bluebliss123 · 2 years
Urology Hospital in Bangalore | Consult with Urologists in Bangalore | UTI Treatment | Blue Bliss
Blue Bliss Hospitals, Seshadripuram is the best Urology Hospital in Bangalore. When it comes to UTI and Kidney Stone Treatment in Bangalore, they are the leading hospital providing top treatment. Book an appointment now and Consult with our Urologists.
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bluebliss123 · 3 years
The best nephrology hospital in Bangalore - Blue Bliss Hospital
You will find a number of nephrology hospitals in Bangalore. It is important that you research well and then make your decision. You must check with the different attributes and then find the right hospital for your needs and requirements. Booking an appointment with the first nephrology hospital you see can prove to be ineffective. 
This is why we are here to help you with the best name in the business. All you have to do is to schedule your appointment at Blue Bliss Hospital in Bangalore. It is acknowledged to be one of the best names in the business when it comes to providing nephrology treatment. If you are thinking why then take a look at the below-mentioned reasons that makes Blue Bliss one of the best hospitals in the business:
Excellent Facilities
One of the primary reasons that make Blue Bliss hospital the best choice is because it has the most stand-out facilities to take care of all your medical needs. Whether you are in need of Kidney failure treatment in Bangalore or kidney surgery, we have the facilities to have it covered without any hassle. We will make sure that the treatment is provided in such a way that you remain in total comfort all along. This will help you remain assured of being at the right place for your kidney-related treatments and pave the way for your quick recovery.
Experienced Doctor
Another major reason that defines our existence in the market is our team of highly skilled and experienced doctors who can assist you with all kidney-related treatments. You can trust our specialists all the time whether you are in need of kidney failure treatment or kidney surgery in Bangalore. We will ensure that all the treatments are provided convincingly that will help you get on the right path without much of a delay. So, you can always consider choosing Blue Bliss Hospital for any kind of kidney-related issues as you will have a specialist to take complete care of it.
A-Rated Reviews
One of the most convincing aspects related to Blue Bliss Hospital is its reviews and feedback. You will get assurance that you are at the right place if you are looking for a nephrology hospital in Bangalore. The reviews provided by our patients show how we have maintained our standards and helped them recover well from every treatment. Our way of providing services is what makes us the best name in the business when it comes to providing kidney treatments in Bangalore. So, you can trust us and get your appointment without any delay to jump to the recovery path. 
Last Words
This shows why Blue Bliss Hospital is acknowledged to be one of the best names in the business when it comes to providing kidney treatments. You can always trust our kidney specialist in Bangalore and avail the best possible treatment that can make you recover quickly and that too without any kind of pressure on the pockets. Book your appointment with Blue Bliss Hospital now!
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bluebliss123 · 3 years
Who is the best nephrologist (kidney specialist) in Bangalore?
If you are looking for the best nephrology doctor in Bangalore, make sure to check with the different attributes before making your decision. Connecting with the first name you see will certainly not be the right decision. You need to research well and then make your decision so that you can have the right names to take care of your health. 
You will find a number of doctors claiming to be the best kidney specialist in Bangalore but, before booking an appointment, make sure to check with the different attributes related to their service. To make it easier, below mentioned are a few of the aspects that you need to check while looking for nephrology:
One of the most important aspects that you must check while looking for a kidney doctor in Bangalore is going through the experience. Make sure that you always check with the experience and then proceed ahead with the decision-making process. Connecting with a reliable and experienced professional will give you assurance that you are being treated by the right hands. So, you need to check the reputation, experience, and expertise of the respective doctor to make your appointment without a second thought. It will help you get in recovery mode without any hassle. 
Another important fact that you need to check with while looking for a reliable kidney specialist in Bangalore is their qualifications. This will give you a hint that the doctor is good enough to take care of kidney-related problems and help you recover quickly. So, before making your appointment make sure to check with the qualifications of the kidney doctor in Bangalore. A specialist will always be well-qualified in the respective field of study. It will help you remain assured that you are being treated by the best hands and will help you get back to normalcy without taking much of your time.
Another important aspect that you need to check while looking for a reliable nephrology doctor in Bangalore is the feedback of the previous patients. This will certainly help you in understanding whether the doctor is ideal for your treatment or not. So, before making an appointment with a specialist, make sure to go through the feedback so that you can make your decision right and get a professional to check up. It will certainly pave the way for you to recover quickly as you will have the right professional taking care of your health. 
Wrap Up
So, these are a few of the aspects that you need to check with while looking for a reliable kidney doctor in Bangalore. It will help you find the right name and avail all the assistance you need to recover quickly. If you are still looking for the same, then scheduling your appointment at Blue Bliss Hospital. You will have a nephrology specialist working for you in the name of Dr. V R Raju. You can be certain of availing the best treatment for your health and get back to recovery mode quickly. Schedule your appointment now!
