Fan Fiction: Naruto Shippuden: Untitled
Notes: I wanted to do a story that deviated at the point of Itachi's death/Sasuke's revenge and try to see where the story of Naruto would go and how it would change. Took a lot of liberties and gave Sasuke the benefit of the doubt of him being rational but I hope to tweak it more and attempt to get as close to in character with him and the other characters who will come into play later on. Thank you for reading.
In the time it took to hear an old man's story wax had eroded away coursing down the length of the single candle. It's flickering light the one thing piercing the surrounding darkness. With each movement the tight bindings of bandages, Sasuke was reminded that the wounds inflicted on him were non-fatal. Painful and persistent, but if his opponent had been set to kill then he would have bleed out long before help arrived.
The realization Itachi had never intended their fight to be a death match turned his stomach. Were he twelve, Sasuke would have given into the urge to curl inward, let grief wash over and paralyze him. As it stood now, he did not trust his assumed ancestor. He was right about Itachi, but the rest of this elaborate story of Uchiha versus the world, or at least the world Sasuke knew before he left his village behind; sounded too twisted for him to grasp.
Forcing himself to sit upright, dark eyes flicked to pinpoint the person cloaked by darkness. “This mass conspiracy...” a sharp hiss of pain cut off Sasuke's sentence.
“Careful. I may have done a shoddy patch job so you're gonna have to take it easy.”
The stranger's tale of bitter resentment and hellbent vengeance was replaced with a tone expressing concern for his well-being. Judging by the dwindling candle, Sasuke had only spent a few hours in this man's company yet in that time there was an on-going war of personalities. Or maybe it was all an act to throw Sasuke off. Who the hell knows.
“I'll tell your companions to let you rest.” Before turning away, the old man made a show of putting his orange mask on. It didn't make any difference to his present audience, however he would have to put on a very convincing act to the three teenagers waiting outside in order for there to be peace.
Sasuke snorted in response. Somehow he doubted this man could go toe to toe with even one of Hebi. Karin especially would outright demand to barge in and heal him. She got some perverse enjoyment out of her particular brand of healing. His head was giving him fits, blood dripping from the corners of Sasuke's eyes to further hinder limited sight. Jugo would insist guarding the door. Suigetsu would probably threaten to pick up his sword and leave...
A blink and the world tilted, forcing Sasuke to lower himself to the mat. Trembling arms coupled with crippling pain, but what irritated him the most was the assumption from his host that Sasuke planned on staying. Paranoia and vengeance led him into the liar of one mad man three years ago. Although he gained strength, Sasuke knew it would be a careless mistake to fall sway to someone else's command.
Your brother gave up his life so you could gain unprecedented power. Don't throw it away...
Wise words from a foolish old man. With those words, Sasuke knew the old man would live to regret them because he was not going to claim power only to be used as someone's pawn. Not again.
Once left alone, Sasuke fell into fitful bouts of sleep lasting twenty minutes at a time. He'd wake up disoriented and nearly blind, blood smears along his face. Any startled movements or attempts to reach his sword resulted in an out cry of pain and clenching of teeth. Collapsing back, Sasuke attempted to reach past the haze of pain and darkness to reach out for a sense of time. How many hours had passed? Days? His bandages had been changed, right hand reaching out with his digits coming across coarse and soiled the fresh coils had replaced.
His mouth felt as dry as the road to Sunagakure, voice sounding crackled and hoarse. Forcing himself to get off the mat, Sasuke felt his sense of balance shift. Thrown into full force vertigo, he went from attempting to stand to doubling over and dry heaving. Bile clung to the back of his throat, souring each rattling intake of air. Every small motion, right down to twitches and eye blinks felt like being he was being stabbed by a thousand needles. Sharp pain rocketing up his spine, Sasuke found himself clawing at the dirt. More than the pain and being weak against his own body, he did not want to stay here and be set up into an alliance.
He had spent too much time under the care of the old man. Where the hell was everyone? Still struggling to at least get off the floor and to his knees, Sasuke blinked as the door to the dark room opened wide.
“Pfft, wallowing in the dirt like some pig, Sasuke?”
Were he capable of mustering enough energy for sarcasm in return he would have, in his current state though the best the Uchiha could give his companion was a roll of his eyes.
“Are you going to mock me all day or help me up?” he groused.
“Oh, so the last great Uchiha is asking me for assistance. I'm honored, but don't expect me to get so excited that I wet myself.”
“Knock it off. We can't leave this place unless we all want to go together...”
Squatting down in front of him, Suigetsu looked puzzled at the commander of Hebi. “You want to leave? In this condition?” The skepticism in his tone was possibly his way of reminding Sasuke that they were all missing nin and wanted criminals by their respective villages. Having one of their own severely wounded would slow down travel progress. Slow criminals were as good as dead if they got caught in the cross-hairs of hunters.
Risky at best, suicidal at worst. “We'll have to take our chances. I refuse to stay here.” Sasuke was more concerned for his resolve than his health or the safety of his team. He didn't want to be subjected to the prattling of the old man. Because there was a lingering fear that if he heard enough, Sasuke would find himself forced into joining yet another cause. He aided one other man, only to unravel him. He did not want to admit it to anyone, but Orochimaru's defeat was the result of luck for the most part.
He had a feeling luck wouldn't save him against this other Uchiha.
“So stubborn. You just don't care if the rest of us die, do you?” Suigetsu added a small 'tch' at the end. For all his indifference, he did help Sasuke to his feet, giving him a shoulder to lean on. “We'll get Karin and Jugo and head out...man you're heavy.”
Sasuke gritted his teeth, biting back a retort that Suigetsu carried around a cleaving sword that easily weighted a ton. Best not rise to the bait of the other one's banter. “Less talking, more walking.”
Just as Suigetsu balked and complained that he wasn't Sasuke's “Goddamn slave”, Karin walked up to the open doorway. “I knew that old bastard was hiding something from me! Sasuke, you look terrible. Put him down, so that I can fix Sasuke-kun up.”
It was Suigetsu's turn to roll his eyes, “We could leave her behind.”
Sasuke could almost hear the 'cing' of her glasses as Karin adjusted them and delivered a sharp “What?” to the swordsman's request.
Sasuke closed his eyes, head dropped down for a moment beyond exasperated. They would never get out if these two were going to argue with every step they took.
It wasn't long before Jugo accompanied them. They didn't even have to search for him, it was as if Jugo instinctively knew the group was on the move. Or perhaps he was simply keeping an ear out for Karin and Suigetsu's bickering, which still carried on even after they exited the cave. Sasuke found their escape to be too easy. If his ancestor sincerely wanted him to aid his cause, shouldn't there be traps or illusions to dissuade them?
As he considered checking each of his companions for tracing devices, Jugo spoke up. His deep voice cut right through Karin and Suigetsu.
“Did you get your revenge?”
Even in the face of a simple question was, Sasuke was slow to answer Jugo. If he were to believe his ancestor, buy into the story of the Uchiha's always being thwarted and humiliated at every turn, then his revenge would be complete once Konohagakure was burnt to ashes with no hope of pulling itself back together. Yet, Sasuke couldn't find purpose in that path. For after destroying his homeland, what then?
