bluntbulter · 6 years
Jamaica Contd...
Jamaica, a country that is predominately of African descent, it is a respected that there are other minorities that dwell in the Island. As it pertains to wee usage it is more wildly used among the African groups. This result being identical to what was found in Trinidad.
Similarly to the results in T&T the larger majority of the usage is male dominant, though different from T&T females tend to find the act of smoking distasteful rather than too concerned with what is does to their health.
like wise to T&T is widely and predominantly used among the young adults of the population, though it is seen at a reasonable usage rate in the elderly contributing factors to this noticeable rate is the usage in the Rastafarian religion.
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bluntbulter · 6 years
Weed and The Media contd...
   The media, according to the people, does play a crucial role in peoples use of ganja. Some individuals, mostly teens, use social media to show off that they use ganja with the belief that it makes them higher or better than other individuals. When others view these people, in order for them to also have the feeling of being superior, they may indulge in the use of ganja simply for the ‘fame’. However, social media can also state risks to using ganja and this information would be communicated to a wide range of individuals which can discourage them from using it and have a positive outcome.
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bluntbulter · 6 years
Marijuana puts me in a state of mind that allows me to slow down and think. It relaxes me and allows me to pass the time. 10/10 recommend
#weednugget 👾
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bluntbulter · 6 years
Weed and Society ...T&T
We live in a modern society in which crime is increasing each day. The respondents were asked how the crime rate would be affected if ganja were to be legalized and most individuals stated that it would decrease the crime rate. If ganja were to be legalized the crime rate would drop as drug violence would decrease and less individuals would be going to jail for possession of ganja. It also opens opportunities for job creations which will decrease the number of people having to steal from others in order to survive. It will stop violence among drug dealers who always fight to be at the top or make the most money. On the other hand, some individuals believed that it would cause an increase in crime. The opportunity arose where a police officer of Trinidad and Tobago allowed us to interview him. He stated that the detection rate for murder was 15.2% for 2016; an increase from 13.6% in 2015, the murder rate continues to be driven by gang and drug-related activities. Legalizing ganja in Trinidad and Tobago would increase crime. This increase may be seen in hot-spot areas e.g. Beetham Gardens or sea lots. Men may cause conflict over the drug where illegal weapons may be used as a method of solving their problem. Moreover, there will be a mass distribution of the product to other Caribbean countries, which leads to drug trafficking. Those who do commit crimes to obtain money for drugs are more likely to commit property crimes and drug offenses (trafficking) which leads to violent crimes and public offenses. Among jail inmates charged with property crimes, these percentages of arrestees reported being under the influence of drugs at the time of the crime.
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bluntbulter · 6 years
Weed in Trinidad and Jamaica contd.. Religion
    Based on religion, it was agreed on that this aspect does affect people’s view on ganja. Some religions use the ganja as it’s part of their culture and traditions. For example, in Hinduism, it is called ‘bhang’ and is closely related with the God, Shiva. It was said that he smoked to relax and meditate. Written in many of the holy texts, the ganja was seen as sacred and was offered to deities as part of religious ceremonies. In Jamaica, Rastafarians use ganja as a spiritual drug, the smoking of ganja is a part of their religious ceremonies, and it is forbidden from selling and must be consumed in place of worship. However, ganja is not fully legalized, and it was not decriminalized. In mid-2015, the country passed a drug law amendment that decriminalizes small amounts of marijuana for individual usage.  If persons decided to go against the law such as possession of up to 2 ounces (or 56 grams) of ganja, that is a petty offence that one will be punished for. The law also allows the cultivation of up to five marijuana plants per household. Jamaica is the first country to specify that ganja use related to religion is legal.
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bluntbulter · 6 years
Weed in JA and T&T contd....
     Their responses as to why it should be legalized were that it will help boost the economy through tax revenues and it will create employment for people who will then be able to sell the ganja and earn an income. Many respondents stated that the attitudes of people towards ganja, if it were legalized, would be positive.. The respondents stated that if ganja were to be legalized, its biggest advantage would be its use for medicinal purposes. Ganja indeed is a form of medication and can be used to treat patients who suffer from severe seizures and mental health disorders. 
       Some persons may be suffering from different types of anxiety such as phobias or panic disorders, along with PTSD; ganja can be used to help these individuals. Contradictory to that belief, some individuals have stated that ganja should not be legalized due to the fact that people would take advantage of it and misuse ganja for their own recreational purposes which may cause a general threat to other persons; for example, a person under the influence of the ganja can endanger the lives of others on the road if they choose to drive while not in the right state of mind.   
    Based on the research carried out, from past generations to now the attitudes of people towards ganja have indeed changed. Ganja is more frequently used by teens nowadays compared to in the past. Reasons given as to why more teenagers today use ganja than in the past were; to relieve stress from school, relationships and even the family. Some teens smoke ganja because it gives them an image and makes them feel superior to others. 
