered it and we're meeting up there and it's gonna be a date!!" Mabel started pacing back and forth. "Well, she said that it's a friend date, but still a DATE!! Do you know what this means??" Mabel leaned heavily into Dipper's personal space.
"Uh, you'll have a fun time?" Dipper asked pressed against the chair trying to escape Mabel's face.  
"No!" Mabel exclaimed. She paused. "Well, technically yes, but no! This is the perfect time for me to confess!" To Dipper's relief she leaned back out of his bubble. "I can imagine it now. I'll arrive at the mansion in horse carriage." Mabel clasped her hands together and stared off into nothing caught up in her own fantasy. Dipper groaned at the already implausible scenario. "I will be as beautiful as a warm summer's night. I'll walk into the mansion and there to greet me would be Pacifica. She will be as beautiful as a cold winter's night. I will offer my hand and she'll accept. We'll walk hand in hand out to the backyard and sit upon a plush blanket and watch as the fireworks light up the night sky. We'll turn to each other, I'll be lost in her eyes and she in mine, the fireworks illuminating Pacifica's pretty face. We'll lean into each other and-"
"Okay Mabel, I get it. It'll be super romantic and lovey-dovey and you'll kiss or whatever. But, are you sure this is a good idea?" Dipper interrupts. "I mean, You don't even know if she likes you or not! I don't want to see you get your heart broken."
Mabel pouts. "Uh, it's super rude to interrupt people Dipper. And what are you saying? Of course I know that Paz likes me! I have proof." 
Dipper raises an eyebrow skeptically. "Really."
"Yeah, really. I mean, it's super obvious! We have sleepovers all the time where it's just the two of us and that one time we had that slumber party and when we watched a movie our hands met in the popcorn bowl and she got all cute and nervous and then she let me have the last of it! She was smiling when she gave it to me, Dipper. Smiling!" Mabel waved her arms in the air to emphasize her point. Dipper thought it made her look like a lunatic.  
"Wow, that sure is... solid."
Mabel gave her brother the stink eye before holding herself confidently again. "Exactly. We've been hanging out one on one so much it's a wonder why we aren't already girlfriends. But now the perfect opportunity has come!" Mabel clasped her hands again and got stars in her eyes looking at nothing. It was clear that Mabel was getting back into her fantasies again so Dipper turned back to watch more Ducktective. He's already heard enough about Pacifica and how cute she and Mabel would be as a couple over the entire summer, he doesn't need to hear any more about plans for perfect confessions and adorable dates. 
"It'll be the best day ever. Ah, Paz is so amazing at making regular days the best days ever. I remember last summer when Paz and I went to the lake. We had so much fun swimming and Paz looked so pretty in her swimsuit." Mabel sighed. "It was such a hot day that we both wanted a soda, but there was only one Pitt Cola left. And we ended up sharing it."
"Yeah, I know, I was there. Remember? It was a family outing and you invited all your friends?" Dipper couldn't resist piping up even though he knew it would fall on deaf ears.
"It was our first indirect kiss. If only I was aware that I had a crush on her back then, we could have been girlfriends by now." Mabel whimsically said. 
Dipper turned the volume on the tv up. Face souring at being ignored, Mabel snatched the remote and turned off the television. Dipper scowled as he silently contemplated his life. 
Mabel cleared her throat. "As I was saying Mr. GrumpyPants, Paz is the best and I'm making it my goal to have her be my girlfriend at the 4th of July party."
"Wait, you're really serious about this?" Dipper turned to her.  "Are you sure about that? I mean, what if it doesn't work out?"
Mabel scoffed. "Puh-lease Dipper, I've got this. I am a romance expert after all. Stop being such a worrywart. Unless, " Mabel's voice took on a conspiratorial tone, "you're actually jealous that I'm making Paz my girlfriend??"
Dipper got an unimpressed look on his face. "As if." He spoke flatly. "Well if you've got your heart set on it, then I guess there's nothing I can do to stop you." He picked the invitation back up and started fiddling with it. More glitter fell down on his lap, but thanks to boredom he didn't care so much. 