“Yes” he finally replied. Sasuke kept his silence about the hollow feeling left over from his revenge. His life had been geared up to the point he defeated and killed Itachi. The defeat was meaningless since Itachi was slated to die anyway or so Sasuke's ancestor told him. If anything, his revenge was a mercy killing disguised as a great battle.
“You don't sound happy about it” Karin observed. Opening his eyes, Sasuke wanted noting more to pin her with a glare, especially since she was giving him look of pity. He couldn't find it within him to squash her down to size. Sasuke wrote it off as a lack of care and exhaustion.
Jugo and Suigetsu must have picked up on the heavy atmosphere and let the matter drop. Luckily, Karin caught on as well that the subject of his revenge and dead brother was now a taboo subject.
“So, where to? We can't exactly wander around the whole continent.”
Sasuke had closed his eyes, attempting to rest and heal the abused nerves, but he did have to at least look around to get a feel of the landscape. The grassy plains reminded him of the boggy rice fields of Otogakure. The one place where they could take refuge without being tossed out on their asses or killed for being missing ninja.
“We will go east.”
As to what he hoped to accomplish in the old stomping grounds of Orochimaru was a mystery even to Sasuke.
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Some Writing Prompt Generators
Serendipity (names, places, mapbuilding, etc.) Quick Story Idea Full Story Idea Writing Challenges General Character Quick Character really just all of Seventh Sanctum RPGesque generators Writing Prompts Inspiration Finder Story Arc Fantasy Story Situaton Adventure Chaotic Shiny is just really good in general Random Plot 
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After two years + of ignoring this fan fic, I’ve started a new chapter. It’s still not quite what I wanted, but hopefully this will a good boost to get back on track with this fan fic.
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Give Me A Fandom and I'll write about...
…so I can rant/rave about a particular character/pairing and or subject!
1. My overall ‘feelings’ for the series.
2. The high point of the series
3. The low point of the series
4. My favorite female-s- of the series
5. Favorite Fan Fic-s- written for the series
6. Favorite ships- and why- for the series
7. My impression of the fandom
If you need help picking a series I follow, please refer to the list here:
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I've been thinking about KHR chars in fantasy AU a lot actually, and I have some ideas. 1) Chrome and Mukuro are mages (and the trident is their staff) 2) Belphegor is, well, assassin (and being a prince fits this AU well too), maybe from something like Assassins' Gulid in Discworld by Terry Pratchett 3) Fran is a trickster/a really bad joker (since his face is always a poker face); MB from Belphegor's palace since they interact a lot; he's sly, cunning and extremely dexterous.
Thank you for the headcanons and suggestions! Here's what I think so far for my short stories
1. Mukuro and Chrome will be mages, but will have different subtypes over time since possession will always be Mukuro's strong suit whereas Chrome is more tailored to illusions.
2. Most of the Varia will have Assassin as their main class type, the subclasses...well I'll switch up in my works ^^;
3. Fran will start out as part of Mukuro's traveling guild but yes he will eventually find himself with the Varia...though not happy about it.
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KHR Fantasty AU: Entry 1- Chrome Dokuro
Name: Chrome Dokuro
Class: Magician
Sub Class: Unlisted
Strengths: Illusions
Weakness: Possession Magic, Stamina
Jewels and the silver chains over her neck and belt denoted her status. And honestly, only the high and mighty would dare to wear purple. She not only wore amethyst Crown Rings on her knuckles, but her her sleeves and cape were of the same hue. Expensive ensemble to say the least and dangerous for a woman to be wandering around in the open without being flanked by companions. Just ripe for the picking...
Then again Magic-users, particularly ones of high caliber, were difficult to come by, so on one hand they could be viewed as royalty. Their kind was useful to any hunting or quest party be they healers, summoners or any of the multiple sub-classes. And it was clear from the high quality of silk sleeves that the girl was either a successful entrepreneur of magical traits on her own or had a wealthy benefactor. Glo Xinia bet it was the latter of the two. Thin and pale looking, the girl wouldn't last a minute in a monster fight. He could make better use of her jewels and Crown Rings than she ever could.
With that in mind, he flicked open the latch of one of his Summoner boxes. On a low rung of the Magician classes, he made up for his lack of skill through acquiring weapons, familiars and artifacts by taking. It was all too easy. Simply enclose their space, backing them against a wall was preferable. No one would come and stop him. Oh he would feel their glares burn up and down his back, but no one dared laid a finger on him or bothered to speak up on the woman's behalf. A wink, leer and suggestions galore. When she refuses his advances he'd move on from flattery to thinly veiled threats. Then the posturing on her part would begin, attempt to call his bluff until he'd reach to lock a hand behind her back or strike his ridding crop just short of her cheeks.
Those were the key to make a woman crumble like dust. And then she'd give him anything he wanted so long as he left the sanctity of her body alone and didn't break her spirit. It was a lucrative business as he went from town to town. After all, if women was so universally spineless to give up her jewels and items in exchange for her honor, who was he to stop them?
“Good afternoon, miss” he greeted, boots stopping a few feet behind her, closing her in between the vendor's table and himself. Predictably, she jumped. What he wasn't expecting though was for her to ignore his greeting altogether. Instead, she went on to negotiate with the vendor for a loaf of bread, some apples and jar of salted fish.
“Oh, going out on a quest are you? Isn't that quite a lot of food for someone so tiny like yourself.”
This invasive question earned him a glare from the merchant because god-forbid Glo Xina force a young woman consider her figure and decide to purchase less.
“They are for my companions...I don't eat much” she finally answered, putting down the gold, silver and bronze coins for the exact amount.
“Modesty. I like that in a female.” Glo Xina chuckle, keeping his ridding crop stilled by his side just as the girl turned away from the table.
She didn't have a retort to him and the leering male could see the flushed hue of her cheeks. Maybe he could just charm those jewels right off her throat. No such luck. Just as she seemed to be receptive to his way with words, she shuffled out of his reach.
“I have to go, everyone is waiting for me.”
“Who? Your traveling companions?”
A quick nod, holding the brown paper package around her food closer to her chest. If she was already feeling threatened, he'd need to work fast before the girl cried out from her companions to come and rescue her.
“Let me guess, they are weapon shopping and left you to get the food all by yourself. Such bastards” Glo Xina tsk'ed. He slung a right arm across her slender shoulders, earning another jolt from the girl.
“Allow me to walk with you. I'll make sure you get back to your companions safely...”
“No. Thank you, but I don't need any help walking across town” Despite tacking on the 'thank you', she didn't sound grateful in the least. Curbing the urge to grit his teeth in front of her, Glo Xina instead rounded to cut off her direct path. Using his height as an advantage, he tapped the girl on the nose with the coil of the ridding crop.
“Don't be silly. You are a prime victim for any heartless soul lurking the alley ways. All those jewels...and Crown Rings don't come cheap. Or is my company that loathsome to you...”
“Yes, you are bothering me.”
“...pardon?” he asked, barely holding off a eyebrow twitch.
“I don't like you” she stated bluntly. Never in his life had he heard a woman come out and say that about him. The ones he encountered express it in their body language and how they glanced away then looked frightened.
