“It’s been a while since I’ve written down my doings, hasn’t it? It seems that life for me moves so quickly anymore that it can be all too easy to forget to relax and decompress now and again. And what better way to decompress than with a fresh glass of mulled tea and my journal? Anyroad, it’s happened to me again. I’ve dabbled in an art I previously had no interest in and have found myself totally enthralled. Nophica’s name, at this rate I may very well be a veteran marauder come next spring. The art i’ve taken interest in this time is Sharlyan astrology. To be entirely honest, I had no idea the art existed until fairly recently, wandering the streets of Ishgard and taking in the sights. While in the Jeweled Crozier, I spotted a queer little building down the way and quickly hastened to it in curiosity. Apparently, the building was known as the Atheneum Astrologicum, and after exchanging a few facts, charming anecdotes, and cups of hot chocolate with the fetching young man running the counter, I was made an official Sharlyan astrologian, much to my surprise.
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Bluomwyda's attachment type: On Edge/Engaging On Edge-Engaging (Ambivalent):On Edge-Engaging individuals tend to be very good at attracting the attention and admiration of others around them. Generally, they employ one of two strategies to do so: The Helpmate: Either these people become very hardworking and effective with regards to their real-life dealings and practical matters, so that they will naturally draw the attention and esteem of others who could use their help. The Playmate: Or - more frequently - these individuals attract the attention of others by being extremely charming, colorful, or entertaining. Many have also developed considerable psychological facility for getting under the skin of others. In both cases, On Edge-Engaging individuals adopt these strategies because they have a root feeling of ambivalence about others: They feel that others wouldn't notice them and give them their fair due without them being a good Helpmate or Playmate. But at the same time, they also detest others for making them put on this act just to get basic love and validation. In other words, Ambivalent personalities tend to alternate between being sensitive to others and neglecting them; between seeking intense intimacy and driving artificial barriers to closeness in between themselves and others. Some individuals of this type feel a deep-seated sense of injustice towards others for having been made to develop their Helpmate/Playmate persona, instead of just being loved as they are. Because they carry with them this representation of others as being unfair, some On Edge-Engaging individuals may find it easy to excuse themselves from their obligations, or for cheating and/or fudging the truth. In general, Ambivalent individuals tend to be quite good at psychological manipulation and getting others to do what they want, and they often have a high degree of sensitivity and accuracy to other people's emotional states. When in their good graces, being close to an Ambivalent personality may feel like heaven, but once they have decided that you are treating them unfairly, being close to them may easily feel like hell.
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"Why must every other Roegadyn woman be so crass and unrefined? All I wanted was to find some cooking sherry of decent quality in Hawker's Round and be done with it, but it seemed that at every turn some great oafish woman was there to inconvenience me. First it was the Yellowjacket stationed at the entrance to the Round, whose speech was so incomprehensible and rushed that I would have been just as well off asking questions to the wall behind her. Next, there were the great odorous fisher women, who shoved through the crowd as if they were Uldah'n royalty, spreading their salty stench to everything in the vicinity. Lastly, there was the girl at the Culinarian's Guild, who thought to not only make fun of my way of speaking, but to also make a pass at me romantically as well (Never in a million millennia darling!) When I actually found what I was looking for, the Sea Wolf man and Hyuran girl who helped me were such lovely dears. But at that point, I was beyond agitated with Limsa and her people as a whole. The experience made me glad I was brought up properly, as well as showing me what I very well might have been had I never left Limsa as a child. Thank the Matron for Mother, Father, the Shroud, and destiny. And thank the Twelve I have enough sherry to prolong my next visit to the Round by a few months."
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“Of the Lalafellin people, my experiences have been quite varied. Though some have been hateful, avaricious little larva who very well got what they had coming to them, others have been very dear to me, with a few in particular making up a portion of my closest friends. However, while walking through Idyllshire today on business with the inspiring Midnight Dew, I stumbled upon this scene and realized something odd about the small folk, something that I have noticed since childhood; more often than not, they travel in groups. While it is by no means uncommon to run in to a party of adventurers, the racial make-up of said party is often highly varied. However, more often than not a party with a Lalafell in it is likely to be made up predominantly of other Lalafells. Is this a result of their culture? Mayhap even some odd instinct even they themselves are unaware of? Considering the fact there were very few Lalafells in the Twelveswood during my youth, I was never able to learn or even hear in passing of any particular reason why. Indeed, I should ask this question of my friends, as my curiosity on the topic now burns brighter than ever. Hopefully they won’t take offence to my questioning. Then again, considering that I’ve had to entertain their questions about the “weather up here” for quite some time now, I feel that I’ve earned the right to ask this question offence or no.“
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1.       Bluomwvydas name translates to Flowering Willow in the Roegadyn tongue, and her last name translates to of the flowers in Elezen
2.       Bluomwydas favorite color is purple, although white is a close second for her, despite the fact that her friends often tell her its boring
3.       Bluomwyda has a small temper that burns more intensely than it does frequently. In her anger, she sometimes slips in to the Lominsan accent of her childhood for a few words or even the odd sentence.
