blurbcity · 6 years
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This is just a little something I wrote just now! If you like it let me know! If not let me know! Thanks for reading if you do <3
My eyes started to glow.
That’s how I really knew something was changing in my body. It wasn’t the sweating, or the increasingly rapid rate at with my hair was growing, you know, all over. Maybe that should’ve been my first sign, but sometimes I can be a little oblivious.
After looking up some of my symptoms on WebMD and ruling out probably cancer and a couple other things, I thought maybe it was Pneumonia or something. But shit. When I washed my face this morning after waking up in a pool of my own sweat, and I looked into the mirror...
My eyes were glowing. Glowing this insanely vibrant blue color. I wouldn’t be complaining because I’ve always wanted blue eyes, except I figured I would eventually just invent in some weird colored contacts or something. This was not how I imagined it happening. The only thing I could trace this all back to is the week before when this started to happen a couple days after the bonfire at Trip’s house.
“Hey Sloane! Over here!!”
I called my best friend from across the yard after she pulled up to Trip’s house. It was the night of the Falcons Fall Bonfire. We had it every year after the football season ended. It was supposed to be a huge, family-friendly, celebration of the season for the whole community. Then it almost burned down the field a few years back, so it was moved to a new location and became a party instead.
“Oh my God, y/n, thank God you’re here. I swear I cannot deal with how Jack has been acting lately, it’s like he wants me to hate him. I don’t understand him at all I don’t understand men at all..”
As she was blabbering on I felt a gaze on me from somewhere, well rather someone. I checked around the yard and behind me, but I couldn’t see anyone. I still got chills down my spine. After taking a sip of my drink and shrugging it off I knew i needed to say something to Sloane about whatever the hell Jack did this time.
“Yeah, I cant believe him. Honestly why is he still around, S. You can do so much better okay?”
“I mean. I guess but I think I’m gonna wait for him to..”
I cut her off, “Let’s get you a damn drink, honey. You clearly need it.”
The music blared as we filled up her cup with some punch and danced by the fire. I got that feeling again. Like someone was staring me down, but not in an intimidating, murderous kind of way. It was more like a yearning and protective feeling. I scanned around the fire and over at the make-shift bar. Even over on the back porch, there was no one. I checked off into the distance at the tree line and noticed a figure slip away. Something drew me towards whoever it was.
“Hello?! Earth to fucking y/n. What the hell is the matter with you?” Sloane shook my shoulders to bring me back to the music. Everything had gone silent and I hadn’t realized.
”Geez, you looked like a zombie for a second. Hey, is Ryan coming? What’s up with you two?” She started to ask questions I didn’t want to answer. I stammered a bit, my heart rate increasing. I couldn’t tell her that I tried to break up with him. Not after what he did when I tried. Suddenly she gasped.
“OH MY GOD JACK!! BABY HI!” She pushed past me and jumped over to her ridiculous, whatever he was. I sighed from relief. My eyes shifted back to the tree line. I had to go find out who it was, as dumb as that sounds, but I wasn’t scared for my life.
I crunched through the woods with every single step I made. I loved the outdoors sure, but I wasn’t very good with being in them. Out them? In them? What does it matter. I had to find whoever was watching me. A twig snapped, but it came from behind a tree to my left. I stopped.
“Hello? Hey, who the hell are you? I can hear you breathing and I heard the branch snap. Okay? I’m not afraid of you.”
“I know.” The voice was low and melodic. It nearly knocked me back and took my breath with it. He started to step around from the tree. It was Shawn. A kid from my school, actually from my math class. I didn’t even realize he was here.
“Wh-What is your deal? Why are you staring at me from far away? That’s just not cool on any level.” He stepped closer, and I stepped back. I felt like didn’t want to after I had. Like I immediately wanted to take two steps closer to him. What the hell was wrong with me?
He raised his hands in surrender. “Look, I don’t want to hurt you, okay? I’m- I’m sorry I freaked you out. I just-“
“You just what?” And I stopped there. I should’ve been more mad. I should’ve called him out for being a stalker, and for creeping me the hell out. But I didn’t and he wasn’t.
“I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” He glanced at my bruised wrist and I yanked on my sleeve to cover it. “That’s all. I swear. I’ll leave you alone if you tell me you’re okay” He stepped closer again, but I didn’t move this time.
“How the fuck do you know I’m not okay.” Now I’m getting a little mad.
“So, I’m right. He’s hurting you isn’t he?” He took another step closer. Damn, he was tall.
“That doesn’t seem like any of your business, now does it? Okay?” I began to back up from him. Feeling more angry with each second. “So why don’t you just keep your nose, out of my- woah!”
“Y/n!” He jumped to catch me as I fell back into the stream behind me. Reaching for me, but barely missing my hand. I hit my head and blacked out from there. The weirdest thing was, I swear I could feel myself taking my last breath.
The next thing I knew, I woke up in my bed room two days later with a bump on my head and a sore right wrist that I assumed still came from the bruises. When I checked, there weren’t any left.
Wow! Thanks for reading if you made it this far! If this gets comments or likes or reblogs, I guess I’ll keep going but if not, I’ll probably keep going because that’s how life works. Thank you so so much!
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