Deciding it was time to factor in fear, Glo Xina lunged for the girl's wrists. She cried out in pain as he hefted the lightweight inch by inch off the ground by her hands. His riding crop had left his grasp, now on the ground, since he needed his right hand to hold her up, but it was worth it to see the flash of terror in her visible eye.
“You seem to be forgetting something very important little girl...” his lips twitched into a smirk. “It's dangerous...for a woman to be out all on her own. Bad things can happen to her.” At that, his left hand snaked around her waist, his right easing off holding the girl's wrists since he now had a grasp on her middle.
“Anything can happen to her in dark alleys. All it takes is one hello from a stranger to another” Glo Xina pulled her in closer, his breath a whisper against her skin. She shuddered, eye closed tight as if blocking out the sight of him would stop Glo Xina. Instead, his right index finger traced down the colum of her neck, digits rubbing along the jewels draped at her throat...
“It's dangerous to be a woman. Think on that and repent. Or I'll be force to remind you in another manner...”
Her eye opened wide, a gasp dying on her lips just before purple-colored iris rolled back, revealing the white of the girl's pupil. In the next second, her head lulled forward. ...had she fainted?
Glo Xina frowned. This wasn't quite what he expected. Shifting the dead weight in his arms and finding that she didn't even stir to being jostled around, it felt too easy. Well, he'd forget that feeling. Time to get to work. He'd prop up the girl's unconscious body and ransack her of the coveted jewelry and rings...
Something cold touched against the back of his neck. Inside his head, he cursed to himself. This looting had taken too long and one of the girl's companions was going to attempt to skewer him unless he came up with a decent enough defense.
Turning his head and forcing on a smile, he had a story in mind: the girl fainted in the alley way and he was just trying to get her in a better position to recover. However, he found himself staring at a duplicate of the girl in his arms.
She exhaled and the body in his hands suddenly turned to ash. Before he could scramble out of the way, she jabbed his back with the prongs of a trident. His cape tore to shreds, a hiss escaping Glo Xina's lips as a second raking of triple-points ripped into his back, drawing blood.
Rolling out of the way of the third strike, Glo Xino prevented another by raising his right boot. He grinned since his shoes were dragon hide and wouldn't be torn by a simple bronze trident. Kicking the weapon of her hands, Glo Xino used that gap of time to get to his feet, discarding the cape since it would no longer protect him.
She scrambled to reach her weapon, leaving herself wide open. With a grin, Glo Xino pulled out one of his summon boxes. Shoving a grade-b ring into the slot, the box shook and opened to release blue light...
Nothing came out of the box.
While he gaped at the empty Kraken box, the girl retaliated by turning to him. With the trident in her hands, she swung it at his head only for Glo Xino to duck underneath it. He could figure out why his summoned familiar wasn't coming to it's master later. Once he knocked this girl to her knees. Yes, making her beg for mercy would be delicious...
With that in mind, Glo Xino kicked her in the middle, knocking the wind out. As she doubled over and struggled for air, he took her trident from a limp grasp. Head snapped up, she shook her head.
“No...don't take it...” she gasped and coughed still recovering oxygen. He simply chuckled at her, twirling the slender metal weapon around before aiming the prongs at the girl's bowed head.
“Give it...back. Not yours.”
“Oh but it will be soon. Along with your jewels, the Crown Rings and...” his eyes raked over her, “anything else I could want as payback for you...” his sentence was cut off. Glo Xino felt his throat clamp up, making it difficult to breathe. Gasping, his head was starting to feel lighter. Vision off kilter, he barely took time to notice his right arm slamming itself against the brick and mortar building side. He did hear the crackle of bone and felt the blinding sharp pain, but he was helpless to stop it.
The trident was eased out of his hands into hers. “...I tried to warn you” she uttered.
'Bitch! What did you do to me?!' Glo Xino couldn't speak up, his glared at her hotly.
As if reading his mind, she frowned at him. “Only what you were trying to do to me. I took your body from you and made it mine.”
At that, Glo Xino suffered a blow of his face via the brick wall. Gritting his teeth, he raised palms to cushion the blow, but things took a change for the worse. His hands feebly attempted to claw the sides of the wall, wearing his nails down to bleeding and jagged bits. Bone cracked at the force of impacting against crates, walls and body forcing him to the ground, breath robbed from his lungs only to be returned with sharp and desperate gasps for oxygen, and all the while she stood on the side lines. A single eye watching and waiting as Glo Xino body twisted and twitched itself into knots in order to harm himself.
“You...” his voice came out in a rasp, loose teeth rattling around in Glo Xino's skull. The self-inflicted beat down had freed his Summon boxes, his collection of healing and graded rings and all of his gold pouches.
“You” she returned while picking up the goods from the ground and wrapping them in with the food packaging. “Forgot something important.” Crippled, Glo Xino was helpless to do anything but listen as the girl collect herself to speak to him.
“This world is dangerous place for a monster like you.”
Gathering up the last of his gold coins and pocketing them, she leveled a stare at his eyes, “Think on that and repent”
Her chains and jewels clattered against one another as the girl walked away, leaving him writhing in pain in the alley, too weak to even call out for help from the merchant across the street.
- -
“Where the hell were you?!”
A sharp voice cut across the village square, but Chrome didn't flinch from it. M.M put up a tough front and liked to snap at her, yet wasn't a bad person. Which is why Chrome showed her the ruby Crown ring as soon as she crossed over to join her companions. The other girl's eyes zeroed in on the jewel, her fingers twitching in a silent 'givemegiveme' motion.
Since Chrome didn't have any use for dreams like the her prophet companion did, the girl easily departed with the gemstone. After slipping the ruby ring on her right ring finger, it joined a Hell ring entrusted to her by their shared master, M.M declared it looked splendid against the golden band. Chikusa's gaze cut to the two females in his party, but had no disparaging remarks to say. Instead, he undid the draw string to his backpack for Chrome to place the fish, bread and apples inside.
“You couldn't get any red meat?” Ken asked, peering over Chikusa's shoulders. A gross violation of the other boy's personal space. “Meat was too expensive. It would have used up all the coins you gave me.”
The shaman narrowed his gaze at Chrome. “That's when you resort to stealing! Didn't Mukuro-sama teach you anything?”
“Ken, knock it off” was Chikusa's brush of both the boy hanging off his shoulders and Ken's remarks to Chrome. “We'll get meat in the next town.”
“You always say that and we still ended up with dried and salted fish every time!”
While Ken kept complaining about fish and how it wasn't 'real meat', Fran kept tugging at the end of Chikusa's bag until a apple rolled out and into his open hand. He first took a bite then looked around the group.
“We're missing someone...”
“The alchemist” Chikusa filled in for him.
“I say leave him behind” M.M took just a moment out of her cooing over her new cache of jewels- plundered from the new additions to Chrome's collection bag.
“Master wouldn't like that...” Fran warned. Chrome nodded in agreement. Like it or not, they needed the green-haired alchemist.
“I'll go find him” she offered.
“Oh no you don't, we won't see you for another hour” was M.M's objection. “Dog boy and Yo-yo can go find him and his pet crocodile in less time it takes to lace up your boots.”
