blueflower-sprite · 1 hour
Results of my previous vote poll ! Thank you for you're participation ! This was a silly curious question, but I'm happy that you participated to her answering !
As a fan of Monster High, what is for you the best in a fanfic ?
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blueflower-sprite · 3 days
New Chapter for my Monster High Fanfic - LITTLE MISS !
POV of Jackson and Draculaura this time, like I already said in a previous post ! Enjoy !
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blueflower-sprite · 8 days
As a fan of Monster High, what is for you the best in a fanfic ?
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blueflower-sprite · 10 days
IF MONSTER HIGH WAS DOING MACBETH (Now turn three time, spit and swear)...
Okay, here's a deep psychological exercice since the previous post about IF MONSTER HIGH WAS DOING (insert random shakespeare's piece you were forced to read when you were in school).
Just imagine that all of these catastrophic teenage monsters actually put on a good show, without ANY problem (yes I know, I'm asking much), and that Mr. Where, who is already a masochist by being DRAMA teacher in the less safe monster school EVER, want another one for the next scaremester : what can possibly go wrong when the title is actually Macbeth (angel and ministers of grace defend us) ?
Yes, we talk about the cursed scottish play....
King Duncan – Nefera de Nile. She wanted to be the ''Pharaoh'', because daddy dearest is kinda immortal you see ? She never read the play, however, at the joy joyful catharsis of Cleo.
Prince Malcolm - Amanita Nightshade. She just wanted the spotlights into the ''royalty''. She also seems to have read the play, for once...
Prince Donalbain - Scarah Screams. Don't ask. This ghoul just need to have the spotlight and SURVIVE to it, okay ?
Macbeth - Cleo de Nile. She is certain this will be a great lesson for her in the future, by opposing and.... doing wise things ?.... against her sister ? Mr. Where don't really understand these ''De Nile'' things, this is as old as pyramids....
Lady Macbeth - Deuce Gorgon. The snakes will do the stuff, they are this kind of troublesome, at least... But this is weird, because Cleo keep reminding him how gorgon blood can heal and kill alike... What the f... ?
Banquo - Clawdeen Wolf. She don't know again what she is doing here, maybe because Howleen is there also... This is not good, but she don't care about it, because if a Wolf is not in the worst situation at least one time, he can't be a Wolf. This is what her brother said after this whole ''date'' with Draculaura (see Romeo and Juliet)...
Fleance - Howleen Wolf. Never wanted to be there on the first place ! But there was some strange arguments with her siblings about her not be mature enough to do that, so, here she is ! Yes, this is the spirit !
Macduff – Catty Noir. The problem with Black Cats, is that Bad Luck is Good Luck for them. So, now, you can just imagine when Catty just mentionned the Scottish Play by her REAL NAME, said ''Good luck'' before all sessions instead of ''Break a leg, darling'', never done cleansing rituals, call the roles by their real names, came at rep in green and blue.... There is a reason why she was the only one left standing, not only because, hey, she was Macduff. That badass girl SLAYED the curse herself.
Lady Macduff – Seth Ptolemy... Pharaoh. He is fed up with mama, and there some need of a ''sacrificial soul'' for the scottish play, so here he is (and he is like, the official partner of Catty ! Faboolous!)
Macduff's son – Catrine DeMew. A Cat is a Cat, and a Cat for a Cat. Here's the answer. Maybe this is a variant of the play where this poor lad is actually Lady Macduff's ''one night stand''.
Scottish Thanes - Twyla Boogeyman. Yep. You read this correctly. Shadows can be very useful sometimes, even for yourself when you ''have to play''... Which is technically what she is about to do. And she is there for Howleen, also.... Yes, there is a ship going on right now.
Siward - Johnny Spirit. ''Wait... I tought this was going to be ''metal'' and ''mortal'' ?!'' - ''Listen Mr. Spirit ! This is Shakespeare, there is metal in the sword and death at all corner, what did you except ? ''
Young Siward - Kieran Valentine. It's apparently Kieran's ''next therapy's role''. Apparently, there is a catharsis moment when he die as a pure and brave heart, and by being reborn, the curse of Macbeth will give him luck and incarnate himself as a good person in the eyes of other... Maybe he should already decide if he REALLY want to see a REAL therapist ?
The Three Witches - Toralei, Purrsephone, and Mewlody. There will be chaos, they're here for it... So they are going to cause chaos all over this pathetic place, and then, the three witches will not play and disappear (magically) from the final representation.... Well, if you read all of that thing until now, you have to think about that as the smartest move in all the casting.