"Hmm, good." Mabel clapped her hands together. "Then that settles it. I've got dreams to make come true and a perfect outfit to pick out." Mabel started pacing again with an oddly serious expression on her face. "Hmm, i can't just pick any old sweater. It needs to be perfect after all. Something that says love is in the air, but not the sweater that literally says that. It's gotta be subtle... Dipper, help me pick out a sweater."
"Ugh, what?"
Mabel turned to chastise her brother but then raised her hands to her mouth to cover up a snort. Dipper had pulled the letter out of the envelope just to have paper hearts and stars rain down coating his lap.
"Mabel, did you make this invitation?" Dipper stared at her with a pout. Mabel didn't bother to hide her snort this time. He looked too comically perturbed.
"Nah, there isn't enough glitter." Mabel thought for a moment before her eyes lit up. "Hey, you don't think that Paz made that invitation for me, do you? She did give it to me." Mabel took the letter and looked it over. She recognized Paz's calligraphy and gasped. "Oh my gosh, she did!! You see Dipper!" Mabel shoved the letter back into her brother's face. "PROOF!!"
"Why do you have to keep shoving things in my face?" Dipper complained.  
Mabel hugged the letter to her chest and giggled. This really will be the best day ever. Not just that, but the best party ever too! "Come on Dipper," she grabbed her brother's shirt sleeve, "you gotta help me pick out an outfit!"
Dipper groaned as he was led upstairs, glitter and paper leaving a trail behind him. So much for a lazy Sunday.
0 notes
A sparkly invitation comes in the mail delivered by Pacifica herself when the twins are 17 while they're at the mystery shack during the summer. the whole pines family along with Soos and his wife (she has a bun in the oven) are invited to a 4th of July party by Mcgucket! How fun! mabel shouts yes they'll come and she and Pacifica share a hug. Paz says she looks forward to Mabel being there and takes her leave Mabel is super excited because its Pacifica and shes got this crush on her and this party could be the perfect opportunity to confess, it'll be super romantic! with the fireworks overhead illuminating Pacificas pretty face and they'll share a perfect- Okay Mabel, we get it Dipper says. Mabel pouts at being interrupted then she just kinda excitedly talks about Pacifica for a bit, cause she's an amazing and deserves to be talked about no matter how grumpy Dipper gets. Like, last summer Mabel and Pacifica had that day they spent at the lake where they swam and talked and had so much fun. dipper mentions that he was there too, but Mabel doesn't notice he said anything because Pacifica and then there's the time they had that sleepover at Pacifica's place which was super fun cause Pacifica has everything that a teenage girl could ever want. a movie theater, a bowling alley, a huge backyard to camp out in, Pacifica, and have I told you that she has her own horse ranch? only 13 times... because she has her own horse ranch!! how amazing is that? 14. 14 times now. mabel is practically convinced that Paz likes her back. I mean, think back to all the things that have happened so far during the summer break! lots of cute things that's what and Paz likes hanging out a lot with Mabel, there's been so many sleepovers and most of the time only Mabel's ever invited! they do so many fun things and they laugh together and one time they were touching hands during one of those sleepovers while watching a movie and she didn't move her hand away and was smiling! proof!! mabel is confident and never falters in her ways. dippers a bit more apprehensive, I mean, somebody's gotta be nervous about the situation at hand. but Mabel doesn't pay him much mind. shes totally got this. she makes fun of dippers nerves and implies that he's just jealous cause Paz likes her and not him. he flatly tells her that that's not the case. She spends the entire time between the invitation and the actual party, around two days or so, picking the perfect outfit. something that says romance and love is in the air. but not the sweater that literally says those things. there's gotta be subtlety,  Mabel is a romance expert after all. mabel ends up making a new sweater for the occasion. some pretty hearts in a multitude array of pinks and reds on a purple base. a pale lavender skirt excellently compliments the sweater while the headband with similar colors of the outfit adorns her head with a pretty flower stitched into it. add some hoop earrings and some nice purply makeup with glitter of course and now Mabel has the perfect outfit! yay!! mabel cant sit still and if she tries shes back up on her feet in less than a second on the day of the party. mainly its Mabel excitedly rambling about everything that she wants to do and everything she hopes Pacifica will have at the party. dipper is amused