Relegated to a fetch mission, Chikusa grasped Ken by the furred collar of the other boy's coat, dragging him for a few steps before the blonde protested and stated he could walk on his own. Once the boys were out of sight, Chrome allowed a shiver to ripple down her spine. Her mouth felt dry as the scene from earlier flashed in front of her mind's eye. Knees knocked together before she collected herself to sit down on the lip of the fountain.
Yes she made a clean get away and knew that man wasn't going to come after her, but Chrome still wanted to leave this village behind her and...
“If you're going to puke, do it in the bushes.”
M.M's snide comment rattled Chrome out of her thoughts long enough to glance up at the red-haired girl. Clenching her hands, feeling just how clammy and sweaty the palms had become, Chrome muttered an apology. Which was answered with a snort, “Yeah, whatever. Just don't toss your lunch on my bag. It's dragon-leather you know”
“Of course we know. You remind us ten times a day” the youngest of their group responded, having finished his apple save for the core. Which he had now given legs to skirt around the rim of the stone fountain, thanks to his magic running wild again.
“Who asked you brat?!”
Chrome allowed a small laugh to escape her lips. It all felt so...normal. Yet her mind was still turning over to the man she left in the alley.
'I did warn him though' She felt guilty for getting caught in such a situation. And if he recovered and they crossed paths again...
Chrome winced and uttered an ouch as M.M had leaned over and pinched her nose. “Hellloo~ Where is your mind wandering off to idiot?”
A glance into the other's eyes told her what she was going to ask next. “...Ukuo-sma isn't...” M.M let go of her nose, making it easier for Chrome to speak clearly.
After rubbing her offended nose, Chrome repeated to the red-head, “Mukuro-sama isn't speaking to me...if that's what you wanted to know.”
“Well why would he want to talk to you? Lately you haven't done anything worth bragging about.”
Chrome almost begged to differ. There was a man with pink hair moaning and left to bleed out in a alley. Were Mukuro-sama around -and not speaking to someone else at the time- he'd be so proud. Well proud until he watched her fly into pieces. That man's touch still lingered on her...making her feel slimy and less like herself.
“What happened while you were gone?”
Chrome turned her gaze to M.M but then flicked to Fran. She didn't feel the need to protect him from the ugly truth. If anything, he needed to learn there were men out there who would take advantage of others like that. But, Chrome felt the high-tide of shame rise up and wash over her. She didn't want Fran to know someone had taken her unawares. Did not want him to know what could have happened to her. No one would trust her to walk by herself again if they knew...
Stupid...stupid...she let her guard down and...
The red-head was now crouched in front of her, under the guise of getting more jewels out of her bag. Instead of adding yet another adornment to her fingers, she opened Chrome's right palm and pressed one into her hand. “Here, take it.”
Opening her hand, Chrome saw a pendant with a chamomile flower preserved in amber. “It will give you peace of mind” M.M said. “Besides, it's ugly so you should wear it instead.”
Leave to M.M to give her a piece of jewelry over actually talking over a problem. However, as she opened the clasp of the necklace and put it around her neck, Chrome decided she didn't mind M.M and her methods all that much.
Like it or not, this was her companions. Companions...yes. Since family was too strong of a word and none of them were friends. They still made her happy and made use of her talents like no one else could. So, Chrome decided she'd stay with them a little longer...
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I'm going to start a series of short KHR AU ficlets
Mostly involving a RPG/Fantasy based world with the KHR characters being different classes and sub classes.
Inspired from this fan art
I've got a rough idea of what I want the main cast of characters to be - still trying to figure out most of the Varia, Millifiore + Shimon families and other minor characters.
Anyone have suggestions?
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Fan Fiction: KHR: Mafia Summer School
Disclaimer: I do not own any artistic rights or license to Katekyo Hitman Reborn. I'm just borrowing the characters for my own non-profit amusement.
Nothing is going to ruin my day. With that kind of attitude, one could conquer the world. However, Tsuna wasn't going to shoot for world domination today. Instead, he was looking forward to the highly coveted summer vacation. He even woke up early for the occasion, just a quarter past late. After buttoning up his short-sleeve shirt, Tsuna picked up his bag if only to show up to the closing ceremony and clean up then he'd be able to ditch it for thirty days.
No mafia-related stuff had reared it's head, so his plans were video games, food and general laziness. Sock-covered feet padded down the stairs quickly since he had about sixty seconds to grab an apple to eat, get his shoes on and then be out the door. Not a problem, until Tsuna turned the corner and saw Reborn sitting at the table drinking coffee. Grinding to a halt, brown eyes flicked to the infant on the stack of books boosting him to see above the table.
A quick swallow of nerves. Tsuna had the miniature hitman living under his roof long enough to tell from little inflections and looks what was about to go down. Right now, his little innocent smile coupled with sharp eyes told Tsuna that something was going to happen. Something involving pain. Explosions and future hospital visits were in his future.
“Reborn...” Tsuna stopped himself from asking what the baby wanted. Yes, he was a coward for wanting to put off the inevitable for as long as possible but Tsuna felt that given his situation putting it off until he returned home was the best option.
Next thing he knew there was a swish of air above him as a green flyswatter landed between his eyes. A shriek of pain followed by a chorus of ouch-ouch as the boy dropped his school bag to soothe his offended nose.
“Cut out the pathetic expressions. You will never be a fit founder to a new mafia family if you keep looking like a kicked puppy.” The baby ended his scolding by taking a loud slurp of coffee.
This again? Tsuna resisted the urge to roll his eyes since any show of exasperation might get him hit again. Leon might have transformed back into it's normal lizard form, but that didn't mean the chameleon would stay that way for good.
“Also, if you've got something to say to me: say it.” Reborn added after setting down his now empty cup.
“Um...” Tsuna made a brave attempt at looking Reborn in the eye. The piercing stare he got in return quickly nixed that idea and he looked to his bag left on the kitchen floor. “I...I'vegottogettoclassnotimetotalk, bye Reborn!” Picking up his bag, Tsuna nearly stumbled over himself just to get out of the kitchen fast enough. Shoving his feet into shoes then he was out the door in a flash.
Only after he was a couple blocks away from home did the teenager slow his pace and exhale. So much getting through today without a care in the world...
- -
“I'm going.”
Music kept on playing through headphones. If anything, Fran could have sworn Master had cranked up the volume to drone out the soft-spoken girl-voice. Caught between warring forces and pretending to eat his soggy sugar-flakes cereal, green eyes blinked as the boy tuned into his favorite soap opera. In living color and nothing could be more high definition than real life.
The scene pans to the girl with purple hair, a serious looking frown on her face but she wasn't well versed in angry expression since it made her look constipated. Stirring the milk in the bowl, Fran next looked to the nonchalant rouge, slouched on a smelly sofa, his feet propped up on a end table that had seen better days.
“Just like their relationship...” Fran narrated to himself just as Mukuro stirred to alertness.
“Oh? Well good luck with that” he hummed before settling in with a magazine. He was just as bad of an actor as Chrome. For all his relaxed seat and talk of disinterest, he was still talking to her and watching with his mismatched eyes.
The mood was so cold Fran had to look over his shoulder to see if ice crystal were forming on the windows of the hideout. No such luck. Pity. He would have loved to see Japan have a white summer. Big snow piles, he could craft a giant snowmail-man. Maybe the dog boy would want to pee on it though...