Hecate - Kjersti Trollson. She want to be recognized for her multi-tasking and multi-roling in Dungeons and Dragons. She also want to put inside of that her overpowered (lv. 50) magician (godling) character who was refused in that same game, AND NOTHING WILL STOP HER.
Three Murderers - Neighthan Rot, Sirena Von Boo, Avea Trotter. The first will kill you accidentally, whatever.
The second will don't remember that she have killed you because even her concept of death is weird. Even before, his her concept of therapy...
The last will absolutly undertake the killing and be proud of it, because you will accuse the two other of murder, and she need to be part of all their shit : real or not, their hybners in crime, at some degrees.
The Apparitions - (Insert any Canon ghost name... No, not you're OC or Y/N). There is ghosts at Monster High, you know ? This the largest species's poll in all the present, past, and future characters. Even species that are ambiguously or aren't litteral ghosts, ARE ghosts. We are haunted by ghosts. We are cursed by GHOST. So yes, there is GHOSTS in this play....
The Doctors - The Nurses of Monster High. Yes, not even a joke. Mr. Where is scared that all of this will make him responsible for some very cursely cursed... accidents (the Scottish PLAY !!!). So he's doing like every responsible teachers at Monster High since the symbolic disappearance of Robecca Steam : always some money on the side for the table... for the Lawyer !
Other Roles - Again, innocent and tortured souls, despite all this madness and the word of the cursed Deus Ex-Machina, honor Shakespeare until their last breath (which will be for soon, I fear...). But Mr. Where hold all the money for his lawyer, so yeah, no Backgrounder... :-(
Technician and special effects – Invisi Billy. He is pistoned. Guess why ?
Prompter - Spelldon Cauldronello. There is a good reason why he was enrolled at the instant. He know cleansing ritual... But he's only understanding now that this is actually ''curse cleansing ritual'', and not ''skin cleansing ritual'', the second ''magical secret'' of the descendants of Circe.
Deus Ex-Machina - De Nile bodyguards and Ramses De Nile. Mr. Where, and all the other students, doesn't understand what's actually happening. Deuce start to understand with the slowest metaphore of ''SHIT''.... It's a De Nile's thing.
How he will explain to Mom-Dusa at this point ?
EPILOGUE – No one will understand what possibly happened on these cursed grounds, for the name of the Scottish Play shall never be uttered (as per by Mr. Where's point of view after that, I guess). But, we can easily say, If we shadow had offended, that Monster High was cursed for another year.... But nobody will care, because, seriously, this is what happen EVERYTIME !
Don't forget to perform you're cleansing ritual, you all ! And thank for reading !
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blueflower-sprite · 11 days
𝐌𝐇 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐜 - 𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐒 - 𝐍EW 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝
Hello ! I decided to post the progress of my fanfic on tumblr everytime I publish a New Chapter ! Here's the summary of each for now (I decided to say Pages instead of Chapters.... I think this is cool.... Yes, that's my only argument) :
PS - All chapters are organised by POV. NO SPOIL in this category, for obvious reasons.
BEFORE THE STORM (Published) - Just a technical introduction about the nature of the story. Why ''Before the Storm'' ? Because sometimes, you don't know what writing will do to you (yes, you read this as this is written, writing can do strange things to you).
Pages ZERO (Published) - POV of Headmistress Bloodgood. It's serve as a prologue, and a short one, because this will be the only ''pages'' where there will be only one character POV (for now).
FIRST Pages (Published) - POV of Missy Muffet and her mother. In a new house and with some of these problem someone probably deserve when they choose that kind of living place in a horror monsters universe. Seriously !
SECOND Pages (In writing...) - The only thing that I can say right now about this is that Draculaura and Jackson Jekyll will be together the two main POV.
THIRD Pages (In writing...) - This will be the ''back to school'' chapter, with the POV of Missy Muffet and another student I didn't choose yet. Depend of the evolution of the story. Maybe Wydowna.
I re-post the link, as always, but this time under - I really wanted to do this little summary of my progress, because this is the first time I'm so involved and seriously focused about a writing, and this is for me so exciting to having a true progression with my ideas !
Have a good day everyone !
PS - I don't know if this belong to the OC tag, as yes, this about an OC among other canon characters, but this is kinda ambiguous as this also in the Fanfic domain. In any way, I may not post that in the OC category in the future.