stating that there probably wont be a petting zoo. mabel wants a bounce house, hopes that Grunkle Stan will be providing illegal fireworks, a concert, a full-blown festival, complete with funnel cake and deep-fried cookie dough and so many different goodies. mabel keeps building up her fantasy until dipper finally has to cut in saying that she shouldn't hype up Pacifica's party so much otherwise it'll just be a disappointment when they get to the real thing. mabel assures dipper that no matter what happens Mabel will love whatever Pacifica cooks up. Cause its Pacifica and she's amazing. Dipper is still worried about the confessing thing and is worried that Mabel's heart will be broken. but more than anything he's getting annoyed at how restless Mabel is. there's still a few more hours until the party, calm down! ugh, if only time would move faster! what would Mabel give to jump cut right to where she wants to be? so they're at the party now arriving with the whole family. Thanks driver Soos. The cars have been parked and Mabel practically ran up to the house. Did I say practically? i meant actually. mabel flings open the doors and the party is looking pretty fantastic. everybody is having fun and the atmosphere is somewhat extravagant. a weird clash of formal with a hootenanny. butlers are serving while loud pop music plays. people attire is inconsistent, ranging from casual to ballroom. everybody's having a good time, and as much as Mabel loves that its kind of difficult to care cause the only thing on her mind is finding Paz. Mcgucket walks up and greets her welcoming her to the party. mabel says a quick hello but is distracted looking for Paz. she doesn't spot her so she wanders around looking for her offering an absentminded farewell to Mcgucket. Mcgucket looks slightly confused but shrugs his shoulders and turns back to greet the rest of the pines. mabel hears her name be called out and as it turns out its candy and Grenda. they're having a great time too enjoying the nonsense of it all. dipper catches up with Mabel and he and Mabel's friends greet each other. mabel asks if they've seen Pacifica yet. mabel hears a 'Mabel, I'm so glad you came!' Mabel turns around and gasps. there is Paz looking drop-dead gorgeous (at least in Mabel's eyes) they are both in awe of each other. pacifica thinking Mabel plays everything so cool and casual. shes so real. paz tried looking beautiful cause tonights the night shes gonna woo Mabel and get her to be her girlfriend, but now she knows that she should have just kept things simple. is it too late to change clothes? mabel looks at Paz and sees a stunning and beautiful woman. shes so confident and rocks that look. she looks so mature and pretty that Mabel feels her heart skip a beat. there's no way that Mabel's usual sweater skirt combo could ever impress like Paz does. this cant be impressive to her. (also Pacifica has a fancy cigarette thingy so there's that) is it too late to change? dipper looks between the two girls with a somewhat blank look and lets out a sigh of relief, completely unnoticed by either of them as they're to busy staring at each other. dipper was worried for nothing and everything will turn out just fine. 'i'll just be heading to get some snacks' dipper makes lots of motions trying to get the point across to his sister, but she's in her own world and doesn't notice. dipper gives up trying to get his sisters attention and just leaves. Mabel friends catch on to whats happening as well and join dipper telling Mabel good luck and give her general votes of confidence. paz is the first to break the silence. shes got a lot of fun things planned for Mabel and they cant just spend the entire night looking into each other's eyes, although that wouldn't be such a bad thing. but Paz is gonna woo Mabel so shes got the perfect date set up. pacifica lists the things that she got planned for the night and asks Mabel what she wants to do first. (bouncy castle, petting zoo, movies, eat, smaller fireworks and sparklers, and a cannon). no way, how did Paz know that it was Mabel's dream to be shot out of a cannon. paz laughs and said that she had a hunch. the fireworks don't start until 8 and its 5(?) now so there's plenty of time to do some fun stuff. mabel states that the best should be saved for last. dreams can only come true once. Mabel states that the bouncy house is a first must so they head over to the bouncy castle and the moment it comes into Mabel's sight she squeals, grabs Paz's hand and runs over to it. paz is laughing as the climb inside and they bounce around and have a fun time. c: luckily enough Paz's dress allows for easy leg movement so there's not much of any trouble. the bounce a little bit too close to each other and end up crashing into one another and they land with Mabel on top of Paz. they're silent for a moment looking into each other's eyes blushing and then