Wrinkles formed between the boy's brows as he contemplated a winter wonderland in July. He missed Chrome stepping over to him until a hand was placed on his head. A small flinch at the light weight on top of his skull before the boy raised his head.
“I'm taking Fran with me.”
Now that got Master's attention. Removing his headphones, music blaring until he turned it down several notches. After all, no one needed to know that his MP3 player had a mix of German death metal and bubblegum K-Pop.
“So...I'm going to stay with Chrome-chan?” he asked, neither hopeful nor disgruntled by the change of events. According to Master, Fran – or rather his future self- had changed hands so many times between groups that the boy might as well be a cursed family heirloom.
“Just for a little while” Chrome said, her one eye looking first to him but she didn't hold her gaze there for long. After all, Fran knew his place as a pawn in a game devised by the two teenagers. He really wish someone would clue him in on the rules and objective of this game though, since Fran would much rather play on the same field instead of being the prize on the sidelines.
He wouldn't be getting any answers from Chrome. Not when she was going into determination-mode. Fran liked to think one day she would transform into a magical girl if only by sheer will alone. It was one of the reasons why Chrome was both fascinating and scary to Fran.
“What could you possibly want with him?” Mukuro asked after shifting on the sink-hole of a sofa to sit upright.
“His name was on the letter too.”
Oh. That thing. Fran's expression went from disinterested to grumpy. The simple sheet of paper came in the mail two days ago. Something about inviting Chrome to visit the Vongola family in Italy. Since then Chrome and Master were at odds with one another. They didn't argue, glare or say nasty things to one another, but there was a weird atmosphere over the hideout. Fran thought of a still pond up in the mountains he called his playground. The water was often clear as crystal and still. Sometimes little ripples appeared when he skipped stones. On the rare occasion he'd throw a larger rock into the pond so it created a big splash. This felt like the same chaos as a big splash.
Chrome had gone back to her apartment too, something she only did when playing house with him, Master and the two idiots -sometimes the baby was added to the mix- got to be too much. Mukuro would go about his business whenever she left, only making the odd mistake of asking for Chrome then remember she wasn't there. Eventually they'd come back together, but both teens were stubborn and a little bit stupid, so it would take a couple days to a week.
In short, Fran was starting to wonder where the remote was since this episode felt like a re-run and he was getting bored.
- -
“If it's for a sumo wrestling invitational, why is my name on the letter too?”
Ryohei stopped short of wrapping his right hand with a fresh length of athletic tape. He balked at seeing Kyoko's face peeking through the door leading into the boxing club room. He had bolted out of the house when she first brought the paper to his attention, citing that he was late of his early morning warm-up.
“Um...” he tried to think fast. “I wouldn't know. Maybe the judges wanted you to come along for emotional support?”
His uncertain answer only served to make Kyoko frown. In response, Ryohei swallowed thickly. Scratching the back of his head, he wondered if Sawada was on campus yet. He had some questions about the letter too. Namely who's big idea it was to drag Kyoko into the middle of whatever the Vongola family was up to.
- -
Even though she should be in class by now, Haru figured skipping one day out of the entire year wouldn't hurt. Besides, she had packing to do. A letter was pinned to the cork bulletin board among the ribbons for gymnastics, scholarship award papers and photos of her friends. A red letter day was circled on tomorrow. Little hearts drawn, fluttering about the letters 'Romantic Italian Getaway with Tsuna-kun'. There just weren't enough exclamation points she could add at the end of that statement so more hearts were in order.
- -
“Are you taking your whole apartment with you, Gokudera?” In response to the teasing, Hayato bristled like a startled cat. “No! And what about you? You've just got a stupid duffle bag. This isn't a sleep over, we are going to be in for some serious training.”
“Hm, if you say so” was the taller boy's hummed response. “...think everyone else knows? I mean, Italy is pretty far off so what will their parents say?”
Following a shrug of his shoulders, which was no easy feat since he was toting two suitcase straps in each hand and had a backpack on his shoulders. “Who cares how they get to the airport on time just so long as they arrive on time. I doubt the Vongola family would wait around for everyone to get their crap together.”
“Probably not” the baseball player flashed the bomber a grin. “That's why I came to school prepared.”
Green eyes narrowed at the easy-going guy. “We're going to be in another country for summer break and you're just taking one bag...” He sighed, giving up on explaining the other guy's brain. Man, his back was killing him.
- -
Brooms went to work sweeping out every single speck of dust. Feverish swipes of cleaning cloths at the glass windows over looking the school grounds as male students went about their business straightening up the room. Supervising the clean up, Kyoya Hibari had given up his early morning nap on the Reception Room sofa in order to make sure his office was spotless. A yellow bird chirped before fluffing up at it's perch on a window sill. A minute ago, it had set a letter head on his desk, Tetsuya was reading over the contents now.
After the other boy folded up the letter, Hibari shot his second in command a look.
“It's invitation to join Swada-san and others to visit Italy...”
“Shred it.” Just the thought of going anywhere with those people was making his skin prickle and start to itch under his shirt collar.
No hesitation from Tetsuya. He followed orders without a word or question. Now if only he could as easily be rid of Sawada and his band of merry herbivores.
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Gift Fic: AU SasuHina- One More Night
One More Night
Title: One More Night
Fandom: Naruto- Road To Ninja universe
Rating: M/R for near-smut
For: Bjorkubus' b-day. Happy belated birthday gurl~ I hope you enjoy this. You were the one of the artist who spurred my interest in SasuHina and kept me going strong in the Naruto fandom.
Shooting glares across the mission table, the two self-proclaimed leaders of their team sizing the other up. Sasuke keeping his stance relaxed, but eyes sharp and just this side of warning red of the Sharingan. Hinata visibly tense around her neck and shoulders, but she had yet to resort to her special technique. Shizune released a heavy sigh, breasts resting on the tabletop, “Alright, let's get this over with. There is a C rank mission to clear out some bee nests then relocate them to...”
“That's farmer's work” Sasuke scoffed. “Then it's perfect for you, U-chi-ha. You seem to like getting your hands dirty. A few bee stings should be nothing.”
Shizune clearned her throat, “There is another C rank mission where you have to tutor a group of students in the making of shadow clones.'
“Why don't you do it, Sasuke? You seem to love children after all...or at least the prepubecent ones who are cute” Hinata cut in with a small 'hoho' chuckle hidden behind her hand.
“You're a woman aren't you? Women are gifted with kids so you should do it.”
“Um...guys. We're kind of back here too and would like an input on the missions too.”
Both Sasuke and Hinata turned their heads to glare at Naruto who quietly lowered his hand. When they turned back around to face the mission desk, Hinata's blush was very obvious.
“There is one B mission both of you might qualify. An escort mission for some merchants to...”
Before Shizune could finish her sentence both Sasuke and Hinata dove for the offered scroll, their hands clasped on top of one another, with Shizune's at the bottom.
“Get. Your. Hands off me. Uchiha.”
“You first, snooty Princess Hyuuga.”
“Bite me.”
A smirk curled on his lips. Although the invitation was said in anger, Sasuke couldn't resist retorting. “With pleasure. Just a warning though, this might leave a...”