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blueflower-sprite · 15 days
FANFIC Monster High - LITTLE MISS on Wattpad
Hello everyone ! I'm writing a new Monster High fanfic, because the other was not in accordance with my studies and was kinda unprepared as such. This new fanfic is based on my OC Missy Muffet (daughter of Miss Muffet and the Spider), but not only, as this will also cover the point of view of others characters of the franchise, like Draculaura and Jackson Jeckyll for example. I'm translating from french, so if you have some advice or critic about it (or the story in general), I will happily take it ! Here's the entire summary for those interested :
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There is only the prologue for now (published this day with another introduction page), I'm working also on the first true chapter right now, but as I'm writing in french and english alike (well, I attempt to do this, at least) this will take some time often. I hope this will make you happy if you decide to read, and I thank you for taking the time to read at least this post ! I will only publish on Wattpad for now, because otherwise, I will be confused if I write on two or more different platforms for the update (it's already quite a work to not confuse my french and english versions, haha !).
I will attempt to post each time I update a chapter (at least, I can do it on Tumblr).
Goodnight (or have a nice day) everyone !
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blueflower-sprite · 19 days
Missy Muffet V.2 is Complete !
A bio will follow soon ! Not great again, but better than the former drawings ! She give a little Wednesday Addams vibe with her dress, and I made her more similar to her first concept. Muffet the First was too princess-like, Muffet the Second was not enough goth and less high-schooler for me : but in a sense, Missy Muffet is quite small.
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Missy Muffet is the daughter of Miss Muffet and a Spider, who is related to Wydowna's family. She's 14 (and will soon hit 15), and her full name is actually Missy Lillie Muffet. Being a hybrid, she can't produce her own web or crawl on the ceiling like her father. However, she can talk to spiders, and can even, with some strange heritage, feel and enter in a psychological symbiose with them, which can greatly enhance her own senses and make her more aware of her surroundings - some would call it a very abstract type of empathy, but even her could be lost in all these crawling types of souls and minds. She talk more to spiders than to others, going weirder by talking and laughing for herself. Or, seemingly, for some spiders who could possibly hide near her, in a case when some doesn't truly understand if there is actually spider who listen to her antics, or nobody in the corner of her mind.
She adopted her ''creepy ways'' as her social statut, as being an hybrid of a human and a monster is not always easy to say or show, but secretly, she is fed up with being alone and seen as a ''Poor Muffet'', and opened recently the Dessert Club at Monster High, a place when she's hoping to show her bakery's skills to the finest : and also, a project that will maybe bring her new friends in the process.
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blueflower-sprite · 20 days
Missy Muffet - Signature Outfit 2.0
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.... Yes, Missy. Again. Redrawn, in a more ''gothic-childish-victorian outfit'', that is more believable to me and with more fashionable cuteness (and strangeness). No colours yet. Only lines. More Junji Ito's curls ! ... Seriously, did you read the manga Spiral ? This is my manga must-have and the reason why I am attempting to write a dreamlike eldritch novel in real life (well, I will probably not succeed, but at least it would be a journey). I just want to unleashes my worst nightmares in the most ''inky'' way and share them with passion !
Colours are evil, but not as evil as hands.
Why I ABSOLUTLY want her to possess seven fingers ?! Why were you born so difficult, Missy ?!
And yes. No bio yet. Because I took all the time for a bio in the redrawing of this poor Little Miss Muffet.
I will refocalise on black or darkest colours as a final touch (because this is her roots).... And on MINT. Mint is like, her colour ! MINT is the way. MINT is the truth. MINT is Blurple. MINT is underrated.
And now, Missy Muffet is the happy owner of a Skulette ! (Yay !).
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blueflower-sprite · 23 days
Waynour's family-building - with family tree (because I'm not only Dolltistic and Writistic, I'm also Familytreestic).
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So, I decided for Waynour Whitefairy's origins and ''heritage'' (or scarhitage). And for proof, here's her family tree, because she is the daughter of Gwenhwyfar, the half-giant spouse of Arthur Pen Draig, who actually, in his earlier versions, is gifted at least two living descendants from his queen (and various bastards). Before starting : white is for the living (or existing) individuals, and black is for the dead (like, very dead) individuals.
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Waynour is the daughter of Gwenwhyfar, the ''White Fairy'' queen, and a Phantom monster, that we will name Dan. Because, Dan is Dan. And maybe there is a very subtile reference in there, will you spot her ?
Anyways, Gwenhwyfar is the first twin daughter of Gogrfan Gawr, the welsh giant, with Gwenhwyfach being the younger twin. The two are actually half-giantess, but also, half-fairies. Their mother was Cwenna, a mysterious White Fairy, whose statut is actually uncertain despite the fact that she is not in black (she was never dead for her family). Because one of her twin daughters, Gwenhwyfar, was destined to greatness, a big deal in his peoples, Gogfran took his wife title and given it to Gwenhwyfar at birth, to honour is mother who given her to the world (but not to Gwenhwyfach... yes, favoritism is also a thing). Gogrfan is, for is part, the son of Idris Gawr, a also famous giant king of Wales. Gwewr, whose title is ''Rhian'', daughter of Idris and young sister of Gogrfan, married Anbrynmor of the Dyn Mawr Clan : but the story is more complicated, actually, Anbrynmor kidnapped Gwewr when he heard that Gogrfan would never have a son and a heir with a giantess or giant, but.... Gwewr was the insane child of the family, and when Anbrynmor regretted her presence and her obsession for taking control of HIS clan, he prayed Gogrfan to retake Gwewr, but the Gawr heir just let him have his sister. The Dyn Mawr strangely lived in a state of tyrannical captivity under Gwewr, until she had her own son, and Anbrynmor died, when she decided to be more ''misericordious''.