Mabel bursts into laughter. she gets up and lends Paz a hand letting her up as well. its so easy being around Mabel, awkward moments just dissolve. paz starts laughing too. mabel now wants to see the animals while there's still a semblance of sunlight. there's horses, goats, pigs, chickens, rabbits, basically just a bunch of farm animals. mabel coos over the ducklings and a few of them imprint on her. mabel believes that the pigs here could have made good friends with waddles and is sad they probably wont meet. pacifica says that she can do her best to keep the animals around til tomorrow and Mabel hugs Paz cause would you really do that for me? paz blushes and glances away. mabel  is too bright to look at and she says of course she'd do that for her. mabel hugs tighter and jumps up and down shouting about how thankful she is. and then she lets Paz go and goes back to play with the animals. paz sighs affectionately. Mabel's the cutest and everything she prepared today was totally worth it to see Mabel this happy and excited. as Mabel plays around with the chickens some more she glances over at Paz and sees her smiling at her. she waves a little and as Mabel waves back she realizes that Paz is doing so many nice things for her and Mabel's hardly done anything for her! she then heads back to Paz doing her best to shush off the ducklings. she asks Paz what she wants to do now and she says that she wants to do whatever Mabel wants to do. mabel harrumphs and says that she wants to do what Paz wants to do. pacifica hides a smile behind her hand because Mabel is just too cute with her cheeks puffed up and a pout on her face. paz then gives in and mentions that she saw tacos back at the food tables and she could really go for a taco right now. Mabel's face lights up and she says 'well, what are we waiting for?' she grabs Paz by the arm and half drags Paz back into the mansion. mabel then remembers that she's supposed to be setting a romantic mood so she slows down and lessens her grip on Paz's arm. her hand slides down and not so subtly holds Paz's hand. both of the girls are smiling as they walk into the house. mabel shyly glances at Paz to see what her reaction is and Paz is smiling too cutely, and Paz notices Mabel and her smile grows even wider. Mabel's heart skips a beat again and her face blushes. who gave Paz the right to be this pretty and cute and beautiful? cause Mabel really needs to thank them. they reach the food tables and they grab a couple of tacos. mabel is disappointed to let go of Paz's hand. as they munch on their food Mabel feels that she cant just not put the moves onto Pacifica, I mean, what else is she here for? (besides the fun party and friends and food and fireworks and plenty of other f-words of course) Your eyes are blue, like the ocean. And baby, I’m lost at sea. nailed it. pacifica chokes on her taco in shock. she wasn't expecting Mabel to say something that suspiciously sounded like a pick up line. mabel worriedly pats Pacifica's back helping her swallow the food. woah, easy, you're not allowed to head back to heaven yet. paz snorts and then quickly tries to cover it up by laughing more dignifiedly, but its too late, Mabel heard the snort and loves it. Mabel determined to hear it again. mabel sticks her hand onto Paz's forehead and hums. oh jeez, you're looking a little pale. I think you're suffering a lack of vitamin me! paz just blushes and hides her smile behind her hand because is this really happening? is Mabel seriously flirting with her? mabel gets a contemplative look on her face. hey, have you always been this cute or did you have to work at it? pacifica finally breaks down again and starts laughing and snorting again. ah, and Pacifica tried so hard to never snort in front of Mabel, but of course Mabel got it out of her. mabel is nothing short of pleased with herself. paz laughs mostly because she cant believe that Mabel likes her! enough to use cheesy pick up lines at least. this makes everything so much simpler, its such a relief that Mabel likes her, there's no need to worry. paz ends up laughing so much that her stomach hurts. it's getting dark now and Mabel thinks that it'd be fun to set off some fireworks now. pacifica finally settles down and they head on over to an unassuming closet and Paz opens it up to reveal boxes upon boxes of fireworks. pick whatever you want, there's plenty to choose from. mabel gets sparklers and as many different fireworks that she can carry. the head outside sharing the load and excitedly chatter to each other about how much fun they're going to have lighting the fireworks. mostly Mabel being excited but it rubs off on Paz and she can't help but get excited too. so they're outside and Paz lights up another cigarette as the one from before has long since run out. mabel sets up a firework and Paz goes over and uses her cigarette to light it up. Mabel's eyes