“ENOUGH!” Shizune roared, flipping the table and the two bickering Jounin back, scroll still in her hand.
“You both are barred from missions today! Now get out!” the Hokage's assistant raged, her index finger jabbing first to Sasuke and Hinata then to the door.
“You suck, so much” she hissed, long hair falling over into his face as Hinata loomed over him. Sasuke cringed, “Why are you growling at me, huh? I'm the one who needs the money.”
“Please,” Hinata shot back at him, arms crossed over her ample chest, so Sasuke took to staring there instead of the red-stain of the heiress' lips. “You live with your parents. They pay for your food, clothes, and your weapons. What on earth could you use the...”
He one-uped Hinata by standing up, their heads about to butt as Sasuke rose up but there was also the off chance they could accidentally kiss. Not that Sasuke was hoping for that. The woman was a monster. Or so he told himself.
“Look who's talking” he returned, hands in his pocket, “You are the pampered princess of the Hyuuga clan. If they didn't require to fight, I bet you'd be eating cinnamon buns all day...whoa!”
He had just barely missed being struck at by an open palm. The girl behind the hand hadn't been set to bitch slap him either because there was no mistaking the faint chakra marks left in the wall she had hit.
“You...” he groused, hands together to form the seal of the dragon, only to realize they were in a crowded street and couldn't fight at the risk of harming civilians.
“I was aiming for your vocal cords, just to shut you up for a little while” she huffed as if Sasuke should be grateful for being silenced.
“You only want to shut me up because you don't like the fact that I know you” he answered with a grin. Knowing his devil-may-care-smile would get under Hinata's skin quicker than sparring with her would.
Sure enough, long haired Hyuuga bristled at his words, “You don't know me.”
“I know a lot more about you than anyone else. Like that one birthmark right at the small of your back which makes you scream like...”
She did succeed in shutting him up this time, only because Sasuke found his hands -and mouth as well- full of Hyuuga heiress as Hinata launched herself at him in a fit of...rage? Passion? Passionate rage? He really wasn't sure what to call it. Sasuke only knew he was in trouble when she started kissing him. Fury evident in her taunt body, lips brutal and near-biting with each contact against his. Dark eyes rolled back for a moment as Hinata's fingers traced up along the back of his neck, curling into his hair then pushing him to join another kiss.
They stumbled into a alley, his hands roaming over the dangerous curves, a hiss of pain escaping Sasuke as Hinata bit his bottom lip hard enough for a spike of pain. Then she kissed it better with a gentle coasting of soft lips. It was all a blur as to who opened first, Sasuke like to think he conquered her mouth. The exploratory teasing, breaths mingling to generate heat between their bodies.
Hinata's jacket was sliding further down her shoulders, revealing that she did indeed wear nothing underneath that mesh top. In a pause between them sucking face, Sasuke's hands sought out her firm breasts, grasping the flesh until Hinata sighed in exasperation.
“You grope me like you're molesting a pair of cantaloupes.” Before Sasuke could say that her breasts were roughly the size of melons, Hinata batted his hands away before grasping the right one and placing it to her left breast.
“Like this...see” she coaxed his fingers to rub along the side, stroke underneath with feather light touches and then tweak the aroused nipple. “Just like that” a small exhale, cheeks flushed and her eyes looking at him in a hooded fashion. Sasuke couldn't help but lean in and lick her open lips, “Okay...” he muttered. “So this is what gets you going, huh?” he repeated the stroking method, pulling a shiver out of Hinata.
When his hand left her breast, she whimpered at the loss, which was a boost to Sasuke's ego and proof he was doing something right. Wanting to hear more from her, Sasuke dropped his hands to Hinata's exposed middle. Digits ran smoothly over her stomach in spite of the subtle pleasant tremors rippling over pale skin. Circled her bellybutton, before Sasuke lightly scratched his way up her body. She just barely held back a cry, legs opening before locking around his thighs and forcing Sasuke in closer. His hands trapped between them, he gave Hinata a smirk before carefully slipping his right hand under her top.
A silent scream soon turned into panting as he plucked, rubbed then teasingly circle her nipple. “Whore Uchiha is actually a quick study...” Hinata cut off the insults with a moan. She had such a filthy mouth when things got heated. It was a combination of her curses, soft curves and close proximity made Sasuke painfully aware of his cock. Her first though. Not out of some sense of fair play, rather Sasuke knew Hinata would sooner lay him down flat than do a favor for him before getting hers first.
He wouldn't have to wait too much longer though, given the way Hinata was holding her right fist to stifle her cries, Sasuke could tell she was quickly coming undone. To speed up the process, Sasuke slid his free hand lower. He pressed on the front of her pants.
“Wet already Hyuuga?” he purred against her neck, giving her breast a firm squeeze only to have it backfire on him since Hinata rocked her hips against his hand, rubbing against it in need.
“Shit...you keep this up, princess...” he groaned again as Hinata wrapped her legs around him tighter. Anymore of this and they'd end up fucking in the alley.
They were in public. Had been the entire time.
Hinata seemed to realize it at the same moment he did, because the teenagers looked at one another, both blushing visible shades of red. She reacted first by pulling a fist back and punching Sasuke in the gut. It knocked the wind out of him and forced the boy to stagger back. After a moment of puffing and wheezing, Sasuke raised his head to see Hinata adjusting her top and running fingers through her hair. She kept giving him these covert looks all the while, a small bite to her bottom lip.
“Your place or...” Sasuke began with a tired pick up, though this time meaning it.
Hinata just rolled her eyes, followed by shoulders, “Mine. There is a unused storage shed on the Hyuuga compound. Give me ten minutes head start, then meet me.” Then she turned to walk out of the alley, leaving Sasuke to calm himself down enough to walk out without a boner-trot.
While steeling himself to go back out in public, Sasuke felt a twinge of regret. Hinata Hyuuga was a bitch. There were no pretty words for it. She could see right though him as well, dug underneath his attempts to woo girls and saw Sasuke for what he really was. When he first realized that, it both annoyed and scared Sasuke half to death.
Someone else knew and felt the pressure of being unable to live up to the standard set before him. Only instead of struggling, Hinata basked in the sunlight of praise and compliments, whereas Sasuke stood in his brother's growing shadow. She was the first one to pull Sasuke down with her words. Cut him to the quick then had the nerve to apologize and kiss him as if it made everything better.
But one kiss led to more. And it was like an addiction. She was a tyrant. Bossy. Downright insulting at times, but the fact remains he couldn't get enough and kept going back to Hinata for more of the same.
With so much heaviness on his mind, Sasuke left the alley, considering about leaving Hinata waiting for a change and not show up. Yet, despite his reservations about this twisted game of theirs, Sasuke's feet led him to the Hyuuga compound. He slipped in through a little known crack in the wall and found the storage shed Hinata told him about.
Opening it up, he found a futon on the floor. Hinata perched on a box, looking bored. Bored and horny, Sasuke mentally corrected because the way she eyed him up and down, there was no mistaking what was on her mind.
“Come here” Hinata ordered. Sasuke was about to retort that he was not a dog and wouldn't give into her commands. That thought was thrown out the window though when Hinata removed her top.
“I said...come here, Uchiha” she purred, the red lipstick of her lips curved in a slow smile.
