bluejaney · 6 years
"this is how rose and dave met" im LOSING IT..... ur tags make the posts u reblog 9489388483% better akdjskjf ily
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their sibling rivalry is so important to me.
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bluejaney · 6 years
Normal Horoscope:
Aries: We cannot know ourselves. Souls are not stones, they are rivers. Forgive yourself.
Taurus: The ability to spit dead in someone’s eye rarely comes in handy, but it’s sure as hell effective when it does. Appreciate your talents, however small.
Gemini: Bad friends may as well be emotional meat grinders. You’re better than emotion sausage.
Cancer: Sometimes making a rude gesture and telling the world to shove it is the right answer. Dont take too much pleasure in it though.
Leo: Hatred is like holding onto a hot coal to throw it at someone. Organized property damage is much more effective.
Virgo: I asked the stars how to be cool. They didn’t say anything but one of them put on some big sunglasses and another made finger guns at me. Point is, dont get too hung up on that.
Libra: The past is history, the future is a mystery, today is a gift, that’s why it’s called the present. Keep in mind there is nothing stopping the present from being full of dogshit.
Scorpio: Your desire to change the past is like a kangaroo, it cannot move backwards. This gives you the tactical advantage.
Sagittarius: The human brain is a sexual katamari. Anything, and I mean anything, can be incorporated. This is wonderful and terrifying.
Capricorn: A blessing is a blessing. In this day and age we recommend you take every scrap of holy energy you can.
Aquarius: You have two choices. Change it or wallow in it. Many things really shouldn’t be wallowed in.
Pisces: Our brains at night can be terrifying places. Luckily, comedy is the sawed-off shotgun of emotional defenses. All comedy is fear.
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bluejaney · 6 years
the signs as monster factory quotes :-)
aries: what’s the deal with me being extinct?
taurus: oh uh uh oh! uh! uh oh! oops! oh no! uh oh! uh oh! uh oh! oh no! oops! oops a daisy!
gemini: right now i’m “kissing the frog.” that’s what i call hacking the matrix
cancer: fuck, fuck, aw shit i quoted seinfeld
leo: how underrepresented are furries in fighting games?
virgo: you’ve got infinite babies… you’ve got an axe that can kill god… the dopest dress… a fucking great look
libra: she is both the metric by which the world will be judged, and the judge, and the executioner
vriska: strength 10, luck 10, and the other two points we can just throw right away
sagittarius: please move i’m so wet. i’m so sweaty and wet
capriclown: here is where you do your dark deeds in your flesh church
aquarius: i think weapons are really just accessories
pisces: this is some lovecraft shit in an infinite ocean
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bluejaney · 6 years
hi, this is vriska from accounting. we noticed a $1,200 charge labeled “fraymotif”. can you explain?
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bluejaney · 6 years
Happy Valentine’s Day
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bluejaney · 6 years
well, i’ve ran the numbers and it seems like i am going to need a rival. a nemesis, of some sort. hit me up if you would like to be my enemy and my foil
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bluejaney · 6 years
velma might be booksmart but shes also a lesbian so when shes unmasking a villain that turns out to be a hot lady she goes “Jinkies! fuck. shaggy you gotta. take over for me. oh god. oh fuck. oh god”
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bluejaney · 6 years
i reckon dirk will love running in the new world, he was trapped in such a small space his entire life, then the game but now he can relax and go on a run through the forests surrounding can town,, collect cool plants he finds, climb a few trees, and just run bc he can
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bluejaney · 6 years
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bluejaney · 6 years
if its alright w you could you draw another roxy? i love your hc for her and your art is overall fantastic
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roxy often tries to get jane drunk, but it backfires
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bluejaney · 6 years
Are We Still Here?
fingers in his ass sunday
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bluejaney · 6 years
Posted at 11:59
This is it boys
fingers in his ass sunday
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bluejaney · 6 years
fingers in his ass sunday
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bluejaney · 6 years
fingers in his ass sunday
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bluejaney · 6 years
fingers in his ass sunday
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bluejaney · 6 years
fingers in his ass sunday
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bluejaney · 6 years
fingers in his ass sunday
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