bluej95 · 7 years
This is Scooby-Doo in a nutshell right here, folks.
So, these three are investigating an abandoned sawmill, because of course they are.
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Shaggy stands in his designated Totally Unsuspicious Floor Square that’s utterly indistinguishable from the rest of the floor.
Trust me. It just is.
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They talk for a bit… Scooby makes this face…
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…and Velma is inevitably grabbed by a ghost yeti.
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…additionally, I should note that being grabbed by a ghost yeti makes her hat change colors.
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Next, Shaggy falls through the floor, because OMIGOSH IT WAS ACTUALLY A TRAPDOOR CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!?
…though, to be fair, I guess anything is possible in Scooby-Doo…
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 …after all, an entire new wall snuck up behind them between shots.
I freakin’ love this show.
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bluej95 · 7 years
Things I'm happy they changed for the Harry Potter movies/added
I always see posts about what we wish was in the movies/they didn’t change, and there are SO MANY THINGS THAT FIT THAT LIST. But honestly the movies did a great job and stayed pretty true to the books. SO, here’s a post to point out the great things the movies did! Please add on and let’s celebrate the movies that brought these amazing books to life!
Adding the word Potter to… “Scared Potter?” “You wish.”
Showing us what Neville forgot was to wear his robes
Bellatrix torturing Hermione by carving the word mudblood into her arm
Barty Crouch Jr. licking his lips (good job David)
Amos Diggory’s reaction to his son dying
“Look at it this way: every great wizard in history has started out as nothing more than we are now – students. If they can do it, why not us?” 
In the OotP when they’re in the Hog’s Head a goat walks by… Aberforth owns the Hog’s Head/is the barman
Slughorn’s story about Lily and the fish
Voldemort hugging Draco
Showing Lupin and Tonks reaching for each other and just not touching. It killed me, but I loved it.
Continually having Seamus blow up things through out the movies
“I’ve always wanted to use that spell!”
Showing them just being kids and having fun! PoA scene where the boys eat the candy and make the animal noises
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bluej95 · 7 years
Beautiful. No one talks about Dennis.
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Today Harry James Potter is sitting at his desk, avoiding the date on the calendar as much as he can, each quill he holds breaks because he’s gripping it too tightly. 
Today Ginny Potter runs into work out of breathe because Harry forgot to wake her up and she is so late. She takes a second to situate herself and catch her breathe when the daily prophet lands with a thud on her desk and the date on the page nearly burns into her skin. 
Today Ron Weasley refuses to come into work. He spends the day kissing Rose and Hugo as often as they let him. He visits his Mum and his brother, because even if they say otherwise, he knows they need him.
Today Hermione Weasley-Granger keeps stoic as tiny disputes over land enter the court, it’s only during her lunch break does she go into a stall and sob for those who didn’t get to live to see what constitutes a “real issue” these days. 
Today Neville Longbottom visits his parents with Hannah by his side; he retells the story of what happened 18 years ago to them like he does every year. Alice squeezes his hand through every moment of it. 
Today Draco Malfoy watches Scorpius play outside with one of his dozens of brooms. He watches his child’s face light up as he smiles, racing to catch the snitch that is always just a bit out of reach. The scars on his chest twinge as he swears that he will never allow his son to make the same mistakes he did.
Today Luna Scamander is in the jungles of Brazil accompanied by her husband and two young sons. She watches as pixies jump from branch to branch, and her eyes sparkle with amusement as one of them lands on Lysander who giggles at her touch and tries to grab at the creature with his chubby fists. 
Today Dennis Creevey closes his shop for the day. He apparates to his home and looks at the picture of his brother laughing. Why he grew old and Colin didn’t he will never truly understand. 
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bluej95 · 7 years
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Oh god guys. JK Rowling is a genius, and so is this person.
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bluej95 · 7 years
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Spot on. #regram via @mickmitty (at The Sill)
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bluej95 · 7 years
Me at Hogwarts ⚡️
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bluej95 · 7 years
i was about to joke about how my political stance is “end lawnmower culture” but then it occurred to me that i actually Am against lawns as suburban status symbols and wastes of land that Could be used to sustain native flora & fauna and grow food for people, but no, instead they are these huge useless swaths of land that need Constant maintenance, the process of which is not only destructive, but Incredibly Loud
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bluej95 · 7 years
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bluej95 · 7 years
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A Sunda pangolin with her pangopup (Image: Firdia Lisnawati)…
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bluej95 · 7 years
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Spent the day enjoying Lula Lake and the beautiful Falls! So wonderful to have a sliver of paradise to enjoy when life is rough. I also got to ID a few plants for iNaturalist!
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bluej95 · 7 years
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Progress of my triple spiked T. caput-medusae. No matter what you do, air plants will get some brown tips. Instead of suggesting some desperate humidity and watering techniques, just enjoy them* - I have for the past 3 years with this one! (* the right light is what makes them grow, not just watering techniques - read my blog post, link in profile)
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bluej95 · 7 years
I’m sure most of you have seen the Mimosa pudica (‘sensitive plant’) do its leaf closing thing, but I was curious about how the flower blooms…that crazy pink Koosh ball!
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bluej95 · 7 years
Meet the inspiration for the iconic Pokemon character that can be found in Yosemite. 
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bluej95 · 7 years
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The making of Smaug. (x)
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bluej95 · 7 years
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bluej95 · 7 years
Pls tell me interesting facts about stars
Interesting facts about stars:
Heavy stars blow up and make heavier elements like gold. So, every bit of gold you’ve ever seen, worn, or touched came from the dying explosion of a star. Other elements made in supernovae include anything on the periodic table heavier than iron
Heavy stars blow up when they start fusing iron. Meaning, the iron in your frying pan, car, and your blood killed a star at least 3 times the mass of the sun.
Some massive stars that die end up compressing all their mass into a star about 6 miles across, or about the size of a city. This is called a neutron star.
To put this in perspective, these stars start out 3 times as big as our sun and all of their mass is crushed into something the size of a city. The space between atoms is squished away, and the protons and electrons combine to form neutrons. 
Neutron stars are literally as dense as atomic nuclei
Most stars come in pairs
The most common stellar type is a red dwarf, which is a small, red, dim, cool star.
Honestly, that’s just the first few that come to mind, space is really crazy.
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bluej95 · 7 years
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Tree humor…
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