And he gladly got on his knees to first kiss her stomach then work up to Hinata's breasts. In the middle of sucking and making her scream, Sasuke decided he could feel bad about their situation later and on his own.
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THE UNWRITTEN MEME: Post a fandom/pairing in my Ask, I'll tell you the story I've been dying to write.
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Centi Porn: Set 1- 1 thru 15: MovieSasuHina
Set 1
Word count: 222
Her plum flower patterned yukata was opened wide, uncaring that they were sitting in a unlocked storage shed. The patter of rain outside. Ho-hums of disappointed festival goers tucked under bamboo umbrellas, accompanied by the noise of sandals clanking on wet pavement. Above all else, Sasuke feels her breath curling around his ear.
At least the insults stopped once he started fingering her. That smirking mouth of hers, tasted better when he could pull moans out of Hinata's prim and pink-painted lips. In public, she- the Hyuga prodigy- had nothing but put downs for him- the forgotten son-. But in these stolen moments,all Sasuke had to do was curve his finger in a come-hither motion and she'd had nothing but praises for him- the sweetest of nectar of any flower.
Word Count: 286
There was something satisfying of having a man pinned underneath her legs. Or so Hinata thought as she leaned over Sasuke, their sweaty and dirty foreheads pressed together. His dark eyes narrowed, chest rising and falling at a rapid pace. She was breathless as well, but Hinata liked to believe she looked more dignified. Her nose wrinkled a little from the dust they kicked up from sparring, only to 'yelp' as Sasuke arched up to mash his lips to hers. She answered him with a punch to his sternum and twisted her head away, cheeks flushed with color- the girl's own body out to spite her.
“Dream on, duckass” Hinata hissed, rubbing a jacket sleeve over her mouth.  
3. Gaze
4. Tongue
Word Count:
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KHR Fan Fiction: 2 a.m- Fran- Chrome- Mukuro
Title: The Domestic Life and Sexual Politics of Mist Guardians
Notes: Collection of connected one-shots. A sort of snap shot of the daily life of the Kokuyo Gang. Mostly 6996 centric, but expect splash of other pairings to show up now and again, as well as platonic and character introspective pieces.  
Dirty feet shuffled across an equally filthy floor, kicking up empty chip bags and knocking over empty plastic bottles in the darkness. Heavy headed and sleep deprived, the boy leaned on the back of the worn sofa. It smelled of old moth balls and the spindle legs were rotting from within thanks to termites, but it might as well been a king sized bed.
Green eyes narrowed in a flash of jealousy, before the boy with the apple hat righted the headgear with a shove of his right hand. Chin propped up on the back of the furniture, he reached over and nudged the female figure awake. In the darkness, Fran heard a soft moan then a masculine grunt beside her as the girl accidentally elbowed Mukuro.
“Sorry...” she whispered, then blinking looked up at Fran. A lick of dry lips before asking, “What's wrong?”
He blinked at her. Japanese still a imperfect language to him. Fran was learning a little more each day, various words here and there from hearing Mukuro, Ken and Chikusa talking amongst themselves and from Chrome, but there were still times that the language barrier seemed impenetrable.
Rather than guessing what she was asking him, Fran took advantage of her alertness by rounding the couch and pushing himself to wedge right beside Chrome. She rubbed sleep out of her eye as the boy situated himself, nearly knocking his hat against her forehead in the process.
“Fran?” He responded to his name, but with a tilt of his head in place of words. In the semi-dark, Chrome's expression clouded with concern. “Couldn't sleep again?” she asked. Sleep. He recognized that word and nodded. Her features softened, not out of pity or concern, but one of understanding.
“Here...take off the hat first. You'll sleep better without it.” Fran hesitated at first. His hat protected him from bad faeries and grim dream-reapers. On the other hand, those beings didn't invade his dreams when he was next to her. Deciding he'd risk the brain invasions, Fran unbuckled the heavy apple hat, dropping it off to the side of the sofa.
She gave him a small sleepy smile in response, still caught between here and dreamland. “Good...” Chrome muttered with a yawn, only to gasp as the boy clung to her. The too-long sleeves of Fran's jacket felt sticky, so it'd need to be washed soon. However his hair and skin were clean, one of the few hygiene rules here; therefore the jacket wasn't all that important.
The force of impact had Chrome bumping into the warm body behind her. “...who is it this time?” Mukuro's voice rose up. Despite the hoarse quality in his tone, Chrome suspected he was aware they had a bed invader long before she did. Even with his eyes closed and seemingly dead to the world, Mukuro-sama was hyper aware of things. Able to recite conversations spoken while he had been asleep. Easily roused by the slightest impressions of feelings or something important going on around him.
“Fran” she answered, absently stroking back the boy's fine green hair, watching sleepy eyes start to droop. Chrome winced at hearing Mukuro roll his shoulders back until they gave a 'pop'. “He needs to sleep in his own bed...spoiled brat.”
As she watched Fran's brows furrowed together. Chrome knew he didn't like being left out of the loop. Sometimes though, they forgot he knew French and a little bit of English.
Mukuro or M.M- if she could spare the time to be around- would occasionally play translator, but then they'd get bored of repeating words, so Fran was often left to infer what was being said around him. And Chrome wanted to help him fit in better with the group. Therefore, she took the difficult route by attempting to learn French, instead of teaching the child her own language .
Two am was neither a time to teach nor learn a new language though. So for now, the boy would have to settle for being talked about in a tongue he didn't understand. “Fran is no less spoiled than Ken when he elbows in between...” Chrome muttered. This earned a chuckle and a “Touche.”
Sometimes the couch was so big it felt like a world unto it's own. Other times, it felt like a sardine can crammed to the brim. Chrome would have to step around Chikusa's lanky frame in the morning or untangle herself from a knot formed by Ken's smelly feet entwined with hers.
“You really should stop stroking him like a lap dog” Mukuro advised. Chrome shrugged and kept 'petting' Fran's hair, regardless of the suggestion.
“He's lonely” was the excuse for her defiance. Or so she assumed. Chrome knew she'd feel isolated in a strange place with only two people who spoke her language. So, she attributed her feelings to Fran in order to reach an understanding.
A dismissive snort, “Loneliness can't be cured by a few pats and good intentions.”
“Maybe not” her voice lowered because Fran had grown still, eyes closed and seemed to be falling back asleep. “But, I want to try and...” a small yawn, “drive off the bad fairies, so they don't steal him away.” Chrome didn't have to look over her shoulder to tell Mukuro was rolling his eyes. It was okay though.
He had his ways with Ken and Chikusa. This was her way of connecting with Fran. It wasn't through words or parental efforts. He was lonely and needed a safe haven from midnight terrors of his imagination. Chrome decided she'd be that safe place, a refuge for the young illusionist.
And Mukuro-sama would just have to learn to adjust accordingly. 
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Shippers Day Meme
For all those romantic at hearts who’d rather ship fictional characters than be bothered with interacting in a ‘date’ setting with actual human beings. ((But if you do have a significant other, you too can participate in this meme))
The First Timer Level
Your First OTP (Only True Pairing): Usagi/Mamoru -Serena/Darien (Sailor Moon).  This will always be the eptiomy of romance, sweetness tragedy and love that transcends times and both embodies and defies the concept of Fate.