4.       Though they aren’t as common on Hydaelyn as they are on our planet, Bluomwyda loves romance novels, and has entertained the idea of writing one for most of her adult life.
5.       Despite being largely raised in Gridania, Bluomwydas favorite Eorzean state is Limsa Lominsa, with Vylbrand being her favorite region
6.       Bluomwydas favorite alcoholic drink is wine, but she gets a bit tipsy after only a glass. This isn’t due to any physiological reasons though, (seeing as she is a Roegadyn with a massive liver and natural fortitude) but is entirely mental on her part.
7.       Though she rarely displays any explicit feelings for the men around her, leaving her romantic preferences a mystery to most, Bluomwyda prefers Elezen and Roegadyn men
8.       Bluomwydas greatest physical insecurity is her naturally muscular frame, which she believes makes her look unladylike at times
9.       Despite being nothing more than a compiled collection of poorly translated Sylphic myths and legends, Bluomwyda has cried twice reading the Ona Ramuhda
10.   Bluomwyda’s left eye is stronger than her right, which means she often prefers to wear a specially modified magitek optic to make the two equal. However, she also finds the look quite scholarly and wears the piece just as much as a fashion statement.
11.   Bluomwydas true birth date isn’t known to anyone in her family including her, so her unofficial birthdate is instead the day her new family officially adopted her
12.   Bluomwyda detests what she calls the “brutishness” of physical weapons, but has trained with the sword and the shield to emulate the gallantry of fairy tale heroes.
13.   Despite her general demeanor of refinement and innocence, Bluomwyda is secretly a bit of an exhibitionist and will sometimes allow herself to be seen changing by others
14.   Bluomwyda once accidentally broke a boy’s arm for stealing a book from her as a child
15.   Despite being mostly physically fit, Bluomwyda is a terrible athlete, with below average speed, endurance, and reaction time
16.   Bluomwyda was terribly afraid of Moogles as a girl, and was until she was allowed to pet one later on near Camp Tranquill
17.   Bluomwyda hates the desert, which she views as barren to the point of depressing and overly harsh to the point of aggravation
18.   Bluomwyda wanted to be a librarian or Adventure’s Guild secretary when she grew up.
19.   Due to being an outsider and considered odd if not outright ugly by most of her peers, Bluomwyda has never been kissed, nor has she ever been in a relationship
21.   Bluomwyda admires the elegance and form of the rapier, and as a result it is the only melee weapon she wields entirely out of personal enjoyment
22.   Bluomwyda considers her best features to be her lips and her beauty mark, which she believes makes her look beautiful “in a classy sort of way”.
23.   Bluomwyda was once brought to tears by a teacher who called her “nothing more than a great stinking ogre”.
24.   Bluomwydas favorite holiday is Valentiones Day, though Starlight is an extremely close second
25.   Bluomwyda once gave herself severe food poisoning by trying to mix up a potion from memory as a girl
26.   One of Bluomwydas nicknames among her closest friends is “Bloomers”
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“After returning from the depths of Amdapor, rapier in hand, I passed a group of budding Red Mages and was reminded of my wide-eyed enthusiasm under the tutelage of the exuberant X’rhun Tia. Red Magic, with its roots as the child of Mhachi and Amdaporan union, seemed so different and exciting as to the other schools, and the sleek, stylish rapiers it employed won me over immediately with their extremely beautiful aesthetics. I remember the day I was bestowed the garb of a true Red Mage by my instructor. I was so pleased that I spent the whole evening posing in the mirror. Everything about the profession simply oozes style and finesse, and that is why it is the only “martial” profession I've ever taken the time to master. Whoever those young Red Mages were, I hope their experiences wielding the rapier are just as positive as mine were and continue to be.”
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My Maiden Entry
“I woke up this particular morn with the idea to begin chronicling my doings in diary from after such a long time of putting it off. I had always wanted to do as such, but procrastination and a fear of having nothing interesting to write about kept me from doing so until just today. It’s odd. At first it seems absolutely impossible to put down even a singe word, and then before you realize it, you simply do not wish to stop. Regardless, I hope to look back on this chronicle in my autumn years and smile, as i’m sure the people and places contained within it are so perfectly unique as to be unforgettable, but none the less delightful to lay eyes upon once again”
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