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bluebliss123 · 3 years
A kidney transplant is a process done surgically to remove the diseased kidney with a healthy and fit kidney from a live or deceased donor who is matching in terms of the patient’s blood group. The transplanted kidney takes over the work of two kidneys that failed so that the patient doesn’t need to spend a lot of money on dialysis.
Kidneys are bean-shaped organs located on each side of the spine, below the rib cage. The major function of a kidney is to filter and process extra waste, minerals, and other fluids from the blood by producing fluid waste called urine.
A kidney transplant has to be done when the kidneys lose their ability to filter these wastes and thus leading to harmful waste and fluids accumulating in the patient’s body, which could result in increased blood pressure and ultimately lead to kidney failure.
During the kidney transplant operation, the donated kidney is replaced with the diseased one. The new kidney is placed in the lower abdomen with the artery and the vein, connected to the body’s artery and vein. The new kidney starts creating urine as soon as the blood starts flowing through it. Many times, it takes weeks to process and function properly.
The pause for a new and matching donor can be very long sometimes. Generally, the transplanted kidney is from a deceased donor or a family member. 
About 2 lakh patients in India are waiting for a generous kidney donor when merely 1,500 donors are available. It is reported and calculated by the Health Ministry of India that there have been 21,395 kidney transplants from 1971 to 2015, out of which only 783 donors were from cadaver or deceased donors. This is also due to hesitation and lack of awareness among the patients’ families.
Nonetheless, after 2012, India has witnessed a significant rise in organ donations. The Live Kidney Transplant Programme in India has evolved in the past 50 years and is currently the second-largest program in numbers after the USA.
As of now, kidney transplant costs between ₹5 Lakh to ₹6 Lakh in private hospitals of the country. And post-treatment, the monthly cost comes around ₹ 15,000 with the charges of lifelong medicines around ₹10,000 per month.
It is a fact that India is the diabetic capital of the world, and an increase in diabetes patients also results in a proportionate increase in the number of Chronic Kidney Disease patients. Most patients suffering from kidney problems turn to medical help at the end stage, leaving dialysis and kidney transplant as the last option!
Visit Bluebliss Hospital for Kidney Transplantation in Bangalore 
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bluebliss123 · 3 years
Why choose Blue Bliss Hospital for Nephrology?
Proficient Nephrology Department-
Blue Bliss Hospital is amongst the best nephrology hospitals in Bangalore, India offering world class nephrology treatment. The Department of Nephrology at the Blue Bliss Hospital specializes in the treatment of various kidney related diseases. We have a team of experienced nephrologists, kidney transplant surgeons, urologists, certified nurse practitioners, physicians, and other specialists. They are recognized for their superior clinical skills. 
Our hospital is well equipped with all the latest technology along with the required technical expertise. We ensure that proper hygiene is maintained in our hospital and also that complete sanitization takes place from time to time. We are devoted to providing comprehensive care to the patients. 
Holding High Expertise
Blue Bliss Hospital is one of the top ranked kidney care hospitals. Our skilled doctors are well trained in understanding of kidney diseases, advanced diagnostics, and best nephrology treatment for all types of nephrology conditions. They have been trained from renowned institutions. Treatment of unique kidney conditions may require a kidney transplant. Our care experts are experienced to handle such complex and delicate cases. We are committed to provide benevolent care to the patients suffering from acute and chronic kidney diseases. 
Advanced Facilities at Affordable Cost-
Our hospital provides advanced facilities to its patients. Our different divisions of treatment have separate doctors who are specialists in their respective field. Our staff members and nurses are very responsible for catering to the timely needs of the patients. 
We promise to deliver quality care to patients at affordable costs. We also ensure to provide complete satisfaction to our customers. The high success rate of various medical treatments at our hospital has helped us in gaining recognition. 
The care and comfort of our patients are our topmost priorities. We are consistently committed to our oath “passion for caring” and promise to cater to the medical requirements of our patients with utmost care.
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bluebliss123 · 4 years
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bluebliss123 · 4 years
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bluebliss123 · 4 years
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bluebliss123 · 4 years
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bluebliss123 · 4 years
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bluebliss123 · 4 years
Preventing and Passing Kidney Stones
When it comes to kidney stones, these are hard mineral deposits. It is formed inside the kidneys and if not treated by the best urologist in Bangalore soon, things can get very painful for you to bear. You will surely feel the pain the stones are passed through your urinary tract. 
It is important that you prevent any such situations at the earliest and stay safe. There are ways with which you will be able to prevent kidney stones in the first place itself. So, to help you out, we are here to help you with a few of the ways that can help you prevent passing kidney stones as specified by the urologist. 