Gogrfan ? He encountered Cwenna when she was pursued by a human ancestror of the Pen Draig. In retaliation of the thief of the White Fairy, who was under the form of a lamb with diminished powers, the Pen Draig cursed the Gawr Clan by his blood and giving a part of his lifespan to the earth : by himself, he give to his future descendants and as such, himself, the right of marriage of a White Fairy, daughter of a White Fairy. Cwenna, before disappearing, give to Gogrfan two daughters : one who was fairy and human-like ''the Great'', the other who was a half-giantess born in the light's shadow, ''the Lesser''. Gogrfan, however, was a giant of wisdom : because he had control over a second clan, and was cursed, he accepted the curse to maintain his own power. When Arthur was destined to greatness, Gogrfan Gawr give him at young age his daughter, who ''will be a guest in his faithful court, for even until his end, she will not tarry long''. In exchange, Gogrfan Gawr maintened his power and his kingdom in the greatness of Arthur Pen Draig, and give his second daughter, the right to marry another giant chief to consolide the bonds between him and another powerful Cewri's entity.
But, we know the story : Gwenhwyfar and Arthur's fall, their son's demise, Gwenhwyfach's hatred, and here we are (there was already a curse that was destined to be told...). Gwenhwyfar was not Arthur's queen, anymore, for his magical kingdom was no more. But she remain powerful, and more stronger than ever, and pardonned to her twin sister : in return, Gwenhwyfach accepted, but she was already a shadow. At this point, she become so less, that she was reduced to accompagny her more light-embodied sister. Gwenhwyfar, one day, encountered a Phantom folklorist and cultural teacher at Monster High, and she see in him her mother, who was talking to her. She returned with Dan the Phantom, and she told Gogrfan that her hour will soon come, and that she wanted to give a last love to this world (Dan was actually a womanizer despite his renowned erudition, so, having some time with this beautiful half-giantess ? omg... yeah, he was just learning the word ''consequences'').
From their brief union, Gwenhwyfar become pregnant. Her power, in his zenith, become so great by having a part of herself to protect, that even the great Cewri King didn't dare to attack the Gawr Clan, and Gwenhwyfach was already a spying shadow in their clan.
Dan was just being Dan.
So, Gwenhwyfar finally died in giving birth to Waynour, and this traumatised Dan, because he never understood that Gwenhwyfar will actually be gone for ever. Gwenhwyfach and him nursed the child in her first days. Before Gwenhwyfach disappeared for ever, following her dear twin with hope that the Other World while reunite them. This is unknown who his actually the Guinevere of legends.
Dan become more serious in the most cruel twist of destiny, bitter against himself. And for protecting his daughter, who was destined to be not as great as her mother, but in her own way, he contacted one of the many secret networks of monsters, to take the child who will be soon targeted by rival clans. But even him will not be next to her as a parental figure, as he was also known as an ally of the Gawr Clan, and this would be his death to be next to his own daughter. As such, Waynour was raised as a pupil of the Boonited-States, as this was customary for monster children with dangerous abilities or too heavy political importancy. Waynour will barely knew her family and her native country, until Monster High, where is father was working as a researcher.
But Brynfael had a son, Bran Dyn Mawr. A young Cawr who will become Waynour's bodyguard, despite the fact that even half-giants find him ''too weak''. But Bran Dyn Mawr is loyal, strong in his mind. And Gogfran learned how well brute strenght was never a reliable ability... And he need his dear great-nephew to be properly educated as the next heir of his own clan... And his old hag of a sister just never stopped harassed him about that. Bran like Waynour, she never judge him for his lack of strenght, only when he really do a thing badly in a given context, as Cewri are culturally different that the Boo World's monsters. Waynour is happy to have meet someone so still-minded as Bran on her side.... She always longed for a friend, and she just hope that one day, they would go to the beach and do some sandcastles, like true goofy teenagers. (Waynour, for her part, is considered as a White Phantom, as in monster law, a twice hybrid by heritage can be considered as his own species, despite the fact that this was also the supposed ''species'' of her mother when she reached the end of her life).