light up and she wants to do that too. she mentions that to Paz and Paz heads over to the pile of fireworks cause she knows that she saw something in there before and aha! there it is, a sparkler cigar. she sticks into Mabel's mouth and before Mabel can ask for a light Paz with the fancy cigarette thing still in her mouth uses it to light up Mabel's cigar looking directly into Mabel's eyes. she pulls away once its lit and sparkles spill from it. Mabel's face has turned a lovely shade of red from the close proximity between them and the intimacy of the moment. the cigar almost falls from her mouth but she snaps out of it before it does. any small doubts about wondering if Paz actually likes her are diminished and shes more determined than ever to make Paz her girlfriend by the end of the night. but not right now, Mabel's heart is beating too fast and she'd surely stumble over her words right now. the moment needs to be perfect so she says ha cha cha cha, dancing as she backs up. the first firework has already finished its thing so she sets up another one and lights it up with her cigar. they have a great time setting off firework after firework. both far too soon and not soon enough, its gonna turn 8 soon so Paz grabs Mabel's attention and mentions this fact. Mabel's both excited and disappointed but eagerly follows Paz as shes got a special spot just for the 2 of them. the head up a floor and head on out onto the terrace. there's a comfy loveseat set up looking over the forest. mabel and Paz sit down (with Mabel's heart beating faster because she's sitting right next to Paz and this could be the perfect opportunity to confess. paz looks beautiful with the moon lighting up her face and a happy smile on her face) Mabel's about to say something when Paz grabs her hand and holds it leaving Mabel's heart beating even faster and it's absolutely not fair that Paz can render her incapable of functioning just by holding her hand. the fireworks start up and they're beautiful and amazing. mabel glances over at Paz to see her reaction to the fireworks to see Paz looking right back at her for the same reason. they both blush but both keep looking right at each other. the fireworks are ignored for a few moments then they both speak at the same time. 'they're something i-' you first, no you. they both get the feeling they know exactly what the other is going to say. alright, lets say it both at the same time. they both say i like you at the same time. both of their faces light up and they start laughing. their hands hold tighter to each other as they lean into each other laughing. they gather themselves and look at each other grinning like the dorks they are. mabel leans in and Paz picks up on this and leans in herself. the fireworks reflecting off of Paz's face only make her look more pretty. they share a kiss for a few moments and then break it off. they smile at each other with Mabel vibrating for a few moments before she breaks the handholding to bring Paz into a bear hug, shaking her back and forth and shrieking. Mabel so excited, this is the best day of her life! paz keeps on smiling, her plan went off without a hitch. she giggles and bear hugs Mabel back. the keep holding onto each other and continue to watch the fireworks for a minute until Mabel pipes up, hey, you know what I make my sweaters out of? oh my gosh Paz thinks to herself. mabel looks over at Paz with a huge shit eating grin on her face. girlfriend material. pacifica holds back a laugh and hums. she takes a hold of the sleeve of the sweater inspecting it. after looking it over she looks up at Mabel and says that its high quality. mabel smiles wider mentioning that she only uses the best materials. pacifica smiles and goes on to continue the metaphor until she realizes that she doesn't know how to continue it, so she stumbles over her words until she stops talking for a moment before saying that the sweater is really cute and would suit Paz. or would it be that it suits Mabel? paz continues to stumble until Mabel presses a finger against Paz's mouth shushing her. mabel holds Paz's hands again and asks her to be her girlfriend. paz blushes and nods her head saying a simple yes, barely trusting her mouth to not mess it up. Mabel's eyes light up. she knew that Paz would say yes, but actually hearing it is another thing. mabel glomps Pacifica. she has a girlfriend now. a girlfriend that likes her and has kissed her and is hugging her right now!!! this really is the best day of my life, Mabel says in slight awe. paz chuckles and says just as planned. mabel gasps. she knew it. she pouts up at her girlfriend (girlfriend!). pacifica should have got a nice day too. paz hugs Mabel tighter saying that with Mabel by her side smiling like the dork she is making this the best day ever for her too. mabel looks at Paz's face and sees her genuinely smiling and she relaxes at that. but it doesn't stop her from immediately making plans to create the best day ever for Paz too. they sit leaning comfortably into each other watching the fireworks for the rest of the hour.   a grand display of fireworks ends the show and Mabel + Paz rise from the loveseat. the look at each other and lean into each other again for a quick kiss and then head back downstairs to the party holding hands and leaning into each other. they run into dipper first and Mabel excitedly shouts out fo him waving her free hand. dipper looks over with half a hot dog in his mouth. he waves back and they meet up. mabel excitedly holds Paz's hand tighter and says 'you will not guess what happened!' 