It has been seen that if you are unable to prevent the existence of the kidney stone then within 10 years, you will surely have one more in a matter of 10 years. So, all you have to do is to follow the below-mentioned points as suggested by the experts to prevent yourself from the kidney stones, check it out: 
●      One of the best to prevent kidney stones is by drinking a lot of water. Staying hydrated can surely work in your favor.
●      You need to consume a lot more calcium-rich foods to stay away from kidney stones.
●      Another easy habit that can keep you away from kidney stones is staying consuming less sodium.
●      You must make sure that you are consuming less oxalate-rich foods and keeping yourself prevented from kidney stones.
●      You need to also avert having any kind of vitamin C supplements.
●      You need to make sure that you keep consumption of animal protein less.
 So, these are a few of the ways that can certainly help you when it comes to preventing kidney stones. If you have any issues related to it, you can reach out to Blue Bliss hospital for kidney stone treatment. Our specialist will help you with it.
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bluebliss123 · 4 years
Understanding the Different Types of Kidney Stones
Are you diagnosed with kidney stones? When it comes to kidney stones there are different types of it and every single type has its own impact. You need to make sure that you are getting yourself checked by the best kidney doctor in Bangalore. 
To make it clear, below mentioned are a few of the different types of kidney stones that you might suffer from as specified by the best kidney specialist in Bangalore, check it out:
 Kidney Stones: 
When it comes to kidney stones, it can be small and it can pass through the urinary system without any hassle. They also grow large and that too without moving through the tract. This is when you will be needing kidney stone treatment. To make it more clear, below mentioned are a few of the different types of kidney stones:
Calcium Stones 
When it comes to calcium stones, it is basically one of the most common types of kidney stones. There are basically two types of calcium stones and they are calcium phosphate and calcium oxalate. 
Struvite Stones 
According to the name suggest, when it comes to struvite stones, it is made of struvite that is a combination of magnesium, phosphate, ammonium. It is formed in the form of infection in the entire system. 
Uric Acid Stones 
Because of the high level of uric acid in the urine, uric acid stones are created. It can be the result of high protein, gout, undergoing chemotherapy, or even gouts These stones result from high levels of uric acid in urine. 
Cystine Stones 
When it comes to cystine stones, it is formed because of too much excretion of amino acid cystine from the kidney to urine. These types of stone formation are very rare when compared to other stones. 
If you are looking for a treatment for kidney stones, you can always trust the experts of Blue Bliss hospital. You will surely be benefited from the best treatment without a doubt,
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bluebliss123 · 4 years
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bluebliss123 · 4 years
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bluebliss123 · 4 years
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bluebliss123 · 4 years
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bluebliss123 · 4 years
How Kidney Stones are Diagnosed and Treated?
 Kidney stones are also acknowledged as renal calculi. These are solid hard deposits that are made of salts and minerals and are formed in the kidney. There are many reasons that lead to the formation of Kidney stones and some of them are obesity, unhealthy diet, supplements, specific medical conditions, and medications.
How It Can Harm Our Body?
When it comes to kidney stones, if it is diagnosed on time, there will be no major or permanent damage for you to be afraid of. But, the process of passing it through can be quite painful. Depending upon your situation, medication and treatment will be suggested to avoid any kind of complications. Fortunately, you can find a number of hospitals to help you with kidney stone treatment in Bangalore.
 All you need to do is to schedule an appointment at the urology hospital in Bangalore right away when you feel its symptoms.
 If the specialist you are connected for your treatment suspects that you might have a kidney stone then you will be suggested to go through a few diagnostic procedures and they are:
 ●      Blood testing will help us acknowledge the condition of the kidney.
●      Urine testing will show whether you are excreting stone minerals formations or not.
●      An ultrasound test is one of the quickest ways to diagnose kidney stones through imaging.
 When it comes to treatment for kidney stones, it will vary depending on the kind of stone and the reason behind it. Thought below mentioned are a few of the popular techniques:
 If diagnosed with small stones you can be treated with:
 ●      Drinking 2 to 3.5 liters of water a day
●      Consume Pain relievers
●      Going for medical therapy to pass your kidney stone.
 If diagnosed with the large stone you can be treated with:
 Large stones and those that cause symptoms
 ●      Using sound waves to get the kidney stone down to small pieces.
●      Going for surgery to remove the large stone.
●      Utilizing the scope to get the stones removed.
 So, these are a few of the treatments that can help you recover from your kidney stones. If you are looking for a reliable urology hospital in Bangalore, you can always trust Blue Bliss Hospital. You will avail the best facilities for your treatment!
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