So.... For the Pen Draig Clan.
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You ask yourself : ''Wait, what ?! How can all the Pen Draig be deceased, but there is this Gwrial Farchog always in white ?''. Well... There is a reason for that. Human beings can be very surprising and dangerous in their own due time.... Did I mention that there was a curse that was always around, and that the blood of Pen Draig was never closer to the Earth than before in Monster High's timeline ?
Well, that's all. Thank for reading. Have a good day and some plushies. I'm, like sick right now, and I want my plushies and my dollies.
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blueflower-sprite · 25 days
If Monster High was doing Romeo and Juliet...
There would be like, Drama in the drama. Like, seriously, have you ever seen an episode of Monster High where all is just peaceful or in harmony with the hallway ? Is Shakespeare a dignified tea party also ? What can POSSIBLY GO WRONG with Monster High and Shakespeare blended together ? Poor Mr. Where, he's like, the only responsible adult in this whole mess, and not for too long....
Juliet Capulet - Draculaura. She was the first to apply for the project, so Mr. Where give her the role of Juliet ! She ALREADY played Juliet, of course, but she promised to Clawd that she will be the one to schedule they're next romantic date.... And you ask, ''but, he know right ?''.... ha ha.... No.
Romeo Montague - Clawd Wolf. You know, there is some darkest hours in you're relationship's status, a time when you need to partake into the strange fantaisies of you're loved one. Clawd love Draculaura, but he know that he is going to die very soon, truly a true Romeo move.
Juliet Capulet (Second Part) - Kieran Valentine. This was part of his therapy, okay ?
Romeo Montague (Second Part) - Spelldon Cauldronello. Mother Circe recently taught him Divination. And he know there will be, like, real Drama. He's here for that... And for Kieran Valentine's booty.
Rosaline - Abbey Bominable. Mr. Where say that she will not speak, and she don't want to waste oxygen on such silly things or being the romantic playground of a ''Shakespeare'' somebody... Rosaline is her spirit animal.
The Nurse - Clawdeen Wolf. It's possible that she want some claws on the matter with Draculaura and her brother. It"s seems to be closely related to some weird family-teenage matters, or just a upcoming prediction of Clawd's difficult encounter with theater...
Capulet (Patriarch) - Bram Devein. A weird Belfry Prep thing about being the masters of something.... But there is a problem, he didn't read the end of the play.
Montague (Patriarch) - Romulus. A weird Crescent Moon High's habit about having a eye on Belfry Prep.... But there is a problem, he didn't read the end of the play.
Prince(ss) Escalus - Amanita Nightshade wanted the best role, because Amanita can't end or be loved by only one, she is too bootiful for that ! So she wanted to be THE PRINCESS. And she was merciful, she only changed the gender, not the name ! Now, Mr. Where is praying that she don't want anything MORE.
Count Paris - Catrine DeMew. She wanted to explore some ''orientation theories'' by playing a potential suitor and viewing the effect between ''role and gender''. Mr. Where didn't ask anything about this.
Mercutio - Purrsephone. Apparently there is some minor conflicts between her and her twin, so she is her for the catharsis.
Tybalt - Meowlody. Apparently there is some minor conflicts between her and her twin, so she is her for the catharsis.
Lady Capulet - Heaths Burns.... This was that or detention and a word for the parent. He choose the first because he didn't want to lose his new Gamegore yet. But Mr. Where is seriously asking himself if this is a good idea....
Lady Montague - Gigi Grant. She just want to experience Theater, so a little role is best. Hope she will have a first good impression...
Benvolio - Toralei Stripes. This time, no mischief.... She just want to see the dynamics between the twins.
Balthasar - Ghoulia Yelps. She want to experience a new hypothetical mechanic for zombie's language on stage ! Mr. Where didn't have his word about that, because Mr. Rotter is the one whose class is concerned about the project.
Peter - Manny Taur didn't read anything about Romeo and Juliet, but this is his last chance to prove to Iris that he is a sentimental Monster.... He just hope is character is one of those who die.
Friar Laurence - Jackson Jeckyll. Well... This everyone's hope at least.
Abram and Friar John - Quill Tarantyno. Because hey, Backgrounders need love, too !
Gregory and Sampson - Astranova and Djinni Whisp Grant. Astranova is there for the experience, Djinni is just there because she know there will be some deep gay vibes between Spelldon and Kieran, and she don't want to lose or miss is bet with Casta.
Other Roles - You know, these benevolent souls are actually part of the few one who actually care about Shakespeare. But, Alas, with all the chaos that will probably occur very soon, I doubt that they will be recognized for such passion and bravery.... And there is no enough budget for backgrounders.