Your First Crack Pairing: Kunzite/Ami Mizuno (Sailor Moon) You laugh, but I liked the idea of Kunzite and Sailor Mercury for a long time. I even wrote my first fan fics surrounding this pairing. 
Your First Shounen Ai Pairing: Sora/Riku (Kingdom Hearts) I didn't so much 'ship it' as much as I felt like I was forced to, since they had much more chemistry together than either of them had with the girl ^^;
Your First Shoujo Ai Pairing: Utena/Anthy (Revolutionary Girl Utena) There are just too many feelings that I have for this pairing. I've read the manga, seen the anime and movie and just...a lot of feelings for these two ;__;
Your First Crossover Pairing: Hitsugaya/Hinata (Bleach/Naruto) This was introduced to me by my good friend Raesigns (littlemissraechu) and I haven't looked back since. 
The Beginner Cupid Level
Your ‘It’s So Cute It Gives Me Cavities’ Ship- Hiro/Kisa (Fruit Basket) These two NEVER failed to make me go 'aww' whenever I saw them in the same panels of the manga. 
Your ‘It’s A Love Hate Thing’ Ship- Shouma/Ringo (Mawura Penguindrum) The slap-stick was amusing, the shouting heart breaking and all the in-between was clear signs of tsundere meets tsundere all over it. 
Your ‘Sexual Tension’ Ship- Sasuke Uchiha/Hinata Hyuuga (Naruto) I have read and written more smut about this crack Naruto pairing that it's not even funny XD
Your ‘Tragic Lovers’ Ship- Kanba/Himari (Mawura Penguindrum) -I don't think I need to go into details about this ...just...all my feelings ;__;
The Sharp-Shooter Cupid Level
Your ‘I Saw It Coming A Mile Away’ Ship- Ayame/Mine (Fruit Basket) I shipped these two the first time Tohru and Yuki went to his brother's dress shop! They were so adorable together, feed off each other's crazy energy and just so so sweet as the manga progressed. 
Your ‘They Are So Having Eye Sex’ Ship- Hayato Gokudera/Haru Miura (KHR) I swear to God they are up to something behind everyone's backs...
Your ‘I Have Written Fan Fiction For Them’ Ship- 25Y old Lambo/TYL Chrome and Xanxus/Chrome (KHR)- I've grown to love both pairings from RP's that I've done, but am kind of ashamed to post the fics themselves ^^;
Your ‘It’s So Wrong It’s Right’ Ship- Shiro/Alice (Okami-san) -I know. It's wrong. Shiro is a horrible, awful, terrible person and kidnapped Alice and her friends just to get to one person in the group and break her down. But...at the same time...
The Master Cupid Level
Your ‘I’d Attend Their Wedding’ Ship- Gajeel/Levy (Fairy Tail) -I seriously would. No joke. 
Your ‘I Really Wish This Happened’ Ship- Kida/Anri (DRRR) - I don't know why but I really wanted this ship to happen in the series...and feel a little bad that it didn't :x
Your ‘I Really Wish This Had Not Happened’ Ship Naruto/Sakura (Naruto Shippuden) Not that I wish this ship never happened...but Sakura's confession to Naruto. I...no. That should have never happened. You don't do that to your friends Sakura. No. Just. no. 
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Hi, I just want to ask, but is your Naruto fic, Hitsuzen, still ongoing? I really like that fic and I think it would be a waste of a good fix if you discontinued it.
It is, but...how do I explain this. I go through phases with fan fiction. I haven't been inspired to write more for Hitsuzen in quite awhile, but once inspiration comes back to me, I'll get right on it. Sorry for the delay...
0 notes
Summary: When the first Vongola Boss and his guardians suddenly appear, Tsuna and his 'family' have to cope with crossed communication, memory gaps and a wealth of misunderstandings.  
0 notes
KHR Target 367
Been awhile hasn't it? 
Let's get cracking on this chapter.
We open with a nifty chart to show where everyone is
Then sexy Colonello fan-service in the next page
And then Lal knocks him down a couple pegs in terms of his confidence 
I seriously can't love this ship anymore than I already do. Seriously message to Lal and Colonello...
Tumblr media
...well no, wait until Lal's curse is broken, but still.
-cough- back on track, so Team Verde and Team Uni's watches are in his scope
Meanwhile Tsuna is trying to kick Mukuro's ass
...and isn't
Mukuro: -insert steel wall here-
Yamamoto would know a lot about those damn illusionists and their walls, ain't I right bby?
Scope is ready, every target is in sight and allies are cleared, so Colonello is ready to blast some watches to bits. 
Lal -even for a baby- looks so bad ass in that middle panel
Ken, honey, close your werewolf mouth. It's bad manners plus you'll catch a heap of flies like that.
I also love how Mukuro is STANDING ON THE OPEN JAWS OF A DINOSAUR but turns his head to investigate a loud noise.
Clutterfuck ammo is a go!
The gunfire hits Mukuro, Ken, Chikusa, Fran, Kikyo, Gamma and Byakuran -feels like I'm missing someone- but it is unconfirmed if the boss watches -Mukuro and Byakuran were destoryed
So time for a second shot
Lol, Colonello's cocky smirk when Lal gives his aim an 'A'
Seriously guys cut it out, you'll make me ship this harder D:
Tsuna is freaking out while his dad is yucking it up
Iemitsu: Kind of missed you at dinner last night, glad to see you're okay though and still soldering on
Tsuna: WTF Dad!!
Way to blurt out your allies battle plan Tsuna
And of course he's got to be noble and say he's protecting his allies with Team Yuni
...and thus CEDEF drop their alliance with Team Reborn
well that was short lived
And we move on to Hibari going to the hotel Dino told him he was staying at with the cute little head deco- aka Fon
And guess who he meets!
The Varia!
Just in time for another watch battle
...yeah Team Fon will be one of the two teams to go. 
Hate on me Hibari fans, but I'm one of you!
However I'm also realist...yeah rare when it comes to this manga
Hibari would have to pull a lot of god-modding tricks out of his ass in order to beat all of them by himself, let alone last for a 30 minute battle
TYL Hibari taking out a bunch of Millifiore croonies? No problem
Current Hibari against most of the Varia team? ...nah uh. Not happening.
At 'best' he survives with his battle watch in tact at the end of the battle.
And even then that's a stretch. 
Okay. Done ranting. Eat me alive Hibari stans/fangirls/wanna a be 'wives', come at me.
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Random Plot Bunny...
Actually, it's not quite so random. It's been in my head for a good four months now.
I want to experiment with the 189669 dynamic some. Also try to work out why Chrome was 'missing' those five years pre-Namimori of the Future. 
There's a lot of thing I want to do with this idea, most of which I can't properly articulate until I get it down on paper.
However I'm resisting writing down and outlining, because then I'll get all excited about the idea and want to write the first chapter right off the bat when I've got
A ton of projects to do/promises to fulfill
Advent Challenge fics to finish and post- which are already going to be hella late
My RP account keeps distracting me
Plus 'relationship' essays I wanted to do
This idea refuses to leave me alone though, so hopefully I can work out something plausible with the concept :x
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