bluedragonoforre · 3 years
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((Heyo! Name’s Blue! Do you like Dragon Trainers? Do you like trainers that just LOVE to battle? Do you like dragon boys that can also be pretty dumb? Akio here is your guy!))
((Would appreciate likes/reblogs if you want to interact!))
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bluedragonoforre · 3 years
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((Heyo! Name’s Blue! Do you like Dragon Trainers? Do you like trainers that just LOVE to battle? Do you like dragon boys that can also be pretty dumb? Akio here is your guy!))
((Would appreciate likes/reblogs if you want to interact!))
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bluedragonoforre · 3 years
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((Heyo! Name’s Blue! Do you like Dragon Trainers? Do you like trainers that just LOVE to battle? Do you like dragon boys that can also be pretty dumb? Akio here is your guy!))
((Would appreciate likes/reblogs if you want to interact!))
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bluedragonoforre · 3 years
((Hey guys! So, Akio has been around on this blog since...The mid 2010′s? I felt myself in a bit of a rut with him, but I had such a big muse for him still! I guess is this me wanting to start off with something fresh for once? There was a lot of history here for Akio, a lot of people who I interacted with who just aren’t here anymore that tied him to his story. So I simply decided to start everything all over again.
@wyrmscion is where this new Akio will be, I’ll probably archive this blog.))
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bluedragonoforre · 3 years
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How much would your s/o whale for your if you were a gacha character???
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bluedragonoforre · 3 years
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bluedragonoforre · 3 years
Ask the mun!
😡 :  Worse role play-related encounter and what advice you would give to others to avoid similar situations?
✌ :  Fondest role-play memory, between muses?
✿ :  Fondest role-play memory, between muns?
웃 :  An existing character you’ve played in the past that you miss?
ツ :  An OC you created that you are proud of?
유 :  A role-play related instance that you regret/are ashamed/not proud of?
♂ :  Do you have a role-play/writing routine? If so, what is it?
♀ :  A trope you catch yourself falling back too often?
☿ :  A trope you dislike?
✍ :  Offer 3-5 tips on how to get other role players started on interacting with your muse.
✉ :  On average, how long does it take you to write a reply that you’re pleased with?
❅ :  Advice to non-role play blogs that want to get started?
✔ :  What drew you to the character you currently play? What types of characters are you generally drawn to?
☯ :  Greatest challenge to writing your character?
✘ :  Any head canons you’d like to imply on you character but know they wouldn’t fit?
✯ :  A head canon someone else has inspired you to adopt?
➳ :  Do you prefer writing on your own, on tumblr/a forum, or on an IM platform? Why?
▲ :  What sort of information do you like to see on someone’s role play page that helps you determine whether or not you would want to write with them?
▼ :  Are there popular head canons for your character that you disagree with? Why?
♫ :  Are there parts of your own personality that you reflect onto your character? How do they work?
❤ :  What are some role-plays that you have done/are doing that you particularly enjoy and wish to share with your followers?
✈ :  What do you think is your reputation in your role-play community?
⌘ :  Where do you get some of your inspirations for plots/head canons? Offer an example, if possible.
ღ :  What sorts of plots/characters/scenes do you have the most difficulty writing, and why?
☂ :  Spread some love: mention someone you’ve met that has influenced you or your writing in a positive way, and explain how.
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bluedragonoforre · 3 years
Ask my Muse anything, and they must answer with 100% honesty!
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bluedragonoforre · 3 years
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During his Circuit Leader days, Akio’s ‘Gym’ (so to speak) was deep in the mountains that Reflection Cave. Multiple obstacles including ‘traps’ (Pit falls, ect.) Wild Pokemon, and the physical requirements on trainers and their Pokemon would tend to wear most trainers out.
Once they would reach the chamber of the cave Akio was in, he would offer them a quick rest and a meal.
Akio holds fast to the belief that if both trainers and Pokemon are going to be having fun in battle, they need to be at their finest from the get go. 
It also added to the amusement factor when his challenger sees him go from a friendly face to a battle hungry monster.
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bluedragonoforre · 3 years
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                                             YOUNG BLOOD !                                                𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃 !
                                         indie. selective. pokémon oc.                                                      penned by NOX.
art credit  참치마요.
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bluedragonoforre · 3 years
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((Time to go to bed, but Like/Reblog for a starter! I’ll get on it tomorrow!))
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bluedragonoforre · 3 years
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((Time to go to bed, but Like/Reblog for a starter! I’ll get on it tomorrow!))
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bluedragonoforre · 3 years
For every ϟ in my inbox I'll tell you a random thought my muse has about yours.
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bluedragonoforre · 3 years
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“Hoho? Dodgeball huh?” “Ya know, if you can dodge a charging Garchomp, you can dodge a ball, right?”
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bluedragonoforre · 3 years
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((Debating on whether or not to make Circuit!Akio available for anyone who would want to build on a relationship/set something up for whatever would be going on currently, especially since he’s held down by his ‘job’ so he would be easier to find.))
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bluedragonoforre · 3 years
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Never laugh at live dragons.
“If yer not gonna get serious, yer gonna put a dent in my motivation...
          Step it up. Make me n’ my friends get excited for this!”
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bluedragonoforre · 3 years
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THIS BLOG IS SUPER BARE-BONES BUT HI IT’S NOX, with a POKEMON OC yet again. If you think vigilantes are cool then she’s your gal.
this is a sideblog, and so i will follow from @darkestaken.
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