Technician and special effects - Invisi Billy, who is probably the secret nephew or blood-relative of the teacher at this point.
Prompter (aka. the litteral ghoul that save you're ass when you don't know you're text) - Scarah Screams. She will be so valuable for all that is going to happens.... Or maybe Invisi Billy will be too much of a distraction.
Well.... This is all for me. Goodnight. I didn't put all the cast, sorry. If you have some ideas, you can propose you're own version of this mess. I'm going to sleep, personally.
To be or not be, here's the question that nobody ask to a skull to begin with.
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blueflower-sprite · 27 days
Missy Muffet ''Signature Outfit'' (You didn't ask for this, me neither, but I post it anyways).
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So, for me, Missy Muffet the First was a cute mess, but she was like.... not enough monsterhigh-ish, and she was too similar in my eyes to another Muffet OC. And she was not in full-body view. And she lacked colors. And seriously, she was not in a ''high school's day'' fashion. So I re-draw her (with my legendary unexperienced digital pen... I means, I think I kinda evolved a little, but this is still a missy mess). So I made her with another set of weird eyes (because I think this would look better for her mixed-heritage), with actually seven fingers for each hands (I will explain why latter). She is you're typical weird freshman, already because she is a human-spider hybrid, but also because she tends to have a whole ''web'' of spider friends with her, that even hide under her clothes and in her hairs. And these things can actually spy on other students and fish for some rumors. They also tell ''spider jokes'' that only Missy can understand, and she laughs alone in the hallway like a creepy child when she hear them, which means she look like weirder (for my defense, this happened to me in school, and this not a proof that you will become a serial-killer.).
Always mint-haired, with dark eyes, she is supposed to have NORMAL-sized arms and not to be a dimensional nightmare, but for now, I don't have time yet to corrige the drawing with my next exam, so I let her like that for now (if you have some constructive criticism, I welcome you). I will do a detailed biography of her when I have time. Her skin is grey, because her mother (the Human Muffet) is pale like Wednesday, and her father (the Spider) actually possess a black skin.
Missy like to have a childish-victorian look, with some funny patterns. In addition to the fact that her mother say she is the ''cutest spider in town'', she is born with seven human fingers for each hands (they are, like, a nightmare to draw... yes, I remarked that I forgot one fingers on the left-hand, I will rectify this latter, sorry for the blatant error I did this drawing to relax me from my upcoming exam, and this was between revisions). Despite the fact that she can't produce webs or cannot have the natural spider abilities gifted to other arachneans creatures, she is proud to be a novice in multi-shadow play, because she think that this is too funny (and some may think that this make her waaaay TOO scary).
For this time, I assume this drawing, because I think I had done a better job paying attention to some details, and I start to redraw whole parts and having a sense of corporal mass, and I started to use levels and transparency to color my drawing, so sorry if it's not good, but I attempt to do a cleaner job and I'm learning slowly. I'm only drawing because I think it's relaxing (I can't do this everyday like writing), and Missy Muffet will be the only one I will be doing (because she is so strange, that I can actually draw this baby without her being out-of-character). My others OC's will be only written and on words, because I'm more better at this than drawing (but because I'm french, this also a challenge to translate into english, and this take me also a large amount of time to make sure I'm coherent). If someone ask why my drawing is so bad, it's because I only started again some months ago, I actually stopped drawing when I was in elementary school for reasons I will not disclose.
You want to know why I did some weird spirals for her hairstyle ?
The reason is called Junji Ito.
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blueflower-sprite · 1 month
Well... I think I need some advice
You know, I'm kinda feeling dumb right now. My OC Waynour Whitefairy is the daughter of a White Phantom, because I wanted to base her on Gwenhwyfar's etymology, who means ''White Phantom'' or ''White Ghost / Fay''. It's technically means that I'm kinda creating a species from near-nothing, which is kinda strange because Monster High is supposed to be about existing monsters (well, I guess...).
But in a other hand, I re-read the wikipedia page about Guinevere... And.... Gwenhwyfar, one of seemingly her first incarnations seems to be half-giant (her father, in Welsh Triads, is Gogrfan Gawr, and giants (cewri) are a thing in Welsh legends, with heroes being referred to ''giant-slayer''). So, I'm hesitating because, finally, Waynour can actually be the daughter of THE Gwenhwyfar (with Guinevere being a reincarnation or a fairy-tale counterpart), and the Granddaughter of THE giant, which would be pretty interesting for her heritage, and would make more sense for her to be a political target for giants tribes and clans (because this was originally a pun about the fact that her mother is always abducted in arthurian legends, but now, this could have so much more depth than the fact that she has a surnatural beauty).
