bluerosewrites ¡ 3 years
re:"how old is too old" - there's a great-grandma on AO3 that has left a comment on every single chapter of one of my fics and I love her. She even went back later and commented on like ch3 because she forgot to before. And her profile is so cool, she's like, "I discovered fanfic a few years ago and enjoy writing, along with running a market stand, homebrewing mead, and teaching bushwhacking. Retired foraging instructor and Ren Faire bard/stunt artist." God, I can only wish to be that cool when I'm retired.
hey how the FUCK do i become this cool? asking for me.
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bluerosewrites ¡ 3 years
do you ever think about how weird it is that the moral of Frankenstein is kind of less just “graverobbing is weird and creepy” and more “take some fucking responsibility if you’re going to do so”
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bluerosewrites ¡ 3 years
I’m reading a book on Fermi’s paradox and the author points out that even if we detected intelligent life on a planet somewhere, it wouldn’t solve the paradox—given the enormous scales of space and time involved, “Why are there just two planets harbouring intelligent life?” is as great a mystery as “Why is there just one?” Though, finding one other civilisation might solve the problem if they are more advanced than us (and able to communicate with us)—they might have a better idea of what the astrobiological landscape is like and just be able to explain to us why life isn’t more common or why we can’t detect it. The author quickly adds that this would feel like cheating. Being given the explanation rather than figuring it out ourselves. We don’t really want that, do we. I just love scientists. Imagine being a member of an older and more advanced alien civilisation thinking you’re doing these “human” creatures a great kindness by finally putting their minds at ease and explaining why they couldn’t find more signs of life out there—and having them react like “Oh!!…….. we wanted to find the answer ourselves :( ” I would be very charmed.
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bluerosewrites ¡ 3 years
I love all kinds of corruption arcs but I really do have a soft spot for ones focused on someone who isn't "evil" necessarily, but who's been hurt and abused, who's scared, and who desperately needs the power and control that corruption gives them.
Bonus points if it's literal, physical corruption that changes their very nature, turning a person into a monster. It's not about your trauma or your abuse making you inhuman, it's about growing your own claws and fangs so that you never have to go through that again.
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bluerosewrites ¡ 3 years
People nowadays are so obsessed with redemption arcs like. Give me a good corruption arc. Watch me go wild over my favourite characters going mad and committing atrocious acts against the very nature of humanity
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bluerosewrites ¡ 3 years
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bluerosewrites ¡ 3 years
I look @ dragon plushies to cope with existence
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bluerosewrites ¡ 3 years
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he's entirely correct
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bluerosewrites ¡ 3 years
The opposite of a mansion murder mystery where everyone present is a bounty hunter who really wants to take credit for the murder and the detective has to find out who really did it
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bluerosewrites ¡ 3 years
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bluerosewrites ¡ 3 years
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bluerosewrites ¡ 3 years
I love the tension of “you can’t possibly want to be with someone like me” in queer stories, and the unbearable tension that results from someone saying “yes I very much do”
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bluerosewrites ¡ 3 years
I see you write for umbrella academy, can you do a dialogue for Klaus cooking you dinner?
"Look, I know it's not good. Let's order some-"
"No! Shush, it's delicious, babe." you assured Klaus, who sat across from you, brows knit together as he watched you eat the meal he'd made you.
"I know I'm not a good cook. Grace used to cook everything for us so I never really got the hang of it."
"Klaus," you sighed, placing your hand atop his. "It's wonderful, and so are you."
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bluerosewrites ¡ 3 years
Tony: That’s a crazy plan. Peter: That’s why you like it.
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bluerosewrites ¡ 3 years
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Sometimes you just know what you like!
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bluerosewrites ¡ 3 years
I just sat down at my desk, took my glasses off and put them in my pocket instead of my mask, then realized I couldn't see so I turned the volume up on my computer.
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bluerosewrites ¡ 3 years
(In College, Playing a Drinking Game with Never Have I Ever) MJ: I think we need to play a game that would actually get Peter drunk. Peter: What? No! This’ll work. I’ve done lots of stuff. You just have to pick ones that are a little less, ya know...bad. Ned: Okay. Never have I ever made a turn without signaling. Ned and MJ: *drink* Peter: ...okay, a turn is a big deal. It’s not like you said...never have I ever changed lanes without signaling. MJ: Never have I ever changed lanes without signaling. Ned and MJ: *drink* Peter: Okay, you guys are officially insane. Ned: Never have I ever accepted the terms and conditions without reading them. Ned and MJ: *drink* Peter: It’s too risky! You never know what could be in the fine print. MJ: Left a movie without watching the credits. Ned and MJ: *drink* Peter: Hey, those people worked hard! They deserve the credit! Ned: Used more than the recommended amount of conditioner. Ned and MJ: *drink* MJ: Seriously?! Peter: What?! They made the conditioner! They know what they’re doing!
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