     On the other hand, some individuals are led to smoke ganja due to peer pressure. Peer pressure applies to adolescents or young adults, the need to fit in a group or feel wanted. Example; gangs, they may subscribe to social norms to seek a welcoming feeling. This was seen to be negative as it can lead to them having an addiction to ganja from a young age. However, teenagers aren’t the only ones who use ganja to deal with their problems.
     Adults or elders also state that by smoking the ganja, it helps them to stay calm and be at peace. It supposedly allows them to cope with their life struggles such as work stress, family stress, and other problems as well. This can also have a negative effect as these individuals may spend large amounts of money purchasing the drug when the money should be used for other necessities such as food and clothing, especially if the ganja user is the breadwinner of the family and needs to provide for the home.  
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bluntbulter · 6 years
Weed is an incredible tree
It helps me see
D cow in d field
D shiva man prado wheel
D hoes that like to show an d cows that also smell like hoe
Weed helps me eat d beef
#cowgyalanshivaman 🐴🐮
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bluntbulter · 6 years
The world was dark, nothing to live for. Then I smelled something that made my eyes light up and my senses kick off. All of a sudden my world was bright and I had something to live for. I lived for weed.
#BullaWidNoCheese 🌝
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bluntbulter · 6 years
media portrayal of the drug usage is by far over popularized as it is seen in concepts like movies and music videos. 
this too can add the reason of individuals indulging in the act of smoking weed.
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bluntbulter · 6 years
T & T continued...
Trinidad and Tobago has a vast racial composition. This is due to the indentured laborer system that caused a number of different races along with their cultures to be brought to the islands. African are admittedly the largest users of the “herd” in T&T, however all ethnic groups  use the “Herb”.
Male are larger uses of ganja than female in T&T, because of the female’s cognizance of their health and the possible risk that ganja usage has to their heath. 
Teenagers and Young adults tend to be the more prolific user of Marijuana. In this age group the smoking of Marijuana provides  a sense of togetherness and belonging among peers, meanwhile the older generation tends to chastise the use of the Marijuana
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bluntbulter · 6 years
Generalized attitudes
1. Jamaicans are by far more lenient towards weed.
2. Jamaicans are open to the medical marijuana advancements and the education of it medical benefits 
3. Though the usage i becoming regularized in Jamaica- it is still high associated with social deviance 
Trinidad and Tobago:
1. Considered more of  taboo 
2. Individuals are less lenient towards weed 
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bluntbulter · 6 years
The Research...
To investigate this face to face interviews where conducted with willing participates, for me in Jamaica.Whilst group members in Trinidad & Tobago gathered their interviews and sent the information to me via email.
This was done between the time period of oct 18th to the 20th. Follow up question and answer sessions group member where carried out afterwards to better understand the information collected
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bluntbulter · 6 years
Weed in Trinidad & Tobago
weed in Trinidad and Tobago, unlike Jamaica not legal or decriminalized, though they where called to court in 2018 to consider decriminalization of the drug.There is as it stands no set way in prosecuting offenders that are found with this ‘illegal’ drug.Because of this is the choice is lift up to the discretion of the officer, so some can be fined and others thrown in jail for possession of a spliff a seed even.
Weed there is still widely used, mostly for recreational purposes- even though there is a small group of Rastafarians found there. The most popular forms of consuming Marijuana are; through edibles and smoking
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bluntbulter · 6 years
Weed in Jamaica
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Marijuana, “ganja” as it is commonly known in Jamaica, came to recognition because of the Rastafarian community, who Bob Marley was known as the face of. Rastafarianism adores the plant as a rite of passage. Outside of this, marijuana is used in Jamaica for recreational purposes. As popular as it is, the drug has only recently been decriminalized. 
Each person is now legally permitted to be in possession of no more than 2 ounces of marijuana at a time. According to a “source”, this is worth abut $2,500 Jamaican dollars, which can roll approximately 40 ‘spliffs’ (as they as called in Jamaica)! 
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bluntbulter · 6 years
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Population of Jamaica vs Trinidad and Tobago (2017)
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bluntbulter · 6 years
The Interlude....
Being that I’m proudly Jamaican 🇯🇲and very favourably caribbean, somthing near and dear to my heart and that is not so hard to see is that of “The attitudes toward weed”
Marijuana or Cannabis as it is formally known is a drug that causes much striff in the region as it is seen and hinderance to society in the social aspects like peer groups smoking openly, yet still it is worldly renowed for it amazing medical properities.
Lets shrink this converstation down to 2 countries
Jamaica 🇯🇲 and Trinidad and Tobago 🇹🇹
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bluntbulter · 6 years
Something a little nice to say...
Maria Marijuuaaa -clears throat- also I call it herbs, gaaannjj, Kush and grades.
Weed too but it is a basic term it feels like idk lol, when you want to put some essence to its name you say herbs and the other ones I mentions. I love it because it doesn’t matter what mood I’m in before after I take two puffs and it meets my lungs and brain I hope it’s not my last brain cell and smile cuz how could I think that? I guess it’s a high thoughts . Lol what I’m saying it everything is to smile about and I love the energy from it to just do something ykno and times when it just relaxes you. All mau say is mi wish it was something more understandable for others to see it causes more good than bad...
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