But again.... White Phantom is one of these ambiguous supernatural terms that you can't just ignore, like the fact that the False Guinevere, despite the fact that she is never claimed to be supernatural, as strangely strong characteristics of the Doppelgänger or Double. I think this is even stranger that in Welsh Triads, Arthur actually has three ''Gwenhwyfar'' queens. I means, we don't know arthurian legends true origins after all (historically), and it would be cool that, maybe, in Monster High lore, this was a secret rumor about the deeds of surnatural beings, towards whom the human kings and chiefs grew jealous of, and decided to attribute to their species for uniting their peoples and for some other things I guess... But maybe I'm going too far.
So, for you, Waynour should be more a White Phantom to fit in Monster High world, or a Hybrid Half-Welsh Giant by Gwenhwyfar and her grandfather ? I don't know what would be best to fit in-universe.
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blueflower-sprite · 1 month
New OC ! Based on Grizzlyofthesea's post
Before I start presenting my OC, please, here's the link for the original poster of the idea, and if it's tempt you, pick you're OC name on they're post, and don't hesitate to share (with link to the original post) :
Results - S for Mystery (First Name), Jun for Der, and S for Chilling (All Last Names).
Mystery Der Chilling
PARENTS - The Cold Invisibles Presences.
AGE – 15.
PRONOUNS – She / They. (Her species tends to use the ''they'' pronouns when they are in they're most ethereal state. As she is in a more ''material state'' in this biography, she will go with the first).
ORIENTATION – I don't know yet.
PHILOSOPHY - ''- The more invisible you are, the most they will learn to fear you're name... So please, don't be a coward and a bully, and learn to show yourself. ''.
ORIGINS – We are litterally the embodiment of ''don't freaking go there'' in paranormal linguo. Yes, we are the Cold Spot in the Room after you failed you're diplomatic genius of a method on the Ouija Board....Otherwise, I'm from Oregon.
KILLER STYLE – Veil, many veils, and more veils ! With boreal colours, which give a touch of chillness into my fashion sense !
FREAKY FLAW – It's difficult for me to enter a room without asking the others if they're are okay with me to be there. That's why I like to talk with ice and frost monsters like Abbey : my Presence ''thing'' don't do anything unpleasant to them.
FAVORITE COLOR – Dawn pink and Artic blue.
FAVORITE FOOD – I feed on the fear and warmth of others, but I would never prefer this to a wonderful smurf blue smoothie !
BIGGEST PET PEEVE – When someone ask me if I truly exist. You know, being non-binary sometimes doesn't mean that all society should ask you to un-unalive you're existence like that ! It's so rude...
FAVORITE ACTIVITY - I like playing simple and relaxed board games. It's a particular bonding opportunity, because victory and defeat always unit monsters and ghouls. My favorite is the Ouija...
PET – I have a invisible White Raven named Neverwhite. He's kinda shy, so please, don't be too loud when he is here.
FAVORITE SUBJECT – Invisibles Sciences of the Earth. There is such many secrets to understand from our world, even some my family doesn't know about it !
LEAST FAVORITE SUBJECTS – I dislike Swimming. I just... don't really like the water's temperature, and some around me tends to say the same when I'm in their swimming group...
FUTURE DREAM – Maybe going to some far away countries and collect artifacts, before founding a family ? Frankly, I don't really know....
REPUTATION AT MONSTER HIGH – I'm kinda invisible in my high school. So I'm doing my best to socialize, despite the fact that some don't want to be in my mere aura when they remember that I'm unliving right there...
FRIENDS – I don't really have some, but frost and winter monsters are friendly to me, so I hope one of them will become my BFF one day.
Here's the chilling Mystery (yes admit, I wanted to do this pun... No, I will not apologize for that). She's not a Monstersona, but more a OC that I created for fun with a base (again, I encourage you to see the original post). Thank you if you have read this post to the end !
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blueflower-sprite · 1 month
NEW OC ! - Waynour Whitefairy
So, I have the regret to announce that I'm into arthurian legend. I also have the regret to announce that I fixed myself a precise objective for this OC on tumblr ''Hey, Blue ! You know what would be extremely autistic and maniac ? To make a monster OC based on the etymology of a NAME. '' This is midnight, I'm cursed, I want to sleep, but strangely, I want this madness to never end. So BEHOLD, my weird child who will probably or not, fit into Monster High.... Sorry for the grammatical errors, english is not my first language, but I'm doing my best.
Waynour Whitefairy
PARENT – The White Phantom. But maybe Gwenwhyfar or Findabair are more relevant to you...
AGE – 16.
PRONOUNS – She / Her.
ORIENTATION – I'm Lesbian. But some have the nerve to say this is only a ''façade''.