'you and Pacifica are girlfriends now?' 'no, me and Paz are-' Mabel excited face changes to a pout. 'you weren't supposed to guess that' Paz laughs at her cute girlfriends (girlfriends!) expression. 'congrats' dipper says as he shoves the rest of the hotdog into his mouth. candy and Grenda wander over noticing Paz and Mabel holding hands. Mabel expression becomes excited again. 'guess what?' 'you and Pacifica finally confessed? congratulations!' candy says with a smile on her face. Grenda smiles along and says 'it's about time you two got together'. Mabel's pout returns twofold. how is she supposed to proudly proclaim that shes got a girlfriend if everybody keeps beating her to the punch? Mabel's looks around and spots Soos. she drags Paz behind her and shouts out 'hey Soos! guess what? and don't guess that me and Paz are girlfriends!' 'oh, alright, hmm, you and Pacifica's hands got glued together?' 'no, me and Paz are girlfriends now!' Mabel's has the biggest smile on her face. Paz hides her giggles behind her hand letting her girlfriend have her moment. 'congratulations dudes!' Mabel then spots lazy eyed Susan and runs over showing off her hand that's holding Paz's. 'guess what? Me and Paz are girlfriends now!' 'oh wow, I'm so happy for you dears!' Mabel then runs around to everybody that she recognizes shouting about how shes got a girlfriend. Paz laughs freely as she rushes to catch up with her girlfriend's hasty steps. 'you know, you don't need to do this, right?' mabel stops and looks at Paz. 'i know, ' Mabel grabs Paz's hand with both of her and looks deeply into her eyes with the most serious expression Paz has ever seen. 'i want to' Paz cant help but laugh. 'i cant argue with that' Mabel grins again and they go back to shouting about how they're girlfriends, Paz included. everybody's happy for them, though perhaps a little annoyed since they cant hear the music over their shouting. after everybody at the party is thoroughly aware that Mabel and Pacifica are girlfriends they head off to the side of the room and laugh amongst themselves. tonight was perfect, and Mabel wouldn't have it any other way. paz smirks in a sultry way and asks, you know what would be a perfect end to a perfect party? Mabel's grin drops and that lovely shade of red is back. w-what? she breathily asks. pacifica smile grows and leans in closer and whispers, getting shot out of a cannon. mabel gasps. that would be an excellent way to end a perfect night! mabel grasps Paz's shoulders jumping up and down. oh my gosh, can we do that right now? can we, can we? Paz quickly kisses Mabel's nose and says, of course. mabel stops jumping and blushes again. mabel has to learn how Paz makes the world stop briefly just by kissing her. perhaps shes dabbled in magic?mabel gets distracted from Paz's supposed witchiness by spotting dipper. she gasps, DIPPER! she waves him like mad, IM GONNA GET SHOT OUT OF A CANNON! YOU WANT TO JOIN ME? dipper chokes out a what? says excuse me to Stanford maybe? and then runs after Mabel and Paz. that cant be safe. when dipper catches up they've already reached outside. what is this about getting shot out of a cannon? mabel, you cant be serious. pacifica, tell me she's joking. paz looks back and smirks. dipper pales and turns back to Mabel. mabel, this has to be the most ridiculously dangerous thing you've ever stupidly tried to do. dipper walks in front of them. I'm sorry but I can't allow this. mabel and Paz stop in their steps while Mabel pouts. cmon dipper, you know that its been my dream since forever to get shot out of a cannon. mabel, its also your dream to break the world record for amount of candy canes that can be shoved into a mouth, no. mabel states i just need to learn how to dislocate my jaw. but that's different, this is different dipper! how often can somebody say that they got shot out of a cannon? dipper frowns. i cant let you do this. i mean, what if you break your neck? what then?! waving his hands about. paz says i made certain that everything's safely set up. i hired a professional. you, dipper points at Paz, stop enabling her. Paz's smile never lets up, much to dippers annoyance. mabel grabs dipper pointed hand with hers and puts on her best animal cooing voice. hey hey hey, don't worry, everything's going to be fine. mabel starts petting his hand while dipper looks even more irritated and a little insulted. noticing her brothers anger she throws being gentle and kind out the window. she throws her head back and groans, oh come ooooon dipper, quit being such a stick in the mud! look, how bout this, Mabel slings her arm around dippers shoulders, why don't you join me? we can get shot out of a cannon together! wouldn't that be fun? dipper looks unconvinced. come on, we'd be, cannonball mystery twins. mabel waves her hand as she comes up with the stupid name on the spot. I don't know.., I just don't think that this is such a good idea. mabel holds dipper hands in her own and puts on her best puppy dog that got kicked expression. dipper gives in, not because he's convinced but because Mabel gonna pursue this no matter what he says. he lets out a defeated sigh. Mabel's face immediately lights up and she squeals and bear hugs her brother. thanking him incessantly. mabel lets go of dipper and holds his hand up above their heads. CANNONBALL MYSTERY TWINS FOREVER!! dippers mutters a please don't call us that. paz chuckles at the display. paz leads them both to the cannons location. a huge cannon attached to a truck is set up in the huge yard. mayer cutebiker is there taking off a helmet exclaiming about how fun rushing through the air was. just hearing this hypes Mabel up even more if that's possible. Mabel's starts running letting go of dippers hand. she runs around the truck taking in the sight of the cannon from all angles while ooohing and aaahing. paz walks up to the cannon expert and talks for a bit while dipper hangs back looking apprehensive. dipper does not like the idea of being shot through the air with nothing but some flimsy air filled bag at the end to catch them. dipper remembers what it feels like to fall off a cliff with the wind biting into your face so forgive him if he doesn't think that getting shot out of a cannon would be a fun thing to do. mabel notices her brothers discomfort and goes over and wraps her arm around his shoulder. come on dipper, we'll do this, you and me, together. and my grappling hook. she holds up her trusty grappling hook and smiles brightly, so much so that dipper can't help but be suckered in by Mabel's confidence. yeah, with Mabel by his side everything would be fine. paz heads back towards them carrying a couple of helmets and goggles. she says that the professional is ready for them. Mabel's squeals once more and rushes to put on the goggles and helmet. dippers much slower and Mabel's starts jittering in impatience. he finally tightens the helmet but before Mabel can drag him to the pro cannon guy Pacifica whirls Mabel around and gives her another quick kiss. good luck and have fun. mabel blushes and in a voice higher than her own squeaks out a thank you. she turns and runs to the cannon guy before she changed her mind and decided that kissing Pacifica would be a better way to spend the night. focus Mabel! dippers already getting prepped by the professional. the guy gives them instructions about proper human cannonball safety which Mabel and dipper seriously listen to. then finally after learning all they needed to, they're set into the cannon. it gets lifted up towards the sky. Mabel's shaking with anticipation while hugging dipper. dippers shaking because of nerves. is it too late to not be shot out of a cannon? outside Pacifica asks if she can do the honors and after given permission lights the fuse with her cigarette. she stands back smiling as the fuse gets shorter and shorter before finally BANG! mabel and dipper are shot out at blinding speeds. Mabel's shouts out in exuberation while dipper screams in fear. they blast into the night sky as Pacifica looks on contently. shes so glad she successfully made the best night ever for Mabel but privately agrees with dipper sentiment about getting shot out of a cannon. she chuckles to herself thinking about how much Mabel would probably want to get shot out of the cannon again as she treks over to where the twins would land.
here’s the first draft, or would this be more of a quick notes sort of thing? a combination of the two? I’m uncertain as I’m not familiar with writing terms, but currently this thing is at 4,962 words and I get the feeling that once I properly write out this entire thing it could easily extend to twice that length. perhaps even longer, maybe. idk i dont write that often. but tell me what you think, if i should change anything or add something else. 
oh, and maybe you could suggest a name or something? im terrible at naming things and the best i got going on for this is a really nice night. im not even joking I dont know what else to call this. a night to remember? the best 4th of July party ever? Mabel gets a girlfriend? idk, i suck at this
0 notes