PHILOSOPHY – '' I would want to shine properly... To be a Disco Ball... Because they can't be stolen, they bring joy, and have so many reasons to be colorful.''
ORIGINS – Just search for the etymology of Guinevere or Gwenhwyfar... You will understand why there was three of us in the Welsh Triads.... Yes, I'm Welsh by the way, despite my name : but I was raised in the Boonited-States of Scareamerica by a close family friend.
KILLER STYLE – You know, I'm a diplomatic and social problem at his finest. So I attempt to keep a low profile by wearing white colours and basic clothes... With some silky fashion and jewellry... But I promise, only two by attire... When I'm not in the mood.
FREAKY FLAW – I'm a Fairy who can't do any magic, and a Phantom who can't disappear when she need it... I'm so fed up with myself.
FAVORITE COLOR – Diamond White.
FAVORITE FOOD – I love all rice-based recipes. Even if there are eyes in it, I will eat you're rice.
BIGGEST PET PEEVE – No. I'm not beautiful. This is only a very elabored magical (thrice biological) charm, and some adorable myths that keep you on the thought. Trust me, if I was so beautiful to you, you will be convicted for kidnapping.... And this will not be funny for any of us, believe me.
FAVORITE ACTIVITY – I like reading and having fun with Monster High's Book Club in the school's library ! I have so many adventures, stories, and legends within my family to share....
PET – I have a red cat named Cherry ! She's so cute and so unique, and I like to take naps with her.
FAVORITE SUBJECT – Physical Deseducation...If common sense don't suffice to protect yourself as a honest ghoul, learn how to train you're body to run the fastest you can without sliding on nothing like a horror movie's girlie. I just hope there is a wrestling or butt kicking option, also. Otherwise, I'm making a petition.
LEAST FAVORITE SUBJECT – Theater. I'm already the center of attention in all the worst possible ways : can I have some rest, please ?
FUTURE DREAM – My mother live in a strange realm. I hope that, in opposition to her sadness and solitude, I will find a ghoul that I can protect and love like nobody else has truly done for me before... when I will know how to properly defend myself and those I love, first.
REPUTATION AT MONSTER HIGH - Some say that I'm the ''alluring'' ghoul without solid reasons. I don't understand why all these ghouls are jealous, frankly, because I think they are beautiful in their own way.
BBF – My mother hired a young Cawr Bodyguard for me. His name is Bran Dyn Mawr, but I would be happy to be strongest, just to began a real friendship with him. He deserve it.
Goodnight to everyone who read this ! I wish to all of you dolls and dreams !
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blueflower-sprite · 1 month
I'm sorry for you're eyes
Because there is too many good and great drawings in this fandom, here is my seriously serious shitty art of a OC, called Missy Muffet (half-spider, half-human, that's why she has there strange orbs called ''eyes'').... For those who ask, yes, she is the daughter of Little Miss Muffet's Spider.
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blueflower-sprite · 4 months
Hello ! So.... I need some advice for some Monster High fanfic I am doing on Wattpad. I'm not a native english-speaker, and I am actually translating my fanfic written in french in english. For the context, in France, the Monster High fandom seems dead, and this is really fun for me to share my passions : and, alas, as someone in the autism spectrum, this is a little problematic when you do a hyperfixation on something that nobody care about in you're age range or just you're whole country's communities. Above all, writing is my passion since I learned that letters could do fantastic stories and create whole other worlds, but I dumbly abandonned drawing since primary school because I thought I was bad and that this was why other children drawn me ugly in return (I have dyspraxia, but this will be discovered only in high school). That's why I can only communicate with writing in the Monster High Fandom. So, for the fanfic, I want to ask if, on Wattpad, there is some kind of things for translated books : like beta-reader who can point me some misprununciations, bad words's correspondances, mispelled translations of idiom.... I read again and again my fanfic and revise anything that don't make sense, because I have a... hem.... complicated hand to follow in writing, that is very difficult to take on the English side. But the main gap is that I only use dictionaries, and that translations at this level don't take in account many of the most deep and literaries principles, in the daily or not. I'm scared that my translation could be a little disrepectful for the language, and that I offend someone. So can someone give me advice how to proceed for having a better translation ? A community on Wattpad ? A online reliable device ? I don't dare to ask in private to others writers, because I think this could be intrusive, and I admit that I don't want to annoy someone either (yes I'm shy, also). I post on Tumblr because I'm starting to feel seriously uncomfortable about the fact that my english could be a butchery shop, and that this could one day give me some harsh critics or mockery (but in a sense, this is the risk when publishing a writing, so I don't mind if it's happen).
Thank for reading. Have a good day.
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